Genetic deterioration of modern populations?

A post by Notus Wind brought this paper to my attention:
Although mutation provides the fuel for phenotypic evolution, it also imposes a substantial burden on fitness through the production of predominantly deleterious alleles, a matter of concern from a human-health perspective. [. . .] a consideration of the long-term consequences of current human behavior for deleterious-mutation accumulation leads to the conclusion that a substantial reduction in human fitness can be expected over the next few centuries in industrialized societies unless novel means of genetic intervention are developed.
I know Hamilton expressed similar concerns, but to the extent accelerated accumulation of deleterious mutations under modern conditions is a real/serious problem this author's suggestion of "multigenerational cryogenic storage and utilization of gametes and/or embryos" seems preferable to some of Hamilton's goofier "solutions" (such as marrying HIV- Nairobi prostitutes to protect one's offspring from impending AIDS epidemic). I'm not too worried about imminent mutational meltdown (some modern "problems" like antibiotics may be in the process of solving themselves), but from a strictly conservationist or even historical standpoint, large-scale, long-term storage of human genetic and/or gametic material makes sense. If we can see the need for plants and animals, why not for ourselves?


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Anonymous said...

We're still waiting for those studies on the ethnic ancestry of wiggers. We're also waiting for you to answer the question about your own ethnic ancestry.

Cyd said...

Do you really need it explained to you? Apparently, unless you just happen to be a mendacious prick. So which is it, miggles? Prick or dumbass?

The reason I said that was I did not want to be a burden to n/a and his blog. I thought he deleted my comment to make a point. He did not nor did he ask me to leave. If he does, I will do so.

Cyd said...

We're still waiting for those studies on the ethnic ancestry of wiggers.

Absurd. Though, what is your belief on the ethnic ancestry of wiggers? Jew? Italian? Iranian? How about you do the study and let everyone know?

Cyd said...

You're presenting a false dichotomy. They're not mutually exclusive.

Typical Jew "swarthoid" evasiveness. The same could be said about many racial and sub-racial groups if one wants to expand the circle wide enough, wouldn't you say?

Anonymous said...

You're presenting a false dichotomy. They're not mutually exclusive. There are obviously differences among Northern Europeans. However, the differences between Swedes and Norwegians or the English and Dutch are quite a bit smaller than differences between Swedes and Sicilians, Dutch and Greeks, Norwegians and Jews, or English and Arabs.

No, it is not a false dichotomy at all, since that while I do agree with you that the differences between N. Euros are indeed smaller than with other groups, there still differences and they do in fact exist.

Since you apparently agree with this as well, what are some of the sub-racial and genetic differences among Northern Europeans in your opinion?

Anonymous said...

Typical Jew "swarthoid" evasiveness. The same could be said about many racial and sub-racial groups if one wants to expand the circle wide enough, wouldn't you say?

I'm not surprised these concepts elude your comprehension, Cyd.

Anonymous said...

Absurd. Though, what is your belief on the ethnic ancestry of wiggers? Jew? Italian? Iranian? How about you do the study and let everyone know?

Cyd the liar continues to put his foot in his mouth. Anonymous made a definitive statement of fact about the ethnic ancestry of wiggers. He has yet to provide any evidence in support of his assertion. You don't get to make a definitive statement of fact and then demand that other people produce the evidence on the issue.

Anonymous said...

there still differences and they do in fact exist.

Stop acting like the statement that there exist differences among Norhtern Europeans is profound or contentious. It is a trivial statement with which nobody disagrees.

If there is no fundamental disagreement here, then what is the point of continuing to run around in circles? I fail to see what purpose is served by your tiresome caviling.

Anonymous said...

Lothrop Stoddard, The Rising Tide of Color

Probably few persons fully appreciate what magnificent racial treasures America possessed at the beginning of the nineteenth century. The colonial stock was perhaps the finest that nature had evolved since the classic Greeks. It was the very pick of the Nordics of the British Isles and adjacent regions of the European continent— picked at a time when those countries were more Nordic than now, since the industrial revolution had not yet begun and the consequent resurgence of the Mediterranean and Alpine elements had not taken place.

The immigrants of colonial times were largely exiles for conscience's sake, while the very process of migration was so difficult and hazardous that only persons of courage, initiative, and strong will-power would voluntarily face the long voyage overseas to a life of struggle in an untamed wilderness haunted by ferocious savages.

Thus the entire process of colonial settlement was one continuous, drastic cycle of eugenic selection. Only the racially fit ordinarily came, while the few unfit who did come were mostly weeded out by the exacting requirements of early American life.

The eugenic results were magnificent. As Madison Grant well says: "Nature had vouchsafed to the Americans of a century ago the greatest opportunity in recorded history to produce in the isolation of a continent a powerful and racially homogeneous people, and had provided for the experiment a pure race of one of the most gifted and vigorous stocks on earth, a stock free from the diseases, physical and moral, which have again and again sapped the vigor of the older lands. Our grandfathers threw away this opportunity in the blissful ignorance of national childhood and inexperience." The number of great names which America produced at the beginning of its national life shows the high level of ability possessed by this relatively small people (only about 3,000,000 whites in 1790). With our hundred-odd millions we have no such output of genius to-day.

The opening decades of the nineteenth century seemed to portend for America the most glorious of futures. For nearly seventy years after the Revolution, immigration was small, and during that long period of ethnic isolation the colonial stock, unperturbed by alien influences, adjusted its cultural differences and began to display the traits of a genuine new type, harmonious in basic homogeneity and incalculably rich in racial promise. The general level of ability continued high and the output of talent remained extraordinarily large. Perhaps the best feature of the nascent "native American" race was its strong idealism. Despite the materialistic blight which was then creeping over the white world, the native American displayed characteristics more reminiscent of his Elizabethan forebears than of the materialistic Hanoverian Englishman. It was a wonderful time—and it was only the dawn!

But the full day of that wondrous dawning never came. In the late forties of the nineteenth century the first waves of the modern immigrant tide began breaking on our shores, and the tide swelled to a veritable deluge which never slackened till temporarily restrained by the late war. This immigration, to be sure, first came mainly from northern Europe, was thus largely composed of kindred stocks, and contributed many valuable elements. Only during the last thirty years have we been deluged by the truly alien hordes of the European east and south. But, even at its best, the immigrant tide could not measure up to the colonial stock which it displaced, not reinforced, while latterly it became a menace to the very existence of our race, ideals, and institutions. All our slowly acquired balance—physical, mental, and spiritual—has been upset, and we to-day flounder in a veritable Serbonian bog, painfully trying to regain the solid ground on which our grandsires confidently stood.

Cyd said...

I'm not surprised these concepts elude your comprehension, Cyd.

Oh yes, so "elusive". I'm not surprised you, as well as many others here fall back on insults when your idiocy is glaring.

Cyd said...

Cyd the liar continues to put his foot in his mouth.

Are we to assume you have no idea what the definition of "liar" is and how exactly did I put my foot in my mouth? I simply asked you a question and you go off on some semi-hysterical tirade about lying, foot in mouth, backing assertions etc. Do you have trouble comprehending the English language?

You people are so good at demanding answers to your questions yet fail miserably when asked simple questions. I ask again, what do YOU think the ethnic origins of wiggers are?

Anonymous said...

Here is Kevin MacDonald's take on Nordicism -

I stand by my contention that Nordicism was not a major factor in the Congressional debates of the period. I noted this on p. 251 of Culture of Critique

Brimelow and MacDonald approach the subject in a very specific away against Nordicism as the advocation of superiority. When it's not necessarily about that.

It's about preserving the racial and cultural character of a nation, and America did that by restricting immigration and favoring Northwest Europeans instead of Southern and Eastern. Whether you want to call that Nordicism or not, is like if you want to call preserving White countries white supremacy or racism.

Racialism of the masses is mostly implicit, and doesn't get into the psychically intense explicit racialism that many of us engage in. Implicit Nordicism is natural for Nordics, as was favoring NWE immigration for a NW European descended nation like America.

Their attempt to denounce Nordicism or Nordish preservation is similar to Jews and liberals shouting down any attempt at White advocacy with accusations of white supremacy and genocide. It's a bit of a straw man, taking extreme examples and exaggerating to disprove it.

Why does a Northern European advocate have to be some perfect superman specimen, but a White advocate has no such requirement? As Brimelow noted Hitler wasn't the "perfect Nordic superman," but he still advocated for Nordicism. We'd all like to see our countries be better than they are.

Cyd said...

Why does a Northern European advocate have to be some perfect superman specimen

Strawman. Of course it is about superiority and this charade about preserving the Nordic sub-race, which is true by default, is not primary. Read the comments just on this thread by the Anonymous cowards as they refer to others and tell me it is not about superiority. Please.

Anonymous said...

I'm not surprised you, as well as many others here fall back on insults when your idiocy is glaring.

Project much?

"you're a fucking moron"

Cyd is the gift that keeps on giving. He never stops throwing stones from his glass house.

Cyd said...

Cyd is the gift that keeps on giving. He never stops throwing stones from his glass house.

But I am the "swarthoid", remember? I cannot help myself due to my "sub-nigger" genetic makeup, remember? You are the superior. The polished. The intellectual. Remember? You should not behave in such a lowly manner, understand now? You fucking moron that needs hypocrisy painfully explained to him.

Anonymous said...

Oh yes, so "elusive".

There's no doubt it eludes the comprehension of someone who admits to interpreting social interaction through the lens of homosexual sex acts.

Anonymous said...

Cyd at 6:06: "I'm not surprised you, as well as many others here fall back on insults when your idiocy is glaring."

Cyd at 6:34: "You fucking moron"


Cyd said...

Miggles, isn't it time you prove you are European? Pity you can't go on a deletion rampage of your comments huh? Oh wait, plausible deniability behind the cowardly "anonymous" moniker. Genius! LOL

Anonymous said...

Nice admission by Cyd: "I cannot help myself due to my "sub-nigger" genetic makeup"


Cyd said...

Well, rest assured you Nords. Miggles is on the case to preserve the Nordic subrace with his blinding intellectual acumen. That glorious day is but a formality now that he is on board. Whew!

Say, why do you always post at night, Miggles? Some really important "job" keeping you busy during the day? Yes, that must be it. ;)

Anonymous said...

You people are so good at demanding answers to your questions yet fail miserably when asked simple questions. I ask again, what do YOU think the ethnic origins of wiggers are?

You folks are good at making evidence-free assertions and then evading, huffing, puffing, bluffing, and blustering when asked to provide evidence to support your claims.

As far as wiggers go, I'm not familiar with any data on their ethnic origins, and I'm not going to make up a guess out of thin air. I'm not the one who made a definitive statement as to their ethnic ancestry. Anonymous did, and he's been evading the issue since he was challenged to provide evidence to support his assertion.

Anonymous said...

Of course it is about superiority

Cyd the liar is wrong again.

William Vaile

"Let me emphasize here that the restrictionists of Congress do not claim that the 'Nordic' race, or even the Anglo-Saxon race, is the best race in the world. Let us concede, in all fairness that the Czech is a more sturdy laborer...that the Jew is the best businessman in the world, and that the Italian has…a spiritual exaltation and an artistic creative sense which the Nordic rarely attains. Nordics need not be vain about their own qualifications. It well behooves them to be humble.

"What we do claim is that the northern European and particularly Anglo-Saxons made this country. Oh, yes; the others helped. But... [t]hey came to this country because it was already made as an Anglo-Saxon commonwealth. They added to it, they often enriched it, but they did not make it, and they have not yet greatly changed it.

"We are determined that they shall not...It is a good country. It suits us. And what we assert is that we are not going to surrender it to somebody else or allow other people, no matter what their merits, to make it something different. If there is any changing to be done, we will do it ourselves." [Cong. Rec., April 8, 1924, 5922]

Cyd said...

You folks are good at making evidence-free assertions and then evading, huffing, puffing, bluffing, and blustering when asked to provide evidence to support your claims.

I do not think this is limited to "my folks".

As far as wiggers go, I'm not familiar with any data on their ethnic origins, and I'm not going to make up a guess out of thin air.

A fancy way of avoiding a direct question. I'm sure you go through your entire day to day existence and only answer the questions you have evidence based data?

As well, if you are not familiar with any data on wigger ethnic origins, but ask specifically for it, then this is a mendacious approach to dialogue. Is it not?

So, if you know that this sort of data does not exist and you certainly do answer questions that you may not have evidence for, then what do YOU think is the ethnic origins of wiggers? Here's a hint, it probably is the proportional to the ethnic origins of whites, as a whole. Logical, no?

Cyd said...

For the limited reading and comprehension challenged members here, let me repeat:

Read the comments just on this thread by the Anonymous cowards as they refer to others and tell me it is not about superiority.

Hope that helped. Though I do love the "swarthoid" name calling and hysterics. We're being closer and closer! Can you feel it? LOL

Anonymous said...

As well, if you are not familiar with any data on wigger ethnic origins, but ask specifically for it, then this is a mendacious approach to dialogue. Is it not?

No. Anonymous 10:07 made a claim about the ancestry of wiggers. He is expected to provide evidence to support his claims.

In the twisted, perverted mind of Cyd, it's perfectly fine for someone to make an assertion and refuse to give evidence in support, but it's "mendacious" to ask that person to back up his claim.

So, if you know that this sort of data does not exist and you certainly do answer questions that you may not have evidence for, then what do YOU think is the ethnic origins of wiggers? Here's a hint, it probably is the proportional to the ethnic origins of whites, as a whole. Logical, no?

Anonymous 10:07 used the ethnic origins of wiggers as an argument for British inferiority. An unstated assumption in that argument is the claim that people of British descent are overrepresented among wiggers. Even if you were to show that British was the largest ancestry among wiggers, you would still have failed to establish what you need. You would have to show that wiggers are disproportionately of British ancestry. No evidence has been provided in support of such a claim.

Cyd said...

I cannot help myself due to my sub-nigger genetic makeup.

Anonymous said...

Cyd we're all quite wearied by your frenetic hypocrisy. Presumably you're an advocate of preserving the integrity of the European peoples and their native lands. You can't actually mistake this abstract 'Europe' for the real assortment of many varied and honourable nations which compose it, each of value in itself as an irreplaceable part. Arguing for Euro-white preservation, then refusing to acknowledge some form of Euro-nord independence is irrational and malicious. Anyway in can't work because there are too many of us and your sort doesn't like the harsh winters where we thrive.

Anonymous said...

Strawman. Of course it is about superiority and this charade about preserving the Nordic sub-race, which is true by default, is not primary. Read the comments just on this thread by the Anonymous cowards as they refer to others and tell me it is not about superiority. Please.

Agreed, that is why so many of these guys call all others 'sub-humans' and 'swarthoids'.

Cyd said...

Cyd we're all quite wearied by your frenetic hypocrisy.

I'm sorry, however I have been anything but hypocritical. I am one of the few commenters that at least uses a moniker so that I do not have to hide behind "anonymity".

Presumably you're an advocate of preserving the integrity of the European peoples and their native lands.

Yes, I am.

You can't actually mistake this abstract 'Europe' for the real assortment of many varied and honourable nations which compose it, each of value in itself as an irreplaceable part.

No, I certainly do not.

Arguing for Euro-white preservation, then refusing to acknowledge some form of Euro-nord independence is irrational and malicious.

I have never done that and that would be easy to confirm since I use an identifiable id. It amazes me how people here, AND NOT ALL, but many are simply defective. They are defective by assuming my intent. By either not reading fully or comprehending my comments. By projecting some form of nefariousness onto me and/or by continually to behave like idiots. I find your (collective) hypocrisy both funny and disgusting.

I simply do two things; point out the ignorance and hypocritical behavior of "Nord" commenters here and object to vile behavior directed at SE by same. I am not saying certain SE behavior does not warrant criticism, but not the kind that is spewed here. I have never disparaged ALL NORDS or Nordic countries. Never. I have never objected to a Nordic homeland(s). It is only the defectives amongst you that cannot or will not grasp that. So I continue to "comment" in my own special way. Hope that helps.

Cyd said...

Cyd said...

October 25, 2010 10:18 AM

Exactly my point. Cowardly and childish. Someone who believes they are "superior" yet took them how long to impersonate me?

Anonymous said...

Stop acting like the statement that there exist differences among Norhtern Europeans is profound or contentious. It is a trivial statement with which nobody disagrees.

If there is no fundamental disagreement here, then what is the point of continuing to run around in circles? I fail to see what purpose is served by your tiresome caviling.

Well, there is somewhat of a fundamental disagreement here, since there are many (not saying all, however many) Northern Europeans who are really not all that Nordic in their genetics (as much as they/you may support Nordicism), and as much as some of you may wish to downplay this.

Why does a Northern European advocate have to be some perfect superman specimen

Being a 'Northern European' advocate and a 'Nordicist' are not necessarily one and the same, so please do not conflate the two, since you know that Nordicism is heavily tied to asthetics and physiogamy, and like it was said before, many Northern Europeans, especially many White Americans and indigenous British, least (or minimally) match these idealized Nordicist traits of the tall, long-headed, dociophilic, blue or light-eyed and blond/fair Nord.

Is this really so controversial, or 'insulting' to your sensibilities? Are the 'Nords' (as you love to deceptively conflate all Northern Europeans as) 'sub-humans' and 'swarthoids' themselves if they don't have these traits -- as you routinely call and disparage Southern Europeans on the basis of?

C'mon, this really is about alleged superiority, and why many of you react like an Jew being told that he is not an actual descendant of the ancient Hebrews/Israelites, or a swarthoid Arab being told that he is not a descenfant of the prophet Mohammed.

I thought Nordicism was suppose to be objective look at race and ethnicity, not an ideology or a religion.

Cyd said...

No. Anonymous 10:07 made a claim about the ancestry of wiggers. He is expected to provide evidence to support his claims.

It is disingenuous to ask someone to "prove" a claim or statement when you know there is no data for such proof. Observationally, his statement is more than plausible, that being wiggers are usually people of NE, predominately British origin. Who makes up the wiggers in England? London?

In the twisted, perverted mind of Cyd, it's perfectly fine for someone to make an assertion and refuse to give evidence in support, but it's "mendacious" to ask that person to back up his claim.

The mendacity is in the approach and not the demand for proof, though in this case, it is both. It is not as if you are asking someone to prove their claim that water freezes at 20 degree C, where there is significant evidence to the contrary. You wanted them to not be able to answer your demand sufficiently in order to claim victory. That is mendacious and disingenuous due to not asking in good faith.

A more straightforward response would have been something like..."I know of no evidence that confirms your claim and unless you have some, this point is moot or at best inconclusive."

Anonymous 10:07 used the ethnic origins of wiggers as an argument for British inferiority.

If I understand you correctly, you took issue with the claim of British inferiority due to wigger over representation by British. Why would that upset you? Why would being referred to as inferior upset you? I hope you are beginning to see my whole point of contention here.

As to the wigger issue, I have no dog in this fight.

Anonymous said...

Strawman. Of course it is about superiority and this charade about preserving the Nordic sub-race, which is true by default, is not primary. Read the comments just on this thread by the Anonymous cowards as they refer to others and tell me it is not about superiority. Please.

It's not a straw man, moron, and nothing you write means anything nor has any legitimacy. You prove with every comment your inferiority and what a mentally ill weasel you are.

Nords and Whites in general, which you are neither, don't need to prove our superiority as non-Whites such as yourself prove your inferiority over and over again.

Cyd is one of these idiotic mongrel trolls that are too stupid to find a better use of their time, like an animal they only understand force. Since n/a won't ban him then he should be insulted as much as possible, he deserves every bit of it.

Anonymous said...

Who makes up the wiggers in England? London?

Wiggers in Britain are typically British? Wow... no shit, moron.

Jersey Shore wiggers are typically Italian, spiggers are typically Latino mestizos, chiggers in China are typically Chinese.

Cyd said...

Anonymous said... October 25, 2010 9:46 PM


Almost had me scared there for a second, especially with all the impotence emanating from behind the safety of your computer.

So, let me get this straight, "superior" genius, your plan of action now is to force me to leave with "harsh words"? Calling in all the other Nord commenters to join in (in typical nigger fashion may I add) on your master plan? ROTFLMAO

THAT is what your superior intellect came up with? Please, correct me if I am wrong as I do have difficulty keeping up with such displays of overwhelming genius. I have to thank you though as I have not had a good laugh like that in a while.

Cyd said...

Wiggers in Britain are typically British? Wow... no shit, moron.

Do try and keep up.

The Jersey shore idiots are not wiggers. They are your typical Guidos.

The Guido is an entirely American phenomena, with its epicenter in the New York/ New Jersey metropolitan area. Although most of its examples are of Italian-American descent, manytimes other non-descript Caucasians will follow suit in an attempt to achieve an identity- in fact any identity. The Guido is highly recognizable by his attention to muscular development, status symbols, and regional dialect. Guidos are fortunate in that they usually tend to be loyal to their heritage and cultures. However, their interpretation of the Italian culture is unique to Americans. They fall sorrily short when attempting to emulate the sophistication of European-born men. In fact, their shortcomings include a tendency toward alcoholism, legal problems (usually related to assault, reckless driving, noise violations), and an inability to compete in legimate business.

Anonymous said...

The Jersey shore idiots are not wiggers. They are your typical Guidos.

Whatever the 'Jersey Shore' types most culturally emulate, most of the actors on that insipid 'reality' show are not even Italian, with many being 'Latin' American mestizos, at least partially.

At least two of the characters are 0% Italian. The shows’ most notorious character, Snookie is from Chile. According to gossip magazines she is of mixed Caucasian and Amerindian ancestry and has no Italian blood. The character JWoww is half Irish and half Latino. The character “Situation” is half Italian and half Latino.

It has also been reported in the gossip pages that most of the characters are not even from New Jersey either.

Anonymous said...

It is disingenuous to ask someone to "prove" a claim or statement when you know there is no data for such proof.

Wrong again. What's disingenuous is asserting something as a fact when you have no evidence to back up the claim. In your twisted mind, though, it's fine to assert as fact statements you can't back up, but it's wrong to call out someone for refusing to provide evidence for their claims. When you have no evidence to support a claim, it's dishonest to assert that claim as fact.

Why would that upset you?

Once again, you understand incorrectly. It doesn't "upset" me if a southern European thinks British people are inferior. It's better for other races to loathe and despise your race but respect its right to racial life than to have other races "love" your race but deny it the right to racial life. As long as they are geographically separated from my race, other races can consider my race as inferior and awful as they want and it doesn't matter to me at all. What I care about is the survival of my race, not the opinions members of other races have about my race.

What I object to is someone dishonestly asserting as fact a statement he cannot back up.

Anonymous said...

Cyd, stop whining like a bitch and answer the question you've been desperately avoiding for weeks. Do you support separation of Northern Europeans and Southern Europeans? It's a simple yes or no question.

The question is also directed to the anonymous poster who keeps caviling.

If you are arguing in good faith here, you'll have no problem directly and forthrightly answering the question posthaste.

Cyd said...

Anonymous said... October 26, 2010 1:00 AM

Is it too difficult for you to address and/or understand my specific points that you need to put up your strawman arguments?

What's disingenuous is asserting something as a fact when you have no evidence to back up the claim.

The two are not mutually exclusive.

In your twisted mind, though, it's fine to assert as fact statements you can't back up, but it's wrong to call out someone for refusing to provide evidence for their claims. When you have no evidence to support a claim, it's dishonest to assert that claim as fact.

Here, I'll play your game of demanding proof that I actually think or said that. Should be simple enough for you to find. I guess you are guilty too of claiming as "fact" without any evidence aside from your poor comprehension and knack at projection.

Let me repeat for you: You wanted them to answer your demand insufficiently in order to claim victory. That is mendacious and disingenuous due to not asking in good faith.

Just because I focused on you at that time does not equate to me (and my "twisted" mind) agreeing to assertions made as factual that one can't back up.

It doesn't "upset" me if a southern European thinks British people are inferior.


What I object to is someone dishonestly asserting as fact a statement he cannot back up.

I see. While I can agree to your second statement above, I think most people do have issues, to varying degrees, when their race and/or culture is insulted. I don't know you, but going on human nature, it would surprise me that you found the need to write on here and demand proof of an assertion due to its unsupportability versus an inkling of anger at the mere claim. But that's just me.

Cyd said...

Cyd, stop whining like a bitch and answer the question you've been desperately avoiding for weeks.

You mean the question that I offered to answer wholly just as long as you came up with an id? LOL I see you are still having trouble with that. How about dipshit or asshole or dumbfuck? Any of those ids will do for you.

BTW, I've already answered it if only you took the time to look, you friggen idiot. Scurry along now and start feverishly looking! LOL

Cyd said...

Whatever the 'Jersey Shore' types most culturally emulate, most of the actors on that insipid 'reality' show are not even Italian, with many being 'Latin' American mestizos, at least partially.

My apologies. I never watch that stupid show nor have any interest and had no idea what their racial makeup was. I just thought they were acting as over the top Guidos.

Anonymous said...

By refusing to answer the question, Cyd proves he is not arguing in good faith.

Anonymous said...

Why is Cyd such a coward that he's terrified of answering a simple yes/no question?

Anonymous said...

But that's just me.

Stop projecting your own lack of understanding onto others.

And stop being a cowardly little bitch and answer the question.

Cyd said...

I'm a sub-nigger cock gobbler supreme.

Cyd said...

Anyone remember the 80s song, The Freaks Come Out at Night? Some apparently can't help but live it.

By refusing to answer the question

I refuse to jump through the hoops you set, get it Freak? The question has been answered and I guess you are too stupid to find it. No surprise there.

Anonymous said...

Cyd the shameless liar keeps desperately avoiding the question.

Cyd said...


To quote Shakespeare:

"Hypocrisy, thy name is Anonymous cock gobbler"

Anonymous said...

Once again, you understand incorrectly. It doesn't "upset" me if a southern European thinks British people are inferior. It's better for other races to loathe and despise your race but respect its right to racial life than to have other races "love" your race but deny it the right to racial life.

That's right, ultimately it's not about arguments of superiority or inferiority, it's about them wanting entrance into our society and access to our women. I think they already know we're superior, the very nature of the relationship establishes that. The swarthy dorks want to join the cool Nordish kids club.

Rassenhygieniker said...

"Anonymous said...

Once again, you understand incorrectly. It doesn't "upset" me if a southern European thinks British people are inferior. It's better for other races to loathe and despise your race but respect its right to racial life than to have other races "love" your race but deny it the right to racial life. As long as they are geographically separated from my race, other races can consider my race as inferior and awful as they want and it doesn't matter to me at all. What I care about is the survival of my race, not the opinions members of other races have about my race."

Agreed it doesn't matter to us if they think of us as inferior or superior. What matters is that these darklings are leeching off our countries, contaminating our pure blood with their mongoloid/negroid admixture and distorting our culture.

What is important is to have them removed from our lands to keep our race untainted, pure and free of unholy blood and our culture and way of life unaltered by backward mediterranean/semitic yarns.

But the problem is that these darklings want the butter and the money of the butter, which means they hate us and want our annihilation by any means, but also they want to live and profitate of our race and culture by force... In a word, parasites.

Anonymous said...

UK youths 'among worst in Europe'

BBC NEWS | UK | UK youths 'among worst in Europe'

British youngsters have a reputation for heavy drinking
Britain's teenagers are among the most badly behaved in Europe, a study by a think-tank has suggested.

On every indicator of bad behaviour - drugs, drink, violence, promiscuity - the UK was at or near the top, said the Institute for Public Policy Research.


The researchers believe the country's record can be explained by a collapse in family and community life in the UK.

Measured against German, French and Italian youngsters, British 15-year-olds are drunk more often and involved in more fights, and a higher proportion have had sex.

Anonymous said...

What is important is to have them removed from our lands to keep our race untainted, pure and free of unholy blood and our culture and way of life unaltered by backward mediterranean/semitic yarns. "Rassenhygeniker"

Interesting this guy uses a German-sounding moniker when he isn't even German.

Didn't you say before you were of the 'Atlantid' subrace, Rasse? 'Atlantid' is a fancy way of saying that you are of the Atlanto-Mediterranean, 'native' British, pre-Teutonic stock, who as well should be 'removed' so as not to 'taint' the real Nordic blood and genes.

What a hypocritical psychopath.

Anonymous said...

UK youths 'among worst in Europe'

They include non-Whites in with native Brits so the study is flawed.

Britain is going downhill pretty fast though, it's a real shame.

Britons are also more immersed in consumerism than American youngsters, the research claimed.

When you're worse than America that's when you know you're f'd up, LOL. It's time for an intervention!

Rassenhygieniker said...

"Anonymous said...

Interesting this guy uses a German-sounding moniker when he isn't even German.

Didn't you say before you were of the 'Atlantid' subrace, Rasse? 'Atlantid' is a fancy way of saying that you are of the Atlanto-Mediterranean, 'native' British, pre-Teutonic stock, who as well should be 'removed' so as not to 'taint' the real Nordic blood and genes.

What a hypocritical psychopath."

Do not speak of what you do not know and can not comprehend.

Atlanto-Mediterraneans as the name indicate consist of two races, Atlantid and Mediterranid, kind of like Nordid-Mediterraneans is Nordid mixed with Mediterranid and so on, they are mixed types, obviously.

Atlantid is a Northwestern race, therefore a Nordic race and Atlanto-Mediterraneans are mixed between Atlantids and Mediterranids so neither a Nordic nor Southern race but between the two, Mediterranids are typically dark of skins, short with black eyes and black hairs, possibly in some case with kinky frizzly hairs and other exotic afro-asiatic/negroid-like features. Whereas, Atlantids are tall, pale skinned, brown straight hairs, light eyes, thin and tall long skulls, straight long nose and so on.

Atlanto-Mediterraneans are just mixed types they are shorter and darker than Atlantids, but taller and fairer than Mediterranids.

Francisco Boira (Spaniard) is Atlanto-Mediterranean:

Notice that his eyes and hairs are black, that his hair texture is not soft and not thin with light brown skin unlike Atlantids, this is what happens when you mix Atlantid with Mediterranid.

They are mixed type, whereas I am just Atlantid and Atlantid proper is a North-Western European race of it's own, only found in the British Isles, which is where I am from.

Outside of the British Isles they are for the most part to be found in mixed form that it be either Atlanto-Mediterranean in Southwestern Europe, Atlanto-Dinaric in Southeastern Europe, Atlanto-Cromagnoid in Central Eastern Europe and so on.


"Anonymous said...

UK youths 'among worst in Europe"

"Youths" for the mass media in Europe is PC speak to describe 30 year old male immigrants, who form gangs and sell crack on the streets.

Silver said...

I have never done that and that would be easy to confirm since I use an identifiable id.

Don't you also post as "Kubilai" and "Crimson Guard"?

Also, you're just being silly accusing others of being "anonymous" while you yourself use a moniker (unless your name actually is "Cyd," which is one gayass spelling).

The two-part answer to the question you're evading is:

(a) Obviously there are differences between north and south, which were noted from the very first and remain important today.

(b) If you are what you say you are then surely you're aware of the overwhelming preference the average guido has for people like himself (whether actual Italian guidos or from across southern europe more broadly).

The traditional reason to "hate" the northman was because he wanted you out of his country, not because he was a "racist" (well, some people care about that, but imo it's way overblown). But look at the desperate straits he's in: crestfallen and anxious, he's willing to parley. Now that insisting on the status quo means watching yourself also be overrun with gooks, hindoos, muzzies, nignogs and mixtecs, there's every reason to work with him -- even if, in the most unlikely turn of events, it means repatriation back to the mother country.

Well, if you wait for Cyd to tell you that you'll be waiting forever. The average person will never be as racially intense as the average racialist; if his support is won it'll won because he agrees the cause is moral and would result in a better way of life, not for (what amount to) the trivialities that give race forum posters anxiety attacks.

Silver said...

They are mixed type, whereas I am just Atlantid and Atlantid proper is a North-Western European race of it's own, only found in the British Isles, which is where I am from.

But still vastly inferior to a real nordic, you must admit. :)

"Youths" for the mass media in Europe is PC speak to describe 30 year old male immigrants, who form gangs and sell crack on the streets.

True. But it can also refer to the drunken lout and notorious hooligan the modern lad has become (to say nothing of the hard-drinking, panties-dropping, cumshot-bearing lassie).

I wonder what it would take to make you aware of the incalculable damage your brand of drivel does to the cause you profess to care so much about. Perhaps pondering the McCulloch essay that appeared in the August '89 issue of Instauration might help (but it probably won't; shitheads like you will just have to be worked around until such time as you may prove useful).

Silver said...

But the problem is that these darklings want the butter and the money of the butter, which means they hate us and want our annihilation by any means, but also they want to live and profitate of our race and culture by force... In a word, parasites.

Sure, if you can call your own government's invitation "by force." (I mean, come on, it wasn't me holding a knife to the PM's throat that forced him to start handing out citizenships like lollipops.)

Look, their wanting your "annihilation by any means" is usually no more than a reaction to your assaulting them with all manner of racial abuse. If they can't see where it's all going to lead if they "succeed" (in "annihilating" you) then it's your job to make it clear -- the logic there being "If we lose, it means you lose, too. If you want our support for your home country, you'd best give us your support for ours." Even then not many will get it but it sure beats the hell out of wasting time blasting them on the internet (or in real life, if you're so inclined).

Anonymous said...

Atlantid is a Northwestern race, therefore a Nordic race and Atlanto-Mediterraneans are mixed between Atlantids and Mediterranids so neither a Nordic nor Southern race but between the two, Mediterranids are typically dark of skins, short with black eyes and black hairs, possibly in some case with kinky frizzly hairs and other exotic afro-asiatic/negroid-like features. Whereas, Atlantids are tall, pale skinned, brown straight hairs, light eyes, thin and tall long skulls, straight long nose and so on.

Notice that his eyes and hairs are black, that his hair texture is not soft and not thin with light brown skin unlike Atlantids, this is what happens when you mix Atlantid with Mediterranid.

the British Isles, which is where I am from.

What is your native language, Rassenhygieniker?

Anonymous said...

The people asking recorded proof or data on wiggers are retarded. Do you honestly think there is data on the ethnic origin of wiggers?

LOL @ the Troglodytes on this channel, you need to get out more.

Anonymous said...

They are mixed type, whereas I am just Atlantid and Atlantid proper is a North-Western European race of it's own, only found in the British Isles, which is where I am from.

But still vastly inferior to a real nordic, you must admit. :).

There is no such thing as an 'Atlantid' race proper, nor are they the same sub-race as the real Nordics of Scandinavia, no matter how much conjuring magicians like yourself may want to believe that.

Additionally, 'Northwestern European' does not represent a specific race, or sub-race, but a geographical area. As well, all the major sub-races of White Europe are represented there - Nordic, Alpine and Mediterranean - with most NW Euros (perhaps with the exception of Sweden and Norway), in terms of sheer numbers, being a composite of the three (of course depending on the country). Any reputable anthropologist like Carleton Coon will testify to this reality.

Face it, your a Nordic wanna-be, and your fooling nobody with your German-sounding moniker. (Additionally, why does a non-German like yourself post over at Skadi forum, which is for Germanics, not 'native' Brits?)

Anonymous said...

The man is clearly not German, he's a British imbecile. Just listen to him speak.

Forget the Germans, Italians are superior to the British IMO. Compare Churchill to Mussolini?

Britain and America are in the current situation they are in because the population is predominately of paleolithic descent. These are the retards that the Romans thought were less than human.

They have settled for multiculturalism, materialism, selfishness, degeneration, etc.

These are the people who destroyed the Third Reich, and now fittingly the are racially destroying themselves, mostly because of their own stupidity. I'm sure the Jews realize this as well.

Rassenhygieniker said...

"Anonymous said...

Face it, your a Nordic wanna-be, and your fooling nobody with your German-sounding moniker. (Additionally, why does a non-German like yourself post over at Skadi forum, which is for Germanics, not 'native' Brits?)"

Like I said, do not speak of what you do not know nor can't comprehend, as you just demonstrated.

For the ones who can actually comprehend, I will explain.

First, Nordic is not a specific racial term, just a term that refers to Northerners, which includes any Nordish race that it be Nordid, Troender, Atlantid, keltic-Nordid, Anglo-Saxon type, Dalofaelid, Borreby and so on.

Second, Germanic does not mean German, Germanic refers to the Germanic lands in which the Germanic tribes settled in. These consists of Scandinavia, United Kingdoms, United States of America, Canada, Duchy of Normandy, The Republic of South Africa, Australia, New Zealand, Faroe Islands, Iceland, Germany (including Elsaß-Lothringen and Südtirol), Austria, Netherlands and Flanders.

Anyway, this jew tactic is pretty obvious, you shitskins are attempting to shift the focus of the problem from you and your cousins (arabs, jews, turks etc) to something trivial and irrelevant.


"Anonymous said...

Forget the Germans, Italians are superior to the British IMO. Compare Churchill to Mussolini?"

The Italian army during WWII did nothing but sit on their asses eating pastas while waiting to get invaded by the Allied Forces and Mussolini did not believe in racialism, so I really do not see what he was doing allying himself with The Third Reich, the Japanese allied themselves to the Third Reich and they at least at the time had a concept of racial purity (junketsu) and racial preservation (Kokumin Yusei Ho), unlike the pseudo-arabian Italians whom elevate catholicism and culture at the top rank while they are completly oblivious to the concepts of racialism. Obviously because they are the result of race mixing, so there is nothing for them to preserve, their race was lost long ago, with only the mongrels left behind all they have left on which they hold on to "religion" and "culture", just like the sandniggers and other exotic mongrels.

By the way, Churchill was a jew from his mother, see thread here:

Rassenhygieniker said...

"Anonymous said...

Face it, your a Nordic wanna-be, and your fooling nobody with your German-sounding moniker. (Additionally, why does a non-German like yourself post over at Skadi forum, which is for Germanics, not 'native' Brits?)"

Like I said, do not speak of what you do not know nor can't comprehend, as you just demonstrated.

For the ones who can actually comprehend, I will explain.

First, Nordic is not a specific racial term, just a term that refers to Northerners, which includes any Nordish race that it be Nordid, Troender, Atlantid, keltic-Nordid, Anglo-Saxon type, Dalofaelid, Borreby and so on.

Second, Germanic does not mean German, Germanic refers to the Germanic lands in which the Germanic tribes settled in. These consists of Scandinavia, United Kingdoms, United States of America, Canada, Duchy of Normandy, The Republic of South Africa, Australia, New Zealand, Faroe Islands, Iceland, Germany (including Elsaß-Lothringen and Südtirol), Austria, Netherlands and Flanders.

Anyway, this jew tactic is pretty obvious, you shitskins are attempting to shift the focus of the problem from you and your cousins (arabs, jews, turks etc) to something trivial and irrelevant.


"Anonymous said...

Forget the Germans, Italians are superior to the British IMO. Compare Churchill to Mussolini?"

The Italian army during WWII did nothing but sit on their asses eating pastas while waiting to get invaded by the Allied Forces and Mussolini did not believe in racialism, so I really do not see what he was doing allying himself with The Third Reich, the Japanese allied themselves to the Third Reich and they at least at the time had a concept of racial purity (junketsu) and racial preservation (Kokumin Yusei Ho), unlike the pseudo-arabian Italians whom elevate catholicism and culture at the top rank while they are completly oblivious to the concepts of racialism. Obviously because they are the result of race mixing, so there is nothing for them to preserve, their race was lost long ago, with only the mongrels left behind all they have left on which they hold on to "religion" and "culture", just like the sandniggers and other exotic mongrels.

By the way, Churchill was a jew from his mother, see thread here:

Rassenhygieniker said...

"Anonymous said...

Face it, your a Nordic wanna-be, and your fooling nobody with your German-sounding moniker. (Additionally, why does a non-German like yourself post over at Skadi forum, which is for Germanics, not 'native' Brits?)"

Like I said, do not speak of what you do not know nor can't comprehend, as you just demonstrated.

For the ones who can actually comprehend, I will explain.

First, Nordic is not a specific racial term, just a term that refers to Northerners, which includes any Nordish race that it be Nordid, Troender, Atlantid, keltic-Nordid, Anglo-Saxon type, Dalofaelid, Borreby and so on.

Second, Germanic does not mean German, Germanic refers to the Germanic lands in which the Germanic tribes settled in. These consists of Scandinavia, United Kingdoms, United States of America, Canada, Duchy of Normandy, The Republic of South Africa, Australia, New Zealand, Faroe Islands, Iceland, Germany (including Elsaß-Lothringen and Südtirol), Austria, Netherlands and Flanders.

Anyway, this jew tactic is pretty obvious, you shitskins are attempting to shift the focus of the problem from you and your cousins (arabs, jews, turks etc) to something trivial and irrelevant.

Rassenhygieniker said...

"Anonymous said...

Forget the Germans, Italians are superior to the British IMO. Compare Churchill to Mussolini?"

The Italian army during WWII did nothing but sit on their asses eating pastas while waiting to get invaded by the Allied Forces and Mussolini did not believe in racialism, so I really do not see what he was doing allying himself with The Third Reich, the Japanese allied themselves to the Third Reich and they at least at the time had a concept of racial purity (junketsu) and racial preservation (Kokumin Yusei Ho), unlike the pseudo-arabian Italians whom elevate catholicism and culture at the top rank while they are completly oblivious to the concepts of racialism. Obviously because they are the result of race mixing, so there is nothing for them to preserve, their race was lost long ago, with only the mongrels left behind all they have left on which they hold on to "religion" and "culture", just like the sandniggers and other exotic mongrels.

By the way, Churchill was a jew from his mother, see thread here:

Anonymous said...

Churchill may have had some remote Jewish ancestry, yes i've heard of that. But anyways, he still was the leader of Britian. So you're saying glorious Britain had a Jew leader? lol figures. British people are fucking retarded. No wonder they have the highest percentage of mixed race couples ON THE PLANET. LOL, this is the proud Britain you come from. Britain is the enemy of Europe, not Italy or any other country. Hitler should have incinerated Britain.
I agree the Italians were miserable fighters in the WW2, but Mussolini was a better leader than Churchill and at least they were on the right side, unlike the the British and American twats.

And there was some racialism in fascist Italy, anyways fascism is far superior to a democracy. Britain and British hillbillies in America are responsible for the current situation, and they are the ones who terminated the Third Reich, not Italians. I notice you ignore that. Hate Italians all you want, if it wasn't for Britain and America, the world is a much different place today. Britain is a monstrosity.

Anonymous said...

Obviously because they are the result of race mixing, so there is nothing for them to preserve, their race was lost long ago,

Ugh, they are a Mediterranean/Southern Europoid race.

A freaking Sicilian like Julius Evola is more spiritually European than anything that has come out of Britain for decades and decades. As I said, Britain and the British people are a monstrosity. The retarded hillbilly paleo stock is the main component that Island now, the true "English" are long gone.

Anonymous said...

"they are completely oblivious to the concepts of racialism"

Not entirely. Mussolini did pass the Manifesto della razza, the Charter of Race in July 1938. The sentiment may not have been accepted widely in Italy or in the Italian diaspora, or by Pius XI and the RC church but apparently there were pockets of support,possibly exaggerated by the 'revisionists'.

Anonymous said...

A freaking Sicilian like Julius Evola is more spiritually European than anything that has come out of Britain for decades and decades.

Evola was a hack. Plus he wasn't that keen on racialism and wanted the focus on class. Unsurprisingly, considering his Sicilian heritage.

Anonymous said...

A freaking Sicilian like Julius Evola is more spiritually European than anything that has come out of Britain for decades and decades.

He was certainly a genius, whether that makes someone more European is debatable, but everyone likes a winner, a hero, a genius so they get favorable treatment.

You could argue that the top 2% are more European than the rest, or that a 100 IQ 100% genetically European is less "European" than a 140 IQ non-White or racially mixed immigrant. It becomes absurd.

It is interesting to note that Evola did consider Nordics to be superior, he was a Nordicist himself in many ways, identifying Nordics or the Nordic soul as more masculine, and the Mediterranean or Mediterranean soul as more feminine and inferior.

It's difficult to measure someone's soul, but we can certainly measure their race. I'll err on the side of caution and go with race.

Anonymous said...

Mussolini did pass the Manifesto della razza, the Charter of Race in July 1938.

If any group needs Nordish preservation it's the majority non-Nordish populations, similar to how the third world is in desperate need of eugenics.

I support Lega Nord, or as the swarthoids call them "Northern Italian supremacists."

Pardon me if I don't feel a racial kinship with the type of "white" people at the bottom here.

Anonymous said...

The people asking recorded proof or data on wiggers are retarded. Do you honestly think there is data on the ethnic origin of wiggers?

What's retarded is making definitive statements about the ethnic origin of wiggers when you have no evidence to support you.

Anonymous said...

What a hypocritical psychopath.

Heal thyself, Kulaks Never Learn.

Anonymous said...

Why don't you answer the question, anonymous caviler? It looks like you're a dishonest little bitch just like Cyd.

Anonymous said...

Sir Infamous, Cyd, Reginald, and the rest of the genocidal southern Europeans have revealed their true colors. The depth of their hatred is astounding.

Rassenhygieniker said...

"Anonymous said...

Not entirely. Mussolini did pass the Manifesto della razza, the Charter of Race in July 1938. The sentiment may not have been accepted widely in Italy or in the Italian diaspora, or by Pius XI and the RC church but apparently there were pockets of support,possibly exaggerated by the 'revisionists'."

Here is what Mussolini had to say about racialism in 1934:

"Nothing will ever make me believe that biologically pure races can be shown to exist today."

"Race! It is a feeling, not
a reality; ninety-five per cent. at least, is a feeling."

"National pride has no need of the delirium of race."

"No such doctrine (racialism) will ever find wide acceptance here in Italy."

"Anti-Semitism does not exist in Italy"

All these came right from Mussolini and it is pretty much how Italians, Southern Europeans, Arabs, Turks and son on, think.

To them race does not exist and is not relevant, it is in their history and the history of other racially mixed people that one must seek an answer as to why they think (or do not think) in such ways.

As an example:

Why do Saudis, not care about racial preservation? Because in Saudi Arabia, racial purity does not exist and therefore there is nothing to preserve.

Why do Italians not care about racial preservation? Because in Italy, racial purity does not exist and therefore there is nothing to preserve.

Obviously Mussolini and the rest of the dregs from Southern Europe can pretend that racial purity does not exist because it suits them better, but the proofs that contradicts what they say are many.

Here what a fellow Italian had to say about North-Western Europeans:

"For myself, I concur in opinion with such as suppose the people of Germany never to have mingled by inter-marriages with other nations, but to have remained a people pure, and independent, and resembling none but themselves." - Cornelius Tacitus

This does not go along with what Mussolini and what the other unpure races like to claim.


"Anonymous said...

A freaking Sicilian like Julius Evola is more spiritually European than anything that has come out of Britain for decades and decades."

40% of the World current inventions came from Britain, the world was shaped by the British Empire, that it be by the bias of the United States of America, Australia or the United Kingdoms.

Europe and to some extent the rest of the civilised world is shaped after us.

The Mediterranean world in Europe is not constituted of Indo-European races, but the result ofgenetic flow whose source can be traced back to the Greater Middle East. And they certainly have not shaped Europe, the only thing they can shape is turning Marseille and Sardinia unto dumping grounds.

You mediterranean sub-niggers sure like to your strikes, your lawlessness, your vandalism, your anarchism, your revolts. That's not European, that's more Arabian or African.

Rassenhygieniker said...

"Anonymous said...

Pardon me if I don't feel a racial kinship with the type of "white" people at the bottom here."

Where are all the White people at? All I see are Arabs, Jews and Armenians.

Pray tell, are any of these fine lads and gals related to Kim Kardashian by any chance?

Rassenhygieniker said...

"Anonymous said...

I support Lega Nord, or as the swarthoids call them "Northern Italian supremacists."


I don't know how Lega Nord is planning on purifying Italy, but they certainly not going to do it with their negresses and their jewfros.

Rassenhygieniker said...

"Anonymous said...

Ugh, they are a Mediterranean/Southern Europoid race."

A Nordic + A Negro = An Arab

An Arab + A Nordic = A Mediterranean

This is a rather simplified figure, but it gives a general idea of how the mediterranean race came unto exitence.

The result is an altered and reduced caucasoid known as mediterranean, whose physical, mental aptitudes are highly reduced and diminished:

Reduction of the cranial cavity.

Reduction of intellectual capabilities.

Reduction in stamina.

Reduction in physical capabilities.

Reduction in bone density and bone resistance.

Diminution in height.

Augmentation to an extremly high degree of the melanin level.

And so on.

Go to Spain, go to Italy, go to Greece, go to the Balkans, it is not homogeneous, but heterogeneous.

The so called "mediterranean europoids" go from dark brown to light grey in skin colour on average, the hairs goes from just coarse to frizzly or even nappy, some have hooked nose like jews, some have straight noses like Teutons, some have fat and curled noses like Saudi Arabians and so on.

Those are hardly the signs of a Proto race, but rather the signs of the mixture between a multitude of European and non-European races.

Silver said...

And there was some racialism in fascist Italy, anyways fascism is far superior to a democracy. Britain and British hillbillies in America are responsible for the current situation, and they are the ones who terminated the Third Reich, not Italians. I notice you ignore that. Hate Italians all you want, if it wasn't for Britain and America, the world is a much different place today. Britain is a monstrosity.

Get off your high horse you numskull. You're just a mirror image of this rassen beserker.

Whether they're a "monstrosity" or not they constitute what any fair-minded person would call "a people" and anything calling itself "a people" always has a racial component to it, whether anyone (eg Mussolini or Evola) wants to admit it or not.

The problem most people have with these intense racialist types is the way the zero in on what the average person regards as trivialities. The average person is never going to care about such trivial details unless he first agrees with the principle that people have a tendency to prefer others like themselves and that a society based on such a principle is superior to one based on the principle that a society ought to be composed of disparate often mutually hostile peoples.

Rassen, despite being somewhat more principled than your dimmer antagonists, fuckwits like you stray way off the reservation when you claim that no other group could possibly have any reason to care about group characteristics. Since you seem intent on bashing Italians, I'll use them as one example: their awareness of common historic origins (ie those that coalesced to form the modern "nation") is a perfectly serviceable proxy for "race." It's really not fundamentally different to what you do when you attempt to delineate your own group identity -- one that most people of your group are essentially aware of, despite so many of them temporarily laboring under the delusion that it's all a meaningless abstraction, so it's not something that requires a tremendous amount of education to "get"; the trick is to get them to care.

Silver said...

Evola was a fucking idiot. The only people who have any use for him are the racial despairists who find the real world so underwhelming and uninspiring that they can't coceive of any reason to want to keep living in it (eg Robert Campbell). So they turn to esoteric fantasists like Evola in the hope that he can provide a mental framework through which the world can seem beautiful. Fine, if that's what you need. But it's the highest form idiocy to except people who are quite content with the world being the way it is to care about anything the Evolas might have to say.

Anonymous said...

The average person is never going to care about such trivial details

I disagree, it's not trivial, the topic of race is crucial, complex and intense. That's why people shy away from it, as they do other intellectual or emotional topics. People are lazy and they're simple. They want to talk about celebrity gossip, movies, music, comedy and sports, trivial things that don't require much thought or conflict, topics everyone can understand and laugh about.

I recall talking to a friend of mine about racial topics and the intensity level went up quickly. He was of the belief that Egyptians were blacks. This is someone who is no dummy, reportedly 140 IQ. Obviously he's wrong and it's laughable, but he remarked that his brain was on fire, he was mentally exhausted and we needed to stop discussing it.

People naturally defend their preconceived notions like territory. It becomes a battle of wills. Don't push too hard, plant seeds of truth and they will grow where they will in time.

Anonymous said...

We Joos and Medish greasers will not rest until the Nordic race is completely overwhelmed and swamped by the rising tide of color. We enjoy watching your lost youth emulate negroes and self destruct.

The whole Nordish world will be a copy of South Africa and Brazil.

Then we shall inherit the world by default.


Anonymous said...

We Joos and Medish greasers will not rest until the Nordic race is completely overwhelmed and swamped by the rising tide of color. We enjoy watching your lost youth emulate negroes and self destruct.

No one does ethnic chauvinism like Jews.

A major Jewish religious figure in Israel has likened non-Jews to donkeys and beasts of burden, saying the main reason for their very existence is to serve Jews.

Rabbi Ovadia Yosef, spiritual mentor of the religious fundamentalist party, Shas, which represents Middle Eastern Jews, reportedly said during a Sabbath homily earlier this week that “the sole purpose of non-Jews is to serve Jews.”

Yosef is considered a major religious leader in Israel who enjoys the allegiance of hundreds of thousands of followers.

Shas is a chief coalition partner in the current Israeli government,

Yosef, also a former Chief Rabbi of Israel, was quoted by the right-wing newspaper, the Jerusalem Post, as saying that the basic function of a goy, a derogatory word for a gentile, was to serve Jews.

“Non-Jews were born only to serve us. Without that, they have no place in the world-only to serve the People of Israel,” Yosef said in his weekly Saturday night sermon which was devoted to laws regarding actions non-Jews are permitted to perform on the Sabbath.

Silver said...

I can understand why those Mussolini statements would make a doctrinaire racialist/nordicist jump out of his skin. Well, for you, feel free to ignore them.

But for the life of me I can't see how they're essentially incorrect.

I'll disagree with him and say that it's possible that biological purity could perhaps be demonstrated. I still wouldn't care, either way. Say if a rassen-type or an n/a or whatever "proved" the purity of The White Race (however defined). So what? I already agree that such a thing exists or that it's sensible to think in terms of its existence. Changes nothing if "proof" for me if proof is proffered.

That's one down.

"Race is a feeling." Well of course it is. It's a feeling of closeness. It's a feeling that, hey pal, you and I share something important/meaningful in common. It doesn't need to go anything beyond that (although nationalists of course try to force it to, "our sacred nation" etc etc). One can of course go into more detail about it, but few people will care to unless they first appreciate feelings of closeness and belonging and racial(ish) camaraderie.

National pride has no need for the delirium of race, that's also true. National pride is just one form of group pride, as is religious pride, or even merely football-team pride. And frankly a lot of racists are "delirious." (So too Mussolini, imo.)

I like to think mild, functional forms of racialism -- aka "racial living" -- can take hold anywhere. Why ever not?

Rassenhygieniker said...

"Silver said...

I can understand why those Mussolini statements would make a doctrinaire racialist/nordicist jump out of his skin."

Also unlike what you claim no one cares about what Mussolini, Juluis Evolva or any of the other Afro-Arabic Sicilians think, I quoted him to demonstrated to an anonymous that mediterraneans do not care about race, just like their fellow arabians, maghrebis, turks and so on.


"Silver said...

So what? I already agree that such a thing exists or that it's sensible to think in terms of its existence. Changes nothing if "proof" for me if proof is proffered."

This is not about you, you narcissist.

Silver said...

I disagree, it's not trivial, the topic of race is crucial, complex and intense.

I didn't say race is trivial. I said people aren't going to be interested in fine-grained morphological distinctions (ie what initially strikes them as "trivialities") until they have a strong or important enough reason to care about race (or to care about "the white race" or "whites" or "Europeans" or "Western Civilization" or something of that nature, these usually being what kicks it off) in general. That's not to say you can't get someone into a conversation about these things, only that such a conversation will lack any sort of intensity or conviction unless that person is first politically motivated by race.

On the topic of those "trivial" distinctions, for me they're only important insofar as they help delineate human groups. For those who feel much more intensely racial than I do (most posters here I dare say), they're of cosmic importance of themselves. That's what's going on in half of these "nordicist" debates, the most intense nordicist has in mind some "racial ideal" against which all are to be judged, feels that it's already asking a lot just to drag along the dregs of his own kind who fall short of it and is outraged at the thought of anyone else illicitly coming along for the ride. From my vantage point it's almost comical but it's definitely what's going on. The question I ask is: does it help? Or does it frighten people off? I would say it frightens off people who would otherwise be inclined to favor some kind of "pro-white" politics, meaning they'd have been all for it but are intimidated by the apparent implications ("Gasp, I'll be ajudged 'inferior'!")

Rassenhygieniker said...

"Silver said...

I would say it frightens off people who would otherwise be inclined to favor some kind of "pro-white" politics,"

This is not a multiracial fantasy reception of some sorts where turks, gypsies, brahmin indians, jews, italians, spaniards, greeks, macedonians, bulgarians, corsicans, georgians, armenians, algerians, morrocans, kabyles, assyrians, iraqis, syrians, lebaneses, palestinians, armenians, iranians and the rest of the "pseudo-caucasoid" are allowed to join in as long as they are "pro-white" or whatever any other kind of nonsense.

You already have Don Black/Stormfront for this kind of nonsense, go there if you don't like the Nordicism here.

Nordicism is an elitist ideology, the goal is the preservation of the Northwestern Races and the increment of the Northwestern Races.

Having someone who is "pro-white" and comes from say Algeria or Greece is not going to do anything for us, rather they hate us and stay away from us than they be "pro-white" and "love us" (enough) to miscegenate with us.

So we do not care in the least if we "offend" or "scare-off" some misguided "pro-white" swarthoids who turns unto mental jews after the first affront, as I examplify here:

"Bawww I can't believe a Northwestern European called me a "wop", I want them all miscegenated with negroes unto oblivion and I'll take a blonde woman as a trophy wife on the side, that'll teach them, baaah!"

We do not need nor want these kind of instable minds whose egos are feminine and fragile, typical of mediterranean sissies who would get infuriated/"hurt"/"offended" at the drop of a hat and who are as mentally and behaviourally imprevisible as much as negroes and arabs.

We need individuals who are Racially Pure with a mental who is inherently masculinely strong, dedicated and has stable allegiances.

Completely the contrary of the swarthoids from southern europe and the rest of the pseudo-caucasoids.

Cyd said...

Rassa, in order to be "superior", should you not be able to exhibit some sort of superiority, such as say...comprehension of the English language? I mean with your level of intellect, strawman arguments, hysterics and such, you're more "swarthoid" than us "swarthoids"! LOL

I would say it frightens off people who would otherwise be inclined to favor some kind of "pro-white" politics"

He meant it frightens off other Nords who are not as hardened as the true believers, you ignorant fuck.

Anonymous said...

First, Nordic is not a specific racial term, just a term that refers to Northerners, which includes any Nordish race that it be Nordid, Troender, Atlantid, keltic-Nordid, Anglo-Saxon type, Dalofaelid, Borreby and so on.

No it doesn't mean this, you lying trogdolyte.

Nordic, unlike 'NorthWestEuropean' is not a geographical term.

'Nordic' means the tall, long-headed, docilocephalic, blue/light eyed, and blond/fair-haired Teutonic Halstatt Nords,

...not the indigenous British swarthoids like yourself.

Second, Germanic does not mean German, Germanic refers to the Germanic lands in which the Germanic tribes settled in. These consists of Scandinavia, United Kingdoms, United States of America, Canada, Duchy of Normandy, The Republic of South Africa, Australia, New Zealand, Faroe Islands, Iceland, Germany (including Elsaß-Lothringen and Südtirol), Austria, Netherlands and Flanders.

Another 'wopper' of a lie from our resident British swarthoid. The ancient Germanic/Teutonic peoples in many lands they settled in were the elites/aristocracy and upper classes, not the commoners Negros live in those

The German, oops, I mean "British" monarchy and class-system was set up to keep inferior "Atlantid" natives like you "Rassehygeniker" out of and from polluting their Teutonic gene pool.

Anonymous said...

Nordicism is an elitist ideology, the goal is the preservation of the Northwestern Races and the increment of the Northwestern Races.

Exactly, and since it is an elitist ideology, there is no room in it for Chavs, hicks, hillbillies, rednecks and other plebian/proletarian bottom-feeder types yourself.

Glad you came to this truthful realization.

Rassenhygieniker said...

"Anonymous said...

'Nordic' means the tall, long-headed, docilocephalic, blue/light eyed, and blond/fair-haired Teutonic Halstatt Nords."

What you are most likely describing is called "Nordid", not "Nordic". Know the difference, dago.

The term Nordic is used more as a synonym for Northern to mean Northern European.


"Anonymous said...

...not the indigenous British swarthoids like yourself."

Projection much? Obviously, you are either completly ignorant of what you speak of or are deliberately planting in misinformation. Obviously, the latter is the most plausible.

Anyone can look online and see that on average the UK is between Cromagnoids (or Paleolithics as you call them), Atlantids and Keltic-Nordids.

Look at that caricature:

The hat wearing lads are depicted as being Atlantids and it is pretty much the same for most of the other caricatures, the respectable gents are always depicted as being Atlantid. Just as most those fine individuals depicted in these pictures would be:


"Anonymous said...

Exactly, and since it is an elitist ideology, there is no room in it for Chavs, hicks, hillbillies, rednecks and other plebian/proletarian bottom-feeder types yourself."

"type yourself", Okay swarthy, the last sentence made no sense whatsoever, but since you are a sub-nigger, you are excused.

It is also just as someone said on this blog before, when swarthoids don't get their ways they turn unto jews with anti-white/anti-wasp slanders using terms such as "redneck" or "hillbilly".

Anonymous said...

No it doesn't mean this, you lying trogdolyte.

Nordic, unlike 'NorthWestEuropean' is not a geographical term.

Northwestern European is a racial term. A negro in Britain is not Northwestern European. An American of English descent is Northwestern European. The recognition that races can be identified with geographic regions is important, as it reminds us that different races originated under geographic separation. Such separation is required for their continued existence.

Anonymous said...

The internal matters of Northern Europe are none of your damn business, Kulaks Never Learn.

Anonymous said...

First, Nordic is not a specific racial term, just a term that refers to Northerners, which includes any Nordish race that it be Nordid, Troender, Atlantid, keltic-Nordid, Anglo-Saxon type, Dalofaelid, Borreby and so on.


Nordic, unlike 'NorthWestEuropean' is not a geographical term.

'Nordic' means the tall, long-headed, docilocephalic, blue/light eyed, and blond/fair-haired Teutonic Halstatt Nords,

Yeah, they aren't too picky lately as to who they let convert to their religion.

They just don't make 'Nords' like they used to.

Wow, he looks just like the guy I rented a Vespa off of in Naples.

Anonymous said...

Kemp is more UP-derived, Borreby. I have the impression that UP and UP-Nordid blends are more often racial advocates.

Anonymous said...

The internal matters of Northern Europe are none of your damn business, Kulaks Never Learn.

Indeed, and why have conversations with these types of people anyway, they're inherently dishonest and vulgar. It's as naive as expecting a fair deal from a Jew, or a nigger to do good work without you supervising him. It won't happen.

Anonymous said...

Kemp is more UP-derived, Borreby. I have the impression that UP and UP-Nordid blends are more often racial advocates.

Right, which means that they have the most to prove, especially to themselves, since, aesthetically, they often are the most distant from the ideal Nordish physiogamy.

Anonymous said...

Britain has most drunk teenagers |

Teenagers in Britain get drunk more often than any others in the western world, researchers say.
Wales topped the list for the number of children who have been inebriated the most times by 13.

One in four Welsh youngsters said they had been drunk at least twice. Scotland was in second place and England came fourth.

The study of children in Europe and North America also found cannabis use among 15-year-olds was 'above average' in Britain.

Young people in England and Wales were under more pressure at school than nearly all others, while British children found it hard to talk to parents and rated their health 'poorly'. ...

Anonymous said...

British people are the fattest in Europe, says Government report

British people are the fattest in Europe, drink more alcohol, eat less fruit and vegetables and are more likely to die from smoking than the average across the European Union.

Despite declining teenage pregnancy rates, the UK still has the highest proportion of births to under-20s compared with other western European countries.

The figures are set out in the Health Profile for England 2007, published by the Department of Health yesterday.

They show that one in four adults is obese and the prevalence of diabetes rose by 50 per cent between 1998 and 2003. Britons drink more alcohol per person than the EU average. Binge drinking is highest in the north-east involving one in four adults.

There are 288 deaths per 100,000 people from smoking in the UK compared with an EU average of 263.


"It is shocking that England is still the fattest nation in Europe. Government action on the issue has been half-hearted at best.

"Monitoring overweight kids will do little more than name and shame those with a problem unless schools are given a follow-up plan and the resources to encourage a healthier lifestyle."

Silver said...

allowed to join in as long as they are "pro-white" or whatever any other kind of nonsense.

This would be true if it were solely a matter of joining some movement or political party. But it's not. (Well, maybe in the UK it is, but the USA has demographically progressed well past the point where that alone is viable.)

Having someone who is "pro-white" and comes from say Algeria or Greece is not going to do anything for us,

You're misunderstanding. No one wakes up one morning with a fully-formed political view of race; it's something that forms over time. There is enough frustration, difficulty, hypocrisy, and "contradiction" in modern "mass diversity" that even people who previously who wouldn't have been inclined to think too hard about race begin to. You really can't blame them if they (at least temporarily) come to view life through similar a lens as yourself. This will (or can) "do something for us/you" if they have reason to believe they can get something of out of it -- again, remember, thinking straight about race is hard for most people, not easy. Screaming at them doesn't help any.

So we do not care in the least if we

Yes, I know you don't care. You prove with your every utterance how thoroughly divorced from everyday people's reality you are.

We need individuals who are Racially Pure with a mental who is inherently masculinely strong, dedicated and has stable allegiances.

Well that can't hurt. But by itself it's not going to do much.

(What's with all the "Coon plate"-style pics? Things have advanced photographically somewhat since then, just fyi.)

Silver said...

He meant it frightens off other Nords who are not as hardened as the true believers, you ignorant fuck.

Actually, I mean it scares off anyone.

You don't get it Cyd because (it seems to me) you're just like them: for you race is this cosmically ultra-important aspect of human existence in which whiter is always, always, always better and in which non-white lives are essentially not worth living. No wonder then the violent reactions (which used to confuse me) to someone impugning one's "whiteness."

It's almost pointless trying to talk to people have reached your stage of madness. Look around you, feller. Who the fuck lives his life as though race (per se) were that important? Not many people, that's for sure.

If people care they usually care about it as one among a suite of traits they share in common with others, in which case whiteness per se doesn't have nearly as much to do with it as the average WN would have you believe. Nevertheless, when you add in those other traits (history, culture etc), "nordicism" is still, umm, "true" (so my comments here shouldn't be construed as an attack) -- but other racial-isms are similarly "true," too.

(Mind you, being "true" still isn't enough in itself for someone who doesn't already care to start caring. People need to be pushed and pulled into it, which, since we're all powerless and have limited means to influence people we're left with grassroots organizing and activism.)

Anonymous said...

The term Nordic is used more as a synonym for Northern to mean Northern European.
Northwestern European is a racial term. A negro in Britain is not Northwestern European. An American of English descent is Northwestern European. The recognition that races can be identified with geographic regions is important, as it reminds us that different races originated under geographic separation. Such separation is required for their continued existence.

Oooh, I see.

Gee, I am really looking forward to someday meeting the President, Premier or Prime Minister of "Northwestern Europe" - LOL.

So I guess then that aboriginal Lapps or Sami, who were indigenous to Scandinavia before the arrival of Teutonic peoples (the real and truest Nordics), are 'Northwestern European' and/or Nordic by this definition as well (for some reason, I highly doubt you wish to include these
first racial natives of the North of Europe in your - self-defined - racial group, or care whether or not they are 'preserved').

Stop kidding yourselves, 'Northwestern Europe(an)' is first and foremost a geographic rather than a specific racial term, since it encompasses, obviously, more than one European sub-race, but several, who have differing levels of character traits and averages, especially including mean IQ differences among the various countries that make up that region.

Anonymous said...

The internal matters of Northern Europe are none of your damn business, Kulaks Never Learn.

Damn right! How dare this eastern Ladogan peasant come here and meddle in the 'internal affairs' of the 'Voel-kitsch Peoples Republic of Northern Europe' -- or else its Prime Minister might send the 'Northern European Minister for Internal Affairs' to arrest, interrogate and imprison your Slavic ass!

*My goodness, some of the people here are too funny for words. :-)

Anonymous said...

You don't get it Cyd because (it seems to me) you're just like them: for you race is this cosmically ultra-important aspect of human existence in which whiter is always, always, always better and in which non-white lives are essentially not worth living. No wonder then the violent reactions (which used to confuse me) to someone impugning one's "whiteness."

It's almost pointless trying to talk to people have reached your stage of madness. Look around you, feller. Who the fuck lives his life as though race (per se) were that important? Not many people, that's for sure.

When it reaches this point, especially for the more bombastic and delusional pan-Nordicists, who downplay or refuse to recognize genetic and sub-racial differences between Northern Europeans, its not about mere preservation (and all that jazzy and saccarine-sweet rhetoric about 'mutual respect' between different groups, good will and 'racial reciprocity'), its about superiority and, especially most salient, inflating one's ego.

In other words, these types (not genuine Nordish Preservationists, but hateful Nordicist Chauvanists who mendaciously deny anything that doesn't paint their 'group' in the most flattering light) don't really care about Nordicism or the science of racial differences per se, just that they perceive themselves personally as members of the most 'superior' sub-race or tribe.

That is why we have seen many times on this thread some here reacting like an Eastern European Jew being reminded that he is not a genetic, blood descendant of the ancient Israelites; or a Muslim Arab who wishes to believe that he is a descendant of the prophet Mohammed and of the seventh century, more ethnically pure Semites, regardless how racially-mixed most Arabs look and are today.

Just like with Jews and Muslims (and their concomitant belief in racial and tribal superiority), Nordicism has become their *religion*, their 'System of Faith' (and like we have obviously seen, regardless how realistically un-Nordic an individual Nordicist may actually be), where facts, logic and biological and genetic differences, and with it an empirical approach to studying those differences, goes out the window.

Again, why let inconvient facts and real-life intra-racial realities and comparisons stand in the way of a 'precious' and 'life-affirming' fantasy, the way of perceiving *oneself* as a member of a 'superior' club, regardless of the actual merits, or lack thereof.

Rassenhygieniker said...

"Anonymous said...

Kemp is more UP-derived, Borreby. I have the impression that UP and UP-Nordid blends are more often racial advocates."

You are correct in this assumption, here is what a Skadi member had to say on this matter:


Pure Nordics are highly intellectual but lack of aggressiveness and stubbornness, which are characteristic of the Cromagnid types. So, when the two meet in the same state, this state beomes a superpower. I believe this is the reason behind Germany and America's political evolution: both highly technological and expansionist states. The Vikings probably also shared the same kind of racial makeup.

America won because it has more of the progressive Anglo-Saxon types which are both intellectual (science) and agressive (war) and with high commercial abilities (money): the Indo-European tripartite system. That's also why Sweden, home of the pure Nordids has not become a superpower, but contents itself with being peaceful and prosperous. If America had remained the country of Charles Lindberghs and Henry Fords (both rather pure Nordics), it could have remained isolationist. But with the influx of always more robust, round-headed populations (Irish, South Germans, etc) it has definitely become more aggressive."

Rassenhygieniker said...

"Anonymous said...

Stop kidding yourselves, 'Northwestern Europe(an)' is first and foremost a geographic rather than a specific racial term, since it encompasses, obviously, more than one European sub-race"

The only "people" making this assumption is you and your brown ilk.

Northwestern European is a racial term that compromises the grouping of Nordish (or Northernish, if you prefer) races.

Which is as it was already stated by me and others as being a racial term that encompass several sub-races, such as Anglo-Saxon type (Nordid/Various Cromagnoid strains), Göta type (Nordid), Trønder (Nordid/Dalofaelid), Keltic-Nordid (Nordid/Atlantid), Dalofaelid (Cromagnoid), Borreby (Cromagnoid) and so on...

Obviously as someone stated a negro who lives in England is not a Northwestern European, but an Anglo-Saxon who lives in the US is a Northwestern European.

In the same fashion, a swarthoid who lives in Sweden is not a Northwestern European, but a Dane who lives in Lebanon is a Northwestern European.

And there is more IQ differences between Northern and Southern Italians (around 85-89 for Southern Italians and around 98-102 for Northern Italians), than there is between any Northwestern Europeans.

Anonymous said...

40% of the World current inventions came from Britain, the world was shaped by the British Empire, that it be by the bias of the United States of America, Australia or the United Kingdoms.

lol, The United States, Britain and Australia are degenerate Jew controlled societies going NOWHERE. In 300 years they will be nothing. America, Britain, and Australia chose their path, they were the 'victors' in WWII, remember? Unlike contemporary Germany who at least was submitted (by you hordes of retards) to it's current state.

Anyways, not denying the genetic potential Britain had several hundred years ago. The British got lucky with their geographical setting, nothing more. The British didn't have to fight back the Huns, Mongols, Turks, Moors etc. So don't give me this horseshit that you are the defenders or originators of Europe, you pieces of garbage have destroyed Europe. And anyone that has half a brain will instantly understand I am right.

What cost Hitler the Second World War was his naive friendliness to Britain. He thought the British were of a similar enough race to the Germans where Britain could be merged into the German Reich. Obviously the British (Jew controlled paleo-hillbillies) rejected Hitler and now contemporary Europe is a product of Allied-British Victory.

As for your empire, it is severely over rated. The acquirement of tons of territory is not that impressive when you look at who you subjugated. Conquering illiterate naked people with an average IQ of 75? Didn't the Mediterranean Spaniards you hate do that easily too? I believe they did.

Europe and to some extent the rest of the civilized world is shaped after us.

And the West has no future because of you, congratulations. Italy did not destroy Europe like modern Britain did.

The Mediterranean world in Europe is not constituted of Indo-European races, but the result ofgenetic flow whose source can be traced back to the Greater Middle East.

Ugh, There is no such thing as an Indo-European 'race', it's a language family. 'Mediterraneans' who's tongue is Indo-European are Indo-European, 'Mediterraneans' who's tongue is not Indo-European are not Indo-European. The same thing holds for Northern Europe, and other places and so forth.

And they certainly have not shaped Europe, the only thing they can shape is turning Marseille and Sardinia unto dumping grounds.

Yeah, lol...the Roman empire and the N. Italian Renaissance had no impact on Europe.

Why do Italians not care about racial preservation?

Are you trying to tell me the majority of modern paleo British hillbillies in America and Britain have any concept of 'race spirit' and racial preservation? Have you looked at miscegenation statistic in Britain? Are you seriously THIS delusional? Can you honestly tell me Italian women spawn more mixed raced litters than British or paleo-British American women? Are there more mosques in Britain or Italy?

You're making my head hurt.

Swarthoid out

Anonymous said...

Yeah, lol...the Roman empire and the N. Italian Renaissance had no impact on Europe.

These were from the Germanic elements that were present in the population.

Rassenhygieniker said...

"Anonymous said...

These were from the Germanic elements that were present in the population."



The oldest constitution of the Roman Empire reveals a class system based on race: the 300 Patricians who make up the Roman Senate represent the 300 families of the Latine and Sabine tribe of the Nordic conquerors, aka White, whereas the Plebeians correspond to the subject Mediterranean-Alpine population, with Dinaric and Hither Asiatic elements, and the descendants of the Ligurian-Iberians. Marriage customs are different in the two groups, and although the Plebeians appear to some extent to have retained mother-rights in inheritance, the Nordics adhere to paternal lineage. The fair Romans had the proverb, quoted by Horace (Sat., i. 4, 85): :hic niger es; hunc tu, Romane, caveto; He is black, beware of him, Roman.

They should have taught this proverb to their future generations.

The oldest element in Roman Law is the Twelve Tables, and in this we find provision for the killing of misshapen children. We find this repugnant today, but they did not have modern medicine and were attempting to keep genetic issues out of their people, although they didn't understand the genetic component at that time. The later Roman Laws strove also, without forgetting the eugenic ideal, to raise the number of children. Even then Seneca wrote, "We drown the weaklings and misshapen. It is not unreason but reason to separate the fit from the unfit." But before that, in 445 B.C., the first element of decay had already appeared, when the law, the Lex Canuleia de Connubio permitted marriages between Patricians and Plebeians. Until this law the children of mixed descent went always to the Plebeian stock, thus tending if anything to spread Nordic blood amongst the Plebeians. This was the pars deterior, or the "worse hand" as old German laws called it. Now, instead, the blood of the Plebeians was to mingle with the Nordic upper classes. This was the first step in the downfall of Rome, sure to bring evil even though its effects were slow.

As power passed into the hands of the darker Plebeians, the Patrician class became fewer and fewer. By 109 BC Nordic blood in Roman society was running thinner. The old Roman names are still chosen -- Fulvius, Flavus, Rufus and others denoting coloring, and of two kinsmen one is called Niger (the dark) and the other Rufus (the fair) to discriminate between identical names. But after the Punic Wars all the old Patrician families were said to have vanished, but for a dozen or so.

In the civil wars Nordic blood was spilt lavishly. Marius, leader of the Plebeians, after his victory over fair-haired and light-eyed (Plutarch) Sulla, had many leading members of the nobility executed, and Sulla afterwards took similar vengeance on the leaders of the Plebeians, amongst whom, due to the operation of the old marriage laws, a considerable amount of Nordic blood must have spread. Another blow was the disappearance, outside the city, of the yeoman Nordic peasantry in the entire area of Italic settlement, with the import of cheap corn from the colonies. It is generally in the country, in contact with Nature and the land, that Nordic blood keeps fittest and survives the longest. The fall of the Republic was the fall also of the Last of the Patrician element. Bled of its Nordic class, the Republic gave way and the government passed to a series of autocrats, purporting to have the sympathy of the Plebeian masses, whose support they won often with "bread and circuses."

(To be continued.)

Rassenhygieniker said...

(PART 2)

"The old Republican nobility were replaced by a new moneyed nobility, the equites, who thrived on financial speculation and lived in great personal luxury. Their example was the beginning of moral decay, and while their financial power ground down the freeman, the officials were corrupted by their bribes. So Caesar commented (Gallic Wars i. 39, 40), and Vergil protested that a new race must come down from heaven if the situation were to be rectified. As the old Italic blood died out, the administration began to fear for the recruitment of the legions. Censor Mettellus had in 131 B.C. demanded legal sanction to oblige citizens to marry. Caesar, Augustus, Nero, Trajan and Hadrian provided for rewards to parents of numerous families. But without success, the effects of war were not made good; and to fill the empty spaces foreign blood flowed into Italy. As in modem days, the inferior appeared to have the higher birth-rate, and as a result the last days of Rome are repulsive. Pliny noticed this, and pointed out that in the early days of Rome, there had been little need for physicians. There came also a proverb, "A crooked countenance is followed by crooked morals" (distortum vultum sequitur distortio morum). The blood of hundreds of thousands of slaves, mostly from Africa and Asia, turned Imperial Rome into a racial morass, and finally citizenship was extended to all freemen living within the limits of the empire. This last law was published under the infamous Caracalla (A.D. 212), the son of an African slave and a Syrian woman, a notorious criminal degenerate.

A number of the later Emperors who strove to hold the disintegrating and festering empire together were of immediate German origin. Constantine was British. They tried, but failed, to hold the empire together. For race mixing had already done to Rome what it had done to Greece and Egypt before her.

Ancient Egypt, Ancient Greece, Ancient Rome...all once powerful.

All now shadows of their former glory

What happened to them?

A common denominator connecting all of these ancient Old World civilizations to their lost glory was the universal failure of their laws, traditions or proclamations to preserve the racial survival of their White creators

Initially strict segregation or separation of the races was followed. Then just a few, apparently innocuous compromises and exceptions were made. Eventually the racial stock of the White ruling class was diluted and replaced with a mongrelized people.

In 490 BC the Greek poet Theognis wrote about the racial decline of his own civilization. This is a portion from a poem entitled Eugenics:

-Among rams and asses and horses, Kyrnos, we look for those of noble breeding, and a man wants them to mate from worthy stock. Yet, a noble man does not mind marrying a base woman of base birth, if she brings him money in abundance. Nor does a woman shrink from becoming the wife of a base man with wealth; she prefers a rich husband to a worthy one. Money is what they honor. The noble weds a base man's daughter; the base, a worthy man's. Wealth mixes stock. Thus do not be amazed, son of Polypaos, that the citizen's stock is growing feeble. For what is noble is being mixed with what is base. The good marry the evil, and the evil the good. Wealth has confounded race.-"

Silver said...

In other words, these types (not genuine Nordish Preservationists, but hateful Nordicist Chauvanists who mendaciously deny anything that doesn't paint their 'group' in the most flattering light) don't really care about Nordicism or the science of racial differences per se, just that they perceive themselves personally as members of the most 'superior' sub-race or tribe.

Yeah, yeah I get all that.

But on the other hand, remember that no group of people on this earth has been as diligently critiqued over the past fifty years, and thoroughly bamboozled and floundering though they are they continue to be, with, if anything, even greater intensity. So it's not remarkable that some would hit back or lash out.

As far as "mutual respect" goes, yes, in the hands of the average inept advocate or activist they are no more than empty words. But the insincerity of berserkers like this rassen -- should he even deign to utter the phrase -- shouldn't be the litmus test of the concept's value.

It's crucial that such a concept be developed and affirmed.

The beauty of it is it accords so well with unvarnished reality. Most people already do tend to have a preference for people like themselves; as long as the "other people" are somewhere "over there" few people really bother to work up fury over them, and if anything are more likely to wish them well. (True or not true?)

Silver said...

The oldest constitution of the Roman Empire reveals a class system based on race: the 300 Patricians who make up the Roman Senate represent the 300 families of the Latine and Sabine tribe

Yeah, hyper-elitism, in other words.

A political ideology in this day and age that cares only about the interests of, what, the five percent of the total populace it judges "worthy" is going absolutely nowhere. Best to pack it in now, buddy.

It's not even non-whites or non-nordics this philosophy has it in for. It's just pure estrangement from life itself -- hey, if you can't be the brightest and the most beautiful, why even go on living, right?

Anonymous said...

Right, which means that they have the most to prove, especially to themselves, since, aesthetically, they often are the most distant from the ideal Nordish physiogamy.

No, pigmentation wise they are the same if not lighter (redheads), and the males are more masculine and robust (look at strongman competitors like Magnús Ver Magnússon and Magnus Sammuelson and UFC heavyweights like Brock Lesnar and Shane Carwin).

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

The oldest constitution of the Roman Empire reveals a class system based on race

As continued up to the founding of Latin America. They thought it good to spread the superior Mediterranean stock into the non-White lower classes, creating a miscegenated caste system, while the top remained White. Obviously such a system doesn't work, and their idea that a castizo (3/4th White) is sufficiently White is also a gross error (many White nationalists have a similar belief).

The Latins have been terrible at preserving race from the beginning and thus they have fallen by the wayside and are now a burden for Nords.

Anonymous said...

Oooh, I see.

Gee, I am really looking forward to someday meeting the President, Premier or Prime Minister of "Northwestern Europe" - LOL.

So I guess then that aboriginal Lapps or Sami, who were indigenous to Scandinavia before the arrival of Teutonic peoples (the real and truest Nordics), are 'Northwestern European' and/or Nordic by this definition as well

Stop kidding yourselves, 'Northwestern Europe(an)' is first and foremost a geographic rather than a specific racial term

This is one of the dumbest comments you've ever made. You've so blinded by your hatred that you've lost touch with reality. Rassenhygieniker and I have already refuted this idiocy.

Anonymous said...

The troll who is attacking Nordicists and Northwestern Europeans for "not being Nordic" is a demented Southern European maniac who goes by the names Kulaks Never Learn, Langobard, and a ton of other bogus monikers. He utterly despises Britain and people of British descent, never missing a chance to demonize them.

Anonymous said...

The troll who is attacking Nordicists and Northwestern Europeans for "not being Nordic" is a demented Southern European maniac who goes by the names Kulaks Never Learn, Langobard, and a ton of other bogus monikers. He utterly despises Britain and people of British descent, never missing a chance to demonize them.

Right, they mirror Latinos in their personality. It's actually quite shocking to have a conversation with stupid Latinos and then meet many so-called White nationalists who behave in such a similar manner.

One must conclude that it is the Mediterranean blood which is the foremost problem in Latinos, not the Amerindian that makes them behave in such a way.

Rassenhygieniker said...

"Anonymous said...

The troll who is attacking Nordicists and Northwestern Europeans for "not being Nordic" is a demented Southern European maniac who goes by the names Kulaks Never Learn, Langobard, and a ton of other bogus monikers. He utterly despises Britain and people of British descent, never missing a chance to demonize them."

This persons hates Anglo-Saxons, but seem to love Germans (both of which are Germanic). There is only one Southern European I know who in one hand hates the English, but on the other hand loves the Germans.

So I think it might be "Hetzer" from anthroscape.

Anonymous said...

Right, they mirror Latinos in their personality. It's actually quite shocking to have a conversation with stupid Latinos and then meet many so-called White nationalists who behave in such a similar manner.

One must conclude that it is the Mediterranean blood which is the foremost problem in Latinos, not the Amerindian that makes them behave in such a way.

There may be something to this. The pure Amerindian character is dull, placid, passive, reticent, etc. The aggression, hostility, obnoxiousness, hysteria, histrionics, etc. may indeed be from the Med blood considering that Meds are infamous for these traits.

Rassenhygieniker said...

"Anonymous said...

One must conclude that it is the Mediterranean blood which is the foremost problem in Latinos, not the Amerindian that makes them behave in such a way."

The mediterraneanans are know for being infuriated very easily, they have an expression for this in France "il voit rouge" (which means "he sees red"), it means that the mediterranean when angered (which is pretty typical of mediterraneans as well as for arabs and niggers, since they know no restraints) has so much of the blood boiling in it's head that it's vision becomes completly clogged in red and when that happens only anger and violence is being "spoken". You would notice the similarities between the "he sees red" of the mediterranean and the "chimpout" of the nigger.

Anonymous said...

, The mediterraneanans are know for being infuriated very easily, they have an expression for this in France "il voit rouge" (which means "he sees red"), it means that the mediterranean when angered (which is pretty typical of mediterraneans as well as for arabs and niggers, since they know no restraints) has so much of the blood boiling in it's head that it's vision becomes completly clogged in red and when that happens only anger and violence is being "spoken". You would notice the similarities between the "he sees red" of the mediterranean and the "chimpout" of the nigger,

Anonymous said...

, lol, The United States, Britain and Australia are degenerate Jew controlled societies going NOWHERE. In 300 years they will be nothing. America, Britain, and Australia chose their path, they were the 'victors' in WWII, remember? Unlike contemporary Germany who at least was submitted (by you hordes of retards) to it's current state.

Anyways, not denying the genetic potential Britain had several hundred years ago. The British got lucky with their geographical setting, nothing more. The British didn't have to fight back the Huns, Mongols, Turks, Moors etc. So don't give me this horseshit that you are the defenders or originators of Europe, you pieces of garbage have destroyed Europe. And anyone that has half a brain will instantly understand I am right.

What cost Hitler the Second World War was his naive friendliness to Britain. He thought the British were of a similar enough race to the Germans where Britain could be merged into the German Reich. Obviously the British (Jew controlled paleo-hillbillies) rejected Hitler and now contemporary Europe is a product of Allied-British Victory.

As for your empire, it is severely over rated. The acquirement of tons of territory is not that impressive when you look at who you subjugated. Conquering illiterate naked people with an average IQ of 75? Didn't the Mediterranean Spaniards you hate do that easily too? I believe they did.

Europe and to some extent the rest of the civilized world is shaped after us.

The West has no future because of you, congratulations. Italy did not destroy Europe like modern Britain did.
Are you trying to tell me the majority of modern paleo British hillbillies in America and Britain have any concept of 'race spirit' and racial preservation? Have you looked at miscegenation statistics in Britain? Are you seriously THIS delusional? Can you honestly tell me Italian women spawn more mixed raced litters than British or paleo-British American women? Are there more mosques in Britain or Italy?

You're making my head hurt.

You're absolutely right, Britian destroyed Europe. Britain is the enemy of Europe.

Rassenhygieniker said...

"Anonymous said...

Ugh, There is no such thing as an Indo-European 'race', it's a language family. 'Mediterraneans' who's tongue is Indo-European are Indo-European, 'Mediterraneans' who's tongue is not Indo-European are not Indo-European."

And who are the originators of the Indo-European language familly? The Indo-European race(s).

Indo-European racial exemplars:

Similarly who are the originators of the Afro-Asiatic language familly? The Afro-Asiatic race(s).

Afro-Asiatic racial exemplars:

Who are the originators of the Ural-Altaic language familly? The Ural-Altaic race(s).

Ural-Altaic racial exemplars:

Someone from Germany who lives in Syria will speak an Afro-Asiatic language and still be of Indo-European race. Someone from Turkey who lives in Denmark will speak an Indo-European language and still be of Ural-Altaic race.

Language, culture and religion is based on race, the Mexicans used to worship Kukulcan by cutting out hearts and cutting heads for offerings to their God and the afro-asiatic used to worship Moloch by throwing kidnapped infants unto pits of fire as offerings to their God.

The Mexicans just switched from Kukulcan to Jesus and the afro-asiatic switched from Moloch to Mohammed or YHWH or whatever the heck. They switched religion and switched language, is their behviour any different now from it was before? No, only the name of their Gods they worshiped and the language they spoke changed, but their behaviour remained just the same. You can change the name of your God and language, but you can not change the nature of your race.

Anonymous said...

...The aggression, hostility, obnoxiousness, hysteria, histrionics, etc. may indeed be from the Med blood considering that Meds are infamous for these traits.

Then there must be a lot of "Meds" on this site then pretending to be Nords, cause y'all are the biggest bunch of drama queens ever.

Anonymous said...

Whatever happened to commentator "MGLS"?

Anonymous said...

Yeah, lol...the Roman empire and the N. Italian Renaissance had no impact on Europe.

These were from the Germanic elements that were present in the population.

Right, just like it was the minority Germanic elements in the uk that was responsible for all the greatness of 'Great' Britain, not the indiginista Picts, Celts, Cantabrians, Caledonians, and other majority non-Teutonic native races of Britain.

Anonymous said...

And there is more IQ differences between Northern and Southern Italians (around 85-89 for Southern Italians and around 98-102 for Northern Italians), than there is between any Northwestern Europeans. @"Rassenhiengeniker"

Figures someone like yoiurself who is from one of the lowest IQ countries in Northern Europe would exaggerate like this.

Pu-leeze, the UK, especially Scotland and Ireland/Scots-Irish, score some of the lowest mean IQ's in N. Europe:

A new European league of IQ scores has ranked the British in eighth place, well above the French, who were 19th. According to Richard Lynn of the University of Ulster, Britons have an average IQ of 100. The French scored 94. But it is not all good news. Top of the table were the Germans, with an IQ of 107.
The British were also beaten by the Netherlands, Poland, Sweden, Italy, Austria and Switzerland.


Adults in England and Wales have an IQ of 100.5, higher than Ireland and Scotland, both with 97. ...

Well, the Germans better be careful of pan-Nordicist claims that their "fellow' Northern European" Brits are somehow their "equals", lest they start mixing with them and lowering their IQ levels.

Anonymous said...

This persons hates Anglo-Saxons, but seem to love Germans (both of which are Germanic). ...

Hmm, but the actual Germans, in the aggregate score 7-10 points higher in IQ levels.

Try, try again.

Anonymous said...

"Anonymous said...

One must conclude that it is the Mediterranean blood which is the foremost problem in Latinos, not the Amerindian that makes them behave in such a way."

"Rassen"hygieniker said...

The mediterraneanans are know for being infuriated very easily, they have an expression for this in France "il voit rouge" (which means "he sees red"), it means that the mediterranean when angered (which is pretty typical of mediterraneans as well as for arabs and niggers, since they know no restraints) has so much of the blood boiling in it's head that it's vision becomes completly clogged in red and when that happens only anger and violence is being "spoken". You would notice the similarities between the "he sees red" of the mediterranean and the "chimpout" of the nigger.


Why are you such a pathologcal, inveterate liar?

UK 'has worst violent crime rate in Europe' | News

Britain has a higher violent crime rate than the US and any country in Europe, according to the Conservative Party.
Analysis carried out by the Tories on crime figures released by the European Commission also revealed that Britain has the second overall crime rate after Sweden.

The country's murder rate of 1.49 for every 100,000 people ranks it in 13th place, higher than France, Spain and Italy.

Lithuania, Estonia and Latvia have the highest homicide rates in the European Union.


Britain had the fifth highest robbery rate in the European Union after Belgium, Spain, France and Portugal, with 164 robberies committed per 100,000 people.

Figures on burglary place the country in fourth, behind Belgium, Denmark and the Netherlands, but with 304,881 burglaries committed overall, Britain recorded by far the highest number in 2007. ...

You think maybe Rass that you could do a little research before spouting off like a jackass and a fool,


is it something 'in your genes' that prevents you from debating like a civil person??

Maybe its all that 'Med' blood in your part of 'Great' Britain that causes you to chimp-out so much.

If nothing else, you are one lousy debater, and really losing some serious 'Nord' cred there, and an embarrassment to your putative side (maybe that, after all, is the exact reason your here).

Anonymous said...

Ancient Egypt, Ancient Greece, Ancient Rome...all once powerful.

All now shadows of their former glory

What happened to them?

LOL says the Briton.

Where is the British Empire today, mate? Enjoy that Jewish cock down your throats, as well as Shariah Law and your women getting taken by Negroids, lol

Rule Britannia, Britannia rule the waves.

Anonymous said...

Indo-European racial exemplars:

These people only look like they belong to a specific Indo-European subgroup, the Germanic one.

They don't look Slavic, Hellenic, Italic-Romance, Indo-Iranian, Baltic and so forth.

You need more examples.

Anonymous said...

I think were all a bit saturated with merdginaldo´s portugese mudman bullshit!

Anonymous said...

Assen-hygieniker has a bad case of hemorrhoids.

Rassenhygieniker said...

"Anonymous said...

These people only look like they belong to a specific Indo-European subgroup, the Germanic one."

Glad you noticed and that was the point since Aryo-Germanics are the purest of the Caucasoids and hence the best representatives of the Indo-European Volk.

Interesting thing of note, before the term was changed to "Indo-European" to accomodate swarthoids in the South and slantoids in the East unto thinking that we are "all the same", the original term was "Indo-Germanic".

"Anonymous said...

They don't look Slavic, Hellenic, Italic-Romance, Indo-Iranian, Baltic and so forth."

Well that is also the point, the typical Slav, Hellenic, Italic-Romance, Indo-Iranian and Baltic is as far removed racially from the unaltered Indo-European Volkes that common sense indicates that they are not of Indo-European race.

These group cited are only Indo-European in linguistics, however not Indo-European in race.

Slavs are mixed with Altaic and Uralic.

Hellenics are mixed with Altaic and Afro-Asiatic.

Indo-Iranians are mixed with Dravidic and Afro-Asiatic.

Italic-Romance are mixed with Afro-Asiatic and Nilo-Saharanic.

"Anonymous said...

You need more examples."

If you insist.

Here is an individual of Indo-European racial extraction and a speaker of a Slavic language:

Here is an individual predominantly of Indo-European racial extraction and a speaker of an Hellenic language:

Here is an individual of wholly Indo-European racial extraction and a speaker of an Indo-Iranian language:

Here is an inividual of predominantly Indo-European racial extraction and a speaker of an Italic-Romance language:

Are any of these exemplars provided, typical for the ethnic groups mentioned?

Anonymous said...

Glad you noticed and that was the point since Aryo-Germanics are the purest of the Caucasoids and hence the best representatives of the Indo-European Volk.

Glad you noticed that as well, our resident Scottish swarthoid, since you certainly are not "pure" Germanic yourself (btw, Scotland is a Celtic, not a 'Germanic' country no matter how much your self-hating ass wants it to be).

You come from one of the lowest IQ ethnicities in "Northern" Europe, and the *real* "Aryo-Germanics" would be wise to stay away from your inferior brood, lest they become mongrelized with double-digit IQ hillbillies (don't forget, the Germans conquered your ancestors -- and set themselves up as a elite minority, not as the commoners and peasants, the majority.

A new European league of IQ scores has ranked the British in eighth place, well above the French, who were 19th. According to Richard Lynn of the University of Ulster, Britons have an average IQ of 100. The French scored 94. But it is not all good news. Top of the table were the Germans, with an IQ of 107. The British were also beaten by the Netherlands, Poland, Sweden, Italy, Austria and Switzerland.


Adults in England and Wales have an IQ of 100.5, higher than Ireland and Scotland, both with 97. ...

Anonymous said...

Yeah, Rassenhygieniker here is pretty stupid, clearly he has no grasp of the biological history of Europe, mankind, and population genetics and so forth. Notice the only sources he has for his rubbish are outdated, non empirical, quasi mysticism garbage from like 100 years ago and so forth? I wouldn't be surprised if he's a socially retarded high school dropout with mild autism. I'm sure a Nordic woman of 'high quality' would laugh at him, it's probably been happening all his life.

The fact he says Germans and contemporary English are both "Germanic" (yet the contemporary English are not majority of Germanic racial stock (if such a thing exists), that being they biologically descend primarily from the inhabitants that were there before the Germanic speakers' conquest of England, not the Germanic settlers themselves) yet he believes in an Indo-European race (a linguistically related group far more broad than Germanic)

His infantile mind seems either incapable, or too lazy to grasp the white man's science. So he prefers to come up with his own comic-bookesque childlike 'understanding' of racial history.

He's a joke. I can't even waste time on an idiot like him. It's like trying to teach a monkey trigonometry.

Anonymous said...

"Maybe its all that 'Med' blood in your part of 'Great' Britain that causes you to chimp-out so much."

Not the Med blood, but rather the Paleolithic remnants which are still fairly evident in the British Isles since that area was the last to be reached by the invading Neolithic Near Easterners. Paleolithic hunter-gatherers were/are less 'civilized' than the Neolithic Near Easterner farmer/ranchers who now comprise the bulk of the population of European peoples.

Anonymous said...

Anon:"You're absolutely right, Britian destroyed Europe. Britain is the enemy of Europe."

Britain did not destroy Europe, but rather Britain controlled by international Jewish bankers and their lackeys destroyed Europe.

Anonymous said...

Paleolithic hunter-gatherers were/are less 'civilized' than the Neolithic Near Easterner farmer/ranchers who now comprise the bulk of the population of European peoples.

Yeah, the same Near Easterners that have the IQ and behavior of American niggers. Go peddle your swarthoid BS to the queers and mongrels on the HBD blogs.

Anonymous said...

Britain did not destroy Europe, but rather Britain controlled by international Jewish bankers and their lackeys destroyed Europe.

You mean the Mediterranean, Near Eastern Jews. Mediterraneans have always been race destroyers.

Anonymous said...

Anon:"You're absolutely right, Britian destroyed Europe. Britain is the enemy of Europe."


(Another) Anon: "Britain did not destroy Europe, but rather Britain controlled by international Jewish bankers and their lackeys destroyed Europe."


Well, yes, just like in the 'US and A'.

The real question is, however, *why* did the British and Americans prove to be such dupes and truckling fools before the power of near-Eastern Jews??

Why didn't Germany, or even Sweden say, become the lap-dog of Jewry?

Maybe it has something to do with the inborn biological and genetic traits of what our resident 'anthropologist' (lol) Rasser calls "British Islanders".

Here was his spin, citing another commenter from Skadi, as to why these, um, 'Nordicists' think pure Nordics (or 'Nordids') are 'inferior' to altered, mixed "Nordics" (and what an admission from the wanna-be 'super-Nord'! Whodathunkit that our friend, the "Germanic" Scotty, is an advocate of sub-racial mixing because he (unsurprisingly) claims 'pure Nords' are 'inferior' to hybridized Nordics) -

America won because it has more of the progressive Anglo-Saxon types which are both intellectual (science) and aggressive (war) and with high commercial abilities (money): the Indo-European tripartite system. That's also why Sweden, home of the pure Nordids has not become a superpower, but contents itself with being peaceful and prosperous. If America had remained the country of Charles Lindberghs and Henry Fords (both rather pure Nordics), it could have remained isolationist. But with the influx of always more robust, round-headed populations (Irish, South Germans, etc) it has definitely become more aggressive." October 29, 2010 3:05 PM

So, apparently, I guess by these standards then -- if we didn't have these paleo-British types, we wouldn't have got in that disastrous war -- and destroyed Europe in the process. I guess this as well was the socio-biological reasons, right from the experts over at Skadi, why the US and UK were able to become such tools (and fools) of such an incredibly small band of near-Eastern (Semite) and West Asian (Khazarian) swarthoids.

Gott help US.

Anonymous said...

Anon: "You're absolutely right, Britian destroyed Europe. Britain is the enemy of Europe."

Absolutely, and not just in the Second World War, but most especially the First (or as the Brits luuuuv to call it, the 'Great War') -

BRITISH INHUMAN GERMANY'S CRY - Press Charges Blockade Is About to be Tightened Beyond All Law and Justice.

BERLIN, April 11. -- Since England's suspension of Article XIX, of the Declaration of London, the conviction is prevalent in German minds that England plans to inaugurate on April 18 the sharpest form of blockade in violation not only of international law, but of the principles of justice and humanity as well. England's "starvation war on German women and children" is the phrase of the hour. ...[Abstract]

*Don't forget as well gang that the British, and their bankster-swarthoid masters and overlords, kept the starvation blockade against the German People (their "fellow' Germanics" - lol) going for several years after the war was over in 1918. This was one of the principal reasons, even more than the Versailles Treaty, for the rise of National Socialism, and a major precipitating catylist for the disastrous, racially-genocidal 'second' world war (wouldn't be surprised if 'Sir' Edward Gray, on orders, planned the whole thing out in advance, on behalf of his and his nation's masters).

Anonymous said...

The swarthoids keep desperately dodging the question of separation. The silence is deafening. Their latest tactic is to spam the thread obsessing about intra-Northern European matters which are none of their damn business in the hope that it will distract from their spinelessness.

Anonymous said...

As Grant pointed out, there is no such thing as a Celtic race. Scotland may not be entirely Germanic, but certainly it has a Germanic component to its makeup. Lynn also noted that the Scotch, at the end of the nineteenth century averaged an IQ of 108 but it was diminished, in his view, by migration.

And didn't Himmler's Lebensborn program pronounce the Norwegians the *real* "Aryo-Germanics" ? Norwegians possess a mean IQ that is lower than Brits but apparently, according to the Nazis, they were the real deal.

Moreover, surely Hitler knew that the Brits and their diaspora would wage war with Germany, especially after his experiences in WWI. In addition, Germany had solved its JQ problem by 1939. Mischlings it seems, were of little concern, so why potentially jeopardize the well-being of the German people when the chances of war with England and its diaspora were so very real? The Brits were willing to cede Danzig and a corridor. No doubt they would have supported Hitler if the Bolsheviks declared war against Germany, as they supported the Poles in the early twenties. A majority of Germans didn't believe Adolf invaded Poland to protect ethnic Germans. If you really believed in the well-being of the Germanic people, why roll the dice?

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

The swarthoids keep desperately dodging the question of separation. The silence is deafening. Their latest tactic is to spam the thread obsessing about intra-Northern European matters which are none of their damn business in the hope that it will distract from their spinelessness.

Anonymous said...


So says the pathologically-obsessed 'Nordish' poster-boy and 'courageous' online warrior Mr. Miggles (aka MGLS), who so spinelessly and anonymously attacks Reginald and other 'swarthoids'.

Anonymous said...

“Hitler sought ‘cordial relations’ with UK”

London, England (CNN)—A letter written by Adolf Hitler in 1931 hoping for a “truly cordial relationship” between Britain and Germany goes on sale Tuesday and is estimated to fetch up to £12,000 at auction.

The one-page letter was addressed to Sefton Delmer, a British journalist, in which Hitler expressed hopes of a new friendship between the two countries to replace the “unhappy war-psychosis” that existed after the First World War:

Hitler wrote the letter 16 months before he became chancellor and seized power in 1933.

In the letter he said: “I hope… that out of this crisis a new readiness will grow up in Britain to submit the past twelve years to a reappraisal. I should be happy, if as a result of this the unhappy war-psychosis could be overcome on such a scale as to permit the realization of the truly cordial relationship between the British and the German peoples so eagerly desired by myself and my movement.


Anonymous said...

...The Brits were willing to cede Danzig and a corridor. No doubt they would have supported Hitler if the Bolsheviks declared war against Germany, as they supported the Poles in the early twenties. ...

I am not so sure about that my friend.

”I will not pretend that, if I had to choose between Communism and Nazism, I would choose Communism.” - Winston Churchill

Anonymous said...

Anon: "You're absolutely right, Britian destroyed Europe. Britain is the enemy of Europe."

Absolutely, and not just in the Second World War, but most especially the First (or as the Brits luuuuv to call it, the 'Great War') -

Don't forget Churchill's principal role in the Lusitania tragedy in deceiving the United States into their losing war with Germany:

Winston Churchill and Woodrow Wilson, in an operation financed by the major banking houses, arranged for the shipment of weapons on the Lusitania in May of 1915. The Lusitania luxury ocean liner was owned by the Cunard Steamship Line Shipping Company and officially part of the British auxiliary navy. The ship's owners were paid £218,000 a year (£150,000 for reserve military service and £68,000 to carry Royal mail). As an auxiliary naval ship, the Lusitania was under orders from the British Admiralty to ram any German ship seeking to inspect her cargo. In 1915, it was against U.S. law to put weapons on a passenger ship traveling to England or Germany. ...

"The Lusitania: A classic example of war profiteering"


"Who Really Sunk the Lusitania"

Anonymous said...

"I will not pretend that, if I had to choose between Communism and Nazism, I would choose Communism." - Winston Churchill

A statement made in 1937. If we accept that Churchill was indeed ideologically bound and not a product of self-interest then it provides additional gravitas to the original question: Why did Hitler roll the dice, if he really cared about the well-being of the Germanic peoples, knowing full well that the English and their diaspora would wage war with the Germans?

Anonymous said...

A letter written by Adolf Hitler in 1931 hoping for a “truly cordial relationship”

The Nazis also made a friendship/non aggression pact with the Poles and the Soviets, neither of which stood the test of self-interest. Why then do we believe that Hitler's desire for a “truly cordial relationship” was anymore meaningful than the hand of friendship he extended to the Soviets and the Poles?

Anonymous said...

Why did Hitler roll the dice, if he really cared about the well-being of the Germanic peoples, knowing full well that the English and their diaspora would wage war with the Germans?

I'll let Wilmot Robertson answer this question:

"The Germans brought down the Pax Romana by their victories and the Pax Britannica by their defeats. At almost anytime since the Middle Ages, Britain could have dampened German militarism by supporting, not opposing, the historic German mission of defending the West against the inroads of the East. But Britain appointed herself the archenemy of the European union, the same European union which would have nipped Bolshevism in the bud and forbidden the presence of Russian armies on the banks of the Elbe.

Wilmot Robertson, "The Dispossessed Majority", p. 556.

Anonymous said...

Robertson's is a retrospective view that neatly sums up his position, however, it still does not address Hitler's strategy to defend/advance the well-being of the Germanic peoples. If he was consumed with an overriding fear for the safety of his people, why would Hitler agree to bring the Red Army that much closer to the frontiers of Germany via the Ribbentrop-Molotov Pact?

A united Europe, formed to defend the West against eastern marauders, would have meant the dissolution of its unique peoples into an American style melting pot. Is this what Robertson really desired?

Anonymous said...

A united Europe, formed to defend the West against eastern marauders, would have meant the dissolution of its unique peoples into an American style melting pot.

How so?

Anonymous said...

How else is a united Europe formed that will last from the middle ages to face the Bolshevik threat? How else can disparate peoples be brought together in common cause and common defense? Disparate peoples with disparate interests were welded together to form England, Germany, France and Italy as national entities. A united Europe would demand the same. A union of Nord, Med and Slav constructed for a defense of a common Europe.

Norman Cantor, Europe: A History, p. 1017

"He (Himmler) then singled out those nations which he regarded as belonging to the German family of nations and they were: the Germans, the Dutch, the Flemish, the Anglo-Saxons, the Scandinavians and the Baltic people. ‘To combine all of these nations into one big family is the most important task at the present time’ (Himmler said). ‘This unification has to take place on the principle of equality and at that same time has to secure the identity of each nation and its economical independence, of course, adjusting the latter to the interests of the whole German living space. . . After the unification of all the German nations into one family, this family. . . has to take over the mission to include, in the family, all the Roman nations whose living space is favored by nature with a milder climate...I am convinced that after the unification, the Roman nations will be able to persevere as the Germans...This enlarged family of the White race will then have the mission to include the Slavic nations into the family also because they too are of the White race . . . it is only with such a unification of the White race that the Western culture could be saved from the Yellow race . . . At the present time, the Waffen-SS is leading in this respect because its organization is based on the principle of equality. The Waffen-SS comprises not only German, Roman and Slavic, but even Islamic units and at the same time has proven that every unit has maintained its national identity while fighting in close togetherness . . . "

Anonymous said...

Charles Darwin:

"As man advances in civilisation, and small tribes are united into larger communities, the simplest reason would tell each individual that he ought to extend his social instincts and sympathies to all the members of the same nation, though personally unknown to him. This point being once reached, there is only an artificial barrier to prevent his sympathies extending to the men of all nations and races. If, indeed, such men are separated from him by great differences in appearance or habits, experience unfortunately shows us how long it is, before we look at them as our fellow-creatures.

"Sympathy beyond the confines of man, that is, humanity to the lower animals, seems to be one of the latest moral acquisitions. It is apparently unfelt by savages, except towards their pets. How little the old Romans knew of it is shewn by their abhorrent gladiatorial exhibitions. The very idea of humanity, as far as I could observe, was new to most of the Gauchos of the Pampas.

"This virtue, one of the noblest with which man is endowed, seems to arise incidentally from our sympathies becoming more tender and more widely diffused, until they are extended to all sentient beings. As soon as this virtue is honoured and practised by some few men, it spreads through instruction and example to the young, and eventually becomes incorporated in public opinion."

Rassenhygieniker said...

"Anonymous said...

Not necessarily. With Obama, he identifies with being black, married black, etc. Whereas meds and med-mixes will try to sneak and disperse into the wider Nord population. Mulattoes become part of the black population. I think this is what Rassenhygieniker was trying to get at with the term "sub-nigger."

The main components of the anti-white labour force are the niggers and sand-niggers who attack Whites in packs, while jews/meds act like the underlings because physically they are less than capable against Whites even in packs and only physically attack Whites after they were put down by the nigger and sandnigger hordes.

Jews/Meds are subniggers, because they are not the primary aggressor in nigger-type activities (physical violence), but they are there to back up the primary-nigger if some "shit goes down".

One could say that it is the judeo-meridionalist influences who control the niggers/sandniggers so that jews/meds can't be subniggers, but when it comes to it, the fact is the niggers and sandniggers are the ones doing all the jobs and the jews/meds are behind them like their underlings would be.

Look how jews/meds are the ones always defending and promoting the niggers and sadniggers even if they don't like them too much, but when it comes to it the meds/jews choose the niggers and sandniggers side over the White side, hence making them subniggers.

It was already said that meds/jews are not only behaviourally nigger-inclined but are also racially nigger-inclined as racially there is two extremes, on one extremity the Northwestern European White and on the other extremity the Central African Negro, between these two extremes their is the meds/jews who are compromised inbetween the Northwestern European White and the Central African Negro, but closer to the Central African Negro than to the Northwestern European White. Their nigger-inclined behaviour is only a calling of their inherent racial predisposition.

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