Why certain S. Euros obsess about supposed rampant miscegenation by N. Euro women

I think the reasons are obvious.

(1) They desire Northern European women, either because they believe they are more attractive or to raise their status.

(2) They realize they face competition for the minority of exogamous Northern European women from every other non-Northern European group on the planet, and don't like their odds. (Guy White: "I never went to Sweden as a single man, but I doubt it would be easier for me to pick up women there than in Alabama, Italy or New Zealand.")

(3) They believe deprecating Northern European women (and/or Northern European men) improves their chances -- or at least makes them feel better about their lack of success -- with Northern European women.
My information is based upon a three-­and-a-half-year study of the Italian slum district of "Cornerville" in "Eastern City." [. . .] In the social- and ethnic-group cate­gory, the most desirable woman for non-marital sex relations is the girl of old American-stock background, preferably blonde, who has a higher status than the corner boy. Once I was walking through the aristocratic section of Eastern City with a corner boy when we passed a tall and stately blonde, fashionably dressed, and very attractive. My companion breathed deeply as he said: "The old Puritan stock! .... The real McCoy! Wouldn't I like to give her a belt."

The attraction of the native stock is not confined to the lower-class Italian. Mario Martini was born in Cornerville, but as he became successful in business he moved out to a fashionable suburb. He married an Italian girl and raised a family, sending his children to private school. He had many business relations and some social relations with upper-class Yankees. He made a practice of hir­ing only girls of native background for his secretarial work, and on some of his business trips he would take one of these girls along-for sexual as well as secretarial purposes. One of Martini's former secretaries, who told me this story, was a girl of rather plain features, which em­phasizes the prestige of the native back-ground even for a man who was as suc­cessful as Mario Martini.

[WF Whyte. A slum sex code. American Journal of Sociology, 1943]
One of the manifestations of this jealousy of the fair skin of the Nordics is shown in those numerous cases where members of the colored races, or even dark-skinned members of the Nordic regard the possession of a blonde woman as an assertion and proof of race equality. This has been true historically since the earliest times. It is more than ever in evidence at the present day.

[Madison Grant. The Conquest of a Continent; or, The expansion of races in America. New York, Charles Scribner’s Sons, 1933. p. 15.]
See also Philip Roth, Eldrige Cleaver, etc.


  1. It's obvious, if you're white, you are a racist (and a nazist too). The more whiter, the more racister and nazister, so....south europeans are less white than north europeans therefore less racist and they can rightly complain about the nordicist nazists!

    All right, beside the joke, It is quite the opposite IMO. Northern european societies seem much more tolerant than southerners with regard to mixity, immigration etc. Recent events have shown Italian and Sicilian dealing harsly with african immigrants and actually, I wonder if southerners women would not miscegenate more against immigrants than north euro women. So why would italian men, for example, complain about north euro women when they actually support and encourage the same behavior in their own society ?

  2. I for one believe that North-South European differences exist and are a legitimate issue to respectfully discuss, but the way you go about it n/a brings embarrassment rather than enlightment to the matter with your brooding obsession with 'Meds'.

  3. Robert8,

    "I wonder if southerners women would not miscegenate more against immigrants than north euro women."

    That would not surprise me. I've long had the impression that Southern European (and Middle Eastern) women tend to be less sexually restrained than Northern European women given equivalent social controls and acculturation. Historically, Northern European women were given more freedom because they could responsibly handle more freedom.


    "brooding obsession with 'Meds'."

    You seem to be projecting some emotions of your own here.

  4. "I've long had the impression that Southern European (and Middle Eastern) women tend to be less sexually restrained than Northern European women given equivalent social controls and acculturation."

    I think the opposite is true. To cite an example, British women are famous for binge drinking and promiscuity, and they and Scandinavian women are far more likely to have interracial relationships. None of these stereotypes applies to Greek, Italian, and Armenian women.

  5. "given equivalent social controls and acculturation"

  6. "given equivalent social controls and acculturation"

    Are you saying that SE women in the US or Canada are sluttier than NE? That would not be my impression.

    In Europe, SE women are currently behaving very slutty though I believe that is a result of emulation and wanting to be "as good" as their NE counterparts. I've seen this first hand over the last 2 decades. However, it is only from my personal experience and observation.

  7. According to this study, FWIW, the Finn's are numero uno.

  8. Yes, S. Euros, like blacks, often feel the need to slight N. Euro women because they desire them (for beauty and status) but know that N. Euro women look down on them. However, in addition to this, they also think that a good way to attack N. Euro men is by denigrating N. Euro women. You see this from blacks a lot. Just about every movie directed towards black audiences that I’ve had the misfortune of seeing makes a large effort to insult white women. Unfortunately, blacks have no qualms about this manner of attack because they, like S. Euros, are completely deficient in chivalry. As has been noted by many people chivalry is a trait that is common only among Northern European men. From The Passing of the Great Race:

    “The Nordics are, all over the world, a race of soldiers, sailors, adventurers, and explorers, but above all, of rulers, organizers, and aristocrats in sharp contrast to the essentially peasant character of the Alpines. Chivalry and knighthood, and their still surviving but greatly impaired counterparts, are peculiarly Nordic traits, and feudalism, class distinctions, and race pride among Europeans are traceable for the most part to the north.”

    Perhaps it is knowledge of the natural desire of N. Euro men to protect women that further inspires S. Euros and blacks to view N. Euro women as prime targets for attack. They know that their attacks will resonate with N. Euro men.

  9. I also want to point out that the first person to applaud Guy White’s post in the comment thread was HBD blogger OneSTDV. OneSTDV has himself admitted that he is half-Greek and half-Romanian in a comment at Occidental Dissent.

  10. I wasn't aware of that obsession with miscegnation. Apparently I haven't been spending enough time reading losers on the internet.

  11. Thanks for the Madison Grant quote. I needed a laugh today.

  12. Yes, S. Euros, like blacks, often feel the need to slight N. Euro women because they desire them (for beauty and status) but know that N. Euro women look down on them.

    May I suggest that the "Nordicist" no longer comment, unless it is of a verifiable factual nature, as his comments do the opposite of what he believes they do.

    To suggest that SE are "like blacks" is the epitome of ignorance and unfounded hubris. If he is serious, which may be the case, then he should understand why such statements make further "opinions" of his less than worthless. If he has trouble understanding this not so fine distinction, then I question his membership in the "Great Race".

    Apparently I haven't been spending enough time reading losers on the internet.

    Exactly, as I've said previously. If I may ask, how did Guy White become such a rock star in the WN world right off the bat?

  13. Anon,

    Are you saying that SE women in the US or Canada are sluttier than NE? That would not be my impression.

    My impression is that they're often just as slutty, and whether they are less so or more so I doubt the difference is too great. But SEs tend to hide it better. Off the top of my head I can only recall a handful of SEs that have been as disgustingly open (eg passing vulgar sexual comments in front of men in an attempt to impress them) about their sluthood as NEs. (See the kind of blogs 2blowhards links to for examples of 'disgustingly open sluthood'.)

    As for "nordicist," his are the kinds of comments you'll make when you're resolved to hate someone. Nordicist, ask yourself this: is there anything an SE could say about race that you wouldn't construe as an "attack" on NEs?

  14. Thanks for the Madison Grant quote. I needed a laugh today.

    No surprise that an Italian-American like patrick would say something like this.

    May I suggest that the "Nordicist" no longer comment, unless it is of a verifiable factual nature, as his comments do the opposite of what he believes they do.

    Why don't you stop commenting here? When S. Europeans attack N. Europeans in the harshest terms, that's just fine. No animosity there at all. But when a N. European hurts the feelings of some S. Europeans, that's hate, and it must be quashed just like "white racism" must be suppressed.

    And S. Europeans are "like blacks," Jews, and other non-whites in that S. Europeans seek to live around N. Europeans and in the societies N. Europeans create. If N. Europeans want to be separate from S Europeans, S. Europeans howl just like non-whites fulminate against whites who wish to be separate. You don't see N. Europeans objecting to S. Europeans and non-whites who want to exclude and live apart from N. Europeans. But if N. Europeans desire to be separate, that's hate.

  15. I see Nordicist has changed his name to Anonymous now.

    When S. Europeans attack N. Europeans in the harshest terms, that's just fine. No animosity there at all. But when a N. European hurts the feelings of some S. Europeans, that's hate, and it must be quashed just like "white racism" must be suppressed.

    When I make those claims, I can then understand you attacking them and defending yourself. Until then, what exactly are you swinging at?

    Regarding your second paragraph: I don't believe you get out much. We have NE that buy up properties in SE and move there in droves to get away from their self induced "multiculturalism". I don't see them yammering this bullshit of yours. Maybe you should get out and educate yourself a bit before you spout Kemp and Grant.


    My impression is that they're often just as slutty, and whether they are less so or more so I doubt the difference is too great. But SEs tend to hide it better.

    I can see this being the case in order to please the parents and grandparents. The extended family influence was immensely important in maintaining morals and SE, in general, are bigger believers in a close knit extended family. With that, women across the globe like to screw. Even the "reserved and demure" Asians. They are kinky little bitches though that is not the image they portray.

  16. You seem to be projecting some emotions of your own here.

    Nice comeback n/a.

  17. "“The Nordics are, all over the world, a race of soldiers, sailors, adventurers, and explorers, but above all, of rulers, organizers, and aristocrats in sharp contrast to the essentially peasant character of the Alpines. Chivalry and knighthood, and their still surviving but greatly impaired counterparts, are peculiarly Nordic traits, and feudalism, class distinctions, and race pride among Europeans are traceable for the most part to the north.”

    It was this quote that I was laughing at. Were the Romans, Greeks, Spanish conquistadores, or Portuguese explorers all Nordic?
    I very much doubt it.

  18. I see Nordicist has changed his name to Anonymous now.

    Wrong. I am not Nordicist.

    It was this quote that I was laughing at. Were the Romans, Greeks, Spanish conquistadores, or Portuguese explorers all Nordic?
    I very much doubt it.

    The Germanic character of Portuguese achievement
    Were the ancient Romans Nordic?
    Greek Aristoi
    Pigmentation of the Early Roman Emperors
    Nordic Hellas
    Nordic Italy
    Lessons in Decline - Part One: Spain
    Lessons in Decline - Part Two: Portugal

  19. LOL. Arthur "everybody was Nordic" Kemp. Even more of a laugh.

  20. From the Philip Roth link, a jewish critic of Roth's Portnoy writes:

    The two crudest and most venerable stereotypes of anti-Semitic lore—the Jew as sexual defiler and malevolent destroyer with a supporting cast of cheats and vulgarians—move in a Jewish ambience whose authenticity is guaranteed by appetizing borsht, wonderfully mimicked intonations, and comic folkways. If the accent rings true, why doubt the words?

    The truth that rings true, as revealed by a tribemate, really hurts those jews.

    Reading that Roth crap just made me want to vomit.

  21. TGGP,

    I seldom read race boards anymore, but when I did I found this and related phenomena very noticeable.

    Anonymous who asked why Guy White's site seems so popular,

    Good question. Even Guy White has claimed to be baffled (although from what I recall the hit counts he reported weren't that remarkable). I guess he has managed to grab the philosemitic milquetoast WN demographic Ian Jobling was going after. I imagine he's been more successful than Ian at connecting with a larger, dumber audience by virtue of being dumber himself, spouting "common sense", and posting more frequently. I've also heard he's not averse to plagiarism.

  22. There is a song we used to sing at school especially school trips, "it all sounds like bllsht to me".

    Come on folks, get real. Southern Europeans desires Northern European women because of .....their hair! I live in Australia, and I have been to the almost mythic Northlands. Those Northmen and women are no blonder than the average Australian. And most women who are blond after childhood are blond because of what comes out of a bottle or some package. It is all fake.

    As to the supposed beauty of those fake blonds, well! Obviously having eyes and seeing are two very different things. Some Middle Eastern bloke said that according to some Middle Eastern and Greek book.

    Look at yourself in the mirror with open eyes and without a booze head. If it doesn't break that is.

  23. Come on folks, get real. Southern Europeans desires Northern European women because of .....their hair! I live in Australia, and I have been to the almost mythic Northlands. Those Northmen and women are no blonder than the average Australian. And most women who are blond after childhood are blond because of what comes out of a bottle or some package. It is all fake. -- Ponto

    Even n/a with his Madison Grant post says, inadvertantly, so much -- in 'that even dark-skinned members of the Nordic regard the possession of a blonde woman as an assertion and proof of race equality.'

    And you are right, there are plenty of Northern Europeans who are not blond or have fair-hair/eyes. Nor is Nordicism exclusive only to NW Europe ('Aryan Internet Warriors' beliefs notwithstanding).

  24. As French, I can confirm that in the past, maybe 30 or 40 years ago, Northern women HAD the reputation to be 'easy', at least easyer than french or southern women. True or not, that what the story then. Now, I would agree with Silver, if there is a real difference, it is probably not much.
    But there is a big and clearcut difference, however, it is how southern men treat their african immigrants. There is no question that african immigrants would not dare to behave as bad as they do in Northen European countries than in countries like Sicily, Corsica or even Italy (for some reason, Spain is not part of them and France, ehem...).
    I've read recently that 100% of the rape crimes commited in Sweden were commited by non-european immigrants. When was the last time we've heard about a rape commited by an African man on, say, a Corsican woman?
    That wouldn't be pretty, so 100%, it's a joke.

  25. I can only recall a handful of SEs that have been as disgustingly open (eg passing vulgar sexual comments in front of men in an attempt to impress them) about their sluthood as NEs. (See the kind of blogs 2blowhards links to for examples of 'disgustingly open sluthood'.)

    They can get the best men and they know those men will appreciate and protect them.

  26. Robert,

    As French, I can confirm that in the past, maybe 30 or 40 years ago, Northern women HAD the reputation to be 'easy',

    Here's a paper discussing a similar stereotype (specifically of Swedish women) that existed in Germany at that time, with little basis in fact.

  27. Guy White's response

    His reproval "don't ... be an annoying bitch who makes up stuff and uses half-facts" is especially amusing. Clear projection on his part.

  28. But there is a big and clearcut difference, however, it is how southern men treat their african immigrants. There is no question that african immigrants would not dare to behave as bad as they do in Northen European countries than in countries like Sicily, Corsica or even Italy...


    I think you may be on to something here with some of our NW Euro brothers may possibly resent the fact that, on average, Southern and Eastern European men are more aggressive, or at least more socially assertive, than they are... especially among the Scandinavian types, both abroad and here in the 'People's Republic of Minnesota'.

    A lot of the anti-Italian types tend to forget that Italians are some of the least 'Pee Cee' kind of Whites here in America.

    In addition to Tom Tancredo, Lou Barletta, Virginia's newest super-conservative attorney-general Kenneth T. Cuccinelli, II...

    ...they also have "Epic Beard Man" -- Thomas Bruso.

    So c'mon gang, stop always piling on the 'Eye-talians'.

  29. None of these stereotypes applies to Greek, Italian, and Armenian women.

    Regarding Armenians you must be joking. As the author said, within the same acculturation... and you get the Kardashians, the biggest negrophiles you could imagine.

  30. Regarding Armenians you must be joking. As the author said, within the same acculturation... and you get the Kardashians, the biggest negrophiles you could imagine.

    The Kardashians are half Armenian, half Scottish/Dutch.

  31. If SEs are so ethnocentric then why do they protest so much when NEs want to be separate from them?

  32. Why would NE males resent SE males for supposed higher assertiveness? That makes no sense.

    What is plainly obvious is the opposite, SE males resent NE males asserting their subracial and ethnic identities. In addition this happens both in the New World and in the Old World, albeit the New World Meds are often more vitriolic about it.

    When we look at history, Latins don't exactly stand out as caring about their race. The Spanish and Portuguese made a miscegenated mess out of Latin America, the descendants of which are now invading North America. The French were very eager mix with blacks and Amerindians in Louisiana creating the mixed Creoles. Italians in Latin America haven't really set themselves apart, and in their own country they have a nearly 10% intermarriage rate with non-Italian immigrants. Italian men are engaging in intermarriage at nearly 7 times the rate of Italian women, however Italian women marry blacks much more often. While some of these marriages are to other Caucasoids, mixing ethnicity is still considered a sin.

  33. I covered the topic of why Nordicist men feel threatened by Mediterranean (and other) men:


    What n/a is not mentioning is that Nordicist men tend to be insecure about miscegenation due to their perception that their genetic traits are recessive. By contrast, you almost never see these men complaining about Nordic men with Asian women for example. So sexual competition is real from all angles, and affects the psyche of all men.

    While non-Nordic men are accused of denigrating Nordic women - which is really only an internet thing and nothing seen in real life to any significant degree - it's likely because the insecurity of Nordicist men in the area of sexual competition is perceived. In real life, you don't see Nordic men talking about non-Nordic men with their women, usually. But on the internet, this type of whining will draw a reaction (whether positive, negative, defensive, or offensive). It's just trolling back and forth basically to push emotional buttons.

    Also, a bit more honesty is warranted. There is an insecurity about the white race - and Nordics especially - becoming extinct in White Nationalist forums and in its subculture. Who women are pairing with thus becomes very important for men in the movement.

  34. Anonymous wrote:

    "What is plainly obvious is the opposite, SE males resent NE males asserting their subracial and ethnic identities."

    This is untrue, because, outside of fringe internet forums, NE males do NOT assert subracial and ethnic identities. There is no subracial consciousness outside of the internet. I know some Nordicist men will throw a fit over this assertion, but the truth is the truth. The Nordics who live in n/a's community probably don't give a shit about him being a Nordic, and very well may throw him and his family under the bus in a heartbeat. That's just the world we live in and it applies pretty much to all races in our individualistic society. It takes a bit of wisdom to swallow this bitter pill if you are a Nordicist or a White Nationalist. Most Nordic men don't really give a fuck about dating Nordic women or preserving their subrace if, say, a hot Italian woman comes their way who is sexier than the Nordic 4 or 5 available to him. This is just reality and is seen daily to anyone with an open mind.

    By the way, I will try to hyperlink the article I posted earlier about Nordicist men being sexually insecure (which, to be fair, is not exclusive to them, as even Black Nationalist men get insecure when attractive black women date white men).

  35. I think I should qualify my previous two comments. While we do live in an individualistic society, there is still mild genetic preference toward genetically related people - for example, it is said people are more polite or generous to those who share their last name. Occasionally there is a blond boy who gets a slap on the wrist after committing a rape, and this triggers an outcry.* The issue here is that Nordicists overestimate the strength of this bias in a fluid, real-world situation, or even in general. They extrapolate falsely that the real world reflects the insecure few Southern Europeans who engage with them.

    *Ah, yes, Brock Turner. So yes, there is *some* subracial preference still, but it was not strong enough to protect the reputation of Brock and the judge who gave him a light sentence. I just Googled him and, sure enough, the Nordics in his Ohio community don't want him around, are not vouching for him, and he's making $12 an hour while living with his parents. He's branded for life (presumably Nordic fathers will not be happy with him around their daughters)

  36. "To suggest that SE are "like blacks" is the epitome of ignorance and unfounded hubris"

    It really isn't, at least in some ways it's definitely true. For instance, think of the first thing that comes to an SE's mind when in an online spat with a northern European or "nordicist", the first thing that comes to their mind to rant and rave about how much NE women love SE males and how NE men are cucks. This behaviour is not much different than that of a negro who bloviates about "muh dik" and white women loving black men.

    More Black/SE parallels can be seen, for instance look at the media portrayal of blacks/SEs vs NE males, who are portrayed as psychopaths or weaklings among other things, SEs are portrayed in a much more positive manner despite the ceaseless fuming about mafia movies/shows which no one sane lets affect their perception on an individual or group, if anything, it's seen as "badass" by the retarded masses.

    This coincides with SEs being seen as the least loathsome European-derived group by nonwhites, the system and the masses, see this succinct comment: "It's obvious, if you're white, you are a racist (and a nazist too). The more whiter, the more racister and nazister, so....south europeans are less white than north europeans therefore less racist and they can rightly complain about the nordicist nazists!". Quite correct, if it's NEs vs SEs the system, nonwhites and masses will take the SEs side, and no doubt SEs have certain affinities for certain non-europeans (MENAs for instance).

    "I think the opposite is true. To cite an example, British women are famous for binge drinking and promiscuity, and they and Scandinavian women are far more likely to have interracial relationships. None of these stereotypes applies to Greek, Italian, and Armenian women." Because their racemixing isn't focused on in popular culture 24/7 and isn't used to bash their male counterparts, regardless of what the actual facts are, it isn't exactly uncommon from what I have head in southern europe.

  37. "They believe deprecating Northern European women (and/or Northern European men) improves their chances -- or at least makes them feel better about their lack of success -- with Northern European women."

    It's important to take this into account, the males doing this are losers, many of them incels, attempting to derive unwarranted self-esteem from an inflated sense of group attractiveness; not dissimilar to negro behavior and "muh dik" in that regard. For some reason, you will never see NE men doing something like this and if they ever do it's probably in response to attacks from SE or negro males.
