More loci influencing iris pigmentation discovered

Researchers "quantified continuous eye color variation into hue and saturation values using high-resolution digital full-eye photographs and conducted a genome-wide association study on 5,951 Dutch Europeans", revealing:
that human eye color varies along more dimensions than the one represented by the blue-green-brown categories studied previously. [. . .] We clearly identified 3 new loci, LYST, 17q25.3, TTC3/DSCR9, in contributing to the natural and subtle eye color variation along multiple dimensions
Specific SNPs identified (not all of these associations were replicated):
At the 1q42.3 locus two SNPs, rs3768056 and rs9782955, were associated with S [. . .] but not with H or categorical colors, which is a different phenomenon compared to the other two new loci identified. Three SNPs at 17q25.3 were associated with multiple color traits [rs7219915, rs9894429, and rs12452184] Five SNPs at 21q22.13 were significantly associated with CHS1 [rs1003719, rs2252893, rs2835621, rs2835630, and rs7277820]


Anonymous said...

I remember someone claiming they saw yellow eyes in Eastern Europe. Prior to that comment I had never even heard of such a thing, much seen such colored eyes here in the southwest.

Anonymous said...

I remember someone claiming they saw yellow eyes in Eastern Europe. Prior to that comment I had never even heard of such a thing, much seen such colored eyes here in the southwest.

Supposedly Josef Stalin had yellow eyes.