Open thread (4)

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Anonymous said...

Occidental Dissent is widely read by members of the House and Senate. Hunter Wallace heavily influences the opinions of these people. If not for OD, DREAM would have passed in the senate.

Anonymous said...

If not for OD, DREAM would have passed in the senate.

Strawmen arguments all.

Anonymous said...

Jack Ryan is like a retarded child whose parents let him run wild in the toy store. WTF is Hunter doing allowing him to post or even comment, is he really that obtuse or rather is it just more of his passive-aggressiveness against his readership? Probably some of both.

Anonymous said...

Occidental Dissent is widely read by members of the House and Senate. Hunter Wallace heavily influences the opinions of these people. If not for OD, DREAM would have passed in the senate.


"If not for OD, DREAM would have passed in the senate."

Strawmen arguments all.

Strawman arguments is all it is.

Gee, what is more important these days to your average White American - arguing and rehashing esoteric debates on Nordicism, or doing something meaningful and proactive about the Third World invasion of America(?) - such as what Wallace and the OD writers are advocating for.

I mean, you got to give them some credit for the effort of doing something that will resonate (for obviously good reasons) for a much bigger audience of White folks.

And for good reason, since everyday Americans are far, far more negatively affected by Mexicans, Muslims and other Third World invaders than they are by third and fourth generation Italian and Polish-Americans.

Anonymous said...

Talk about straw men and fallacies, some how we're unable to discuss physical anthropology and preserve our subracial and ethnic origins because of the mestizo (created by Latins) and African menace.

Anonymous said...

This year, I let the Republicans put up about 15 signs on my property that sits on a major highway. Big giant signs. There was close to 15 of them; billboard like signs. According to Hunter, I should be called a savior of my race.

Guess what!? I also voted!!!! Damn i'm good! I did a revolutionary act this year. Thousands and thousands of motorists going down the highway saw signs on my property for a good nine months straight urging them to vote for Republicans!

See, I am better than Hunter. While he was in a corn field saluting the KKK god, I have my own land right on the highway to put signs on for thousands and thousands to see. I did more to elect conservatives than he did!

He has a website that gets maybe a couple hundred unique hits a day these days. I had signs in which thousands each day looked upon urging them to elect Republicans.

Who is doing more? Oh yeah, I also own a gun. Do I get a special cookie for that as well?

Notice that everything that I did was a real world act where as Hunter is a cyber punk doing nothing in the real world to effect change. He is another guy typing on the internet.

My real passion is to see Whites in their own land. Hunters passion these days is attacking Greg Johnson, "vanguardists" and doing his passive-agressive schtick on his pro-White readers.

Anonymous said...

More dissimulating 'commentary' from "Andrei" over at AltRight -

Link #1

Link #2

Anonymous said...

More dissimulating 'commentary' from "Andrei" over at AltRight

The links provided do not go directly to comments, but scroll down on the second page of that article under the "The Right Bunch" - "Andrei's" recent handle.

"Anon334" - looks like they need you there again brother.

Anonymous said...

As you watch certain people excessively celebrating the Dream Act vote, guzzling their beer in jubilation, acting as though they just achieved an epic victory, recall what William Pierce wrote in his essay "Why Conservatives Can't Win"

Never-Never Land

The conservative's goals may seem reasonable enough - and attainable. The leftists goals, on the other hand, lie in a never-never land far beyond the horizon of reality. And that is precisely what gives the advantage to the left.

When the conservative makes some minor gain - getting a "constructionist" on the Supreme Court or a Republican in the White House - he is likely to act as if he had just won the whole war. He sees the achievement of his aims just around the corner, he lowers his guard, and he settles back to enjoy the fruits of imagined victory. But the leftist is never satisfied, regardless of what concessions are made to his side, for his goals always remain as remote as before.

The conservative works in fits and spurts. He reacts with alarm to new depradations from the left, but is satisfied if he is able to fall back, regroup his wagons, and establish a new line of defense. The leftist keeps on pushing, probing, advancing, taking a step back now and then, but only to be able to take three steps forward later.

Defeat by Halves

If the leftist makes new demands - for example, for the forced racial integration of schools or housing - the conservative will oppose them with a plea to maintain "neighborhood" schools and "freedom of association". When the smoke clears, the leftist will have won perhaps half what he demanded, and the conservative will have lost half what he tried to preserve.

But then the conservative will accept the new status quo, as if things had always been that way, and prepare to defend it against fresh attacks from the left with the same ineptitude he displayed in defending the old position.

Anonymous said...

"Hunter Wallace" posts on Stormfront under the name "Daidalos"

Anonymous said...

Andrei is seemingly now trolling and spamming KMac's The Occidental Observer site.


Andrea OL
December 20, 2010 - 11:17 pm | Permalink

This is about the most pussy article I ever read. Asians pissed me off in 2008 by voting Democratic by 60-40 margin, but Asians will never gain elite power in this country. They lack the spark, the fire, the balls. They don’t have what Jews have–chutzpah and cunning brilliance. Also, whites don’t have guilt complexes regarding Asians that they do with Jews and Negroes. Also, Asian birthrate in the US is very low. And besides, lots of Asian women marry white men,and lots of dorky Asian guys don’t get married at all.
To speak of Asians as a threat to White America is laughable. Sure, some Asians do well professionally, but they tend to be followers and conformists, not elite powergrabbers like the Jews. And though educated Asians tend to be liberal cuz of the colleges they go to–where liberal professors dominate–, they are rarely original as thinkers or bold as leaders. Japanese-Americans have been in the US for sometime, but what do Japanese-Americans control? Not much.

The main worries are liberal Jews, high tide of illegal Mexers who are swelling in numbers, and THE GODDAMN NEGROES!!

Any proud white man who’s afraid of Yellow Power is just a pussy bitch. Also, Asians aren’t that smart. Average Asian IQ is same as the white. Some Asians work harder but tend to lack leadership skills, and so they don’t come to dominate anything.

But the writer of the Occidental Observor article cries like a bitch. And he’s complaining because some Asians do good in school. Instead of saying whites should try harder too, he whines like a girl. He can’t handle any competition. Pussyboy.

Anonymous said...

The wide-scale acceptable of swarthoids on internet white nationalist sites is terrible. Not only do they accept swarthoids, but they also ignore and ban those who tell the truth about their hostility to Northern European people.

Anonymous said...

It is terrible. What's funny though is in all the WN propaganda and imagery they still use a Northern European model. You don't see many swarthoids, if at all, that's not good marketing I guess. It's like in restaurant ads they use the perfect picture, but in reality what you get is nasty and gross. That's White nationalism.

Silver said...

What's funny though is in all the WN propaganda and imagery they still use a Northern European model. You don't see many swarthoids, if at all, that's not good marketing I guess.

And the silly fuckers (eg Crimson Tard) still won't get a clue. It's quite crazy.

Mercifully, it's only an internet phenomenon. In real life the vast majority know who and what they are and won't get mixed up in any "WN" business and would be quick to shut up those who suggest they should.

As you watch certain people excessively celebrating the Dream Act vote, guzzling their beer in jubilation, acting as though they just achieved an epic victory, recall what William Pierce wrote in his essay "Why Conservatives Can't Win"

More realistically, any WN with a hope of "winning" should take a long piss on WLP's grave for the incalcuable damage that retard did to his cause.

That's because he set the tone that any white who loves his race and cares about its future must agree with WLP on "what race means" (so to speak). Of course, opponents were only too happy to let him speak for "the racists" (and thus harden people's hearts against him).

The fact is "conservatives" can also make endless demands. He can also refuse to ever be satisfied because there's always more that could be achieved in the name of his race -- eg more territory, as in the expansion of America.

Of course, there do tend to be "natural" barriers. Leftists began bumping up against them many years ago. (As Hunter has noted.) And shape-shift as they might ("diversity" "global warming" "green" "critical race theory" etc) they find that people simply refuse to buy their economic baloney. In due time they may start refusing to buy the cultural baloney too. But the average WLP clone -- sick to his stomach with racial loathing, and for whom that loathing constitutes close to the sum total of what racialism is "about" -- wouldn't comprehend any of it.

Anonymous said...

Roissy is now dabbling in proffering his 0.02 cents on 'the Jewish Question' -

Rassenhygieniker said...

"Silver said...

In real life the vast majority know who and what they are."

No they do not and even if they did, the majority would prefer to feign ignorance. The small minority of the ones who realised what they are, are the ones who actually got exposed to the information pertaining to their mongrelized nature (such as what Crimson Tard came to call "Orientalists"), the majority of swarthoids prefer to fantasize about being "Whites" while pretending their swarthiness is just a summer tan... even if this "summer tan" is present all year round, even in winter.

You are Greek, you know that you are not White, but most Greeks think that they are "White Europeans", since "European" became synonymous with "White". But at the same time, when people no matter their race or nationality think of White, they think of the fair Germanics and Celtics (Northwestern Europeans), not of the swarthy backward Latins and Slavic mongrels (Southwestern and Southeastern Europeans).

The "Hither-Asiatic" (Armenoid) or "Near-Eastern" (Anatolid) race in particular, the dominant strain among jews and increasingly prominent among Greeks of the later period, was characterized by strongly negative features, such as cunning, crafty calculation, treachery, and corruptibility.


It would be better for the swarthoids to realize that they are the unclaimed miscegenated bastards of the invading sandniggers, kikeniggers and türkenschweine. But even if they may one day realize it, good luck on having them to actually admit it.

Afterall, it is better for them to pretend that they are "white" and to attach themselves to the Whites like parasites, than admit the reality and go back to their third world motherland further in the south.

Anonymous said...

It would be better for the swarthoids to realize that they are the unclaimed miscegenated bastards of the invading sandniggers, kikeniggers and türkenschweine. But even if they may one day realize it, good luck on having them to actually admit it.

Afterall, it is better for them to pretend that they are "white" and to attach themselves to the Whites like parasites, than admit the reality and go back to their third world motherland further in the south.

Uh oh, the paranoid, unemployed garbageman is back :-(

Anonymous said...

The "Hither-Asiatic" (Armenoid) or "Near-Eastern" (Anatolid) race in particular, the dominant strain among jews and increasingly prominent among Greeks of the later period, was characterized by strongly negative features, such as cunning, crafty calculation, treachery, and corruptibility.

Damn right!

Just who do these arrogant swarty's think the heck they are, huh?

Oh, btw, since you post often and seem to have an awful lot of pictures saved on your hardrive of various racial exemplar types, here is another one for you Rassie when you do further cyber-battle with the swarthoids to show 'em what a real man looks like.

So what do you think this guy's sub-race is?

[I say Nordo-Faelish, possibly with a touch of East Baltid... How bout you Rass? ;)]

Anonymous said...

Over at The Occidental Observer, "Reginald Thompson" says that Nordicists and people like Captainchaos and William Pierce have done more damage to "White Advocacy" than Jews and that "many Jews can be useful allies":

"The Jews are an endogamous subset of Europids who tend to hate other Europids with a passion.

Nordicists are a notionally endogamous subset of Europeans who always hate other Europeans with a passion.

To allow Nordicists like you to post here, while not also allowing Jews to do so, would be the absolute height of hypocrisy.

And it should be noted that people like you, and people like William Pierce, have done far more damage to White Advocacy than people like Der weiße Engel have."

Anonymous said...

"Reginald Thompson" continues his attack:

"I’ve concluded by this passage that you are an utterly worthless human being, Captainchaos."

"I do not think that Nordicists are a threat to anything but racialism."

"Allowing Jews into an organization may be useful from the standpoint of helping to stop Nordicists from destroying it.

At the same time, there are some negatives to allowing Jews into an organization, and for this reason I think that the wisest course of action for people like Matt Parrot who are trying to organize whites is to completely exclude both Jews and Nordicists."

Anonymous said...

"Reginald Thompson" continues his attack:

"I’ve concluded by this passage that you are an utterly worthless human being, Captainchaos."

"I do not think that Nordicists are a threat to anything but racialism."

"Allowing Jews into an organization may be useful from the standpoint of helping to stop Nordicists from destroying it.

At the same time, there are some negatives to allowing Jews into an organization, and for this reason I think that the wisest course of action for people like Matt Parrot who are trying to organize whites is to completely exclude both Jews and Nordicists."

Anonymous said...

"Reginald Thompson" continues his attack:

"I’ve concluded by this passage that you are an utterly worthless human being, Captainchaos."

"I do not think that Nordicists are a threat to anything but racialism."

"Allowing Jews into an organization may be useful from the standpoint of helping to stop Nordicists from destroying it.

At the same time, there are some negatives to allowing Jews into an organization, and for this reason I think that the wisest course of action for people like Matt Parrot who are trying to organize whites is to completely exclude both Jews and Nordicists."

Anonymous said...

"Reginald Thompson" continues his attack in the same thread:

"I’ve concluded by this passage that you are an utterly worthless human being, Captainchaos."

"I do not think that Nordicists are a threat to anything but racialism."

"Allowing Jews into an organization may be useful from the standpoint of helping to stop Nordicists from destroying it.

At the same time, there are some negatives to allowing Jews into an organization, and for this reason I think that the wisest course of action for people like Matt Parrot who are trying to organize whites is to completely exclude both Jews and Nordicists."

Anonymous said...

For anyone unfamiliar with "Reginald" aka "Statsaholic", he's an Azorean mongrel who constantly chimps out on racialist websites. He's a frightening pervert who fantasizes about "raping [Sarah Palin] to death" and "shoot[ing] her in the face". He's obsessed with rape, pornography, and polygamy.

Anonymous said...

"I do not think that Nordicists are a threat to anything but racialism."

That is a ridiculous contradiction. One must understand the mind of a mentally ill, pathological liar to read Reginaldo correctly for mendacity is as natural to him as breathing.

"Allowing Jews into an organization may be useful from the standpoint of helping to stop Nordicists from destroying it.

Another absurd statement. However it reveals his true anti-racialist, miscegenist intentions.

Matt Parrot who are trying to organize whites is to completely exclude both Jews and Nordicists."

Rather Nordicists expose uncomfortable truths and are a threat to Reginaldo's and other swarthoids' preference for Nordish women.

It's absurd to demand that Nordish males renounce their identity and allow their women to be debased by alien invaders, but swarthoids and Jews have no respect for others. They have only hatred and envy.

Matt Parrott is a walking, talking contradiction and hypocrite. He advocates for race, yet hates Nordicism. He spoke at a Nordicist, Christian Identity gathering, but then professes his belief that we're all brothers in Christ regardless of skin color. He is a former philo-Semite turned anti-Semite. He's against Nordish preservation yet is at least partially Nordish himself and married to a Nordish woman. He claims he has or may have some Amerindian ancestry. Perhaps this is why he had David "Bad Eagle" Yeagley on his show.

If you come into contact with someone who is against or especially hates Nordish preservation you can be sure they are not brothers in blood but some kind of non-European or hybrid.

Matt Parrott said...

Matt Parrott is a walking, talking contradiction and hypocrite. He advocates for race, yet hates Nordicism.

Matt Parrott doesn't hate Nordicism. Matt Parrott simply believes that Nordish Preservationism is a non-starter in the White American context.

He spoke at a Nordicist, Christian Identity gathering, but then professes his belief that we're all brothers in Christ regardless of skin color.

I endorsed neither Nordicism nor Christian Identity at that event and wasn't asked to.

He is a former philo-Semite turned anti-Semite.

You make too much of this.A better description of me a few years ago was that I was simply ignorant about the JQ. I was not some sort of Geert Wilders type.

He's against Nordish preservation yet is at least partially Nordish himself and married to a Nordish woman.

I'm not against Nordish preservation. I'm entirely Nordish, to the best of my knowledge - see below. I'm not trying to stop any Nordicists from preserving themselves.

He claims he has or may have some Amerindian ancestry. Perhaps this is why he had David "Bad Eagle" Yeagley on his show.

Matt notes that, his family having migrated to Indiana from Eastern Kentucky, he could potentially have Amerindian ancestry. He has no reason to believe that or evidence that suggest that.

If I happen to be 1/32nd Cherokee, I hope we can look past that.

If you come into contact with someone who is against or especially hates Nordish preservation you can be sure they are not brothers in blood but some kind of non-European or hybrid.

Nordik Fakt: Matt Parrott is some sort of non-European or hybrid. Tell two friends.

Anonymous said...

"Reginald Thompson" writes:

"I just pointed out a very real advantage organizations which allow Jews have over organizations which don’t.

I guess you think Jews are so evil that, ipso facto, there couldn’t be any aspect where failing to exclude them would be an advantage, but you’re wrong."

He denies that Captainchaos and Nordish Preservationists hope for Southern European preservation:

"Nordicists only ever express good will toward Southern Europeans when they’re trying to talk one into supporting Nordicism.

That’s extremely suspicious, if you ask me."

Anonymous said...

Hey Parrott, how do you respond to comments here so fast, especially ones that don't even show up yet?

Anonymous said...

Cuckold Wallace's ever changing stories

2006: Says he is married and his "wife" is pregnant

2008: Says he is engaged to Morris Dees' daughter

December 8, 2010: "I’ve been dating the same girl for months now and things are going very well on that front. That was one of the major reasons I moved back to Alabama. We go out with friends on the weekend and enjoy an ordinary social life here. ... This girl has a six year old daughter. I had to help her put up a Christmas tree over the weekend."

December 23, 2010: "I hooked up with a new girl last night: White, 22 years old, works at a local hospital, senior in college, cute, dark brown hair, nice rack, single, no kids."

Anonymous said...

From Odessa Syndicate

Random Thoughts (From the Yard)

Apr 30th, 2008 by Prozium

I’m enjoying this fresh bologna sandwich, sunshine (with my shirt off), and thinking about exercise. The sun stimulates me in a way. The road in front of me is marvelous. I take stones and toss them across the fence at the cows (expending some energy in the process).

Dreams are the source of Romantic thoughts. Reason is like a pointer. It is a compass that tells you to go somewhere - like toward your own families and home. Your sexual organs and emotions occasionally drop you hints. Even I am wondering if we are children of God.

Those were some delicious Newton cookies that I ate at the Lighthouse.

Vice Presidential Choice

May 30th, 2008 by Bradley Dean Griffin

I wish Mr. Barack Obama would choose Mr. Ron Paul of Texas to be his running mate. Perfect. A real Democrat, a rough condition of equality, from the North, and a real (experienced) Republican, a virtuous citizen, from the South, in a government of national unity on an Independence of the GOP ticket.

Struggling for My Mind

Jun 1st, 2008 by Bradley Dean Griffin

The one possession I have. Taken away. I can reason slowly. This diagnosis of Prozium impairs my motor skills.

1.) Abilify. I’m not "bipolar." I just love to write. I’m happy that people care and listen.

2.) Invega. I’m not a "schizo." Everyone is a bad ass on the internet.

3.) Desyrel. I’m not in the least suicidal.

4.) Lorazapen. I’m not going to panic, although I am anxious to find out what is going on.

Fido, the movie about the consumer zombie!

Thank You

Jun 2nd, 2008 by Bradley Dean Griffin

I’m perfectly happy with my arranged marriage. Thank you, somebody. If the government hooked me up, they should do this more often!

University of Maryland

Jun 2nd, 2008 by Bradley Dean Griffin

I’m going to the University of Maryland next year to get my master’s degree in political science. A dream come true! Thanks, Morris.

Note: I already have several theses to write.

Anonymous said...

Reggie the genocidal Azorean mongrel is consumed with an unquenchable hatred for Northern Europeans. On a previous thread Reggie said Northern Europeans "deserve execution", "deserve the gas chamber", and "will not be missed" after their "annihilation from the face of the earth".

Captainchaos said...

"Reggie [...] is consumed with an unquenchable hatred for Northern Europeans."

That sadly does appear to be the case. I could care less what an unbalanced and malicious twerp Reggie is in the privacy of his own thoughts. But when he goes so far as to suggest Northern Europeans who only wish to preserve Northern Europeans should be excluded from White organizations and Jews who wish to preserve Jews should be included in White organizations, then that is a problem. He even states the at least one benefit of including Jews in White organizations is that they would aid in excluding Northern European preservationists! He is then placed in the position, all else being equal, of favoring Jews over his fellow Whites, which as far as I am concerned amounts to race treason. Truly straggering; utteringly discrediting.

Anonymous said...

At least he's up front about it, instead of these passive-aggressive pansies that flip-flop and say one thing then behave another way.

How does including Jews prevent Nordicism anyway?? If anything it would only strengthen it, so go for it.

That is one of the strangest examples of philo-Semitism I've seen.

Anonymous said...

"Hunter Wallace" seems to live in some sort of fanasty world of his own.

Now, what gets me about racialist sites is that they continue to give "Reginald Thompson" credibility by allowing him to be a contributor. He offers nothing but a seething hatred of the Nordic peoples. How could they not see what he is doing?

He should be persona non grata among racialists of any kind.

Anonymous said...

Now, what gets me about racialist sites is that they continue to give "Reginald Thompson" credibility by allowing him to be a contributor. He offers nothing but a seething hatred of the Nordic peoples. How could they not see what he is doing?

Well he only revealed his hostility to Northern Europeans and Northern European preservation recently. And his writings have been about unrelated issues.

Anonymous said...

I wonder if he chose "Reginald Thompson" in order to pass himself off as Anglo-Saxon, or, since it sounds like it could also be a black name, if it's a nod to his visible negroid admixture.

Anonymous said...

Even pan-Europeanists such as Norman Lowell of "Imperium Europa" support Northern European preservation (along with preserving other European groups).

Anonymous said...

YouTube – Stille Nacht (Silent Night) German – Sing Along

Merry Christmas, Frohe Weihnachten — Kamaraden…

Anonymous said...

God jul!

Anonymous said...

Hunter Wallace: "Republicans admit they aren't going to do shit on immigration. This sounds like a cause for concern, but actually it's great news. The most we can hope for is a worthless symbolic victory. I would be very concerned if the Republicans were pushing for something meaningful. Their downplaying of immigration shows how sincere and committed they are to immigration restriction."

Anonymous said...

Did Matt Parrott "change his mind" about Jews, or is he merely trying to infiltrate The Occidental Observer? Note that Hunter Wallace, Matt's former co-blogger and a notorious infiltrator and headcase, also tried to get his hooks into TOO. Also note that Matt does not link to any sites critical of Jews on his blog "Fair and Delightsome", except TOO (although he still links to Hunter Wallace, despite his attempts to distance himself from Hunter once the details of Hunter's phishing and other shady activities started getting around). Everything else he links to is strictly kosher and pro-Jewish. Matt obviously doesn't like people who criticize Jews, so why is he supporting TOO?

Obviously TOO, despite its faults, is the best pro-White site on the web. It has attracted a lot of smart people and is still growing. Of all the pro-White sites out there, TOO has the greatest potential to develop into something with broad appeal and mainstream influence. Clearly, Jews would like to nip this thing in the bud. It seems that Matt Parrott is there to infiltrate it and subvert it from the inside. He's playing along for now, but just wait. This is the guy who used to delete comments criticizing Jews at AmRen for fuck's sake. Does anyone seriously believe he has good intentions?

Anonymous said...

"Alpha" tough-guy Chateau, aka Roissy, bravely deletes his recent post on 'the Jewish Question':

Here in his latest post he gives his 'courageous' reasons for doing so:

On an unrelated note, I deleted a recent post because so few commenters seemed to have the requisite grown-up reading comprehension and emotional stability to digest it. The comments were 5% insightful, 45% trollish, and 50% incredibly stupid arguments made in bad faith from both sides. That’s a Chateau record bad noise to signal ratio. It made my eyes hurt, so it gave me supreme pleasure to trash it.

Anonymous said...

He's playing along for now, but just wait. This is the guy who used to delete comments criticizing Jews at AmRen for fuck's sake. Does anyone seriously believe he has good intentions?

To know someone we must look at their past, and certainly many things in Parrott's past are troubling. He has also admitted to creating and spreading outrageous lies. He's of low character and cannot be trusted.

Anonymous said...

"Alpha" tough-guy Chateau, aka Roissy, bravely deletes his recent post on 'the Jewish Question':

On an unrelated note, I deleted a recent post because so few commenters seemed to have the requisite grown-up reading comprehension and emotional stability to digest it. The comments were 5% insightful, 45% trollish, and 50% incredibly stupid arguments made in bad faith from both sides. That’s a Chateau record bad noise to signal ratio. It made my eyes hurt, so it gave me supreme pleasure to trash it.

Just more evidence of his grotesque narcissism. If people don't comment in the manner he approves then he deletes the entire thing.

A bit of projection here which describes his own posts:

"5% insightful, 45% trollish, and 50% incredibly stupid arguments made in bad faith."

Anonymous said...

Also note that Matt does not link to any sites critical of Jews on his blog "Fair and Delightsome", except TOO... Everything else he links to is strictly kosher and pro-Jewish. is strictly kosher and pro-Jewish?

Thanks for more great, accurate and hard to get info, Nordicists!

Anonymous said...

On an unrelated note, I deleted a recent post because so few commenters seemed to have the requisite grown-up reading comprehension and emotional stability to digest it. The comments were 5% insightful, 45% trollish, and 50% incredibly stupid arguments made in bad faith from both sides. That’s a Chateau record bad noise to signal ratio. It made my eyes hurt, so it gave me supreme pleasure to trash it.

Heh, that's pretty much an accurate description of Roissy's ramblings. He is obviously incapable of giving himself an honest self-assessment.

Anonymous said...

Roissy could have just deleted and then turned off comments for that post, or alternatively engaged in moderation to weed out opinions he felt were ignorant/offensive/trollish/etc. He is clueless if he doesn't know how to do that.

Anonymous said...

AmRen chooses to play nice with Jews for its own reasons. Those were the house rules at AmRen and those were the rules that Matt was presumably asked to abide by when approving posts. I don't necessarily see this as a sign of a character flaw or bad intentions. Although I disagree with some things he says, he does not come off as being a disingenuous and mendacious liar like Ian Jobling. (Incidentally, Ian Jobling continues to smear AmRen as being a den of anti-Semitism)

Anonymous said...

Another fishy thing about Matt Parrott, is that he has claimed to be a street activist when he is not, and then tries to use his status as an "activist" to claim that his views are more relevant than those of "intellectuals" who only post on the internet. Usually when he does this, he's trying to push some kind of philo-Semitic agenda.

Hunter Wallace also uses this same tactic. He and Matt both film stupid videos of themselves in public places and call it "activism" to try to give themselves credibility.

Neither of these guys are even remotely trustworthy.

Anonymous said...

Although I disagree with some things he says, he does not come off as being a disingenuous and mendacious liar like Ian Jobling.

Then you haven't been paying attention. Ian Jobling is more honest in comparison.

Matt Parrott said...

Another fishy thing about Matt Parrott, is that he has claimed to be a street activist when he is not, and then tries to use his status as an "activist" to claim that his views are more relevant than those of "intellectuals" who only post on the internet. Usually when he does this, he's trying to push some kind of philo-Semitic agenda.

Link to one single time that I've done that, Mark. Or better yet, keep your character attacks vague, speculative, and unfalsifiable.

Anonymous said...

Natality data in chart form. I believe it is from 2006. Top row is father race, left is mother.

Anonymous said...

Heh, that's pretty much an accurate description of Roissy's ramblings. He is obviously incapable of giving himself an honest self-assessment.


Roissy is an arrogant, self-obsessed twerp.

Mark said...

Matt Parrott: Link to one single time that I've done that, Mark. Or better yet, keep your character attacks vague, speculative, and unfalsifiable.

That wasn't me.

Yeah, that's right, there are actually others who don't like your behavior and can see the truth.

I don't speculate or lie about others, that's your department. Besides, it's not necessary with you, you make it too easy.

Anonymous said...

The post above made me laugh. It is absolutely true that what some call activism is nothing more than showing up in a public place.

Hunter Wallace's activism was nothing more than showing up at a gun show or some public park in a "dont tread on me" T-shirt.

That is why it was even more ridiculous for him to then turn around and judge the WN movement for its lack of "street activism."

Anonymous said...

Ugh, why does Macdonald allow "Dr. Lasha Darkmoon" to write her stupid articles for the Occidental Observer?

Anonymous said...

More HBDegeneracy:

Anonymous said...

Half Sigma is a god damned moron.

Turks are the mestizos of Europe.

It's funny when Southern Europeans are mistaken for West Asians or vice versa, and they falsely conclude that means West Asians are white. No, rather the opposite, Southern Europeans are significantly non-white (West Asian/North African in ancestry).

Now maybe some of the doubters will begin to understand why Northern European preservation and the Nordish concept are desirable and necessary for our racial and cultural survival.

Anonymous said...

"And in Europe as in Asia, the northern countries (Finland, Norway, Belgium, Iceland, Austria, Germany) outscore the southern (Greece, Italy, Portugal)."

Rassenhygieniker said...

"Anonymous said...

Half Sigma is a god damned moron."

Half Sigma is a pseudo-intellectual kike, what did you expect? What you read on Half Sigma is exactly the same nonsense that you would read Guy White's, Racial Irreality's and Steve Sailer's blogs.

Mongrels all have the same agenda.

Anonymous said...

HBDers really need to stop using the gay ass acronym "SWPL."

Anonymous said...

Kulaks Never Learn's latest name is "Paulus"

Anonymous said...

Anyone have any thoughts on James Bowery's ideas about single combat to the death?

Anonymous said...

Anyone have any thoughts on James Bowery's ideas about single combat to the death?

I don't know how serious or practical those ideas are, but it would probably quickly weed out the cowardly swarthoids like Cyd, Kulaks, Reginald, etc. That's for damn sure.

Anonymous said...

These guys that want a duel to the death have probably never been in a mere fist-fight in their life and would be beaten to the ground by a woman.

There is nothing stopping these blowhards from engaging in singular combat with another male in an honorable manner if both agree to it.

You do not need to kill your opponent, usually establishing your physical dominance is psychologically satisfying enough.

Anonymous said...

These guys that want a duel to the death have probably never been in a mere fist-fight in their life and would be beaten to the ground by a woman.

I don't know about that last part.

Women are much weaker than men, on average, so much so that even the absolute weakest of men (like the imbeciles who post here) would at least be able to hold their own against one.

We need to avoid Hollywood warping our perception of reality!

Just because the good girl can usually beat up men in movies, doesn't mean that it could ever happen in real life.

Anonymous said...

Buffy the Vampire Slayer wasn't a documentary.

In fact, even the weakest and most effeminate of males could beat even relatively strong women, provided the woman didn't sneak up on them.

That is, they could beat them if it wasn't for their overwhelming cowardice overtaking them, causing them to curl up into the fetal position.

Anonymous said...

What you read on Half Sigma is exactly the same nonsense that you would read on Steve Sailer's blogs.

Yeah, fuck Steve Sailer.

You know how stupid that mongrel Steve Sailer is?

He actually includes on his blogroll a website which has become the biggest cesspool of cretinism in the history of the internet!

That stupid fuck.

I can't remember its address, but it starts something.

I just can't remember that last part.

If only Steve wasn't a stupid fucking mongrel swarthoid child molester, maybe he'd be smart enough to take that link down from his blogroll.

Anonymous said...

Hi Meginald!

Anonymous said...

Speaking of Reginald, it seems "Hunter Wallace" is reading from his William Pierce hating script:

"Johnson is spinning golden oldies from William Pierce:

If we seek true liberty, what we must do first is establish among ourselves, the men of the West, or among some carefully selected portion of ourselves, a common purpose based on true idealism. Then we must smash the present System, which thwarts that purpose, and build a new society in which the individual achieves self-fulfillment through service to the whole, and the whole advances by giving the widest possible scope for such service to each individual.

From Attack!, no. 5, 1971,

Now with the benefit of exactly forty years of hindsight, we can see that the present System wasn’t smashed, and that the idealists only succeeded in marginalizing themselves.

The first thing we should have done is organize the masses and establish ourselves as respected leaders in our communities. Then we could have gradually pulled the political spectrum in our chosen rhetorical direction.

The neocons didn’t smash the system. They infiltrated and took over the conservative movement. After installing themselves in positions of power, they purged everyone who was pro-White, and redirected a small government, low tax movement toward promoting their own Zionist ends.

Wouldn’t it have been better if William Pierce and the White Nationalist vanguard had done what Irving Kristol and the neocon vanguard succeeding in accomplishing?

Instead of retreating to the mountaintop in West Virginia."

How dare Hunter insult the judgement of William Pierce!

Obviously Jews have an easier time infiltrating the Republican Party than WNs like Pierce ever would've had.

And since Hunter's advice to Pierce would've been hard to pull off, and probably impossible to boot, it's obvious what a stupid idea it is.

Anonymous said...

"Reginald Thompson" watches infomercials for penis enlargement products

Anonymous said...

The Sicilian "danielj" says "the English themselves are boyfuckers, faggots, trannies" and that the English have "fuck[ed] up the entire world" for all whites.

Anonymous said...

The Sicilian "danielj" says "the English themselves are boyfuckers, faggots, trannies" and that the English have "fuck[ed] up the entire world" for all whites.

Anonymous said...

The Sicilian "danielj" says "the English themselves are boyfuckers, faggots, trannies" and that the English have "fuck[ed] up the entire world" for all whites:

Anonymous said...

The Sicilian "danielj" says "the English themselves are boyfuckers, faggots, trannies" and that the English have "fuck[ed] up the entire world" for all whites:

Rassenhygieniker said...

"Anonymous said...

Yeah, fuck Steve Sailer.

You know how stupid that mongrel Steve Sailer is?

He actually includes on his blogroll a website which has become the biggest cesspool of cretinism in the history of the internet!

That stupid fuck.

I can't remember its address, but it starts something.

I just can't remember that last part.

If only Steve wasn't a stupid fucking mongrel swarthoid child molester, maybe he'd be smart enough to take that link down from his blogroll."

Just like n/a has Dienekes's and Sailer's blogs listed as well?

Doesn't have anything to do with what they think or who they are.

Clearly Sailer is obsessed with non-white "caucasoids" (Turks, Armenians etc.).

"Anonymous said...

Odd how Sailer used the anti-White standard of always mentioning first and focusing on Duke's past with the Klan. Perhaps that's Sailer's non-White ancestry expressing itself."

Anonymous said...

In fact, even the weakest and most effeminate of males [Reginaldo and HBDers] could beat even relatively strong women, provided the woman didn't sneak up on them.

That swarthy gimp Reginaldo would easily be bested by even an average female. A female MMA fighter would put him or any HBDer in the hospital, no doubt about it.

Anonymous said...

The Sicilian "danielj" says "the English themselves are boyfuckers, faggots, trannies" and that the English have "fuck[ed] up the entire world" for all whites.

Anonymous said...

"Reginald Thompson" watches infomercials for penis enlargement products

Anonymous said...

The Sicilian "danielj" says "the English themselves are boyfuckers, faggots, trannies."

Anonymous said...

The Sicilian "danielj" says "the English themselves are boyfuckers, faggots, trannies" and that the English have "fuck[ed] up the entire world" for all whites.

Anonymous said...

Over at MR the Sicilian "danielj" says "the English themselves are boyfuckers, faggots, trannies" and that the English have "fuck[ed] up the entire world" for all whites.

Anonymous said...

"danielj" says it in this thread:

Anonymous said...

Considering Sicilians are genetically on par with Jews and could be considered non-European West Asians along with Jews and other Asiatics, I'd say his people, Latins and Asiatics have fucked up the world and ruined it for everyone.

Without the English and their empire the entire New World would be a miscegenated nightmare thanks to the Latins, we would have already lost.

He's just another swarthoid looking to upgrade his progeny's DNA with a Nordish female.

Anonymous said...

The swarthoid fifth column in the white race must be exposed.

Anonymous said...

Swarthoids aren't part of the white race Medginald.

Anonymous said...

Question: Joseph Goebbels, member of the white race or not?

Rassenhygieniker said...

"Anonymous said...

Question: Joseph Goebbels, member of the white race or not?"

Do you even need to ask?

Joseph Goebbels obviously had some amount of Nordish admixture (noticeable in the jaw mostly), but admixture or not he was still obviously a swarthoid with brown skin, short height, pseudo-arabic look etc. He was most certainly not a member of the White race.

People even called him "shrunken Teuton gone dark", for obvious reasons. And like all the swarthoid sandniggers instead of keeping his "great genes" to himself he chose to upgrade his progeny's DNA with a Nordish female.

What does that tell you? It tells you that, even the "good swarthoids" in the end turns out to be no better then niggers when it comes to the fulfillment of their "racial upgradement".

Rassenhygieniker said...

Photos of Goebbels the swarthoid:

Look at his North African headshape:

Captainchaos said...

"The swarthoid fifth column in the white race must be exposed."

Reggie thinks Rassenhygieniker is representative of Nordicism.

Reggie thinks Jews are White.

Reggie's "software company" is located in his mother's basement.


Anonymous said...

Ok, Goebbels was easy. Here are some more

Francisco Franco
Augusto Pinochet
Konrad Adenauer
Timur Kuran
Ralph Nader
Scarlet Johansson

Rassenhygieniker said...

"Captainchaos said...

Reggie thinks Jews are White."

He thinks that jews are white, because he includes the "muditerranean race" in the White category.

Saying that jews are not "white" and then making a 180° and saying that southern europeans are "white" does not make much sense, which is what you are doing.

As you can either include the whole muditerranean race in the White category, or exclude all of it.

The choice is obvious to me as Turks, Spaniards, Lebanese, Portugacks, Greeks, Syrians, Italians, Armenians etc. are clearly brown skinned, frizzly haired, non-white goblin-like mongrels.

Mudginald and Racial Irreality include jews in their "white muditerranean race", because if they did not that would exclude them as well.

Also don't you have swarthoid ancestry?


"Anonymous said...

Over at MR the Sicilian "danielj" says "the English themselves are boyfuckers, faggots, trannies" and that the English have "fuck[ed] up the entire world" for all whites."

Then how does he explain the fact that the whole concentration of boyfuckers, faggots and trannies in the "caucasoid" spectrum is compromised between Brazil (Iberian Colony), Argentina (Iberian Colony), Iberia, Italy etc.?

Rassenhygieniker said...

"Captainchaos said...

Reggie thinks Jews are White."

He thinks that jews are white, because he includes the "muditerranean race" in the White category.

Saying that jews are not "white" and then making a 180° and saying that southern europeans are "white" does not make much sense, which is what you are doing.

As you can either include the whole muditerranean race in the White category, or exclude all of it.

The choice is obvious to me as Turks, Spaniards, Lebanese, Portugacks, Greeks, Syrians, Italians, Armenians etc. are clearly brown skinned, frizzly haired, non-white goblin mongrels.

Mudginald and Racial Irreality include jews in their "white muditerranean race", because if they did not that would exclude them as well.

Also don't you have swarthoid ancestry?

Rassenhygieniker said...

"Anonymous said...

Over at MR the Sicilian "danielj" says "the English themselves are boyfuckers, faggots, trannies" and that the English have "fuck[ed] up the entire world" for all whites."

Then how does he explain the fact that the whole concentration of boyfuckers, faggots and trannies in the "caucasoid" spectrum is compromised between Brazil (Iberian Colony), Argentina (Iberian Colony), Iberia, Italy etc.?

Captainchaos said...

"Saying that jews are not "white" and then making a 180° and saying that southern europeans are "white" does not make much sense, which is what you are doing."

Jews cluster genetically in an intermediate position between Southern Europeans and Middle Easterners.

"Also don't you have swarthoid ancestry?"

No. Yourself?

Rassenhygieniker said...

"Captainchaos said...

Yes, Angry Jew, I am a Nordicist. And so is my good friend Silver. Ask him, he’ll tell you."

"Captainchaos said...

Personally, I am a Nordicist, which does not mean, as you imply, that by virtue of that position one is necessarily bound to conceiving of only Northwestern Europeans as White. Nay, all European derived people are White, it is just that I wish to preserve my branch of the White race."

"Captainchaos said...

Also, Silver was the one who got me to consider the merits of Nordicism. Thanks Silver."

"Captainchaos said...

Silver is indeed a strange dude, but I can dig that. Especially if he cuts me in on his getaway loot when “the nutzis” come to power. I could make sure the skids are greased for him."

"Captainchaos said...

You mean the Nazis? It was the filthy Limey that bombed the shit out of our Fatherland, they’re out of the race too."

"Captainchaos said...

The Krauts have been on a losing streak since ’45. Nothing a little NS and eugenics wouldn’t cure, though."

1. You are friend with Silver.

2. You think that the swarthoid mongrels are "part of the white race".

3. You claim that Silver is a "nordicist just like you", which is clearly not the case especially by his later posts on this blog.

4. You claim that your "nordicism" was influenced by Silver.

5. You pretend to be a anti-UK German in a blog and in another blog you make an anti-German statement.

You are a melting pot american who is 1/8 this, 1/3 that. This is why you feel the need to include swarthoids in the White race, because of you did not that would otherwise exclude you as well.

Do not try to fool us, you reek of impurity! Well, this or... it's the unfortunate result of being around Swarthoids for too long.

Rassenhygieniker said...

Swarthoids are not only physically/phenotypically non-white, they are also mentally non-white:

"But, before dwelling on this, let us glance at yet another moral peculiarity which still further strengthens the argument, namely the frequency of divorce. Maps of the frequency of divorce or separation in Europe show a close correlation of high frequency of divorce with the physical qualities of the Nordic race. The relation is disturbed by religious influences. But take France. We see that high frequency of divorce and separation occurs in the same areas in which suicide and the physical qualities of the Nordic race abound.

Well, the introvert and unsociable race is the one prone to suicide and divorce. The sociable and extrovert race is prone to homicide, but not to divorce or suicide. Is not this in accordance with the mental peculiarities which on other grounds we have assigned to the two races? We know that the introvert tends to brood over his difficulties ; he readily becomes a prey to internal conflict of the emotions ; and, as a matter of fact, such conflict does not only give rise to nervous disorder of the neurasthenic type, but, in not a few of these cases, leads on to suicide. As regards divorce, we may suppose that the injured Nordic, the unsociable introvert, broods over his wrongs, and then, nursing his resentment, either seeks redress in the law courts or deserts his partner and becomes liable to be divorced for desertion. In the impulsive sociable extrovert, on the other hand, the emotion of anger blazes out, passes at once to action and often to homicide; and, when he is injured by the unfaithfulness of his partner, he does not brood upon the problem — he solves it at once by using knife or pistol upon one or both of the guilty parties.

Perhaps it is not fantastic to suppose that our third point of difference also tends in the same direction. The curious Nordic, we may suppose, brooding and pondering in secret distress the problem of his partner's infidelity, strives to understand how such an act has become possible: while for the impetuous incurious Mediterranean the fact alone suffices; his hand is not arrested by any desire to understand the conditions which have produced it." - William McDougall, National Welfare And National Decay (1921)

Not only is the muditerranean racially similar to non-Europeans (Jews, Arabs, Turks, Maghrebis etc.) his mentality is also akin to that of the islamic and negroid nations.

Rassenhygieniker said...

"Captainchaos said...

Jews cluster genetically in an intermediate position between Southern Europeans and Middle Easterners."

Phenotypically Middle Easterners and jews both belong to the heterogeneous "muditerranean race", just like the Southern Europeans.

In terms of subraces there is no distinctions between the skeletal features of Southern Europeans, jews and middle easterners.

This is why you can find the grotesque armenoid race in Greece and Malta, just like you can find it in Israel and Turkey.

It's also why you can find the mediterranid race in Spain and Italy, just like you can find it in Lebanon and Kurdistan.

Southern Europeans, arabs and jews are all afro-asiatic camel fucking half-niggers.

Rassenhygieniker said...

Swarthoids (sometimes known as "muditerraneans") emigrated to Europe from Africa and Slantoids (sometimes known as "slaves") emigrated to Europe from Asia.

Charle Maurras of Tropical (negroid) origin:

Lech and Jarosław Kaczyński of Polar (mongoloid) origin:

Silver said...

3. You claim that Silver is a "nordicist just like you", which is clearly not the case especially by his later posts on this blog.

News to me, too. Of course, I technically am a "nordicist," both in the sense of agreeing that is what is generally meant by the term "the White Race" and by those intent on saving it, and in the sense of not being opposed to the (essence of) that agenda.

Swarthoids (sometimes known as "muditerraneans") emigrated to Europe from Africa

Well, they settled that land back when it was uninhabited, much the same way everyone else originally did. They didn't emigrate to an existing civilization, which is what that term implies.

In any case, so what if a portion of that kind also existed in Africa? Your claims to northern Europe would hardly be invalidated if evidence emerged that "the real homeland" of your kind had been somewhere in Kazakhstan for a thousand years prior to your appearance in Europe. It's in this sense that it's perfectly apt to describe you as a hate-ridden little maggot, because all you have to offer the world is your hatred of it, so much so that people's innocent presence on part of the same (sub)continent as you is more than you can bear. Sadly for you (and happily for anyone opposed to you) precious few of the people you want (and need) to persuade are likely to subscribe to such arrant idiocy. (Of course, you could always be a troll, and probably are, since what I just said is so abundantly obvious. But then again, it's a point of view rather common among your lot -- n/a here, though vastly more polished, is certainly with you in spirit -- so you never know.)

And what does it matter that it was "Africa" they originated from (if indeed it was)? The move from what is presently called Tunisia to what is presently Sicily would hardly have felt to them the opening up of a whole new "continent" (a concept totally unfamiliar to them); for all they might have know the body of water could have barely beyond the horizon. It's hardly the case that they had their "sights set" on "Europe."

Silver said...

for all they might have know the body of water could have barely beyond the horizon.

Oops, that came out garbled.

"For all they might have known the body of water they cross could have barely extended beyond the horizon."

Anonymous said...

Here's what happens thanks to fat, drunk, negro-worshiping faggot football fans like Hunter Wallace.

Anonymous said...

It wasn't because she was raped by a football player, it was because she was raped by a filthy, low-life nigger.

Unfortunately we lose a lot of the good ones, because any White woman of value would feel suicidal after being raped by a savage negro beast. The really sick ones are the ones who enjoy it and make it a lifestyle. These masochistic female sociopaths enjoy taunting society and their family with their degeneracy.

Again, the South was right, segregate the races, protect White women, and lynch any nigger that violates a White woman.

When an animal seriously harms or kills a person, they put the animal down. The same thing should be done in this case and those like it.

Rassenhygieniker said...

"Silver said...

In any case, so what if a portion of that kind also existed in Africa?"

It is obvious, for the same reasons that would incite negroids to battle against mongoloids.

To hate the killers of you race, folk and familly is normal, it is afterall your enemy and wanting to destroy your enemy to secure your own is normal.

Mongrelisation is an infectious disease, because the Aryans who used to inhabit Southern Europe and Eastern European became sacrificied to miscegenation so that we may survive, but by becoming sacrificial lambs to mongrelization, they became the enemy that they protected us from and as us such are now no different from the enemies that invaded and miscegenated them. As such Eastern Europeans are physically and mentally closer to mongoloids than we are and Southern Europeans are closer to negroids than we are.

As such hybrid races act as the conniving, manipulating and treacherous fifth column that they are, the hybrid races would pretend to be "just like us", only to go and open the doors to invaders. For us it is either separation or extinction, victory or death, this is the price of humanity, this is the fate of civilized society, to be sacrificed in blood.

"Silver said...

Your claims to northern Europe would hardly be invalidated if evidence emerged that "the real homeland" of your kind had been somewhere in Kazakhstan for a thousand years prior to your appearance in Europe."

Even if we came from Western Asia that was before the mongoloid expansion, this is why we are similar only to ourselves and no one is else but our own is similar to us, we symbolize the purity and homogeneity that we managed to preserve through isolation and repealment.

Unlike the modern day sand-eating, camel-fucking, lamp-rubbing, carpet-flying half-niggers who "thanks" to genetic contributions from invading races through the ages had in the end more racial and mental kinship with kikeniggers, sandniggers, kaukazniggers and türkenschwein then they had with us.

"Silver said...

It's hardly the case that they had their "sights set" on "Europe.""

Whatever may have been the case that was in the past, now is the present and in the present swarthoids together with their swarthy brothers from outside of Europe have their sights set on Europe and everything that is in it.

Medniggers that they be wanted or not are nothing but parasites, you may banish or expell them back to their arid deserts, they will come back like the cockroaches that they are looking for food that is not theirs for the taking.

Separation from such unreasonable and impetuous mongrel races can only be done by force against the offending parties, this is our final solution from ridding ourselves once and for all from the mednigger infestation problem.

Rassenhygieniker said...


"Silver said...


I’m part Serbian, part Greek. In looks I lean more towards what popular the mind imagines to be the latter. In real life I’ve been mistaken for “Italian” (or rather “Sicilian,” or basic S. Italian) more than any other nationality, including by Italians themselves.

I’m not a “white nationalist” or a “white supremacist” or any sort of ethnic nationalist. I’d describe myself as a “medicist” in the sense that people from southern Europe and the Levant are those who’ve I spent most of my life around and feel the most comfortable around."

Hey Silver, stop trying to rub genies out of lamps and bottles and get back on your flying carpet to fly off back to Agrabah were you can fuck camels all day long and eat sand everyday, that's were you belong, turd.

Southron said...

Again, the South was right, segregate the races, protect White women, and lynch any nigger that violates a White woman.

When an animal seriously harms or kills a person, they put the animal down. The same thing should be done in this case and those like it.

They also knew how to deal with the swarthoids back then.

"The most infamous lynching of Italians occurred on March 14, 1891 in New Orleans. This event claimed eleven victims and was one of the largest multiple lynchings in American history. The catalyst for this tragedy was the unsolved murder of popular city police superintendent David Hennessy. Hennessy’s murder led to a roundup of the “usual suspects” -- in this case Italians. Those detained, immigrants from Sicily and the southern portions of Italy -- possessed swarthy complexions and were viewed with suspicion and contempt by the white protestant elite ruling New Orleans. Akin to Negroes, Italians were “not quite white”"

The morning of March 14 was bright and sunny. By ten o’clock, a crowd of thousands was gathered by the Parish Jail, with many of them shouting, “Yes, yes, hang the dagoes!” The prison was soon attacked by a carefully selected band culled by the mobs’ leaders comprised of about twenty-five well-armed men. With battering rams ringing in their ears, the prisoners were both trapped and doomed. In the prison yard where several Italians were clustered together at one end, the hit squad of lynchers opened fire from about twenty feet away. More than a hundred rifle shots and shotgun blasts were fired into six helpless men, tearing their bodies apart. When the firing stopped, the squad inspected their victims. A man saw Pietro Monasterio’s hand twitch and yelled, “Hey, this one’s alive!” “Give him another load, “ another gunman answered. “Can’t, I ain’t got the heart.” Then one of the men walked up to the body, aimed a shotgun point-blank, and literally blew the top of Monasterio’s head away. Someone laughed. There were two or three cheers. One or two men turned their faces away, looking sick.

So it went. Joseph P. Macheca, Antonio Scaffidi, and Antonio Marchesi were shot while turning to face their pursuers. Marchesi was struck in the head by a bullet. As he raised his right hand to shield himself a shotgun charge blew off and went on to disintegrate the top of his skull. Yet he did not die until nine hours later, lying all the time where he fell.

More gunmen found Manuel Polizzi. Sitting on the floor in a corner of a cell, muttering to himself. Dragged by five men into a corridor he was shot two or three times while staring with wild eyes at nothing in particular. Antonio Bagnetto was found in another cell, pretending to be dead. He too was shot. Several of the men’s corpses were displayed to the mob outside the prison and hung on lampposts for all to see. Witnesses said that the cheers were nearly deafening."

Rassenhygieniker said...

Robert Lindsay the mudicist, telling us that people who are 35% negroid are "White enough to be considered White" because they end up looking Southern European, (which is more telling about the true nature of the medniggers, then it does about the mulattos.)

"Robert Lindsay said...

Check out Rashida Jones – 35% Black. Even at 1/3 Black, a lot of people hardly show any Black phenotype. This woman is 65% White and 35% Black. It seems impossible to believe that this woman is 1/3 Black, but supposedly a lot of mixed-race and multi-race folks say they are often mistaken for Italians, Spaniards, etc."

Hey folks did you get that part?

"Robert Lindsay said...

a lot of mixed-race and multi-race folks say they are often mistaken for Italians, Spaniards, etc."

What does that say about Southern Europeans swarthoids?

"Robert Lindsay said...

Wow, check out these two women. First of all, who would ever think they are part-Black? Rashida Jones is said to be 35% Black, but she looks, if anything, Italian. This picture of Leona Lewis very much flatters her more-White side, but this famous UK singer is 1/2 Black. In the picture, she looks, I have no idea? Italian? Spaniard? White chick who lives at the beach?"

Rashida Jones is of African, Irish and Russian descent, she looks like an Italian, Spaniard etc. Right out off the swarthoid's mouths, this is more proof that mediterraneans are in the fact MUDiterraneans as they are the phenotypical result of miscegenation between Whites and niggers.

"Robert Lindsay said...

What I think is really ridiculous are the Russian neo-Nazis. They beat up and kill Caucasians, Armenians, Tajiks and other obviously White folks on the grounds that they are “Blacks”. They have even beat up some Greeks or Spaniards for being “Black”! Whoa, that’s lame!"

Even the mongol half-wit slantoids recognize the half-nigger swarthoids for what they are!

This reminds me of the story were a group of Russian skinheads beat up to death a spaniard because they confused him for an arab. Haha, FUCKING SANDNIGGERS!

Rassenhygieniker said...

Look at this "muditerranean beauty" from Gondar in Ethiopia:

Is she a White? Is she a nigger? She is neither, she is a half-white half-nigger and skeletally she belongs to the muditerranean race. She'd pass no problems in Southern Europe amongst the rest of the Sara Carbonero's, the Vitor Baia's, the Victor Valdes's etc.

This is how the North Africans and South Europeans swarthoids came to life, by Whites mixing with niggers.

Anonymous said...

I don't know why anyone pays attention to Lindsay and those like him. If someone doesn't have the perception and intelligence to get the race question correct then there's no reason to listen to anything else they have to say.

Archimedes said...

Rassie having fun:

Rassie's life story on film:

Anonymous said...

Robert Lindsay is an unemployed 50 year old life-long communist.

Captainchaos said...


You are clearly not a mentally well man. It is painfully etched in each word you tap out at your keyboard. As such, any dialogue with you would surely be pointless. In spite of that, I will answer your question more completely by saying that I am of fully Northwestern European descent. The tally is: 1/2 northwest German, 1/4 Dutch, 1/8 Scottish and 1/8 English. So indeed a mongrel then, but a Nordic one am I.

And as much as it pains me to say, you can with your antics only bring our noble cause into ill repute as Silver says. Agreeing with Silver is verily painful. So, if you wish our Nordic people to live and not die then do please STFU.

Anonymous said...

In the general population mental illness is about 26%, higher among minorities especially blacks. Among White nationalists, like the prison population, that figure is about 90%, it's the rule not the exception. So Ras fits right in. At least his behavior is for a good cause.

Among HBDers and liberals it seems like 100%.

Rassenhygieniker said...

"Captainchaos said...

And as much as it pains me to say, you can with your antics only bring our noble cause into ill repute as Silver says. So, if you wish our Nordic people to live and not die then do please STFU."

The technic of the "racialist gentleman" clearly does not work and only consist of Whites making compromising and conceding to accomodate racial aliens.

If this is your cup of tea, join the BNP or the PVV, they know awhole lot about compromises and concessions, so they'll definitly will welcome your line of thought.

I, however take another approach, the swarthoids who invade and destroy our race and culture who suck the life force of our great nations can only be removed by one way and it is by FORCE, no compromises, no concessions, Sieg oder Tod!

Rassenhygieniker said...

"Captainchaos said...

The tally is: 1/2 northwest German, 1/4 Dutch, 1/8 Scottish and 1/8 English. So indeed a mongrel then, but a Nordic one am I."

If this is indeed the case as you describe, then that does not qualify as mongrel, so physically you are not a mongrel, but on the other hand your seelische seem to have become entnordung, probably the result of having read too much nonsense from Silver the Nigger.

Cease this at once and in due time, the damage done to your seelische Merkmale will disappear and your nordischer Geist will revert itself back to normal.

Be well my friend.

Silver said...

Here's what happens thanks to fat, drunk, negro-worshiping faggot football fans like Hunter Wallace.

Geez, that's so sad. Stories like this are why I couldn't care less about anti-"muditerranean" "racism." It's just not worth denouncing "racism" if it means having to shut up about the vile fucking nigger animal and the ordeal he puts anyone unfortunate enough to come into contact with him through.

Granted, considering a rape or murder worse simply because it occurred at the hands of a nigger (rather than anyone else) is the height of irrationality and emotionality, and yet that's precisely what's bound to happen when you have a species this dumb and violent who possess no discernible compensating virtues -- even people who know better will be irrational.

Rassenhygieniker said...

Do not worry Silver, you do not have to envy negroids as swarthoids are not far behind them:

"The Mediterranean is prone to rape, second degree murder, assault and robbery." - University of California

Anonymous said...

From the paper:

Apparently, the expansion of the dairy breeds have created, or largely maintained, a sharp genetic contrast of northern and southern Europe, which divides both France and Germany. It may be hypothesised that the northern landscapes, with large flat meadows, are suitable for large-scale farming with specialised dairy cattle (Niederungsvieh, lowland cattle), whilst the mixed-purpose or beef cattle (Höhenvieh, highland cattle) are better suited to the smaller farms and hilly regions of the south. However, it is also remarkable that in both France and Germany the bovine genetic boundary coincides with historic linguistic and cultural boundaries. In France, the Frankish invasion in the north created the difference between the northern langue d'oïl and the southern langue d'oc. The German language is still divided into the southern Hochdeutsch and northern Niederdeutsch dialects, which also correlates with the distribution of the Catholic and Protestant religions. On a larger scale, it is tempting to speculate that the difference between two types of European cattle reflects, and has even reinforced, the traditional and still visible contrast of Roman and Germanic Europe.

Anonymous said...

considering a rape or murder worse simply because it occurred at the hands of a nigger (rather than anyone else) is the height of irrationality and emotionality

What's irrational is you denouncing him as a nigger animal then doing a 180 and attacking those who value race. Make up your mind schizo.

It's worse because miscegenation occurred, forced miscegenation at that, which was a crime in Old America, especially the South. In addition niggers are more likely to have STDs.

Silver said...


Sigh, I don't mind if you call me names, but it'd help if you got your facts straight.

And the fact is even at my "anti-racist" best -- anti-racist in the simple sense of simply wanting a society in which people can get along -- I never shied away from calling niggers niggers, just as I never whined about dagoes being called dagoes, or bought into nonsense that being called names excuses bad behavior.

The main thing that has changed is (a) the realization that "it" (diversity/mass multi/etc) is never really going to work well and (b) the ultimate cost of extinction via mixing that it exacts. Why be anti-racist if anti-racism is going to ruin everything worth living for, particularly since there's an obvious alternative that doesn't require anything remotely approaching naz-level racial intensity and other-hatred?

There's nothing "schizo" about that.

Silver said...

It's worse because miscegenation occurred, forced miscegenation at that, which was a crime in Old America, especially the South. In addition niggers are more likely to have STDs.

I wasn't talking about merely this one case; I was referring to the general pattern. You can't pretend that WNs don't get vastly more angered by black-on-white murder and rape (or any crime) than by white-on-white crime.

The simplest solution to this would be to punish any instance of interracial more harshly on the premise that nothing does more to poison race-relations than interracial crime. Of course the liberal assholes will tear their robes because of the "disparate impact" such laws would have on their nigger pets (even though such laws would be quite compatible with basic liberal tenets) but hopefully the day is approaching when people no longer care what liberal assholes think. That's still insufficient as far as racialist goals go but it'd be an excellent way to "move the goalposts." (Imagine the social thought processes it would instigate.)

Silver said...

What's irrational is you denouncing him as a nigger animal then doing a 180 and attacking those who value race.

Sorry, I can't let this go. This is just an incredible statement.

I've attacked people who value race? Really?

Or have I attacked what those who "value race" plan to do as a result of valuing it?

What an extraordinary delusion it is to believe that valuing one's own kind demands an intense loathing of other kinds. And yet you'll have to scroll through thousands of pages of WN discourse to find someone even questioning -- expressing doubt about -- whether loathing is in fact required. Pretty amazing when you think about. I can only imagine it's a result of brain-damaged fuckstick "WN leaders" setting the tone for what "WN means," a tone subsequently enforced by purists who come down on any deviation from the party line.

Anonymous said...

Why the hell is that idiot Ivan, a Muslim from Central Asia, taken seriously at MR and OD?

Rassenhygieniker said...

Rassenhygieniker said...

Silver's brother has been caught on camera:

Please bring more muditerraneans like Silver and his KFC brother to Wogstralia, they need more of those shitheads there.

Leif the Not-so-Lucky said...

"Why the hell is that idiot Ivan, a Muslim from Central Asia, taken seriously at MR?"

That clown loooooves Stalin, what a maroon!

Anonymous said...

And yet you'll have to scroll through thousands of pages of WN discourse to find someone even questioning -- expressing doubt about -- whether loathing is in fact required.

This is yet another example Silver's extreme mendacity. Oz's Alfred Deakin is but one of many who lay this outrageous lie to rest.

"It is not the bad qualities, but the good qualities of these alien races that make them so dangerous to us. It is their inexhaustible energy, their power of applying themselves to new tasks, their endurance and low standard of living that make them such competitors."

If Silver insist on continuing to lecture the cakes on their loathing while giving all wogs a pass the very least he might do is actually educate himself.

Archimedes said...

Rassie's brother has been caught on camera:

RS said...

> And yet you'll have to scroll through thousands of pages of WN discourse to find someone even questioning -- expressing doubt about -- whether loathing is in fact required. Pretty amazing when you think about.

That seems like a major exaggeration. Usually you're more reasonable. Who exactly are you counting as WN.

I am very close to your own ways of thinking, yet you classed me as a hard-core loathificationist based on 'intuition'. I think your polemic is quite good, but in the course of it, you are straw-manning to some extent.

You might also distinguish between hating the situation and hating the people. When I pass foreigners, or more especially mixed couples, I'm hardly cheered up by such sights, which betoken our odious situation. Rather the opposite. But I don't hate those individuals. I'm glad to see them have polities on land once controlled by my kind, and flourish therein, separate from me and other preservationists.

Rassenhygieniker said...

"Archimedes/vanillagorilla2 said...

I had an actual white supremacist post an angry rant about me- a guy whose blog has been cited approvingly by Crimson Guard- because I suggested that his buddies on this site shouldn't put too many of their eggs in the basket of 4 or 5 peer-reviewed pop-gen studies when more are coming out in the next couple years."

Hippoexposed is a blog from an Itarabian-Americoon by the alleged name of Mike/Michael Rienzi, Rienzi who is a medicist.

Henceforth not a "white supremacist", tard. He's from the same crowd as Crimson Tard, Racial Irreality and Yago/Menydh.

You got "attacked" by Rienzi not because you are a camel fucking sandnigger which would be something he would be able to do IF he was a white Supremacist (let alone White), but being from the same mongrel stock as you are, Rienzi would not be able to do that whitout "attacking" himself as well.

No, Rienzi "attacked you" because you even dared to suggest or even just allude to the fact that Southern Europeans may get results that won't place Southern Europeans in the best of lights (at least not by their Itarabian-Americoon standards). You know afterall, Crimson Tard likes to fantasize that Italians are as "European" as everybody else and especially that Sicilians are as "European" and "Italian" as everybody else.

Rienzi is from the same crowd that cringes his teeth over:

For not casting "real Italians":

Well when you look at what the only "real Italian" (Vinny Guadagnino) cast looks like:

It makes one wonder what the fuss is all about? If anything they should be thanking MTV.

Still, afterall Racial Irreality includes jews in his muditerranean race and Dienekes admits that if you mixed all the races in the world unto one, you will get a mediterranean race. Right out from the nigger's mouths!

RS said...

> The voice of power was as recognizable then as now.

Right, that's why Mencken wrote for the Baltimore Sun until his just dotage in 1948, after both wars. He was employed by the Sun for an entire generation after his 1918 comments on the malodorousness of 'Greek busboys' and on the mixed virtues and vices of the Jews.

Again... you cannot, absolutely cannot fail to incorporate both quantity and quality into your analysis if you want to be serious. Read Wik on genetic fallacy.

RS said...

My last post was intended for anther blog - pardon me.

Anonymous said...

Does anyone take Hunter seriously anymore?

Anonymous said...

Taking Hunter seriously?

That ship sailed about 4 or 5 months ago.

His whole life seems to revolve around attacking Greg Johnson in some manner. Every essay he writes is in reference to counter currents. He was even praying that the latest Arizona shooter was a WN so he could attack GJ.

It reminds me of a guy who cannot get over his old girlfriend.

Anonymous said...

Yeah, kind of like how you guys focus on Hunter, even on other websites.

I don't understand it either though, there are so many flawed people in this movement, why focus on some irrelevant homo. Since when did a narcissistic queer become the representative of White nationalism? What a joke.

Again this highlights the point of why White nationalism can't get legs, so many of the people involved, especially those who assume leadership positions, are mentally ill defectives.

The Arizona shooter certainly fits the psychological profile of a typical WN.

Anonymous said...

Rienzi is from the same crowd that cringes his teeth over:

For not casting "real Italians":

Well when you look at what the only "real Italian" (Vinny Guadagnino) cast looks like:

"Jersey Shore" is a Hippocratian and Lynnian dream come true, with all these swarthy, dumb wops prancing about.

Why do some people take exception with some cast members, obviously they are accepted as Italians by other Italians in their social groups.

The best-looking girl is of course part Nordish, being half Irish. Here's a good picture to illustrate the difference. The one with Nordish ancestry is tallest and most attractive, the mestizo the shortest and least attractive, the Latins inbetween.

It makes one wonder what the fuss is all about? If anything they should be thanking MTV.

Still, afterall Racial Irreality includes jews in his muditerranean race and Dienekes admits that if you mixed all the races in the world unto one, you will get a mediterranean race. Right out from the nigger's mouths!

The "real Italian" Vinny Guadagnino if he wasn't so short could be a body double for Vin Diesel the quadroon. Even with his head shaved Guadagnino's hair looks Negroid. He has some rap song he made about how much Italian men love black women.

The old Jersey Shore.

The new Jersey Shore.

What a disgrace.

Anonymous said...

That dumb swarthoid Crimson Tard is a proud community college graduate:

Leif the Not-so-Lucky said...

Jack Ryan of OD reveals he is 25% Russian.

Any word on the other 75%?

Anonymous said...

What kind of Russian? Probably the Asiatic variety.

He's 100% crazy anyway.

Anonymous said...

has to be Jack Ryan "Jack in Chicago" at Amren

Courtney, we can’t rely on some stork to deliver White children or have some scientists create test tube babies - we have to get our White men and White woman to connect in the here and now - not in some far off, future, imagined world.

And the reality here in Chicago is that very sexy East Asian women in their 20s are very interested in me in the male/female way, while I seem to have to go through all sorts of ridiculous nonsense to connect with White American women, and these are women in their late 40s.

Anonymous said...

Auburn's football team is nearly 100% black.

Anonymous said...

Hunter Wallace says:
January 12, 2011 at 5:09 am

Wes Byrum, the kicker, won 5 games this year for Auburn. Lee Ziemba won the Jacob’s Trophy. Philip Lutzenkirchen, tight end, caught the game winning touchdown in the Iron Bowl. He also made a huge play in the Oregon game.

Let’s forget either that Gus Malzahn, the offensive coordinator, is the brain behind the whole operation.

You know, this reduction of every aspect of life to race is one of the major reasons why I started backing away from White Nationalism. It is a prescription for being constantly miserable and alienated.

The only people who enjoy feeling like that all the time are ideologues. That’s one of the major reasons White Nationalism has never gone anywhere.

Another reason is that there are plenty of White Nationalists who can’t admit that non-Whites are good at anything. Even sports.

Nick Fairley is a walking stereotype of a nigger. For example, last night when he got called in that penalty for taunting LaMichael James when he was down, or in the Georgia game when he got into a fist fight and made the “suck it” motion to the Georgia fans in the stadium.

So yeah, Fairley is a nigger, but that doesn’t mean he is not an outstanding defensive tackle, the best in the country. Yeah, Michael Dyer and Ontario McCalebb are fast, but no race realist to my knowledge has ever claimed that blacks can’t run.

Stephen Hawking can’t walk. That doesn’t mean he isn’t one of the most brilliant physicists alive in the world today.

White Nationalists only sound retarded when they argue that blacks aren’t good at anything. They also sound unsympathetic when they insist “true White Nationalists” can’t do anything in an integrated setting to have a good time.

That leaves literally nothing to do in this country except sit around on the internet all day posting anonymous comments.

I wonder what genius thought up that marketing strategy.

Anonymous said...

has to be Jack Ryan "Jack in Chicago" at Amren

Most certainly is. He refers to himself in the 3rd person, prefacing his comments by writing "Jack replies." He does this at OD.

Anonymous said...

Of course White women are more complicated, they're more intelligent and they're more valuable. The fact that White women don't want him and some third world alien does is just another testament to his unworthiness.

Miscegenation is a sign of mental illness and inferiority.

There is nothing sexy about Mongoloid females. Since when did the Down syndrome look become attractive?

There should be a new rule with all of these big mouths in WN, if you don't have your own pathetic life in order, don't give advice to others. The hypocrisy is nauseating.

I don't know how anyone can stomach watching nigger sports. We're not just talking about minor integration, it's nearly all black.

It's not just the sport either, it's what it represents and the whole lifestyle that goes with it. Whites are basically paying niggers, many of whom would otherwise be in prison, way too much money to integrate with us, corrupt our culture and people, and sleep with White women. Even if you're not very racialist you shouldn't tolerate it. Scoring points and winning games isn't worth that sacrifice.

Anonymous said...

Of course White women are more complicated, they're more intelligent and they're more valuable. The fact that White women don't want him and some third world alien does is just another testament to his unworthiness.

Miscegenation is a sign of mental illness and inferiority.

There is nothing sexy about Mongoloid females. Since when did the Down syndrome look become attractive?

There should be a new rule with all of these big mouths in WN, if you don't have your own pathetic life in order, don't give advice to others. The hypocrisy is nauseating.

I don't know how anyone can stomach watching nigger sports. We're not just talking about minor integration, it's nearly all black.

It's not just the sport either, it's what it represents and the whole lifestyle that goes with it. Whites are basically paying niggers, many of whom would otherwise be in prison, way too much money to integrate with us, corrupt our culture and people, and sleep with White women. Even if you're not very racialist you shouldn't tolerate it. Scoring points and winning games isn't worth that sacrifice.

Anonymous said...

Those comments at AmRen under that story are despicable. All those pathetic, degenerate, beta males and their race-mixing. We have so much house cleaning to do in our country.

It took a Southern White woman to speak up and turn the tide to reason and sensibility.

Anonymous said...

Most certainly is. He refers to himself in the 3rd person, prefacing his comments by writing "Jack replies." He does this at OD.

You can't miss that crazy fool. He has so many mental disorders and quirks, I've never seen anything like it.

Anonymous said...

Of course White women are more complicated, they're more intelligent and they're more valuable. The fact that White women don't want him and some third world alien does is just another testament to his unworthiness.

Miscegenation is a sign of mental illness and inferiority.

There is nothing sexy about Mongoloid females. Since when did the Down syndrome look become attractive?

There should be a new rule with all of these big mouths in WN, if you don't have your own pathetic life in order, don't give advice to others. The hypocrisy is nauseating.

Anonymous said...

I don't know how anyone can stomach watching nigger sports like professional football and basketball. We're not just talking about minor integration, it's nearly all black.

It's not just the sport either, it's what it represents and the whole lifestyle that goes with it. Whites are basically paying niggers, many of whom would otherwise be in prison, way too much money to integrate with us, corrupt our culture and people, and sleep with White women. Even if you're not very racialist you shouldn't tolerate it. Scoring points and winning games isn't worth that sacrifice.

Anonymous said...

Amren is the lamest white internet website. They're basically just run of the mill conservatives who hate nigs on the side. Many of them have no issues with race mixing with female gooks.

Leif the Not-so-Lucky said...

Jack Ryan wrote: I’m in my mid 40s, healthy, yes now wealthy, have a great 3 bedroom place all paid off, I’m pretty smart, qualified for MENSA, am a good athlete, a good partner dancer - I’m 6’1, blued eyed, good genes, looking to procreate and it seems like I am cursed with the curse of non fun, mentally messed up White American women!

No comment.

Anonymous said...

Jack Ryan wrote:

I'm wealthy, have a great 3 bedroom place all paid off, I’m pretty smart, qualified for MENSA, am a good athlete, a good partner dancer - I’m 6’1, blued eyed, good genes.

Jack Ryan replies:

I'm also a pathological liar.

Silver said...


That seems like a major exaggeration. Usually you're more reasonable. Who exactly are you counting as WN.

I thought it was clear I was referring to media where significant amounts of WN discourse takes place -- the SF, the VNNs etc. Perhaps that's a "major" exaggeration, but are you sure it's an exaggeration? Would you really characterize that discourse as typically modulated by voices of reason? Or is more a case of it being universally assumed that other-kinds are so thoroughly detestable that surely, surely it can only be a matter of alerting our kinsmen to the fact that their presence among us spells our doom in order to engage their energies in securing a white future? Which of the two is the more reasonable characterization?

I am very close to your own ways of thinking, yet you classed me as a hard-core loathificationist based on 'intuition'. I think your polemic is quite good, but in the course of it, you are straw-manning to some extent.

People make mistakes, Rob. And people in a heightened emotional state are apt to make many more than usual. It's not an unpardonable sin, is it?

It's heartening to learn you're close to my way of thinking. Though there are precious few of at this point -- certainly few of us clear about our views and feelings and capable of cogently explicating them -- I'm convinced that these reasonable views are infinitely closer to average person's experience of mass multiracialism than anything that emanates from the mouths of the ultra-alienated.

For example, the extremists get ever so upset when a white liberal "won't admit the real reason" she moves away from a blackening neighborhood. But does she really move away because she hates the living fuck out of niggers the way an extremist does that her failure to "admit it" amounts to bald-faced mendacity? The extremists' consistent failure to recruit her to their way of thinking is convincing evidence that she does not. Yet she may well be open -- if she can be reached -- to a moderate view that takes into account both the, let us say, complexities of navigating the mass multi jungle as well as her pre-existing political proclivities, biases and ideals (by they conditioned or "organic").

Silver said...

You might also distinguish between hating the situation and hating the people.

Certainly I'd draw that distinction.

Yet before hating the sin can hope to pick up steam some degree of nuance is required regarding what here is the sin. Lacking that far too many make a beeline for the sinner, which causes no end of problems as aracial whites go into overdrive to distance themselves from those views and to assure non-whites that they do not feel that way. (Again, in my defense, is this or this is not what you see happening? Or is it yet another example of my "extreme mendacity"?)

According to the extreme WN worldview, people like me are guilty of sinful acts that until very recently I had no idea I was even engaging in, foremost among them some allegedly "illegal" or "immoral" or even "obscene" occupation of what by rights should have been pure White living space. Now, if this, if this in itself, constitutes the sum of all that is odious about the "situation you're in," I'd say you face an extremely steep uphill climb.

If, on the other hand, it's the prohibition on discussions regarding the implications of the present course and potentially correcting mistakes of the past that is so odious, then I'd say that you're standing on morally far firmer terrain, which in turn -- viewing things pragmatically -- makes gaining traction that much more likely.

If you're in the mood for it, I wouldn't mind a digression into why I believe the present situation, considered against the grand sweep of history, was practically inevitable. The value in that exercise would be the contrast it provides with the pessimistic, conspiratorial view that so excites -- and apparently confuses (given their inability to stick to the point) -- the Desmond Joneses and other thoroughgoing revulsionists.

(Revulsion, deep-seated racial revulsion is the key to understanding the extremists. I'm not complaining that they feel it, and I can accept that for them those feelings are "real" -- in the sense that reality truly does appear that way to them -- but I will claim that most people do not feel it (I sure don't; it's amusing to hear it expressed) and thus racial appeals based on the assumption that most people do are flawed at the outset.)

Silver said...

You might also distinguish between hating the situation and hating the people.

Certainly I'd draw that distinction.

Yet before hating the sin can hope to pick up steam some degree of nuance is required regarding what here is the sin. Lacking that far too many make a beeline for the sinner, which causes no end of problems as aracial whites go into overdrive to distance themselves from those views and to assure non-whites that they do not feel that way. (Again, in my defense, is this or this is not what you see happening? Or is it yet another example of my "extreme mendacity"?)

According to the extreme WN worldview, people like me are guilty of sinful acts that until very recently I had no idea I was even engaging in, foremost among them some allegedly "illegal" or "immoral" or even "obscene" occupation of what by rights should have been pure White living space. Now, if this, if this in itself, constitutes the sum of all that is odious about the "situation you're in," I'd say you face an extremely steep uphill climb.

If, on the other hand, it's the prohibition on discussions regarding the implications of the present course and potentially correcting mistakes of the past that is so odious, then I'd say that you're standing on morally far firmer terrain, which in turn -- viewing things pragmatically -- makes gaining traction that much more likely.

Silver said...

I don't know how anyone can stomach watching nigger sports like professional football and basketball. We're not just talking about minor integration, it's nearly all black.

See, that's the point: you don't know.

It's your own private agony. And since you're not, nor in the foreseeable future will you be, in any position to dictate tastes (sporting or racial) to anyone, the prudent course of action would be to accept the reality of the situation and work within it -- assuming you wish to be persuasive (for a change).

Silver said...

Amren is the lamest white internet website.

Did you happen to catch the smear retraction published in Politico? You kooks can dream of objective, even sympathetic, coverage like that.

Silver said...

That dumb swarthoid Crimson Tard is a proud community college graduate:

CUNY's open admission, too. That's about his standard.

Does anyone here know the identity of that "italianthro"/racial reality and would be willing to share it with an interloper like me?

I can't stand that stupid prick. (WTF? Sicilians -- or anyone -- require genetics studies to "prove" their self-worth to themselves? What planet is this guy on?) Yet, at the same time, his behavior is understandable and forgivable given that at heart it's really only a response to the "scientific racism" you seem to feel is so crucial to your cause. The beauty of supporting nordicism to my way of thinking -- so much so that it forms reason enough -- is the permission it grants you to slap down these nationalistic turkeys. "You think you're white? You? Don't make me laugh. Here's what a real white looks like." It kills them to hear that. Hopefully it'll cure them of their nationalism, too -- or at least from the particularly nasty strains they so readily succumb to.

So keep up, I can't call it good work, but keep up, gents.

Anonymous said...

See, that's the point: you don't know.

It's your own private agony. And since you're not, nor in the foreseeable future will you be, in any position to dictate tastes (sporting or racial) to anyone, the prudent course of action would be to accept the reality of the situation and work within it -- assuming you wish to be persuasive (for a change).

Actually I do know, but you completely missed the point and instead are compelled to be a whiny bitch.

Silver you are the biggest douchebag troll on any of these websites. What the fuck is wrong with you?

You can't act like this in person because you'd get your ass kicked every single day.

Anonymous said...

Silver said:

"You think you're white? You? Don't make me laugh. Here's what a real white looks like." It kills them to hear that.

Just like it killed you to hear that and now you're just a bitter, vindictive little worm that writhes in agony from within as you troll all of these websites annoying and making enemies of everyone.

RS said...

> I thought it was clear I was referring to media where significant amounts of WN discourse takes place -- the SF, the VNNs etc.

Maybe I missed your moment of clarity by haphazard browsing of the thread. I've been known to take a drink. But anyway, I do consider that a narrow definition. I see a lot more WN out there than that. Personally I've scarcely even been to SF or VNN. We'd all agree that Majority Rights or TOQ is WN but I think it runs farther than that.

I don't distinguish all that much between WN and White preservationism. I agree with n/a that sympatry, being on the same land as another (or to a lesser extent maybe even just the same polity), means interbreeding in the long run, often. And that view informs my perspective. Of course we could see a big reaction in the future, but after that, under continued non-malthusian conditions, another hippiedome could arise. Hopefully a much more moderate one. That is perhaps part of what n/a is pointing at - you could have preservationist marriage laws in a reactionary polity, and future hippies might want to break those down, but maybe, they and/or the majority having learned at least a little from the past, they wouldn't want to open the borders back up again, or couldn't.

Thus, allopatry, separate land and polities, is maybe quite a bit more robustly preservationist than are other preservationisms.

Despite all the downsides of having foreigners (as minorities) around, I might not care that much, were they non-interfertile with us. needless to say that's not the case.

Anyway you can see why I might class most preservationists as more or less WN.

RS said...

> People make mistakes, Rob. And people in a heightened emotional state are apt to make many more than usual. It's not an unpardonable sin, is it?

No, not at all. I was 'just saying'. I wasn't majorly irritated or anything.

Anonymous said...

Silveric is fickle, mercurial, and extremely mendacious.

Archimedes said...

"You got "attacked" by Rienzi not because you are a camel fucking sandnigger which would be something he would be able to do IF he was a white Supremacist (let alone White)..."

Thanks for more hilarious insults, Rassie. I needed a laugh today.
I can't tell if you are insane or just trolling us.

Silver said...

Thus, allopatry, separate land and polities, is maybe quite a bit more robustly preservationist than are other preservationisms.

You seem to be under the impression that I regarded that as anything other than a given. To clear things up, I do regard it as a given -- as an endpoint.

My point was to say that if you begin with that you are desperately unlikely to achieve traction. The beauty of countries like the US (and Canada and Australia and even S. Africa) is the vast expanses of territory already under the state control. So use it your advantage. Securing preservation in this means a social rearrangement of the people already there, rather than expelling non-whites from all 3,794,101 square miles. That also opens the opportunity to gain support from various non-white groups who don't particularly care to share living space with each other but at present don't (or don't dare) to politicize that fact.

Anyway you can see why I might class most preservationists as more or less WN.

Sure, I can see why you think so. It's just that you're wrong. :)

Preservation is just a side-effect of homogeneous living (as in an ethnostate). You get the ethnostate, preservation takes care of itself.

But that's somewhat different to nationalism. I mean you could easily have an ethnostate in which people recognize the value of their common racial identity without that requiring the common elements of old-style European nationalism: the mythologies, the adversarial attitude, the desire to control people's behavior and channel it into an endless celebration of group existence etc. These are all elements that the heavily liberalized (from way back) American population tends to be ill at ease with.

Silver said...

Silveric is fickle, mercurial, and extremely mendacious.

One hell of a free-throw shooter, too.

Rather than endlessly go back and forth -- yes you are, no I'm not, yes you are, no I'm not -- I'll just make this recommendation to you: even if you insist on believing that about me, why not grant my suggestions serious consideration anyway?

I'll give you a good reason to.

If we accept that action is preceded by desire then what sort of desires would a person entertain if he were influenced by a worldview like mine?

If you ask yourself that question then I think you'll realize it doesn't really even matter if I truly am as mendacious as you say.

If I propose that "race matters," and that "monoracial living" is superior to multiracial living, and that steps taken towards securing monoracial living are in themselves valuable (even if they individually fall short of an ethnostate) , and you believe me or agree with me when I say that, then what does it really matter whether I'm telling the truth when I say those things or lying when I say them?

Now, I am telling the truth when I say those things; it's just that I can't be bothered to defend myself against accusations that I'm not by this, well, fickle, mercurial crowd.


No, not at all. I was 'just saying'. I wasn't majorly irritated or anything.

Fair enough. You can see why I thought you were, I hope. Tough crowd, this. One word out of line and they come down on you like a ton of bricks.

Silver said...

Just like it killed you to hear that and now you're just a bitter, vindictive little worm that writhes in agony from within as you troll all of these websites annoying and making enemies of everyone.

Wrong. I've never been under any illusions that all the people in Europe are "the same race." Same macro-race, sure. But that's not really enough for true fellow-feeling.

And the similarities across southern European countries aren't enough in themselves to inspire much in the way of cross-border fellow-feeling, either. But in the diaspora, my own life experience tells me that they very much are. And that holds true regardless of whether one wishes to attach the adjective "white" to that sense of group belonging or not. My issue is with these fucking wogs who insist that whiteness is a key component of that sense of group belonging; to say nothing of those wankers who insist that "race matters" only so long as all of Europe can be shoehorned into the "same race," otherwise they're prepared to let the matter drop and mix in with endless numbers asians, hindoos, blacks etc.

Silver said...

Actually I do know, but you completely missed the point and instead are compelled to be a whiny bitch.

Well, if you knew, then why did you say "I don't know how..."?

Let's get something straight here. You're what I've called a "revulsionist." I'm not. (Well, there are certain specimens out there that make me go "hmmm..." -- like their attempt to pass off Alek Wek as a 'supermodel' -- but in general, no.)

For you the very sight of a nigger is a stomach turning event. For me, it's not; not even close. That's a key difference, and, for readers out there, understanding it will clarify many of the differences of opinion you'll encounter on race blogs.

Silver you are the biggest douchebag troll on any of these websites. What the fuck is wrong with you?

Let's make a deal. You drop the "troll" bit and I'll let you call me whatever names you want.

What do you mean what's "wrong" with me? I'm just putting forward my views. I'm not allowed to have a racial opinion? Is that what you're saying? I mean, dude, you weren't just gonna sneak up on me and boot me out of your country without me voicing my opinion on it.

You can't act like this in person because you'd get your ass kicked every single day.

Thank God for the internet then.

(And FFS, you can act as you do -- "stomach turning nigger sports!" -- and avoid getting your ass kicked?)

Rassenhygieniker said...

"Silver said...

My issue is with these fucking wogs who insist that whiteness is a key component of that sense of group belonging; to say nothing of those wankers who insist that "race matters" only so long as all of Europe can be shoehorned into the "same race,"

My issue is with those as well and let's be honnest, there is higher number of those buffons then there is "Orientalists" (as Crimson tard came to call them).

Let's be honest, everyone who isn't White wants to be White, by one way or the other, this is why the biggest spenders on plastic surgery are swarthoids, because what do they try to look like? They try to look White like Northwestern Europeans, it does not matter if they are kikes, swarthoids or sandniggers, they all have the same obsession.

None of them get plastic surgery to try to look asian or black, they try to look White.

"The country with the highest rate of plastic surgeries in the world is neither Brazil nor the USA, but yes you guessed it, Lebanon!

Plastic surgery in Lebanon has become widespread these days, as Dr. Koury, a plastic surgery doctor says. He points out that 55% of Lebanese women went through plastic surgery to change their body and shape."

The Lebanese already look Southern European, so they get plastic surgeries to shape their features unto a more Northwestern European direction. The only difference is that unlike with the swarthoids invaders in Europe, there is a lower rate of hair bleaching and coloured contact lenses wear because if they bleached their hairs to a light colour (other then their natural coal black colour) and used coloured contact lenses, people will instantly know that it's fake, because unlike in Europe there is no blondism in Lebanon.

Though this only applies to the ones who reside in non-European countries, the swarthoids who invade White lands don't mind doing it, like this swarthoid Miss Lebanon who reside in Australia:

The main problem is not only the Southern Europeans trying to paint themselves as White and hence closer to Northwestern Europeans then to Levantines, North Africans, Turks etc. it's also that both them and their non-European brothers, use treacherous methods (such as plastic surgery) to pass themselves off as White.

"Silver said...

otherwise they're prepared to let the matter drop and mix in with endless numbers asians, hindoos, blacks etc."

Oh what scary threats! You wogs are not white, so drop the act and go mix with your Indoos, gooks and niggers. Meds are already triracial "caucasoids", so a little bit more of non-white blood won't affect them.

Rassenhygieniker said...

"Silver said...

My issue is with these fucking wogs who insist that whiteness is a key component of that sense of group belonging; to say nothing of those wankers who insist that "race matters" only so long as all of Europe can be shoehorned into the "same race,"

My issue is with those as well and let's be honnest, there is higher number of those buffons then there is "Orientalists" (as Crimson tard came to call them).

Let's be honest, everyone who isn't White wants to be White, by one way or the other, this is why the biggest spenders on plastic surgery are swarthoids, because what do they try to look like? They try to look White like Northwestern Europeans, it does not matter if they are kikes, swarthoids or sandniggers, they all have the same obsession.

None of them get plastic surgery to try to look asian or black, they try to look White.

"The country with the highest rate of plastic surgeries in the world is neither Brazil nor the USA, but yes you guessed it, Lebanon!

Plastic surgery in Lebanon has become widespread these days, as Dr. Koury, a plastic surgery doctor says. He points out that 55% of Lebanese women went through plastic surgery to change their body and shape."

The Lebanese already look Southern European, so they get plastic surgeries to shape their features unto a more Northwestern European direction. The only difference is that unlike with the swarthoids invaders in Europe, there is a lower rate of hair bleaching and coloured contact lenses wear because if they bleached their hairs to a light colour (other then their natural coal black colour) and used coloured contact lenses, people will instantly know that it's fake, because unlike in Europe there is no blondism in Lebanon.

Though this only applies to the ones who reside in non-European countries, the swarthoids who invade White lands don't mind doing it, like this swarthoid Miss Lebanon who reside in Australia:

The main problem is not only the Southern Europeans trying to paint themselves as White and hence closer to Northwestern Europeans then to Levantines, North Africans, Turks etc. it's also that both them and their non-European brothers, use treacherous methods (such as plastic surgery) to pass themselves off as White.

Rassenhygieniker said...

"Silver said...

otherwise they're prepared to let the matter drop and mix in with endless numbers asians, hindoos, blacks etc."

Oh what scary threats! You wogs are not white, so drop the act and go mix with your Indoos, gooks and niggers. Meds are already triracial "caucasoids", so a little bit more of non-white blood won't affect them.

Rassenhygieniker said...

"Archimedes said...

Thanks for more hilarious insults, Rassie. I needed a laugh today.
I can't tell if you are insane or just trolling us."

I have good news for you, it seems that after millennia of lackluster history, in this historic time the modern Italians are going to finally be able to add something to their empty list of achievements.

Indeed, it seems that the Italian branch of Namco Bandai Europe is developing a Sailor Moon game exclusively for Italy!

I am so proud of you Italians, vanillagorilla your magic rugs are not so bad, so maybe you can not be such a mindless carpet jockey afterall?

Here is the press conference in Italian:

This is the magnum opus of the Italians!

A swarthoid comment on this sensational event:

"Carlos J Martinez said...

lol I still have the RPG one in Super Famicom (original imported), Sailor Moon Another Story, with box and manual."

Archimedes said...

Another epic fail from Rassie.

Q: Where did the Renaissance happen?
A: Italy (mostly Florence).

Q: Where was Galileo (the first to observe the solar system with a telescope) from?
A: Pisa, Italy.

Q: Who conquered half the known world?
A: The Roman Empire- based in Italy.

Q: Where was my namesake from- one of the greatest mathematicians and inventors who ever lived?
A: Archimedes was a Greek from Syracuse, in Sicily.

Q: Who built the first nuclear reactor?
A: Enrico Fermi, born in Rome.

You fail at failing, Rassie.

Hunter Wallace said...

I just got back from the gym.

Rassenhygieniker said...

"Archimedes said...

Q: Where did the Renaissance happen?
A: Italy (mostly Florence)."

Italy was conquered by successive waves of Nordish folk: Stilicho, Alaric, Odoacer, Theoderic, the Lombards; the Normans seized Latin lands and this reflected itself by ways of the Italian Renaissance.

Rassenhygieniker said...

"Archimedes said...

Q: Where was Galileo (the first to observe the solar system with a telescope) from?
A: Pisa, Italy.

Q: Where was my namesake from- one of the greatest mathematicians and inventors who ever lived?
A: Archimedes was a Greek from Syracuse, in Sicily.

Q: Who built the first nuclear reactor?
A: Enrico Fermi, born in Rome.

"Genius does not fall from the sky or appear by accident in the landscape, but always arises from a definite Volk and generally pertains to a well-defined race... Thus... nearly all the great geniuses of Renaissance Italy were of the Germanic Nordic race, as witness Leonardo or Titian or Galileo." - Ludwig Woltmann, Political Anthropology (1903)

Rassenhygieniker said...

"In the meantime, there are many amusing aspects of the discussion that is going on in the current press and in certain of our magazines, chiefly arising from the confusion between nationality and race. In certain recent articles contributed to your esteemed columns this confusion is quite apparent. For example, it is argued that we should admit Polish immigrants because Kosciusko and Pulaski fought with us during the Revolution; that we should admit South Italians because Italy gave us Columbus. At the same time there are somewhat dubious comments about my own race, the Nordics. This is why I venture to entitle this communication 'Lo, the Poor Nordic.'

The Northern races, as is well known to anthropologists, include all those peoples whch originally occupied the western plateau of Asia and traversed Northern Europe, certainly as early as 12,000 B.C. In the country which they occupied the conditions of life were hard, the struggle for existence severe, and this gave rise to their principal virtues, as well as to their faults, to their fighting qualities and to their love of strong drink. Increasing beyond the power of their own country to support them, they invaded the countries to the south, not only as conquerors but as contributors of strong moral and intellectual elements to more or less decadent civilizations. Through the Nordic tide which flowed into Italy came the ancestors of Raphael, Leonardo da Vinci, Galileo, Titian; also, according to Gunther ('Rassenkunde des Deutschen Volkes,' p. 339), of Giotto, Donatello, Botticelli, Andrea del Sarto, Petrarch and Tasso. Dante's name, Alighieri, is also German, although the Italian anthropologist Sergi recently denied his Nordic origin. Columbus, from his portraits and from his busts, authentic or not, was clearly of Nordic ancestry. Turning to Poland-Kossuth of Hungary was a Calvinist and of noble family, and there is a presumption in favour of his being a Nordic; Kosciusko and Pulaski weremembers of a Polish nobility which at that time was largely Nordic. Of France, Coligny, Colbert, Richelieu, Lafayette and Rochambeau, beyond all question, were of French (Norman) Nordic nobility, and in modern France we observe that two of the leaders in the recent great struggle, Joffre and Foch, are both Nordic, while Clemenceau and Poincare are of Alpine blood. France includes among her great artists Rodin, of Nordic origin; among her leading literary men, Lamartine, Racine, Anatole France, all Nordics. The intellectual influence of the Northern race is always apparent in Spain, where it appears in her greatest man of letters, Cervantes; also in Portugal in the poet-hero Camoens, whose ancestors were Gothic. Of the fighting stock of Italy, Napoleon, although born in Corsica, was descended from the old Lombard nobility, of Nordic origin, and it is probable that Garibaldi, with his Teutonic name, was largely of Northern stock. It is said, for example, that Copernicus was a Slav, and we certainly owe much to Slav genius.

This is not to deny that other races can point to men of equal or of greater achievement, and it will be interesting for each race, as I suggested in my inaugural address, to select its own men of outstanding virtue and achievement, but not to include within its own ranks men who really belong to other races." - Henry Osborn, New York Times (1924)

Rassenhygieniker said...

"Archimedes said...

Who conquered half the known world?
A: The Roman Empire- based in Italy."

There was Rome and then there was Italy.

Rome was built by a different race then what is now inhabiting Italy, Rome was destroyed after it's population racial change.

"Humanity, the all-embracing Church and the sovereign individual who have freed themselves from blood ties, no longer represent to us absolute values, but doubtful or even perishing dogmas. They lack polarity and represent a violation of nature for the sake of mere abstractions. ... Today, however, a whole generation is beginning to see that values are created and preserved only where the law of the blood still determines the ideas and the actions of men, be it consciously or unconsciously. In the prehistoric ages man follows the blood demands of life and cult as in a dream... Later ... in the process of civilization, he becomes more and more intellectual. This leads finally not to creative conflicts but to division. Thus, reason turns away from race and species. The individual detached from the ties of blood and from the sequence of the generations falls a victim to absolute abstractions . . . and mixes with alien blood. The result of this incest is the death of personality, nation, race and civilization. No one who has defied the religion of the blood has ever escaped this vengeance of the blood, neither Indians nor Persians, neither Greeks nor Romans. Nor will Nordic Europe escape the same vengeance if it does not turn back." - Alfred Rosenberg, The Myth of the Twentieth Century (1939)

Unlike the Italians, the Romans were White, here the skull of Theodorianus:

Compare Theodorianus skull to these other skulls from the White race.

Skulls found at Düsseldorf in Germany:

Skull found at Korsør in Denmark:

Skull found at Mühlheim an der Donau-Stetten in Germany:

Compare those four skulls, with this mednigger skull from a museum in Vienna:

The Italians belong to the mongrelized mednigger race, the Romans belonged to the Pure White race.

As can be seen in these comparison, the Italian mongrel suffer from physical degeneration and mental deterioration, it's sense of morals as a result are absent and such individual is very degenerate as the Ancient Greeks came up with a saying when referring to the growing numbers of Afro-Asiatic mongrels amongst their population "a crooked countenance is followed by crooked morals", and now see the effects of centuries of mongrelization between the White Romans and the moustrous Afro-Asiatic races from North Africa, Asia Minor and Arabia who carry within themselves negroid and mongoloid blood, such taint is spread to others when the monstrous races miscegenate the pure populations.

Rassenhygieniker said...

"Archimedes said...

Q: Where was Galileo (the first to observe the solar system with a telescope) from?
A: Pisa, Italy.

Q: Where was my namesake from- one of the greatest mathematicians and inventors who ever lived?
A: Archimedes was a Greek from Syracuse, in Sicily.

Q: Who built the first nuclear reactor?
A: Enrico Fermi, born in Rome."

"In the meantime, there are many amusing aspects of the discussion that is going on in the current press and in certain of our magazines, chiefly arising from the confusion between nationality and race. In certain recent articles contributed to your esteemed columns this confusion is quite apparent. For example, it is argued that we should admit Polish immigrants because Kosciusko and Pulaski fought with us during the Revolution; that we should admit South Italians because Italy gave us Columbus. At the same time there are somewhat dubious comments about my own race, the Nordics. This is why I venture to entitle this communication 'Lo, the Poor Nordic.'

The Northern races, as is well known to anthropologists, include all those peoples whch originally occupied the western plateau of Asia and traversed Northern Europe, certainly as early as 12,000 B.C. In the country which they occupied the conditions of life were hard, the struggle for existence severe, and this gave rise to their principal virtues, as well as to their faults, to their fighting qualities and to their love of strong drink. Increasing beyond the power of their own country to support them, they invaded the countries to the south, not only as conquerors but as contributors of strong moral and intellectual elements to more or less decadent civilizations. Through the Nordic tide which flowed into Italy came the ancestors of Raphael, Leonardo da Vinci, Galileo, Titian; also, according to Gunther ('Rassenkunde des Deutschen Volkes,' p. 339), of Giotto, Donatello, Botticelli, Andrea del Sarto, Petrarch and Tasso. Dante's name, Alighieri, is also German, although the Italian anthropologist Sergi recently denied his Nordic origin. Columbus, from his portraits and from his busts, authentic or not, was clearly of Nordic ancestry. Turning to Poland-Kossuth of Hungary was a Calvinist and of noble family, and there is a presumption in favour of his being a Nordic; Kosciusko and Pulaski weremembers of a Polish nobility which at that time was largely Nordic. Of France, Coligny, Colbert, Richelieu, Lafayette and Rochambeau, beyond all question, were of French (Norman) Nordic nobility, and in modern France we observe that two of the leaders in the recent great struggle, Joffre and Foch, are both Nordic, while Clemenceau and Poincare are of Alpine blood. France includes among her great artists Rodin, of Nordic origin; among her leading literary men, Lamartine, Racine, Anatole France, all Nordics. The intellectual influence of the Northern race is always apparent in Spain, where it appears in her greatest man of letters, Cervantes; also in Portugal in the poet-hero Camoens, whose ancestors were Gothic. Of the fighting stock of Italy, Napoleon, although born in Corsica, was descended from the old Lombard nobility, of Nordic origin, and it is probable that Garibaldi, with his Teutonic name, was largely of Northern stock. It is said, for example, that Copernicus was a Slav, and we certainly owe much to Slav genius.

This is not to deny that other races can point to men of equal or of greater achievement, and it will be interesting for each race, as I suggested in my inaugural address, to select its own men of outstanding virtue and achievement, but not to include within its own ranks men who really belong to other races." - Henry Osborn, New York Times (1924)

Rassenhygieniker said...

"Archimedes said...

Q: Where was Galileo (the first to observe the solar system with a telescope) from?
A: Pisa, Italy.

Q: Where was my namesake from- one of the greatest mathematicians and inventors who ever lived?
A: Archimedes was a Greek from Syracuse, in Sicily.

Q: Who built the first nuclear reactor?
A: Enrico Fermi, born in Rome."

"Genius does not fall from the sky or appear by accident in the landscape, but always arises from a definite Volk and generally pertains to a well-defined race... Thus... nearly all the great geniuses of Renaissance Italy were of the Germanic Nordic race, as witness Leonardo or Titian or Galileo." - Ludwig Woltmann, Political Anthropology (1903)

"In the meantime, there are many amusing aspects of the discussion that is going on in the current press and in certain of our magazines, chiefly arising from the confusion between nationality and race. In certain recent articles contributed to your esteemed columns this confusion is quite apparent. For example, it is argued that we should admit Polish immigrants because Kosciusko and Pulaski fought with us during the Revolution; that we should admit South Italians because Italy gave us Columbus. At the same time there are somewhat dubious comments about my own race, the Nordics. This is why I venture to entitle this communication 'Lo, the Poor Nordic.'

The Northern races, as is well known to anthropologists, include all those peoples whch originally occupied the western plateau of Asia and traversed Northern Europe, certainly as early as 12,000 B.C. In the country which they occupied the conditions of life were hard, the struggle for existence severe, and this gave rise to their principal virtues, as well as to their faults, to their fighting qualities and to their love of strong drink. Increasing beyond the power of their own country to support them, they invaded the countries to the south, not only as conquerors but as contributors of strong moral and intellectual elements to more or less decadent civilizations. Through the Nordic tide which flowed into Italy came the ancestors of Raphael, Leonardo da Vinci, Galileo, Titian; also, according to Gunther ('Rassenkunde des Deutschen Volkes,' p. 339), of Giotto, Donatello, Botticelli, Andrea del Sarto, Petrarch and Tasso. Dante's name, Alighieri, is also German, although the Italian anthropologist Sergi recently denied his Nordic origin. Columbus, from his portraits and from his busts, authentic or not, was clearly of Nordic ancestry. Turning to Poland-Kossuth of Hungary was a Calvinist and of noble family, and there is a presumption in favour of his being a Nordic; Kosciusko and Pulaski weremembers of a Polish nobility which at that time was largely Nordic. Of France, Coligny, Colbert, Richelieu, Lafayette and Rochambeau, beyond all question, were of French (Norman) Nordic nobility, and in modern France we observe that two of the leaders in the recent great struggle, Joffre and Foch, are both Nordic, while Clemenceau and Poincare are of Alpine blood. France includes among her great artists Rodin, of Nordic origin; among her leading literary men, Lamartine, Racine, Anatole France, all Nordics. The intellectual influence of the Northern race is always apparent in Spain, where it appears in her greatest man of letters, Cervantes; also in Portugal in the poet-hero Camoens, whose ancestors were Gothic. Of the fighting stock of Italy, Napoleon, although born in Corsica, was descended from the old Lombard nobility, of Nordic origin, and it is probable that Garibaldi, with his Teutonic name, was largely of Northern stock. It is said, for example, that Copernicus was a Slav, and we certainly owe much to Slav genius.

Rassenhygieniker said...

This is not to deny that other races can point to men of equal or of greater achievement, and it will be interesting for each race, as I suggested in my inaugural address, to select its own men of outstanding virtue and achievement, but not to include within its own ranks men who really belong to other races." - Henry Osborn, New York Times (1924)

This says it well, Europe is what it is because it is shaped in the image of values, morals, aesthetics sprung forth by the inherited moral, social and intellectual characteristics and traits of the White Nordish Indo-Germanic race, this is the hereditary lineage of the Europe.

Change the hereditary lineage of Europe unto a brown Medish Afro-Asiatic lineage and their degenerate inhertited characteristics and traits henceforth everything that was built by the Whites, will be destroyed by the browns to be rebuilt based on their own image.

Rassenhygieniker said...

This was a taken from:

"Henry Osborn, New York Times (1924)"

Anonymous said...

Hunter Wallace dives deeper into nuttiness:

I’m not sure why the vanguard is convinced that we need an ethnostate. I mean … you could buy about 300 acres of land in Arkansas and still have plenty of room for everyone who thinks that way. (link)

What a tard.

Archimedes said...

More dumbth from Rassie. I was expecting that.

I've heard that the Romans and the Renaissance folks were "Nordic" or "Germanic" or whatever (I don't buy it) but Archimedes was Greek. No way in hell that guy was a blond, blue-eyed ubermensch like our friend Rassie (yeah, right).
Fermi was a typically Mediterranean-looking guy and was married to an Italian Jew.

And don't forget Maurolico (a Greek Sicilian from the Renaissance who made major contributions to astronomy, math and physics- including introducing proof by induction) or Majorana (Fermi and Heisenberg's Sicilian colleague, who made important contributions, ahead of his time, to particle physics, before disappearing at a young age).

All of this is way above Rassie's intellectual level. Maybe he should stick to watching Sesame Street.

Anonymous said...

Being lectured at OD by complete kooks like Denise is comical.

Anonymous said...

She supposedly has a boyfriend. How would you like to be that guy? That's cruel and unusual punishment.

Rassenhygieniker said...

"Archimedes said...

No way in hell that guy was a blond, blue-eyed ubermensch like our friend Rassie (yeah, right)."

No one talked about having blue eyes or blond hair, these traits are usually found in the Göta type and Troender type.

No, Being Nordic means that you are White, the word is fitting since the White race can only be found in Germanic and Celtic countries (in most of Central and Northern Europe as well as in our colonies Australia, North America).

Even if this is the state of things in the present, the White race used to inhabit all of Europe, North Africa, India and pretty much almost everywhere else where you nowadays can find non-white "caucasoid" populations. The White race in India mixed with negritos which created non-white "caucasoids", the White race in North Africa mixed with negroes and asians which created non-white "caucasoids" etc.

As for Archimedes (the real one, not you) the Real Greeks were White, the modern "Greeks" are brown.

This can be explained by the fact that Greece, like Rome were at first white, successful and homogeneous, after awhile, it started to get less-white, stagnant and heterogeneous, until they finally became brown, backward and homogeneous (homogeneously brown) which is a state they remained in until today.

If the racial tide in our White societies is not reversed also will become backward, homogeneously brown, were all will be left will be a bunch of triracial med mongrels who fantasize how their "brown ancestors" conquered the whole world, how they built America and the British Empire etc.

Rassenhygieniker said...

"Using enemy terminology is mischievous, for as Orwell warned: "Tyranny begins with the abuse of language." Jews in Africa and in North America defined themselves as "White" until it became convenient for them to advertise themselves as "non-White". With your confused, erroneous terminology, you would be setting yourself up for victimization by these congenital liars. You may call long-nosed tri-racial mongrels "Caucasian", but once again, you'd be wrong, for 3 races in one person do not make him a member of any race, even in the specious definitions you choose to use. The "Caucasian" features of mongrels in India, the Middle East, North Africa and the Mediterranean are historically derived from the Tokharians whose civilization extended from northwestern China into the Middle East. But, the inhabitants of those regions are adulterated with Afro-Asiatic genes, and no longer satisfy the criteria for "White" or "Caucasian", with extremely rare exceptions. To maintain that regions where White/Caucasian/Aryans once lived have Caucasian/White populations is as erroneous as to maintain that the present inhabitants of Harlem, NY, are "non-White Dutch". The inhabitants of present-day Greece are racially distinct from the Aryans who built the Acropolis and waged the Trojan War. Because they live in Greece does not mean that these dark-hued denizens are White or Caucasian. The imposition of such abstract geographical criteria for determining "race" denies biological facts which one can see. Yes, there are a few Whites living in the Mediterranean, but most are tri-racial composite mongrels, and are members of no specific race. Your idea of "Caucasian" ignores the swarthy skin and kinky hair of a mulatto or quadroon, like Frederick Douglass." - Eric Thomson (2001)

"I'm a Mediterranean mongrel. I'm Italian, Greek, Arab, and French. When I was a kid, my parents used to talk Italian to each other, but I never learned it. When I was a little kid that was the 40s, and Italians weren't popular. Italians weren't cute, they weren't funny, there weren't fashionable, they weren't modern, they were fuckin' dogshits." - Frank Zappa (1979)

Anonymous said...

"Europe today can best be seen as divided between three cultural tribes: Nordic-Germanic, Latin, and Slavonic. In the north, there is a vast region of prosperity, a zone of Nordic dynamism. Characterized by economies based on specialized exports, a still powerful Protestant ethic, and a culture that embraces authority, these countries -- including Scandinavia, the Netherlands, Germany, and, arguably, the Baltic states -- are becoming ever more aware of the cultural, fiscal, and attitudinal gulf between them and the southern countries.

At the same time, the attempt to build a new European identity fused with immigrants appears to be failing. As Chancellor Angela Merkel noted, Germany has failed at "multi-culturalism." Such sentiments may be reviled by the media, academics, and even business leaders in Northern Europe, but they are clearly popular at the grassroots. Once considered paragons of liberalism, countries such as Denmark and the Netherlands have incubated potent anti-immigration movements.

In a world dominated increasingly by Asia, northern Europe cannot be anything more than a peripheral global power, which may explain its new introversion. Instead these resilient cultures more accurately represent a revival of the old Hanseatic League, a network of opportunistic and prosperous trading states that ringed the North and Baltic seas during the 13th century. This new league increasingly battles over issues of trade and fiscal policy, often with ill-disguised contempt, with the southern European countries I call "the Olive Republics": a region typified by dire straits, with rapidly aging populations, enormous budget deficits, and declining industrial might. Southern Europe now constitutes a zone of lassitude that extends from Portugal and Spain through the south of France, Italy, the former Yugoslavia, Greece, and Bulgaria."

Anonymous said...

Hunter Wallace is going to spend the next two days glued to his computer and watching MSNBC, desperately hoping to find a "vanguardist" connection. He's already practically having an orgasm in anticipation.

Anonymous said...

Maju has posted a DNA study of blacks in the Americas. It deals with "Non-Negroid admixture" in blacks and the "geographical origins in Africa" of black mtDNA lines.

For U.S. blacks: It finds 24.5% of Y-lines and 5.2% of mtDNA is European in origin. A lower overall-European-share [14.7%] than previous studies.

Amerindian admixture in U.S. blacks was found to be ~2%. (Zero Amerindian Y-lines found).

Origins in Africa for Black mtDNA in the USA:
-- 43% "Far West-Africa" (around modern Senegal)
-- 25% "Inner West-Africa" (around Nigeria)
-- 14% Tropical Bantu (Cameroon)
-- 18% modern Angola

In Brazil the average latitude for black genetic origin is much further south. (Nearly half from Angola or Mozambique).

Archimedes said...

The ancient Greeks were Caucasoid, as are modern Greeks. It is unlikely that they looked a whole lot different, as the environment has not changed, and there have not been any major influxes of non-Caucasoid people into Greece or Southern Italy.

The only other people who believe there was such an influx are Afrocentrists- Negroes who think black people invented everything. Could Rassie be one of them? LOL.

If you want to believe that only Northwestern Europeans are white, then the ancient Greeks were probably not white either.

Check this out:

Anonymous said...

David Cameron calls for Northern European alliance:

"David Cameron has urged countries across northern Europe to form an "alliance of common interests".

As the UK prime minister prepared to host leaders of Nordic and Baltic countries, he said they could become an "avant garde" for economic growth."

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

re: January 19, 2011 7:12 AM

Yep. Hunter is a serious tard, it's amazing he still has a following.

re: January 19, 2011 8:01 AM

That's from Diekenes the swarthoid. Modern "Greeks" are basically Turks, which is why their country stinks and is nothing like ancient Greece which was Nordic.

Rassenhygieniker said...

"Archimedes said...

The ancient Greeks were Caucasoid, as are modern Greeks. It is unlikely that they looked a whole lot different, as the environment has not changed, and there have not been any major influxes of non-Caucasoid people into Greece or Southern Italy.

The only other people who believe there was such an influx are Afrocentrists- Negroes who think black people invented everything. Could Rassie be one of them? LOL."

Do you realize that the term "caucasoid" due to it's liberal definition, is a fallacy?

If you did not know, North Africans are considred "caucasoids", yet they carry black and yellow blood, a bi-racial or tri-racial mongrel can not belong to the "caucasoid" (White) race if it has admixture from other races, a bi-racial or tri-racial belongs to no race, just like all the non-white "caucasoids".

What is this:

A gook? A nigger? Or a white? Neither, it's a tri-racial rarceless mongrel and will fit right in, in any of the non-white "caucasoid" nations.

Afterall, the blackest Saudi Arabian mongrel can be encompassed together with the fairest and purest Briton inside the term "caucasoid".

Allow me to demonstrate:

Saad Al Harthi, Saudi Arabian "caucasoid":

Sir Henry John Thoroton Hildyard, English "caucasoid":

By the way Saad Al Harthi looks quite Southern European, certainly not racially different from Vitor Baia, Sergio Asenjo or this guy

The skin coloration in White Northwestern European countries is homogeneous, there is no divergence amongst the White autochthonous population in skin colouration from anything other than fair, whereas the skin colouration in swarthoid countries is heterogeneous which can range from dark brown, to light grey, ever wondered why that is?

Quite simply, because the population of Northwestern European countries are of pure lineage, whereas swarthoid countries are of mixed breeds, a Greek can be light grey skinned with light and relatively straight hair, wheras another greek, will have nappy hair, dark brown skin with black eyes.

Same applies everywhere where one can find non-white "caucasoids", it doesn't matter if it's in North Africa, Turkey, India, Mesopotamia, Saudi Arabia, Oman, the Levant or Southern Europe.

At first, Greece was built by White people and prospered under it's White rule.

In the end, Greece suffered under the non-whites and was destroyed by their mongrels.

Civilizations are built by Whites, the blacks are too stupid to build anything and the yellows are only good at copying after Whites.

Said civilization crumbles when it's White founders disappear in a sea of racial onslaught and the only thing left are feeble minded mongrels who can only destroy what was left behind by the Whites. We have seen it times and times again, with Greece, with Rome, with the Visigothic Kingdom, with the Persian Empire and so on.

The forunners of civilization are always white envoys, the White brought civilization to the yellows through it's Tokharian envoys, just like it brought it to Mesopotamia, until they all faded away due to intermingling with other races.

The Tokharians were tall, fair haired, fair skinned, fair eyed and dolichocephalic, we can see it in the frescoes and from the skeletal remains, which are similar to modern day Northwestern Europeans, the same thing for the Mycenaeans for the bones in the tombs showed that miscgenation did occur, as there was quite a distinction between the male bones who were racially White and the females who were racially Orientals.

Rassenhygieniker said...

"Archimedes said...

If you want to believe that only Northwestern Europeans are white, then the ancient Greeks were probably not white either."

I don't believe it, I know it. It does not matter if it comes from a white or a non-white, when someone say the word "White" or "White race", people do not visualize a North African or a Southern European, they visualize a Northwestern European.

Rassenhygieniker said...

There is no such thing as a sun-burnt White or a brown White, this is due to mongrelization with the dark races, either be it in Southern Europe or outside of Europe. The North Africans who are some of the blackest and most negro-like "caucasoids", just like Southern Europeans were also at one time White too.

"Africa north of the Sahara, from a zoological point of view, is now, and has been since early Tertiary times, a part of Europe. This is true both of animals and of the races of man.The Berbers of north Africa to-day are racially identical with the Spaniards and south Italians." - Madison Grant, The Passing of the Great Race (1916)

"In north Africa there are large areas with a predominantly Mediterranean population : the whole of the northern edge from Egypt to Morocco, and beyond Morocco a tract along the coast southwards and reaching over to the north-west African islands. The Spaniards have always been astonished at the likeness of their Berber foes in Morocco with themselves. In all these regions of north-west Africa, however, there are found also Oriental, Negro, and (especially, it would seem, in Algeria and Morocco) Hither Asiatic strains. Among the Berbers, particularly the Kabyles in the Riff and in the Aures range, a Nordic strain shows itself clearly, and in the Canary Islands there seems to be a strain of the Cro-magnon race." - Hans F.K. Günther, The Racial Elements of European History (1927)

"The Berbers, among whom even today one finds light skins and blue eyes, do not go back to the Vandal invasions of the fifth century A.D., but to the prehistoric Atlantic Nordic human wave. The Kabyle huntsmen, for example, are to no small degree still wholly Nordic, thus the blond Berbers in the region of Constantine form 10 % of the population; at Djebel Sheshor they are even more numerous." - Alfred Rosenberg, The Myth of the Twentieth Century (1930)

"Part of my time had been passed of what is called "La Grande Kabylie", that portion of the province of Algiers which is inhabited by he Kabyles, the most direct descendants of the Ancient Libyans. They are strange people these Kabyles, both in customs and physical aspects. Native of Africa time out of mind, many of them present the purest type of the blonde races, blue or gray eyes, tawny beard, fair complexion, curly light or reddish hair, muscular in build and often tall in stature. When I came to look at the many evidently portraits busts on the tombs of the ancient Etruscans, there was something in the features, in the shape of head and face, which reminded me of these Kabyles." - Daniel Garrison Brinton, The Ethnologic affinities of the Ancient Etruscans (1889)

"Amongst the Berbers of Chawias in the Aures there is a very large proportion of fair (sometimes golden) hair, blue eyes, and complexions, especially in the case of young children, who lack the tan produced by years of exposure to the fierce heat of the summer sun, often paler than our own, were the physical characteristics which at once arrested our attention, while their strange Berber tongue, akin to that spoken by the Kabyles in the North, bore no resemblance to the Arabic of the nomads and of the oasis of the Sahara." - Melville William Hilton-Simpson, Among the Hill Folk of Algeria (1921)

Rassenhygieniker said...

"Berbers are undoubtedly the descendants of the races known to the Greeks and Romans under the generic name of Libyans. The Kabyles of the hills between Algiers and Bougie, and the Shawia of the Aures Mountains are very similar to one another and may be taken as typical Berbers. They are distinctly white-skinned, even when sunburned. Usually they have black hair and brown or hazel eyes, some have yellow hair and blue eyes. In the royal necropolis of Thebes of about 1300 B.C., certain Libyans are depicted as having a white skin, blue eyes and fair beards. Blonds are represented on Egyptian monuments from 1700 B.C. and were noted by the Greeks in the fourth century B.C. In the east the blonds have quite died out, but there are patches of this race in the west of North Africa. This fair race still remain an unsolved problem. Some students bring them from Spain, other authors from Italy, others again from the east. Perhaps they were a sporadic invasions and formed an aristocratic class. One suggestion is that they were Proto-Nordics who formed a part of the various groups of Asiatics who raided Egypt about 1300 B.C. and moved westwards." - Alfred Cort Haddon, The Races of Man and Their Distribution (1924)

"Like all other Berbers, the Riffians include standard Mediterraneans in their tribal populations. Among these Mediterraneans the incidence of elements of blond hair and blue eyes is a bit higher than the usual twenty-five percent. I attribute the slight excess to several factors : isolation in a cloudy and cool mountain habitat and mixture with an older strain. Concentrated in the more isolated tribes in the central Rif, the older strain is characterized by individuals of stocky build, with large heads, broad faces, low orbits, large teeth, and broad noses. While variable in pigmentation, these individuals, who look like Irishmen, run to red hair, green eyes, and freckles. They cannot be explained by any historical invasion of North Africa, real or fancied; the bones of their preagricultural ancestors have been excavated from North African soil in sufficient quantity to confim the local antiquity of the genes which produces them. A broad head, a wide face, a snub nose, freckles, and other individual traits derived from this racial combination may be seen in other Riffians and in other Berber populations. Green eyes, for example, are common among the Middle Atlas Beraber (as anyone who was with the Goums in the last war may remember). Fair hair has been recorded from the Kabyles in Algeria, but actual statistical work shows them to be almost entirely Mediterranean with only a slight excess of blondism." - Carleton S. Coon, The Story of Middle East (1951)

"The Berber populations nearer the Mediterranean coast were probably Caucasoids. There is little doubt that they came from the Middle East, and they have occupied the region since the Neolithic or even earlier. Experienced sailors like other Neolithic peoples, they colonized the Canary Islands. When the Spaniards conquered these islands in the fifteenth century, they found a distinct population with some blond-haired and blue-eyed people -traits that are still evident among some Berbers in Morocco. They spoke Guanche, an Afroasiatic Berber language. By the time the Spanish arrived, they had lost the ability to sail." - Luigi Luca Cavalli-Sforza, Peoples and Languages (2001)

Stop beating around the brush like a scared little nigger and stop pretending to be White, because mongrels can never be White again, not now, not ever. It doesn't matter if said mongrels are in Southern Europe, or North Africa, Geographical location does not change your lineage, a swarthoid will be a mongrel that he be in Norway or in Nigeria, just like an English will be a White that he be in Spain or in Oman.

Once your blood is tainted, you will struggle under your own mongrelization for all eternity.

Deal with it shitskin.

Rassenhygieniker said...

"Anonymous said...

That's from Diekenes the swarthoid."

Don't forget to mention that Dienekes lives in california, just another anti-Nordish swarthoid that can not even seem to tolerate living amongst his own, inside the third world racial sewer that Greece is.

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