Open thread (6)

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Silver said...

The slurs aren't necessary but the argument is valid. Are West Asians and those with significant/predominant West Asian ancestry (including Jews) considered White/European?

I think you'll find that a lot of people -- I would guess a majority -- would need convincing that there's an argument to even hear out.

I'm not disagreeing with you. It's more than just a "valid argument" or a "valid point" -- essentially, it's the whole point. But how many people have ever been moved to take a racial stand on this basis alone? Not many. They usually come at it via other arguments, like IQ (a middle/upper class biggie) or crime (lower class biggie), which are not strictly nationalist/preservationist issues (or even essential issues). This means more work has to be done to bring them closer to your position (my position, too, albeit with severe provisos). The slurs, I'm betting, more often than not either strike them as ridiculous nitpicking or expose perceived vulnerabilities ("But my grandfather was a...").

Silver said...

John Attarian was from this generation of Armenian-Americans, and he certainly was a good and decent White American patriot.

In his case, he was only half, wasn't he?

What this illustrates more than anything is the inevitability of exceptions. Here's this obviously questionable case (Armenians having had essentially zero to do with the founding of America etc) who takes what for the times was an extreme patriotic stance. He didn't need to do it. He wasn't forced to do it. Nobody was expecting it. But he did it anyway, because his heart told him to. Very hard to turn someone like that away. Very hard.

The problem, of course, is that once the perception that exceptions are being made has established itself the practice snowballs.

The upshot is that what began as a pretty straightforward political position -- a state should be composed of people of the same stock -- fast becomes the sociological equivalent of proving Fermat's Last Theorem.

Anonymous said...

Being patriotic is no standard of acceptance, plenty of blacks and other non-whites are patriotic.

That's how blacks won their equality, fighting for the North against the South.

Rather what it proves is most people are not serious about race. The vast majority of "white nationalists" don't even know anything about physical anthropology.

Let's be honest, most of these online "white nationalists" are Asperger nerds or have some kind of personality disorder. Society has rejected them so they turn to white nationalism in hopes of increasing their perceived value in a small fringe group.

Real racial preservationists are few and far between.

Anonymous said...

Silver said...

What this illustrates more than anything is the inevitability of exceptions. ...

Anonymous said...

Being patriotic is no standard of acceptance, ...

I understand both your points, Silver and Anon, and primarily agree with you both ... however my original point in citing Attarian was that the older generations of Armenian-Americans -- many of them, not just the exceptions -- were appreciably Whiter and much closer to the European racial mean than the current, more West Asiatic Armenian immigrants seem to certainly be (I think even Steve Sailer did a post on this very issue of sub-racial differences among Armenians, if I'm correct).

Anonymous said...

Silver said...

What this illustrates more than anything is the inevitability of exceptions. ...

Anonymous said...

Being patriotic is no standard of acceptance, ...

I understand your points, Silver and Anon, and primarily agree with you both ... however my original point in citing Attarian was that the older generations of Armenian-Americans -- many of them, not just the exceptions -- were appreciably Whiter and much closer to the European racial mean than the current, more West Asiatic Armenian immigrants seem to certainly be (I think even Steve Sailer did a post on this very issue of sub-racial differences among Armenians, if I'm correct).

Silver said...

I obviously meant Attarian was a racial patriot. He must have been aware that his background could have been used against him, but he took the position he did anyway. Very few people are going to reject someone like that.

Rather what it proves is most people are not serious about race.

And yet, that's the hand you've been dealt. If whining about it made the slightest possible difference WNs would have taken America by storm years ago.

The vast majority of "white nationalists" don't even know anything about physical anthropology.

So a WN is someone who "knows something about phsyical anthropology"? Can't be a WN unless you do? Is that what you're suggesting? Lol. No wonder you people are so easily ignored. In your minds it's always 1890 or something and all that needs to be done is for word to be spread about the reality and meaning of racial differences and everyone will rush to join your ranks. However reasonable the chances it may have worked in 1890 or in 1910 or 1930 or, heck, even in 1960, the fact is you lost those battles. Adjust to that reality or perish.

Real racial preservationists are few and far between.

Call me stupid but I have the distinct impression that that's just the way you like it. The few, the proud, eh?

Anonymous said...

Celtic Woman - Danny Boy

Anonymous said...

You can tell from Silver's trolling and instigating that his nature is non-White. He's very Asiatic and effete, just like Jews.

Silver has no point, other than to attempt to disrupt and undermine. He has the soul of a bitter old Jewish crone.

Silver said...

Lol. Okay then, fine. So I'm "Asiatic" and "effete" and "just like a Jew" (aiiee, mother of all insults right there!). It doesn't change the reality of anything I've said.

Anonymous said...

"You can tell from Silver's trolling and instigating that his nature is non-White."

Quite right, even by his own admission.

Silver: "I’m Serbian (Test me, if you like.) I don’t consider myself white—for good reason: I’m not—nor other Serbs “whites”, and it galls me to see them playing that game. If a Serb thinks he has anything racially in common with Englishmen or a German he is thoroughly deluding himself. Yes, I’d welcome a “negrifying” of Serbia, too. My father was Kosovo raised, and I’ve heard all the stories, but the place holds nothing special in my heart. My liberal credentials are, I would think, quite impeccable."

It's what Bowery would describe as a parasitic nature.

Anonymous said...

Real racial preservationists are few and far between.

Ideologically, this may be true. But most white people still choose to live in majority white areas and to marry their own kind. Ergo, most whites are de facto racial preservationists regardless of which ideologies they espouse. Ergo, most whites still have healthy instincts.

That's why it doesn't do to be excessively negative. That's one real reason no one wants to associate with ideological racialists, in fact. Who wants to keep excessively gloomy and angry people company, eh?

Anonymous said...

The most important thing for true white nationalists to understand is that med swarthoids are not white, but instead are light skinned niggers who hold all of the same traits as niggers and the same hostilities to whites.

Rassenhygieniker said...

"Anonymous said...

The most important thing for true white nationalists to understand is that med swarthoids are not white, but instead are light skinned niggers who hold all of the same traits as niggers and the same hostilities to whites."

Exactly my good friend, I was thinking the same thing at work this morning.

Swarthoids southern europeans are mulattoes from North Africa, Arabia and Asia Minor who snucked behind ennemy lines and mimic themselves as "white" with empty claims of "Europeaness" and "Christianity". But their through racial soul can be seen with their behaviour and repulsive mentalityn, like their swarthoid kinfolks from outside of Europe, swarthoid "latins" are a race of conspirators and parasites who survive off blackmail and extortion.

Anyone can take a look at the rate-faced swarthoids and see them for the raceless mulatos that they are. Loyalty, decency and truthfullness is not something that exist for the swarthoids, just as it does not exist for the niggers.

Anonymous said...

Exactly my good friend, I was thinking the same thing at work this morning.

You actually have a *job*, rASSy?!?

Sheesh, and i thought you were online 24/7 ;)

Anonymous said...

Anyone can take a look at the rate-faced swarthoids...


*Too bad there isn't any real effective medications for Autism/Autism spectrum disorders.

Anonymous said...

"United States Marines Storm the Palace and Capture the Sultan of Morocco in 1904"

*Figure you guys, in your obsession with 'swarthoids' would love this one.. ;)

Anonymous said...

Ideologically, this may be true. But most white people still choose to live in majority white areas and to marry their own kind. Ergo, most whites are de facto racial preservationists regardless of which ideologies they espouse. Ergo, most whites still have healthy instincts.

No, it's not race, but their lifestyle. If non-European Caucasoids, hybrids or Asians move in but are affluent and culturally assimilated they accept them. The typical HBDer and patriotard are examples of this.

Speaking the truth is not anger or gloom and doom. You need to toughen up.

The Chinese understand this.

Anonymous said...

Come on, you know you guys get a kick out of Rassie.

Rassie should have his own TV show, it would be hilarious.

Anonymous said...

Ideologically, this may be true. But most white people still choose to live in majority white areas and to marry their own kind. Ergo, most whites are de facto racial preservationists regardless of which ideologies they espouse. Ergo, most whites still have healthy instincts.

No, it's not race, but their lifestyle. If non-European Caucasoids, hybrids or Asians move in but are affluent and culturally assimilated they accept them. The typical HBDer and patriotard are examples of this.

Speaking the truth is not anger or gloom and doom. You need to toughen up.

Implicit Whiteness alone won't save us.

The Chinese understand this.

Here's some gloom and doom for you.

Anonymous said...

Is the commenter "Hamish" over at Majority Rights in this thread:

the same person as "Reginald Thompson"?

Swarthoid said...

Come on, you know you guys get a kick out of Rassie.

Rassie should have his own TV show, it would be hilarious.

Yes, he is an absolute stitch, and I for one hope he keeps on posting here.

Anonymous said...

Is the commenter "Hamish" over at Majority Rights in this thread:

the same person as "Reginald Thompson"?

Could be, he defends Asiatics and Reginaldo looks like he has North African/Hamitic ancestry.

MR is infested with swarthoids, mischlings, Asiatics and apologists for them.

Anonymous said...

Is the commenter "Hamish" over at Majority Rights in this thread:

the same person as "Reginald Thompson"?

It sounds like him. The style is similar.

Also he defends Jews (or at least the mischling in the thread) somewhat, something he's done before.

He also gets testy at the usage of "dagoe" in the thread and is insecure about it. "Reginald Thompson" has reflected this kind of thing himself before.

Anonymous said...

Is the commenter "Hamish" over at Majority Rights in this thread:

the same person as "Reginald Thompson"?

Hey Miggs - will you ever get over your obsession with Reginald?!?

Anonymous said...

Ya know, sometimes Whiskey has some prescient observations ... and makes some interesting points:

As Roissy points out, Chicks Dig Jerks. And as more and more men become aware of this, they will do their level best to turn themselves into the biggest jerk they can. Bet on it. And once they know it, it is almost impossible to turn them back.

Look at Black Rappers. They make all that money. All that fame and fortune. Or say, Michael Vick, at the time possessing a $130 million contract. Why risk all that money for stupid violence, a shooting in a club, dog fighting rings, etc? Because acting like a violent thug all their life has gotten them the hottest, most desirable women. And more women than they can even remember. Sexual rewards will work on the White middle class, and its men, just as much as they did on Black men in the Ghetto. Or Mexican men in the Barrio.

No, it won't happen overnight. Significant social conditioning, rewards, and so on make middle class White guys more resistant to violence. But certainly, the kids of single mothers will know exactly what turned their moms on: violent, dangerous bad boys. They'll copy those guys, and even provide some "improvements."

The idea that White guys are inherently non-violent and shrink from confrontation (which would have shocked Black and Hispanic men of Louis Armstrong's age) particularly with non-Whites, is going to go out the window. In some respect this will be long overdue, but the cost is basically a nation comprised entirely of Scots-Irish "hillbilly" types.
Which simply cannot run a modern economy and will look for fights the way Black and Hispanic men do, because it gets them sex!

So the social implications of sexy men demanded by White women along with Black and Hispanic women, is a very rapid movement, towards decline and violence. Making the wealth struggles to cut the welfare pie off an America with declining innovation and technological power, a declining White middle class, and so on, even more desperate. As the take shrinks, the usual response is to deal people out. Vote them off the Island, so to speak.

All prosperous societies, such as Japan, South Korea, Finland, Switzerland, and Coastal China, tend to suppress sexy men. They tend to limit, in various ways, the ability for Bad Boys to dominate all the desirable women. And on the other hand, limit women's choices. A woman must generally choose fairly early, if she wants a husband (Japan and South Korea's and China's low birth rates currently likely stem from their women rejecting the unsexy men they have on offer). Japan and South Korea, at least, are declining from massive and probably unsustainable population peaks with a well educated and prosperous workforce, with first-class infrastructure for the most part. [China is not so lucky on either front.]

But those societies throughout history and now, that allow sexy men, the dominant bad boys, and women to run things, are typically very violent, and primitive. Male cooperation goes entirely out the window. Why cooperate when you get better sex and reproductive opportunities by constant fighting? The female sexual utopia looks a lot like Mad Max: Beyond Thunderdome. And in some ways that is America's, and the West's, future.

Everything has its price, and the price for Sexy Men for Western women is basically the end as we know it, of Western civilization. With something approaching Dark Ages kingdoms or Mad Max as its replacement.

But at least the men will be sexy!

Anonymous said...

Does Whiskey = Andrei Frieboden ? The writing styles, if not the obsession with men, are strikingly similar - all it needs is a extended discussion of black male genitalia to complete the stereotype.

The thesis has no supporting evidence and is based on a flawed understanding of sexual economy and biology. Black and hispanic men tend towards violence due to genetic differences (low IQ and other reasons) that predispose them to such behavior since they cannot rely on intelligence to guide them to great lengths. Conversely, white men are more reserved and do not resort to violence as often for similar reasons (higher IQ -> ability to approach a situation rationally with intelligence as opposed to resorting to violence). Similarlly said for East Asians; it has nothing to do with what is "allowed", it has to do with genetics.

China is the perfect counter-example: until the state enacted measures to curb population growth, the Chinese were experiencing uncontrolled and unsustainable growth of their population for decades - and this is all despite the fact that the Chinese clung to a very feudal conception of sexuality. Until Mao made it illegal, Chinese men could engage in polygamy. An Alpha male in China was a wealthy man who married several women and had a lot of children, not a negro with his pants halfway down past his underwear shucking and jiving and yelling "Bix Nood" as he breaks into a car in a white neighborhood.

Anonymous said...

Speaking of Reginald's Middle Eastern look, a pic of him is featured on Occidental Dissent. Oh wait that's Jason Richwine.

Anonymous said...

Does Whiskey = Andrei Frieboden ?

Sry that's not a bingo.

Anonymous said...

Sry that's not a bingo.

And you know this how .... ?

Anonymous said...

Interesting, suppressed story over at Roissy's on a White woman who was almost kicked to death in a (where else) McDonalds -

Proximity + Diversity = War

Anonymous said...

...An Alpha male in China was a wealthy man who married several women and had a lot of children, not a negro with his pants halfway down past his underwear shucking and jiving and yelling "Bix Nood" as he breaks into a car in a white neighborhood.

One of the best, most factual comments I ever read on this poorly-understood subject.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Ya know, sometimes Whiskey has some ...

I can't even include the whole quote, it's so god damned stupid.

Either you're a sock puppet or some retarded sycophant.

I can't decide who's worse, these mentally deranged morons that drone on and on with pretentious, nonsensical ramblings or the submissive gimps that follow them around.

Anonymous said...

Interesting, suppressed story over at Roissy's on a White woman who was almost kicked to death in a (where else) McDonalds -

Here are some more details -

Violence in another Mc Donalds almost kills customer

Here is another fine example of the trend of violence in fast food restaurants. Two females beating the hell out of a patron, while several employees stand by and watch. One male manages to provide the facade of assistance to the victim in this brutal attack.

The two females exit, then re-enter the store to continue the beating, until a an older woman attempts to stop them from dragging the victi More..m outside into the parking lot. note: the male employees have disappeared from camera view, even though they are plenty well capable of stopping the attack.

At the end, the white victim is beaten until she has a seizure, at which point the camera operator warns the female attackers to flee, because the police are on the way.

**Note: he makes sure to repeatedly tell the criminal attackers to flee, instead of keeping them there for the police to apprehend.**

Anonymous said...

*File this one in the "believe it or not" category -

Summit endorses expunging blacks' criminal records

GARY | Black males have higher rates of incarceration and of repeat offenses that land them back in jail or prison, statistics show.

Changing that dynamic could begin with expunging their criminal records.

That was the consensus of a discussion Thursday sponsored by the Gary Commission on the Social Status of Black Males in conjunction with the East Chicago-based group Working Outside the Walls and an alliance of grassroot activists.

The panel discussion brought together activists, religious leaders, law enforcement officers and area legislators to talk about a possible Expungement Summit in Northwest Indiana. Expunging the criminal records of juveniles and adults would help them find jobs and turn their lives around, said Bennie Muhammed, GCSSBM executive director.


Anonymous said...

Suspect was released before murders - Yahoo! News UK

A teenager accused of murdering two British holidaymakers in Florida was released from police custody hours before their deaths - despite a judge raising concerns that he posed a danger to the community, it was reported.

Shawn Tyson, 16, was arrested on suspicion of shooting dead James Cooper, 25, and James Kouzaris, 24, after their bodies were found in the crime-ridden neighbourhood where he lived on April 16.

However, less than a day earlier he had appeared in court on charges that he fired gun shots into an occupied car in an unrelated crime earlier in the month.

The Sarasota Herald Tribune reported that a series of "missteps" in the case's handling allowed him to be released.

Rassenhygieniker said...

Here is what a girl on Skadi had to say about the swarthoid rat race:

"feisty goddess said...

Italians and most meds in general are disgusting. They are vulgar, haughty, nasty, psycho, think they know everything, genetically queer, and lazy."

Rassenhygieniker said...

Here is a partial swarthoid on Skadi trying to groom White girls unto mating with his fellow sandniggers:


Japanese Mongoloids have their own merit that works for them, NOT FOR US. Why would you choose an Oriental over a Mediterranean?"

Here is my reply (through the reputation feature) to this vile and mentally ill mutt:

"Rassenhygieniker said...

Because "meds" are swarthy, hairy and greasy mongrel pygmies, just like arabs, turks and jews. Both mongoloids and "meds" are racially undesirable."

Anonymous said...

Why would you choose an Oriental over a Mediterranean?"

"Rassenhygieniker said...

Because "meds" are swarthy, hairy and greasy mongrel pygmies, just like arabs, turks and jews. Both mongoloids and "meds" are racially undesirable."

Ah hah - rASSy is admitting he has *Yellow Fever* - (figured he would, the raving sexless geek that he is).

Anonymous said...

"Rassenhygieniker said...

Welcome back Rass, its been a while ... where have you been..?

*What happened - the institution your being kept at revoked your internet priveleges or something??

Anonymous said...

Here is what a girl on Skadi had to say about the swarthoid rat race:

"feisty goddess said...

Italians and most meds in general are disgusting. They are vulgar, haughty, nasty, psycho, think they know everything, genetically queer, and lazy."

That's true, narcissistic and hypersexual males often engage in homosexual acts even if they don't consider themselves gay. They're more like women in this way.

Anonymous said...


Typical Swarthoid Behavior

Anonymous said...

I think it's terrible what happened to Andrei Freiboden in that Mcdonalds. Next time he won't use the women's bathroom!

Anonymous said...

Zing! Good one.

Rassenhygieniker said...

Anonymous said...

McDonald's Perp Was Busted There Before | The Smoking Gun

APRIL 25--The Baltimore teenager charged last week with the brutal beating of a McDonald’s patron was arrested last year for assaulting a woman following a dispute in the same restaurant, The Smoking Gun has learned.

Teonna Monae Brown, 18, was charged with two assault counts for allegedly attacking Danielle Dower, 38, last July. In October, a Baltimore County judge ruled that charges would not be further pursued against Brown, according to court records, which do not further explain that “nolle prosequi” decision.


In a handwritten police statement, Dower said that she had left the McDonald’s with her two daughters when Brown confronted her, asking “Did you call me ugly?” Though Dower said she had not, Brown “kept trying to badger us.” At one point, Dower said, the teenager “pushed me in the back.” After Dower pushed back, Brown “took her fist and threw a punch to my face.”

As the pair scuffled, Dower said, Brown hit her in the back with an umbrella and “pulled my wig off my head.”

Saying that, “I wanted to get my kids to safety,” Dower went with her children to a nearby shopping center. Brown and her friends, Dower added, followed behind.

As Dower called 911, two females grabbed her daughter by the hair and dragged the teenage girl across the floor. “I had to stop talking to the operator, get on top of my daughter and protect her while trying to fight off those girls,” Dower stated.


Anonymous said...

That's true, narcissistic and hypersexual males often engage in homosexual acts even if they don't consider themselves gay. They're more like women in this way.

Sounds like you speak from experience.

Anonymous said...

Italians and Jews, what's the difference?

Swarthoid mafia funded Jewish Defense League. Italians and Jews against Nords, the real battle in America.

Anonymous said...

Sounds like you speak from experience.

Sounds like you're one of those narcissistic fags I was referring to. Aberrations like you should be quarantined and sterilized for good measure.

Anonymous said...

Italians and Jews, what's the difference?

Swarthoid mafia funded Jewish Defense League. Italians and Jews against Nords, the real battle in America.


Our ancestors were more aware of this issue but interethnic mixing, world wars, and the loss of our connection to our heritage in post-modernity have taken their toll.

What's the difference with Italians and Jews? Italians are slightly less Asiatic and don't have a blood religion. Otherwise not much. They have much better cuisine and art though, I give them that.

Jews are an extreme genetic expression of the Mediterranean/Asiatic. National Socialist Germany was an extreme expression of the Nord.

Rassenhygieniker said...

What are the differences between Italians and Jews?

There is none, both come from the same mongrel stock:

"Jews are members of the Mediterranean race along with the Phoenicians, Arabs, Syrians, Egyptians, Greeks, Italians, Spaniards and all the nations that fringe the shores of the Mediterranean Sea." - Alfred Louis Kroeber, Are the Jews a Race? (1917)

Anonymous said...

What's the difference with Italians and Jews? Italians are slightly less Asiatic and don't have a blood religion. Otherwise not much.

Huh?! Imagine 'Eye-talians' had even 1/10th of one percent of the power and influence that 'der jude' has, and always did. (I am sure this would be news to the paisans - since they could surely use the money!)

They have much better cuisine and art though, I give them that.

Ya gotta be a really clueless not to like and appreciate Italian food - it is simply fantastic!

*and some of you all, stop being so jealous of all this - if it really bothers you so much, just
beat the gumbas at their own game

Anonymous said...

I have never tasted a generic pizza that even came close to an authentic Italian one. They may claim "New York style" but it never is.

Trust me, I want the Italians to preserve their traditions and people as I want to preserve my own. Only we can be us applies to all groups.

Anonymous said...

I have never tasted a generic pizza that even came close to an authentic Italian one. They may claim "New York style" but it never is.

Not enough grease.

Anonymous said...

Ferdinand Bardamu of Inmalafide has got to be one of the bigger d-bags of the HBD/game blogs.

Anonymous said...

Douchebags on HBD and Game blogs? You don't say...

Ferdi is very self-deprecating, a good strategy to take some of the punch out of others' attacks.

He's fully aware he's a douche and scumbag, so what else can you say.

About Ferdinand Bardamu

Ferdinand Bardamu is the founder and editor of In Mala Fide. Described as a "useless hateful demonic son of a bitch" and "a creature of absolutely no ethical merit,"

It's amusing to watch Matt Parrot, the fat, self-confessed Asperger nerd and Ferdi the douche go at it. Like two retards from special ed getting into a fight at school. The clash of epic fail.

Rassenhygieniker said...

"Anonymous said...

Not enough grease."

Ha ha ha, notice how arabs, kikes, wogs or any other kind of swarthoid only deal with grease oriented foods?

Rassenhygieniker said...

"Anonymous said...

I have never tasted a generic pizza that even came close to an authentic Italian one. They may claim "New York style" but it never is.

Trust me, I want the Italians to preserve their traditions and people as I want to preserve my own. Only we can be us applies to all groups."

No we need to do away with ALL swarthoids, not just the orientals, but the westernised ones need to go as well. This final solution is the only way for a definitive settlement of affairs to our age old swarthoid infestation problem.

We need to drag their swarthy asses out of our lands because they are smearing their grease everywhere and we need to put a stop to this.

Anonymous said...

Ferdi is very self-deprecating, a good strategy to take some of the punch out of others' attacks.

No, that's sarcasm designed to mock his opponents.

Self-deprecation is applied frankly. If he was self-deprecating, he would actually admit he was wrong and an aspergers inflicted loser and just shut up.

Anonymous said...

This final solution is the only way for a definitive settlement of affairs to our age old swarthoid infestation problem.

But you'll ignore the problems in your own house: the chavs, the neds, the wiggers, the SWPL's, and etc who all otherwise meet your racial standards.

Anonymous said...

He's constantly sarcastic, which is obvious, but he doesn't deny those accusations, he embraces them. He just doesn't care.

If someone is a sociopath with no conscience then truth and morals are just something else to be manipulated and joked about.

Do you know his ancestry?

Swarthoids are typically mentally ill and deranged so there is no shutting them up except by force.

Anonymous said...

Rassenhygieniker said...
"Anonymous said...

Not enough grease."

Ha ha ha, notice how arabs, kikes, wogs or any other kind of swarthoid only deal with grease oriented foods?

That's not "grease" - that's olive oil - one of the healthiest foods on the planet.

And you should talk Assenhigieniker - since British food is pure garbage - the laughing-stock of Europe.

Maybe this is why the British - particularly the Scottish - are some of the fattest fogies in all Europa and the world:

The Scottish Patient: Sep 25th: Fat Nation Scotland

An obesity epidemic has hit Scotland. One in four Scots officially have big bones/big gubs. After the USA we're now the second fattest bastards in the world. Always the bridesmaid, never the bride, eh?

Greggs, Iceland, Farmfoods, Pizza Hut, Brattisanis, Irn Bru, Burger King, Walkers Crisps, Bernard Matthews, Deep Fried Cadbury's Cream Eggs: we salute you. Your work here is done. Good luck in the Sudan.

Anonymous said...

Here is another sobering reality check for ya Rass -

Tenfold rise in gastric band op for fat Scots - Scotland on Sunday

THE number of obese Scots receiving radical surgery for weight loss is set to increase tenfold, Scotland on Sunday can reveal.

A group of experts is considering expanding the number of treatments involving gastric bands from around 300 a year to 3,000, making Scotland a "centre of excellence" for weight loss surgery.


"Obesity is a particular problem in Scotland and we have some of the highest rates in the world, and Scotland does seem to have a severe and increasing problem. But there's an increasing awareness and development of the service." ...

Almost two-thirds of men and more than half of women in Scotland are overweight or obese.

"...making Scotland a "centre of excellence" for weight loss surgery. ..."

*Hey, at least the land of the obese, semi-retarded Chavs is "excelling" at something ;)

Anonymous said...

Swarthoids are typically mentally ill and deranged so there is no shutting them up except by force.

Oh really, by force?

*Please do share some of your 'online warrior' (lol) wisdom on how to implement these fantasies of yours...

Anonymous said...

Oh really, by force?

*Please do share some of your 'online warrior' (lol) wisdom on how to implement these fantasies of yours...

Like this:

That's how you shut a swarthoid up.

Anonymous said...

Like this:

That's how you shut a swarthoid up.

Cool video...

However, Rassy and the rest of his ilk are too dweeby to confront swarthoids face-to-face like the Deutscher did, and would run back to his computer in a nano-second if actually confronted.

Rassenhygieniker said...

"Anonymous said...

However, Rassy and the rest of his ilk are too dweeby to confront swarthoids face-to-face like the Deutscher did, and would run back to his computer in a nano-second if actually confronted."

Swarthoids are midgets, what's the average swarthoid height, 1m55?

Real scary.

Anonymous said...

British youts 'staggeringly' inactive -

A "staggering" number of children cannot swim or ride a bike and have never run a distance of 400 metres, revealing a generation turning their backs on physical activity, according to a new report.

A study of 1,500 children aged between six and 15 showed twice as many spent their free time watching TV than playing sport, while around half surfed the internet, chatted on social networks and played video games.

Tata Steel said its study found 15% of children could not swim, one in 10 had not learnt how to ride a bike and almost a quarter had never run a distance of 400 metres, describing the results as "staggering".

A third of those questioned said they did not own a bike, while two thirds had a mobile phone and three out of four had a games console.

The study was commissioned as part of mini-triathlon events being held this summer by Tata Steel in areas including steel regions such as Scunthorpe, Corby, Teesside, Rotherham, Swansea and Shotton in North Wales.

The steel firm said it is aiming to give more than 50,000 children the chance to try out triathlon events by 2012.

Anonymous said...

Larry Auster doesn’t like Germany very much. I wonder why…

Anonymous said...

"Anonymous said...

However, Rassy and the rest of his ilk are too dweeby to confront swarthoids face-to-face like the Deutscher did, and would run back to his computer in a nano-second if actually confronted."

Swarthoids are midgets, what's the average swarthoid height, 1m55?

Real scary.

Which martial art do you claim to have mastered, Rassenhygieniker?

Anonymous said...

"Anonymous said...

However, Rassy and the rest of his ilk are too dweeby to confront swarthoids face-to-face like the Deutscher did, and would run back to his computer in a nano-second if actually confronted."

Rassie said...

"Swarthoids are midgets, what's the average swarthoid height, 1m55?

Real scary."

Which martial art do you claim to have mastered, Rassenhygieniker?

Rassenhygieniker said...

Reginaldo favorite movies!

The Wog Boy

The Wog Boy 2: The Kings of Mykonos

Picture of Reginaldo with his wog boys crew (reginaldo in center doing stupid hand signs):

Anonymous said...

Rassa's favorite movie!

Rassa and one of his 'boyz' (rassa the swarty-looking fellow on the right):

Anonymous said...

Rassa and one of his 'boyz' (rassa the swarty-looking fellow on the right)

Anonymous said...

The Wog Boy

At least he admits he's different, he doesn't belong, he's not White, not Nordish.

Typical swarthoid, chasing after a Nordish woman to improve his DNA. No different than a mestizo or nigger.

Anonymous said...

...chasing after a Nordish woman to improve his DNA.

Maybe its time you begin to chase after a Nordish woman .. and improve your DNA as well.

Anonymous said...

I have one, and I am Nordish so what you said makes no sense, idiot.

Anonymous said...

I have one, and I am Nordish so what you said makes no sense, idiot.

Still hasn't helped you out in life, bubba.

*Anyway, 'Nordish' is not a race or an ethnicity, but primarily a conjectured term to make the less-Nordic northern Europeans that their part of the Nordic club.

This is why I hope the real Nordic countries and peoples, like the Scandinavians, keep their DNA far away and safe from Chav and hillbilly yobs like the British and the Americoons.

Anonymous said...

Very interesting article from Cambria Will Not Yield:


"The toleration of the rape of their women is not a simple case of cowardice on the part of the British white males, although that most certainly is the assumption of the Pakistani males. Like the jackal, who is a coward himself, the Pakistanis attack only those who are weaker and more cowardly than themselves, and to them it seems obvious that the white Brits are cowards. But it is not because of fear that the British white male does not fight for his own. The British male does not fight for his own kind because he doesn’t believe there is any such thing as kin or kind. There are only generic people, all moving toward a generic, colored utopia. And that’s the main point: the white European male has been told for upwards of fifty years that white people are evil and have no right to exist. So why should he care when white women, mothers of the future, either lose their lives or are ruined for life? By liberal logic he shouldn’t care, and in point of fact he doesn’t care. Walter Scott would care, Rudyard Kipling would care, but the Brits and their European counterparts do not want to live in Scott’s and Kipling’s Europe.

"It’s not a case then of no innards; it’s a case of no Christian innards. The British male will fight for a multi-racial Britain, but he will fight against a Christian Britain. And because of that fact, the Brits’ unwillingness to fight for a Christian Britain, the warning of the Mercia Police Inspector will go unheeded. The Chief Inspector was proceeding on false assumptions. He assumed the white British males did not know about the rape of white British girls, and that once they did know, they would want to do something to stop it. But they did know, they do know, and they don't want to stop it; in fact they approve of the rapes because they regard the white victims as sacrifices to the colored gods. And that is to be expected when a people who once worshipped the God of mercy no longer understand what Christ meant when he said, “I will have mercy, and not sacrifice.”

"The ‘get out the information’ boys of the BNP and the American Renaissance always fail to make a breach in the liberals’ fortress because they think: 1) white people will “wake up” if they get the information about colored atrocities, and 2) once awakened, white people will "vote" the colored people away. ‘Tis not so. As we have seen time and time again, white people do know about the colored invasion and about colored atrocities, but they approve of the invasion and think the atrocities have to be tolerated so that the greater good, a multi-colored society, can become a reality."


Anonymous said...

Prince William's sister-n-law has her very own "Ass Appreciation Society" -

Pippa Middleton Ass Appreciation Society | Facebook

*Oh, what the heck happened to "Great" Britain... a people, a culture and an empire that fell *so hard and so fast* in the twentieth century?!

Anonymous said...

Information does help to awaken those minority of White males that still have the will to fight.

It's not just the establishment, it's many White women themselves that have ruined the motivation for chivalry.

As to Pippa's ass, I'm not impressed. It's quite plain. Now Kym Johnson, that's an ass.

Anonymous said...

Honestly n/a really should get rid of the open threads and start deleting the comments of the various trolls that infest this site. He should maybe even switch to a commenting system that forces you to sign in or start moderating comments. This site is a treasure trove of information and it’s a shame to see it brought down by trolls like Reginald and many, many others.

Greg Johnson's Turkish boyfriend said...

Blond hair and blue eyes don't mean anything. You guys should just deal with it.

Anonymous said...

'SlutWalking' phenomenon comes to UK with demonstrations in four cities | World news | The Guardian

*Hmm, let's see, first Canada, then (blue-state) America, then "Great" Britain...

Anybody else see a pattern here?

Anonymous said...

Anybody else see a pattern here?

Yeah, the countries where swarthoid Jews have cultural and political dominance.

Never existed in these countries prior to events that led us to Jewish dominance.

Anonymous said...

This is why I hope the real Nordic countries and peoples, like the Scandinavians, keep their DNA far away and safe from Chav and hillbilly yobs like the British and the Americoons.

There is nothing particularly special about the Scandinavians. The achievements of the British, both in the UK and in diaspora, far surpass those of Scandinavia.

Anonymous said...

Organisers say they are protesting against a culture which puts the blame for rape and sexual assault on to the victim, makes women less likely to report rape and contributes to low conviction rates for those accused of rape and sexual assault.

They are blamed for putting themselves in vulnerable situations where rape is more likely to occur, not for the rape itself.

As good ol' Jack said to a woman when she asked him how he wrote women so well in his books, he said, "I think of a man, and then I take away reason and accountability."

Anonymous said...

I have one, and I am Nordish so what you said makes no sense, idiot.

So I guess you must have a mail-order bride. Most Nordish males have mail-order brides from Asia or Eastern Europe/Russia if they're not homosexual or lifelong bachelors.

Anonymous said...

'SlutWalking' phenomenon comes to UK with demonstrations in four cities | World news | The Guardian

*Hmm, let's see, first Canada, then (blue-state) America, then "Great" Britain...

Anybody else see a pattern here?

Yeah, maybe Rassie and his boyz will get lucky ;-)

Anonymous said...

Denmark Suspends the Schengen Agreement

*Let's hope this is a step, however small, towards meaningful European nationalism and a return of the control to the the indigenous European over his homelands and national territories.

Anonymous said...

As our regular readers know, the Baron has been following closely the events in Italy as its coast continues to be inundated with boatloads of refugees from North Africa and environs. Besides documenting the numbers of asylum-seekers, he’s also been commenting on the EU’s stunning willingness to let Italy simply drown in effluvia.

How dare they try to stop the immigration of Reginaldo's kinsmen.

Anonymous said...

How dare they try to stop the immigration of Reginaldo's kinsmen.

Now's not the best time to joke about Reginald. He's grieving right now. Apparently the Navy SEALs killed his father recently under mysterious circumstances and dumped his corpse into the sea.

Anonymous said...

Orwell Wrote The Script

By Paul Craig Roberts

"George Orwell, the pen name by which Eric Blair is known, had the gift of prophecy, or else blind luck. In 1949 in his novel, 1984, he described the Amerika of today and, I fear, also his native Great Britain, which is no longer great and follows Washington, licking the jackboot and submitting to Washington’s hegemony over England and Europe and exhausting itself financially and morally in order to support Amerikan hegemony over the rest of the world.

"In Orwell’s prophecy, Big Brother’s government rules over unquestioning people, incapable of independent thought, who are constantly spied upon. In 1949 there was no Internet, Facebook, twitter, GPS, etc. Big Brother’s spying was done through cameras and microphones in public areas, as in England today, and through television equipped with surveillance devices in homes. As everyone thought what the government intended for them to think, it was easy to identify the few who had suspicions.

"Fear and war were used to keep everyone in line, but not even Orwell anticipated Homeland Security feeling up the genitals of air travelers and shopping center customers. Every day in people’s lives, there came over the TV the Two Minutes of Hate. An image of Emmanuel Goldstein, a propaganda creation of the Ministry of Truth, who is designated as Oceania’s Number One Enemy, appeared on the screen. Goldstein was the non-existent "enemy of the state" whose non-existent organization, "The Brotherhood," was Oceania’s terrorist enemy. The Goldstein Threat justified the "Homeland Security" that violated all known Rights of Englishmen and kept Oceania’s subjects "safe.""


Anonymous said...

Denmark Plans to Reinstate Guards at Borders

The Danish government said Wednesday it would reinstate guards along borders with Sweden and Germany and conduct spot checks designed to fight crime and illegal migration. Although the move falls short of full reinstatement of border controls, it is the latest in a series of small steps reversing hassle-free travel across European Union frontiers.

The move was made for domestic political reasons—to satisfy a party in the ruling coalition that is skeptical about immigration—but it is a sign that opinion in Europe about open borders is changing following fears about unemployment and increased migration from tumultuous North Africa.



Anonymous said...

How dare they try to stop the immigration of Reginaldo's kinsmen.

Now's not the best time to mock Reginald. He's grieving right now. His father was recently killed by the Navy SEALs under mysterious circumstances and his corpse was dumped into the sea.

Anonymous said...

Whiskey at his best(worst) on Sailer's blog today.

Anonymous said...

Whiskey at his best(worst) on Sailer's blog today.

Yup, he sure is -

Whiskey said...

Oh please Steve. Jews don't exhibit much control or power over cultural life in America. Heck half of the "Jews" are not even Jews. George Soros, born a Jew, is proud of helping Nazis in Hungary hunt down Jews, and sell off their property. He hates Israel and wants it destroyed. Is he a Jew?

Jews are too few in number, too prone to intermarriage and acculturation, and too divided (pro- and anti-Israel, identity, etc.) to shape American discourse. Most of the Jewish contribution to American cultural/political environment was done in the 1930's-40's, in Hollywood movies and comic books, and was pro-Patriotic/American.

5/15/11 11:29 PM

Anonymous said...

Whiskey at his best(worst) on Sailer's blog today.

Whiskey said...

Jews, I hate to break this to you Steve, are White.

How can you tell? Easy. If a Black guy angry at White guys wants to hurt you (or a group of Mexicans) and decides to target you, guess what, you're White. Simple as that.

You're looking for a scapegoat. Figuring what, 2-3% of American somehow have mind-rays controlling the other 98-97%? Come on, that does not pass the laugh test.

What you're failing to miss is WOMEN. Specifically College Educated White women. They love Obama, Oprah, Eat Pray Love, all that PC stuff. White Women are the source of PC. They are the main employed in PC factories of government, education, and media/infotainment. White College Educated Women DEPEND on anti-White sentiment. And benefit from it, not just employment, but sexually?

5/15/11 11:32 PM

*Whiskey is an OCD-assburgers clown par-excellance.

Anonymous said...

Whiskey, whatever that creature is, has more problems than Asperger's syndrome.

Not worth reading the ramblings of insane people.

What some nigger thinks is White is meaningless. Niggers have attacked light-skinned and albino Negroes thinking they're White during riots.

Anonymous said...


Why's that so hard to believe. The intellectual elite are a small percentage. The top 1% control 42% of the nation's wealth.

Anonymous said...

The thing about aspergers syndrome is that it is usually associated with high IQ and meticulous attention to details and trivia (often to the point of absurdity).

Whiskey's posts are so routinely full of factual and rhetorical bumbles that it's not even funny.

IMO he's not reflective of an assburgers personality but rather that of a highly insecure and delusional Jew who has a very fervent emotional attachment to his Jewishness and a severe resentment towards traditional White America.

Compare Whiskey to someone like Soren Renner or Rassenhygeniker (the latter two of which display varying degrees of Aspergers syndrome or similar autism spectrum disorders). Not even close IMO.

Anonymous said...

Whiskey/Testing99/EvilNeocon gets schooled -

Anonymous said...

Whiskey, you have your own blog. If we are interested in your sexual fantasies, we can visit it. Please stop repeating the same stuff here and at Mangan's.

5/16/11 7:23 AM

Anonymous said...

Andrei returns to alt-right

(comments section)

Anonymous said...

Andrei returns to alt-right

What's 'his' new handle?

Anonymous said...

As always, interesting commentary.

Anonymous said...

Funny comment on swarthoids:

To be fair, Mediterranean men (Italy, Turkey, Spain, Greece, etc) seem to enjoy and appreciate women of all colors...women of all sizes...women in general. You can't walk down a street in Italy without men trying to introduce themselves to you, whether you're black or white, 300 lbs or 100. Some people find it gratifying, some people find it annoying, but it is definitely a part of Mediterranean and Latin culture.

Anonymous said...

Saudi Arabian student 'spat on WalMart customers because Americans push us around' | Mail Online

"A Saudi Arabian student is facing hate crime charges after she allegedly spat on several 'white people' in her local Walmart because a 'higher authority' made her do it.

"Nuha Mohammed Al-Doaifi, 21, an engineering student at Florida Institute of Technology in Melbourne, was arrested on a charge of misdemeanour battery at the Palm Bay WalMart.

But the hate-crime determination could mean that the charge may be elevated to third-degree felony.
Authorities say that Al-Doaifi spat in the face of a WalMart customer who was trying to help her after the student was butting her trolley into the exit door of the supermarket.


When she was arrested, she told officers that she was spitting on 'white people' because a 'higher authority' made her do it and that 'Americans are pushing us around.'

Yvonne Martinez, spokeswoman for the Palm Bay Police Department, said: 'Her actions were directed at random people based on their ethnicity, and that's according to her own statement.'


Anonymous said...

Black guy ko'ed by white kid

Anonymous said...

He had good movement, needed to use his jab more though.

You'd see far more results like that if more White guys would invest a little time in combat sports.

Anonymous said...

You'd see far more results like that if more White guys would invest a little time in combat sports.

Yes - and less in playing "online 'warrior".

Anonymous said...

Black People Love Us!

Anonymous said...

Yes - and less in playing "online 'warrior".

Says the nigger until he gets knocked the fuck out.

That video is the perfect illustration of you big-mouthed, obnoxious swarthoid trolls getting served Nordish justice. You'll get yours one day.

Anonymous said...

Black People Love Us!

They're Jews.

Anonymous said...

lol at OneSTD "retiring."

Silver said...

He had good movement, needed to use his jab more though.

He got lucky:it was more the nigger's momentum than the force of the white boy's blow that knocked the nigger out. The white kid's punches were pretty weak but they probably would have worn the nigger down eventually, unless the nigger himself got lucky -- which he probably would have had he spent more time punching than mouthing off.

That video is the perfect illustration of you big-mouthed, obnoxious swarthoid trolls getting served Nordish justice. You'll get yours one day.

Wasn't like that where I grew up. More like the dagos peacefully going about our business until some white boys on a racial mission to drive us out started trouble -- and were swiftly dealt wog justice. Seems you've learned your lesson, though, so I'm inclined to be lenient these days.

Anonymous said...

That video is the perfect illustration of you big-mouthed, obnoxious swarthoid trolls getting served Nordish justice. You'll get yours one day.

What martial art do you claim to have mastered?

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
Black People Love Us!

They're Jews.

Um, that website was satirical.

Don't take everything so seriously.

Anonymous said...

lol at silver pretending swarthoids aren't small, thin, hairy, womanish faggots.

Anonymous said...

Silvereenyo said...

He got lucky:it was more the nigger's momentum than the force of the white boy's blow that knocked the nigger out.

Look at Silvereenyo defending the nigger and calling the the young Nordish man "white boy."

Stop being so passive-aggressive and pretending you're pro-White Silver. Your charade is fooling no one.

You're wrong. The young Nordish man clocked him a good one, which infuriated the nigger, and the nigger got sloppy, over-committed and then the young Nordish man was able to land a solid blow to the subhuman's prognathic jaw, rattling his peanut brain.

Anonymous said...

lol at silver pretending swarthoids aren't small, thin, hairy, womanish faggots.

Not that I think most 'swarthoids' are 'all that and a bag of chips', but Silverino is onto something -- and John DeNugent, a staunch Nordicist himself, agrees.

After you read the article you should be lol-ing at yourself.

Anonymous said...

Northern Europeans are taller than the degenerate swarthoid midgets:

"Europeans differ systematically in their height, and these differences correlate with latitude. The average Italian is 171cm, whereas the average Swede is a full 4cm taller. Are these differences genetic? Have they been under evolutionary selection in recent human history?

Michael Turchin gave some pretty convincing answers to these questions, using genetic data from the 129 thousand individuals in the GIANT consortium. He compared the frequencies of alleles that are known to increase height, and found that they are more common in Northern Europe."

Anonymous said...

John DeNugent, a staunch Nordicist himself, agrees.

DeNugent describes Meds as emotional and irrational. He also includes Jews as Meds. I wouldn't exactly call that a compliment.

DeNugent is specifically describing a type of Nord. The Upper Paleolthic survivors are more aggressive and less reserved than pure Nordids.

It's less the reservation of Nords and more their excessive empathy that's the problem. We simply care too much about others that are our natural enemies.

Anyway I'm glad they rioted, but nothing has changed. They had their fit and now they'll go back to the slow death of their people.

The Vatican condemned them.

Anonymous said...

The Upper Paleolthic survivors are more aggressive and less reserved than pure Nordids.

Where are they and why hasn't they ever acted to drive non-Euros out of city in Northern Europe?

Anyway I'm glad they rioted, but nothing has changed.

The riots were important because they established a precedent.

Nobody involved in the riots on the Italian side were punished, and this is a great importance because millions of people in Italy know that no one was punished for the riots.

It also increased racial tensions in southern Italy, which increases the chances that at some point down the line there could be the kind of widespread racial conflict in that area necessary to put an end to the slow death of the Italian people.

All it would take would be for the economy to get bad enough, and for the anti-racist establishment of Italy to be discredited enough, and there's a good chance the Southern Italians will cleanse their land of the non-Euro invaders.

There's also a chance that some more northern European people could do the same, though probably only after it happens in Italy.

Anonymous said...

Well supposedly there are "hate crimes" going on all the time against blacks and others in America but that hasn't changed public policy or our government one bit.

It's a nice thought, let's hope the Italians do set a real precedent for change.

Change has to come from top down though, it's not going to come from street fights.

Anonymous said...

Top Jewish Americans ponder support for Obama
CHICAGO (Reuters) – Some prominent Jewish Americans are rethinking their support for President Barack Obama's 2012 re-election bid after he effectively called on Israel to give back territory it has occupied since 1967 to Palestinians.

(good to know they have their priorities straight)

Anonymous said...

Where are they and why hasn't they ever acted to drive non-Euros out of city in Northern Europe?,_Nebraska#Riot

Silver said...

Look at Silvereenyo defending the nigger and calling the the young Nordish man "white boy."

Sorry, but that's a classic "white boy" so I'm definitely going to call him a "white boy."

Stop being so passive-aggressive and pretending you're pro-White Silver. Your charade is fooling no one.

Come off it. Where's the aggression? Calling him a "white boy" isn't the insult you imagine it is. It's no more than you calling me a "swarthoid." I know you intend that as an insult, but I don't take it as one, and in that same spirit I don't intend "white boy" as an insult to you (or the "white boy" or any white boys [*grin*]).

"Pro-white" can mean many different things. In my eyes my views qualify as "pro-white," albeit a pro-whiteness that is more an outgrowth of my basic approach to race (fairness, reason, compassion) and correcting for the reigning idiocies and double-standards than it is a "direct," nationalistic, get-the-bastards sort of pro-whiteness.

Anonymous said...

I already knew Northern Europeans have a history of fighting with other Europeans.

Sometimes they've fought with Southern Europeans, as in those riots in Nebraska.

Far more often they've fought with other Northern Europeans.

Thus the English and the Irish fought brutal bloody battles, the English and the Germans fought a brutal bloody war, the English and the Afrikaners (mostly descended from Northern Europeans) bloodily fought it out in what's now South Africa, etc., etc., etc.

The question is why Northern Europeans are generally so meek when they come in contact with non-European people.

They did used to lynch some Blacks in the old South, and they did once start killing Jews and Gypos in Germany.

So there's that.

Anonymous said...

*as in that riot in Nebraska.

Anonymous said...

Come off it. Where's the aggression? Calling him a "white boy" isn't the insult you imagine it is.

If I called someone a "black boy", don't you think that would be understood far and wide as an insult?

It's no more than you calling me a "swarthoid." I know you intend that as an insult, but I don't take it as one...

Whether you think it's an insult, it's still an insult, dumbass.

In the same way you insulted that young man in the video by calling him a "white boy".

my eyes my views qualify as "pro-white,"

What exactly do you want to do for white people to help them, Silver?

Anonymous said...

The problem with swarthoids like Silver, is they have no self-control and they don't know their boundaries.

We have a little intra-Caucasoid dispute, and the first thing he wants to do is side with the niggers against "white boys." Just like Jews.

Anonymous said...

They did used to lynch some Blacks in the old South, and they did once start killing Jews and Gypos in Germany.

Right, just those little things, only caused the bloodiest war on American soil and a world war, no big deal right. Nords are so meek and mild...

Anonymous said...

The question is why Northern Europeans are generally so meek when they come in contact with non-European people.

This is bullshit. Compare North America to what the swarthoids did with Latin America.

Anonymous said...

The population density of the Native Americans in the parts of North America where English settled was low enough that most of them could be forced onto reservations.

This unfortunately wasn't the case in the parts of the Americas settled by Southern Europeans other than the French.

Where Nords settled areas with high population densities of non-Europeans it also led to majority non-European countries with large populations of mixed race people, just like Central and South America.

South Africa was settled by Northern Europeans and yet has 4.4 million "coloreds" of mixed origin.

That's almost as many mixed race people as there are Whites.

And non-Europeans are by far the majority of South Africans.

The South Africans did have a race based caste system until recently, but so did Latin America until the revolutions against Spain.

Silver said...

If I called someone a "black boy", don't you think that would be understood far and wide as an insult?


Whether you think it's an insult, it's still an insult, dumbass.

In a general sense, "out there in society," yes. But my view is all that needs to change. And it can change. And I'm starting here, on a race blog, which is the perfect place for such change to commence.

We have a little intra-Caucasoid dispute, and the first thing he wants to do is side with the niggers against "white boys." Just like Jews.

Oh please. It was just idle banter. Making comments on a fistfight is a "guy thing," not a "race thing." I don't see how I was "defending" the nigger, anyway.

What exactly do you want to do for white people to help them, Silver?

Help the niggers? A few reasons. (a) Because they're "there," through no fault of their own. (b) Because, through the years, so many people have come to like them that it's just totally unrealistic to expect people to drop everything and start hating them. (c) Because it's generally understood in life -- though not among racialists, apparently -- that getting what you want in life is commonly best done by helping others get what they want. And, at the risk of further angering you, I may as well throw in (d) because "they're not all bad."

If you meant something else by "want white people to help them," please say so and I'll be happy to respond.

Lastly, just what are my boundaries? It's true that I don't know what they are. I can't stay within in them if I don't know what they are. Help me out.

Anonymous said...

If you meant something else by "want white people to help them," please say so and I'll be happy to respond.

Sorry Silver, I meant what do you (Silver) want to do to help white people?

The context is you saying you're "pro-white".

Anonymous said...

But my view is all that needs to change.

I really don't see why.

If Euro Gentiles can never reach a point where they can see the need to act against the multiracialism which threatens to make us extinct without getting whipped up by constant stream of racial slurs, then we don't deserve to survive.

I don't need to use the word "nigger" to know I want Euro Gentiles to be seperate from Blacks.

Some extreme situations may warrant such gutter language, but they are rare and even if they arise there's no use pretending they aren't insults.

Anonymous said...

South Africa was settled by Northern Europeans and yet has 4.4 million "coloreds" of mixed origin.

That's almost as many mixed race people as there are Whites.

And non-Europeans are by far the majority of South Africans.

More bullshit. This is long after White South Africa was destroyed by the Jewish, globalist assault.

Anonymous said...

South Africa was settled by Northern Europeans and yet has 4.4 million "coloreds" of mixed origin.

Most of the "whites" in Latin America are of mixed origin.

Anonymous said...

The population density of the Native Americans in the parts of North America where English settled was low enough that most of them could be forced onto reservations.

This unfortunately wasn't the case in the parts of the Americas settled by Southern Europeans other than the French.

It's well known that Southern Euros deliberately sought to mix with the natives.

Silver said...

If Euro Gentiles can never reach a point where they can see the need to act against the multiracialism which threatens to make us extinct without getting whipped up by constant stream of racial slurs, then we don't deserve to survive.

It's not about anything being "whipped up." If you come down to earth from your lofty racial idealism for a moment you'll notice the general unease people tend to have with race. Racialism only serves to magnify this unease, and so is problematic. Helping people get over their unease -- which is certainly doable (and beneficial) -- works in racialism's favor.

Sorry Silver, I meant what do you (Silver) want to do to help white people?

The context is you saying you're "pro-white".

Geez, a million things. Examples later. (And you be the judge of whether they're "pro-white" or not.)

Anonymous said...

Most of the "whites" in Latin America are of mixed origin.

That's right, they are typically mixed.

I wouldn't count any Caucasoid coming from Latin America as pure White unless they can prove their lineage back to Europe.

Anonymous said...

It's well known that Southern Euros deliberately sought to mix with the natives.

Indeed, it was sanctioned by law and the church. By law 75% White (castizo) was accepted as White and 87% White (criollo) was the legal equivalent of a pure Spaniard. Jessica Alba's DNA test came back as 87% White for example.

They simply didn't make racial preservation a priority.

The argument about population density doesn't hold true for Africans in North America. Likewise Latins absorbed a significant amount of African ancestry as well, though not to the massive degree in which they absorbed native Amerindians.

Furthermore everywhere the Spanish and Portuguese went they had a policy of conquering with miscegenation. All they cared about was power and conquest not racial preservation.

Anonymous said...

Some extreme situations may warrant such gutter language

It's not gutter language, it's derived from the same Latin word niger meaning black as Negroid and Negro. It just has a negative historical connotation, especially when used by Whites.

You are allowing our enemies to frame the debate for you, to control your mind. It is no different than believing in racism and it being from the gutter.

Anonymous said...

That's almost as many mixed race people as there are Whites.

And non-Europeans are by far the majority of South Africans.

You're forgetting some crucial differences. The Boers and founding Americans never accepted 1/4 and 1/8th non-White people as White as a rule, the Latins did. The Boers and founding Americans had anti-miscegenation laws, Latin America never did.

Anonymous said...

((Cogelite model minority in action))

My dad opened 7 credit cards under my name when I was born. AMA (self.IAmA)

3) My mother did not know English at the time this had happened (my parents are immigrants from China) and couldn't do anything to stop this. My father who knew English (of course) kept this from my mother. My mother is now educated in English as of today.

Anonymous said...

"Anonymous said...
They did used to lynch some Blacks in the old South, and they did once start killing Jews and Gypos in Germany.

Right, just those little things, only caused the bloodiest war on American soil and a world war, no big deal right. Nords are so meek and mild...

May 23, 2011 6:31 PM

Anonymous said...
The question is why Northern Europeans are generally so meek when they come in contact with non-European people.

This is bullshit. Compare North America to what the swarthoids did with Latin America.

May 23, 2011 6:46 PM"

You two are missing the point, which was that "Nords" have usually only been their most fightingly tough when their opponents have been fellow Nords as well.

The question is why cannot Northern Europeans show the same kind of spirit and *personal initiative* to the non-European invaders of their homelands the way the Italians did in Rosarno, or the way the Greeks recently did in the massive riot in Athens when a Third World "immigrant" killed a Greek father on the way to the hospital to visit his new-born child.

DeNugent was totally right.

Anonymous said...

Are Italians White? Find out in less than 7 minutes

Anonymous said...

Are Italians White? Find out in less than 7 minutes

That depends on the region of Italy.

You know, I get a kick out of some of you guys who brood and psychotically obsess whether or not south euros like the Greeks and Italians are "really White" or not like north euros - who the heck really cares but a few internet "warriors".

Next to no one in the real world thinks of south euros (with some obviously swarty exceptions of course) as anything but White and European.

Anonymous said...

Next to no one in the real world thinks of south euros (with some obviously swarty exceptions of course) as anything but White and European.

When people think of "White" and "European", they think of Nords and the Nordish look.

Anonymous said...

Southern Europe, especially the extreme south and east, have a significant and sometimes predominant North African and West Asian racial contribution. It's clear in their phenotype and genetic analysis.

To call all of them White is to further expose Europe to mongrelization. True Europeans must be forthright and stand against it.

I support Lega Nord and other southern organizations in their plight to save the remaining White people in Italy and the rest of Southern Europe.

We must draw a line in the sand and proudly proclaim SWARTHOIDS OUT!

Anonymous said...

"Are Italians White?"

That depends on the region of Italy.

So you agree then.

Let's work toward a mutual benefit.

Anonymous said...

"Nords" have usually only been their most fightingly tough when their opponents have been fellow Nords as well.

An honorable warrior doesn't take advantage of the weak and handicapped. Nords like a real challenge.

Anonymous said...

Next to no one in the real world thinks of south euros (with some obviously swarty exceptions of course) as anything but White and European.

I disagree. It's often a topic of conversation and an easily perceived phenotypic difference. Why else would it be a topic of conversation in one of the greatest cinematic scenes in history.

Anonymous said...

The only good thing about that scene, set up by the self-loathing half-Italian half-Southerner Tarantino, is that the Nordicist gets what he deserves for his base slander against Sicilians at the end.

Thus to all Nordicists.

Anonymous said...

I hear that after making a movie, True Romance, trashing the paternal side of his heritage, Tarantino's making a movie that'll trash the maternal side of his heritage.

So clearly racial self-loathing, both for the northern and southern european side of him, drives Tarantino.

Since Nordicists cheered as Tarantino vilified and insulted his father's ethnic group they have no right to complain as he insults his mother's ethnic group.

It's two sides of the same self-hating coin.

Anonymous said...

Besides vilifying Italians, perpetuating the idiot Hollywood stereotype that the Jewish, Russian-Jewish and Irish mafias aren't at least as bad as the Italian mafia, another bad thing about Tarantino is that helped some Mexican guy make a movie which vilified an Italian-American senator for being against illegal immigration and which glorified a heavily Amerindian Mexican for cutting up Americans for the crime of not being as Amerindian as he is.

Anonymous said...

The only good thing about that scene, set up by the self-loathing half-Italian half-Southerner Tarantino, is that the Nordicist gets what he deserves for his base slander against Sicilians at the end.

Wow someone's a tad oversensitive. And you expect us to welcome your types?

Anonymous said...

The Nord John Wilson challenged his fellow Nord Robert Lyon to a duel because of remarks he made about a local schoolteacher.

After killing Lyon, Wilson was welcomed back into the fold of Nord society in spite of being so sensitive that he killed a man over a remark he made, later becoming a Member of the Canadian Parliament and a judge.

I can only imagine how Wilson would've reacted if some bastard slandered his heritage by saying he was spawned by niggers.

Anonymous said...

Wow someone's a tad oversensitive.

If the Nordicist can masterbate over how Dustin Hoffman called the Sicilian a nigger, why can't a wop say he likes the part where Dustin Hoffman gets killed for his impudence?

You're spoiling for a fight with Italians, so don't be surprised if Italians root for the side which includes Italians.

Anonymous said...

When people think of "White" and "European", they think of Nords and the Nordish look.

Yes of course, but most also include Alpines and Dinarics, the predominant Central European sub-races, as well when they think of an average White European.


Southern Europe, especially the extreme south and east, have a significant and sometimes predominant North African and West Asian racial contribution. It's clear in their phenotype and genetic analysis.

To call all of them White is to further expose Europe to mongrelization. True Europeans must be forthright and stand against it.

It is like you said, really only the extremes of the southern parts of the Euro-Med lands where the population have higher amounts of North African or West Asian ancestry and genetics, not necessarily the bulk of the people of southern Southern Europeans. Most are just members of the Mediterranean race that existed there through antiquity.

Let's never forget as well that Italy is only a minority of the unmixed Mediterranean race -- and even most of its southern population is Alpine-Med or Dinaric-Med -- unlike Spain and Portugal which has an appreciably higher percentage of unmixed Mediterraneans by comparison. This was well known by most anthropologists for generations.

Anonymous said...

An honorable warrior doesn't take advantage of the weak and handicapped. Nords like a real challenge.

I suppose in your estimation then that the British starvation blockade of Germany during the First World War ... and the carpet-bombing of German cities and civilians during the Second World War qualifies as an example of the British being "honorable warriors".

Well I suppose the country today that spawned the semi-retarded Chav generation would have behaved this unconscionably brutal in the past.

Just like they did to their "fellow 'Nords" (lol) in South Afrika, the Boers.

The British are not, cannot, be true Nords. (Must be all that colored blood picked up from the far reaches of the empire).

Anonymous said...

Dustin Hoffman

You're way off.

Anonymous said...

"Dustin Hoffman"

You're way off.

The 'Nordish' actor in question was Dennis Hopper.

Silver said...

(a)Next to no one in the real world thinks of south euros (with some obviously swarty exceptions of course) as anything but White and European.

(b)When people think of "White" and "European", they think of Nords and the Nordish look.

Both these statements are true.

I support Lega Nord and other southern organizations in their plight to save the remaining White people in Italy and the rest of Southern Europe.

That's not really what the Lega Nord is about, though. Look at their leadership. Look up pics of their followers. If their plan is to "save the remaining white people" (according to your standards of whiteness) their behavior is anything but forthright.

We must draw a line in the sand and proudly proclaim SWARTHOIDS OUT!

Out of what, though? That's the question. Out of the entirety of Europe? I'll concede it's a possibility, but then so is a cataclysmic meteor strike. To assume the odds are at all within the realms of possibility is to is be pig ignorant of the most basic racial psychology. There's no way in hell the majority can be expected to turn on members of their own ethnicity on the basis of...get this...that you think they should. What planet are you on? "But they're SWARTHOIDS!" you might insist. True. But so what? Action will only be taken if it's seen as problematic. Bit for many, not only is not problematic, it's valuable in its own right (in the sense of "it's who we are!").

I disagree. It's often a topic of conversation and an easily perceived phenotypic difference.

Right. It's a topic of conversation, which isn't the same thing as an exercise in negative evaluation.

Anonymous said...

Silver your stupid-shit-you-say-to-word ratio is way too high. You need to cut out about 99.99% of what you post and that's being generous.

Silver said...

Your disagreeing with my view of things doesn't make my views stupid. Most people, I think, already find it difficult enough to communicate with you; is it really such a great idea to turn them off even more?

Think about it, the average proponent of a political position typically fails to convey its tenets convincingly, but he probably succeeds often enough in establishing the legitimacy of holding that position (ie "I don't agree with you, but it's understandable you feel that way"). You guys fail -- spectacularly -- on both counts. (At least for now. Things, of course, can change; and I hope they do.)

Anonymous said...

Can someone tell me what the big deal about this "Silver" character is?

I have been reading the comments threads at this blog and others for a while now, and I still don't know who Silver is, what his ethnic/ancestral origins are, what any of his views are, or why people seem so concerned with him. Every statement he makes seems to be totally ambiguous, yet apparently everyone already knows what he's on about. Can someone fill me in?

Anonymous said...

Can someone fill me in?

Silver likes to antagonize anyone and everyone, that's his MO, to troll.

Some Meds think he's anti-Med or pro-Nord, he's not, he just has no allegiance to anyone but himself. Not a smart strategy.

He claims he's of Southeastern European ancestry which would put him as significantly Asiatic, and it shows in his behavior.

Silver said...

Silver likes to antagonize anyone and everyone, that's his MO, to troll.

Well, sure. Provided "troll" is defined as proffering an opinion on racial matters, particularly one that contradicts the drivel routinely produced by "WN"s.

Think about it. If the mainstream ever makes a switch to generally accepting racial realities, you turkeys are again going to left standing there with your mouths gaping, unable to comprehend why you're loathed and ignored. That's real smart.

Anonymous said...

Delusional, self-important asshole Matt Parrott, over at "I’m proud to say that our advocacy group here in Indiana, Hoosier Nation, helped pass some of the toughest illegal immigration legislation in America."

Anonymous said...

Delusional, self-important asshole Matt Parrott, over at "I’m proud to say that our advocacy group here in Indiana, Hoosier Nation, helped pass some of the toughest illegal immigration legislation in America."

Are you suggesting he's lying about this or something?

Mark said...

Given that Matt only preaches to the choir I don't see how he could.

Matt has stated he is an Asperger nerd, and they typically are self-important, delusional assholes with a sense of entitlement.

Mark said...

Matt has also stated that regardless of race we're all brothers in Christ. So to Matt, God is a cat lady as well.

Anonymous said...

Matt has also stated that regardless of race we're all brothers in Christ. So to Matt, God is a cat lady as well.

He's Mormon, I believe. I don't think he actually believes the religious stuff or takes it that seriously. It's for networking and having a community.

Anonymous said...

Matt Parrott does not show the usual traits of Asperger's, such as hyperfocusing and obsessing on small and trivial details (the way some here do on southern Europeans).

He definately is a big-picture type who can distinguish between the forest and the trees -- whether or not you disagree with his politics and positions.

Anonymous said...

(the way some here do on southern Europeans)

Meant to say "the way some here do on southern Europeans for example"

There is nothing wrong being against south Euros or anyone else for that matter -- just the hyperfocus on threats or problems they do not actually pose -- or just being over-obsessive with them or any other issue when the situation does not warrent it.

This is the undiluted essence of genuine Asperger syndrome.

Anonymous said...

I don't think he actually believes the religious stuff or takes it that seriously.

Then why would he announce it of his own volition as a matter of pride and belief in an interview on a public White nationalist radio broadcast.

Rather you don't want to believe that of him.

Matt Parrott does not show the usual traits of Asperger's

He does, and he's been diagnosed by a professional as having Asperger's syndrome, idiot.

hyperfocusing and obsessing on small and trivial details (the way some here do on southern Europeans).


So far you've denied referring to a person with Asperger's syndrome, like Matt Parrot, as an Aspie because you like him, and calling those Aspie who are not just because it offends you that they value and want to preserve their race and culture. You're a fraud, hypocrite and liar.

Save yourself the time and don't post any more dishonest bullshit which will probably mean you won't post anything at all.

Anonymous said...

He does, and he's been diagnosed by a professional as having Asperger's syndrome, idiot.

Please source this or STFU, you hysterical jerk.

Anonymous said...

There's nothing hysterical about what I said, moron. It's all 100% truth.

If you're such a fan of his you'd fucking know this already, you lazy bitch.

Matt wrote it himself in an article of his. Go find it.

So the fact is some of your friends and allies, and maybe you, are Aspie. You feel real stupid now don't you, yeah it's finally penetrating that thick skull of yours.

Anonymous said...

If you're such a fan of his you'd fucking know this already, you lazy bitch.

Awwww, i hurt your piddie widdie little feewings...

Sowwwwy ;)

Anonymous said...

So the fact is some of your friends and allies, and maybe you, are Aspie. You feel real stupid now don't you, yeah it's finally penetrating that thick skull of yours.

You gotta love it when the genuinely autistic engage in their classic projection when their hysterical, histrionic & feminine behavior gets called out and comes on in full bloom, like with this hissy fitter.

Your kind are so obnoxious even Ronald hates you and your ilk..

Anonymous said...

No we need to do away with ALL swarthoids, not just the orientals, but the westernised ones need to go as well. This final solution is the only way for a definitive settlement of affairs to our age old swarthoid infestation problem.

We need to drag their swarthy asses out of our lands because they are smearing their grease everywhere and we need to put a stop to this.

Ha ha ha. I'm new to these kinds of blogs. Can anyone tell me if this guy is for real?

Anonymous said...

Many of these swarthoids are no better than niggers. They're delusional, obnoxious, idiotic and childish. You give them evidence that contradicts them right to their face and they still pretend like they're right. They're a complete waste of oxygen.

Anonymous said...

Ha ha ha. I'm new to these kinds of blogs. Can anyone tell me if this guy is for real?

That was Rassa-frassa, a suspected non-White, non-Nordish troll who was here to stir up trouble.

He's (thankfully) gone now - but some of his autistic clones still linger - like the anon idiot at 8:06 PM.

Anonymous said...

"If you're such a fan of his you'd fucking know this already, you lazy bitch."

Don't hold back, Champ!

Anonymous said...

Great article on Occidental Dissent:


Who are White people? Does anyone know? As strange as it sounds, White people are a sorely neglected subject in the racially aware community. They are commonly thought of as “lemmings” or as some type of vague idolized racial abstraction.

We tend to pay a lot more attention to what African-Americans, Hispanics, or Jews are up to in America than to what White people are thinking and saying in this country. It recently occurred to me that we barely know White people and this hinders our ability to relate to and connect with the White community.


Anonymous said...

That was Rassa-frassa, a suspected non-White, non-Nordish troll who was here to stir up trouble.

You are a non-White, non-Nordish troll, yet you're still here.

You can't stop your repetitious Asperger behavior of saying the same nonsense over and over, and posting links to pictures of yourself. Get a life, loser.

You still fail to comprehend this is a Nordicist blog.

Scientists just found the new densest object in the universe, your skull.

Anonymous said...

"That was Rassa-frassa, a suspected non-White, non-Nordish troll who was here to stir up trouble."

You are a non-White, non-Nordish troll, yet you're still here.

Here is an sterling example of one of that repulsive thing Rassa's fanboys (do you also support violence like he/she/it did?).

Oh and no shit this is a Nordicist blog - I have no problem with that.

The problem lies with the likes of yourself who cannot handle some differences of opinion without throwing a histrionic hissy fit like a whiny little bitch.

*Oh, and PLEASE STOP PROJECTING *your* assburger syndrome and ocd onto everyone else.

Anonymous said...

Kulaks Never Learn passionately defends of Miss Patti Labelle

Anonymous said...

Oh and no shit this is a Nordicist blog - I have no problem with that.

Good, then fuck off.

Go watch Oprah Winfrey and discuss the topics on the View like the queer swarthoid Kulaks in that video.

Anonymous said...

(do you also support violence like he/she/it did?).

You are so mentally ill, neurotic and obsessed with Rassi that even when he's gone you attack others in his name.

You need lots of extensive and prolonged psychotherapy and heavy doses of anti-psychotic medication. I also recommend a lobotomy and straitjacket.

Silver said...

Then why would he announce it of his own volition as a matter of pride and belief in an interview on a public White nationalist radio broadcast.

That doesn't mean he actually believes it.

Only a few years ago he was an avowed atheist. If he's "found God" since then it's probably more out of a desire to enjoy fellowship/community than any real belief (the way you "believe in gravity") in his religion. Disbelief in the claims of religion is no impediment to religious belonging; on the contrary, it's probably often a necessity.

Many of these swarthoids are no better than niggers. They're delusional, obnoxious, idiotic and childish. You give them evidence that contradicts them right to their face and they still pretend like they're right.

For example?

What "evidence" are you talking about and what is it you imagine we claim we're "right" about?

Anonymous said...

Congoid and slantoid husbands with white wives are more prone to divorce than white/white marriages and even white husband/non-white wife marriages.

"But Will It Last?": Marital Instability among Interracial and Same-Race Couples

Anonymous said...

Can anyone help me get access to this study?

Patterns of Racial-Ethnic Exclusion by Internet Daters

Anonymous said...

Actually, here's a pretty thorough summary of the study:

I looked it up because David Brooks recently referenced it on NYT.

It shows pretty much the same results as every study has. All races prefer same race, with women more so.

Anonymous said...

All races prefer same race, with women more so.

Depends on the women. Asian, Native American and Hawaiian/Pacific Islander females cohabitate with White men nearly as much as men of their own race, with some statistics more so with White men.

Anonymous said...

Kulaks Never Learn passionately defends of Miss Patti Labelle


Go watch Oprah Winfrey and discuss the topics on the View like the queer swarthoid Kulaks in that video.

Ah, this must be 'the artist formerly known as mgls' - AKA 'Mr. Miggles'... the fat, asperger nerd and proud "online 'Nord' warrior" that is too cowardly to use an online handle on a Nordicist forum.

When he is not attacking Reginald, who he has a homosexual man-crush for, he blindly lashes out at other imaginary boogymen he used to obsessingly fight - and lose with - over at Occidental Dissent.

I guess next he'll be lashing out at Cyd or Euro.

Anonymous said...

You need lots of extensive and prolonged psychotherapy and heavy doses of anti-psychotic medication. I also recommend a lobotomy and straitjacket.

The way you stalked and harassed Reginald for over a year now, I'd say you need these profound psychological help, badly, miggy-the-piggy.

Your a truly sick individual.

Anonymous said...

"the queer swarthoid"

You gotta get a kick out of how these 'tough', 'macho' internet nerds always love making homo references when they are engaged in online 'battle' (LOL).

They must speak from much personal experience.

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