Open thread (6)

Links, off-topic discussion, etc. Previous open threads: 1 2 3 4 5


  1. Regarding this 49 page refutation of the Natural History of Ashkenazi Intelligence paper by Gregory Cochran et al., has anyone responded to it?

    How Jews Became Smart (2008) -

  2. Any trustworthy projections of muslim population and population of non-european ancestry for specific european countries or all of europe? Any links to something about the russian elites response to the rapid growth of the muslim share of their population?

  3. What are your thoughts on Baltzell's book "Puritan Boston and Quaker Philadelphia"? When I read "Albion's Seed" I thought that our society today most resembled the Quakers, and, although I haven't finished it, it looks like Baltzell agrees, although I'm not sure yet what story he's going to tell of how we got from a Puritan kind of elite (intolerant, socially responsible, etc) to a Quaker kind (money obsessed, atomized, egalitarian). Do you think the book is worth reading?

  4. I think Cochran said somewhere that Ferguson's refutation is so incompetent that it's not worth addressing at all.

  5. Re anon March 3, 2011 5:06 PM:
    Quakers are "money obsessed, atomized, egalitarian"?

    That is news to me. (Except that third adjective).

  6. A further reply to the Anon above:

    Unfortunately, a strong argument against overwhelming cultural-continuity from the original Puritan and related stocks, as argued for in those books, is the rise of things like pornography, which is about as un-Puritan (and "un-Quaker") as one can imagine.

    The rise of cultural-degeneracy (which seems to dominate what people, near and far, inherently think of as "American" today), is certainly, in greater part, due to the descendants of the Ellis Island Jews. Cultural-continuity was ruptured in the 20th century in light of their rise, and it seems naive at best to believe or argue otherwise.

    The memorable final line of a famous essay by Francis Parker Yockey: "Thus, America was given a Semitic countenance".

    See also the posts here at race/hist of the ethnic stock of the wealthiest Americans).

    This is not to say there is single Jewish conspiracy in which Jews simply took over the USA and totally puppetized it, that the USA is literally a puppet of Israel and the Jewish diaspora, as the more crazed anti-Jewish elements seem to argue.

    There are holdovers from the earlier days -- sometimes quaint, sometimes significant --, which exist side-by-side with degenerate-culture. One can see manifestations of the old ethic in things like the blue-laws, strong anti-prostitution attitudes, high taxes on alcohol and cigarettes, the banning of public consumption of alcohol, the 21 age limit for alcohol, and of course the cherished place for churches (there has never been a serious move to tax USA churches, that I know of, not even by the most rabid left-wing atheists). One could also argue that the Tea Party was/is(?) a reassertion of this old Protestant-American spirit.

  7. So, so you think you can tell Heaven from Hell,

    blue skies from pain.

    Can you tell a green field from a cold steel rail?

    A smile from a veil?

    Do you think you can tell?

    And did they get you to trade your heroes for ghosts?

    Hot ashes for trees?

    Hot air for a cool breeze?

    Cold comfort for change?

    And did you exchange a walk on part in the war for a lead role in a cage?

    How I wish, how I wish you were here.

    We're just two lost souls swimming in a fish bowl, year after year,

    Running over the same old ground.

    What have you found?

    The same old fears.

    Wish you were here.

  8. from tea party chain email:

    --------Forwarded Message--------

    From a chain email:

    Russell K. Nieli recently brought to light a new study by Princeton sociologist Thomas Espenshade and his colleague Alexandria Radford that shows that lower-income European Americans (poor whites) are the most discriminated against group of people in college admissions.

    Nieli writes: "When lower-class whites are matched with lower-class blacks and other non-whites the degree of the non-white advantage becomes astronomical: lower-class Asian applicants are seven times as likely to be accepted to the competitive private institutions as similarly qualified whites, lower-class Hispanic applicants eight times as likely, and lower-class blacks ten times as likely. These are enormous differences and reflect the fact that lower-class whites were rarely accepted to the private institutions Espenshade and Radford surveyed."

    Get that? Not African Americans, not Mestizo Americans --- but European Americans are the most discriminated against group in college admissions.

    This widespread discrimination against European Americans should be unsurprising. And immigration is making it worse, as more non-whites immigrate here their "disparate impact" status makes them prime affirmative action candidates.

    All other racial groups have powers lobbying on their behalf. Blacks have the NAACP, mestizos have La Raza, Asians have the 80-20 Initiative, Indians have USINPAC, etc. What do European Americans have?

    When other groups lobby on behalf of their ethnic interests and whites do nothing, whites are bound to receive the short end of the stick. And all the while this is taking place, many whites pursue the “ostrich strategy”. They stick their heads in the sand and wish it were otherwise.

    Time to take your heads out of the sand, white people.

  9. "Quakers are 'money obsessed, atomized, egalitarian'?

    That is news to me. (Except that third adjective)."

    I am no expert (I am posting under anonymous because I rather think my question might be embarrassingly stupid), but for me he makes a good argument. He starts, for instance, by pairing the careers of Oliver Wendell Holmes Jr. and John Graver Johnson, both pre-eminent lawyers of their time. He writes:

    "The contrasting careers of Johnson and Holmes are excellent symbols of the Quaker ethic of privacy and success, on one hand, and of the Puritan inclination toward public authority, leadership, and fame, on the other."

    Johnson turned down proposed appointments to the Supreme Court and Attorney Generalship, doing so, Baltzell implies, because he could make more money in private practice.

    Maybe money-obsessed is the wrong phrase. Baltzell speaks of "the virus of virtuous materialism," which leads men to seek private success over public office/responsibilities.

    He thinks everything flows from egalitarianism, really. If you have no class authority, you need to make a lot of money to insulate yourself from the masses.

    With atomized I was thinking of the relative neglect of public institutions (higher education, for instance).

    All told, my question was probably not well expressed.

  10. The senile dimwit Cornelius Troost says that the "inimitable Razib Khan" is a "brilliant geneticist":

    "No-one can discuss genomics intelligently without considerable study of material by the inimitable Razib Khan at Discover Magazine. He is a brilliant geneticist."

  11. The senile dimwit Cornelius Troost says that the "inimitable Razib Khan" is a "brilliant geneticist"

    I know. Fucking nauseating. And he also said that "racial purity must not be our concern." In other words, he's just another degenerate, poorly-disguised liberal of the sort all too common in HBD circles.

    What the hell is wrong with these people? We don't need non-whites at all; the greatest achievements of the West were made at a time when the population was 99.9% white. There is nothing they can offer us that we cannot do better ourselves. The main problem is the decadent white elite has sided with Jews to break the borders and stifle whites with real talent to maintain their own wealth and hegemony.

  12. "What are your thoughts on Baltzell's book "Puritan Boston and Quaker Philadelphia"?"

    It's been a while since I looked at it, but I definitely think it contains some interesting information and is worth reading (particularly for people whose knowledge of Puritans/Yankees comes purely via Moldbug/Cantrell/DiLorenzo types and believe Purtains/Yankees were cartoonish leftists/radicals). I'll put up a post on it sometime.

  13. "(I am posting under anonymous because I rather think my question might be embarrassingly stupid)"

    Not a stupid question at all.

  14. I know. Fucking nauseating. And he also said that "racial purity must not be our concern."

    When people say things like that or how race mixing is natural, what they're revealing rather is their own deranged mind and personal history (or in the case of Jews, and those like them, their love for lies and undermining Whites). Either that person is racially mixed or has had a relationship with a racially mixed person.

    There is no shortage of degenerates, cowards and sycophants in the population. You just have to be strong enough to ignore the rabble and speak the truth. Truth has never been a popularity contest.

  15. What a pity it was that Mangan decided to place his oily thumb on the scales of my ability to knock Troost down a peg or five. Of course the latter could not resist, and with my provocation, to reveal his true genocidalist sentiments. I suppose that is a victory, of sorts.

    Razib Khan is Troost's chosen authority...really, the bought bitch and preferred hack of that kike Ron Unz - who, incidentally, I also took to the woodshed at Mangan's. They_got_nothin'.

    Is that the kind of "support" you want for yourself, Mangan? The greasiest little intellectual mediocrities imaginable - who wish to destroy your own people. Think on it, "White" man.

  16. We don't need non-whites at all

    Unfortunately non-whites have always been a source of cheap labor or exploitable in some way. Whether it's in the country or outsourced, it's almost impossible to get away from. It's rare that you get a white person if you call any customer service number. You'd think Microsoft was an Indian company by their phone support. They're incompetent, their accent is atrocious and they have a strange personality.

  17. "They're incompetent, their accent is atrocious and they have a strange personality."

    Case in point.

  18. has been offline for several days (technically, in "maintenance mode").

    I say good riddance. Between Hunter's conversion to neoconservatism and Yeoman's narcissistic rants it has been a total bore.

  19. Richard M. Nixon made disparaging remarks about Jews, blacks, Italian-Americans and Irish-Americans in a series of extended conversations with top aides and his personal secretary, recorded in the Oval Office 16 months before he resigned as president.

    Disparaging Remarks! Made in 1973!! America! Wake up!!! The GOP will destroy us!

    “The Jews have certain traits,” [Nixon] said. “The Irish have certain — for example, the Irish can’t drink. What you always have to remember with the Irish is they get mean. Virtually every Irish I’ve known gets mean when he drinks. Particularly the real Irish.”

    ...“The Italians, of course, those people course don’t have their heads screwed on tight. They are wonderful people, but,” and his voice trailed off.

    A moment later, Nixon returned to Jews: “The Jews are just a very aggressive and abrasive and obnoxious personality.”
    Apparently, these are newly released recordings — 265 more hours of Nixon talk — but it sounds like stuff we've heard a thousand times before. But what a lovely distraction for us on this wintry weekend, when we might otherwise be wondering who, among the living, doesn't have his head screwed on tight.

    *God Bless President Nixon!! He really was a great and astute leader of our country!

  20. has been offline for several days (technically, in "maintenance mode").

    The apparent final post was titled, ominously, Threats. Does anyone know the contents of this post?

  21. RE new Nixon tapes:

    There are various ideas as to why why Nixon was hated, and I think you've hit on a good part of it with these remarks.

    He was no clownish ultra-PC puppet of corporations, no slavish advocate of universal ethnic equality, whose code of morality commanded white dispossession. [The preceding is a description of the generic postwar U.S. president].

  22. "Fifth Column Itarabian-Americoon said...

    *God Bless President Nixon!! He really was a great and astute leader of our country!"

    Spare us your greasy sarcasm and go bawl us out a puddle instead, shitskin.

  23. The greatest White American President of all time was Eisenhower, who so happens to be the favorite President of Al Bundy.

    When will any swarthoids, ever give to the world such incredible political figures?

    Swarthoids are just envious of Nixon and Eisenhower, this is why they try in vain to disparage them with their inane sarcasm riddled with exclamation points.

  24. Between Hunter's conversion to neoconservatism and Yeoman's narcissistic rants it has been a total bore.

    I really enjoyed the site when it was an actual white racialist forum, i.e. in 2009. I stopped reading in early 2010 when "Hunter" began changing his ideological positions every five minutes. Having spent some time on the forum he used to run (the Phora) in the interim, I found that he has always been like this and is a person who is best avoided.

  25. Praise be to another courageous White man, hated equally by both swarthoids and kikes for his association with the NRA among other things, Charlton Heston:

  26. Say, has Rassy, White warrior extraordinaire and homo-ejaculator to millions of "hard-drive" swarthoid images mastered the English language yet?

  27. Eisenhower used the national guard to racially integrate schools at gunpoint.

    Nixon expanded federal affirmative action programs.

    Both turned out to be extremely pro-Black in their policies.

    Obviously the greatest American President was Jefferson, who swindled the frogs out of the Lousiana Purchase.

  28. I thought it was fairly well-known that Eisenhower had Jewish ancestry and is often refered to as "Ike The Kike".

  29. "Fifth Column Itarabian-Americoon said...

    I am probably way more genuinely Nordish (and Nordid) than you, Mr. Greasy 'Atlantid'.

    Spare us your greasy sarcasm and go bawl us out a puddle instead, shitskin.

    Why don't you go bawl us a puddle of your's and your boyz VOMIT after a night out on the town sarging pubs chasing after Nordish gals who don't want your semi-retarded, aspie-burger, momie's basement-dwelling ass, u shit-brained Chav/Ned.

    Till the next time, Rass...

  30. You anti-Nordish retards sound just like niggers and third world trash. If you aren't racially you are in spirit.

  31. Obviously the greatest American President was Jefferson, who swindled the frogs out of the Louisiana Purchase.

    European rivalry paid off big for Americans.

    Napoleon Bonaparte, upon completion of the agreement, stated, "This accession of territory affirms forever the power of the United States, and I have given England a maritime rival who sooner or later will humble her pride."

  32. ...White warrior extraordinaire and homo-ejaculator to millions of "hard-drive" swarthoid images...

    RMLMFAO :) :) :) :) :)

  33. Blondes love swarthy Med cock:

    Nordish males are pathetic pussies and betas who live in their mothers' basements, are gay, or marry asian women.

  34. Blondes love swarthy Med cock:

    Nordish males are pathetic pussies and betas who live in their mothers' basements, are gay, or marry asian women.

  35. Blondes love swarthy Med cock:

    Nordish males are pathetic pussies and betas who live in their mothers' basements, are gay, or marry asian women.

  36. Blondes love swarthy Med C0CK:

    Nordish males are pathetic pussies and betas who live in their mothers' basements, are gay, or marry asian women.

  37. Blondes love swarthy Med cock:

    Nordish males are pathetic pussies and betas who live in their mothers' basements, are gay, or marry asian women.

  38. Blondes love swarthy Med cock:

    Nordish males are pathetic pussies and betas who live in their mothers' basements, are gay, or marry asian women.

  39. Blondes love swarthy Med cock:

    Nordish males are pathetic pussies and betas who live in their mothers' basements, are gay, or marry asian women.


  41. Mediterraneans are no different from blacks, mestizos, or Jews in their mentality. "Race realist" or "white nationalist" Mediterraneans and Jews may want to get away from blacks, but they are not principled supporters of racial preservation. They are genocidalists who fight tooth and nail against separation from Northern Europeans. They want to leech off of Northern Europeans and wipe them out of existence.

    Why are Northern Europeans the only ones to support racial separation and preservation for all races?

    Genocidal Mediterraneans must be made to answer for their immoral opposition to the continued existence of Northern Europeans.

    The genocidalists of all races cannot be allowed to continue dishonestly evading the issue, slithering around it, and lying about it.

  42. they are not principled supporters of racial preservation. They are genocidalists

    Indeed, their history speaks for itself. Latins have spread their culture and also their genes as wanton conquerors. They have no regard for others, and only wish to sate their base desires.

    That's why White preservation cannot exist without Nordish preservation. Without principled Nords, Whites will end up like Latin Americans.

  43. Studies have shown that over 95% of female swarthoids have mixed black kids, and 99% of male swarthoids are homosexuals. This race of freaks must take out their anger in some way, like attacking Nords on the internet.

  44. Meds are spiritually/mentally similar to negroes, while they are physically/racially similar to arabs/jews/turks.

    Kim Kardashian is a typical med, both physically and mentally.

  45. While swarthoid males are attacking White peoiple on the internet, their wimminz are going after niggers:

  46. Swarthoid Homo-ejaculator extraordinaire:

    Kim Kardashian is a typical med, both physically and mentally.

    Funny, however Kardashian's background is this:

    Her father was a third generation Armenian American and her mother is of Dutch and Scottish descent.

    Her mother, if anyone ever had the displeasure of watching their show, is the whore who promotes the whorishness that is exhibited by the Kardashian girls and their indiscretions. Aside from befriending OJ Simpson, Robert Kardashian had greater morals than Kris Jenner (née Houghton).

    Another fine example of the depravity that is the NE woman though focusing on the "swarthoid med" is simpler and makes for easier sleeping.

  47. Two swarthoids, Kim Kardashian with her father Robert Kardashian:

    Robert Kardashian with his homeboy OJ Simpson:

    Kim Kardashian with her nigger:

    Niggers and Meds? Bad News!

  48. English is almost definitely not the native language of genocidalist #36. If it is, then he is a semiliterate imbecile.

  49. Genocidalist swarthoids like "Sir Infamous" and "danielj" keep swearing they're forever done with this blog but then return to post again. It doesn't even phase them when you point out this or their other lies because they're devoid of any sense of shame or decency.

  50. As certain genocidalists rant about "the depravity that is the NE woman", read this and this. The swarthoid genocidalists have absolutely no self-awareness.

  51. Anonymous said...

    English is almost definitely not the native language of genocidalist #36. If it is, then he is a semiliterate imbecile.

    More funny. I thought this was a serious blog, yet there appears to be only inadvertent humor here. Where to start with these two little sentences? How about

    - Never claimed English was my first language though what that has to do with the content of my comment is lost on the intelligent and unbiased. Red herring?

    - Making the leap to "genocidalist" is simply ignorant at best or out of touch, feckless internet warrior with a penchant for hyperbole at worst. Oh and ignorant as well, forgot to add.

    - Homo-ejaculator makes the claim of being NE and English background, yet his English is atrocious. Wonder why that is never taken to task by the useless on this blog?

    - What is there to say about the useless on here who cannot come to grips that their women (many of them and not all) are whores or behave whorishly? Could it be that this is a direct reflection on NE men's poor direction, control, and guidance of these women? How about an inability to fulfill these women's desires? Hmmm? lol

    - To useless #38, who apparently has English as a "first" and possibly only language, terms such as "almost definitely" is referred to as an oxymoron. I doubt that was purposefully meant so the only conclusion is that you are an oxymoron sans oxy.

  52. Of course, and it's a common social phenomenon that lies spread faster than the truth, as lies are simple and the truth is complex. Furthermore most swarthoids, especially Jews, and third worlders have no qualms about lying through their teeth at every opportunity if it benefits them and/or harms others. They're sadistic bastards and have no honor in their souls.

    There certainly is a correlation in general including within White nationalism. The biggest sociopathic scumbags are swarthoids or partial swarthoids, such as mischlings like Scrooby, Linder and other swarthy mongrels like danielj, "Reginald Thompson," Trainspotter, The Admiral and the mentally ill anti-Nordish trolls that comment here.

    The path of the righteous Nord is beset on all sides by the iniquities of the selfish and the tyranny of evil swarthoids.

  53. The deep rooted psychological hatred of the swarthoid is easily explained by a simple fact.

    What swarthoids males vainly lust after:

    What swarthoids males are helplessly stuck with:

    What swarthoid females hopelessly wish to look like with the help of palstic surgery:

    What swarthoid females inevitaly end up looking like even with the help of plastic surgery:

    Swarthoids are both physically and mentally such a repulsive and pathetic lot. Their envy, jealousy inferiority complex and self-loathing is consuming their everyday lives, they want what we have and what we are but they can't have it, so if they can't have what we have and what we are they choose to destroy us instead. No wonder this subhuman dysgenic degenerate mongrel lot hates us and wish to genocide us.

  54. Swarthoids are both physically and mentally such a repulsive and pathetic lot. Their envy, jealousy inferiority complex and self-loathing is consuming their everyday lives

    Errrummmm...don't you post here did in and day out where it could be viewed as "consuming"? If that is some nasty projection, what else are you hiding, homo-ejaculator?

  55. The path of the righteous Nord is beset on all sides by the iniquities of the selfish and the tyranny of evil swarthoids.

    Yeah, whatever gets you through the night.

  56. they want what we have

    I find it highly unlikely that an assburgers-suffering racialist who spends an unhealthy amount of time behind a computer screen "has" much of anything in regards to a sex life with women, Nordish or otherwise.

  57. "Anonymous said...

    I find it highly unlikely that an assburgers-suffering racialist who spends an unhealthy amount of time behind a computer screen "has" much of anything in regards to a sex life with women, Nordish or otherwise."

    Hence again a demonstration of the negroid mentality of the swarthoids, I say something that involve many things and the swarthoid interpret it with his "muh dick", just like the filthy poor man's nigger that it is.

  58. Notice how Assenhygeniker fails to acknowledge the painful truth of his life.

    Look, it's an obvious fact that a non-trivial percentage of racialist keyboard commanders suffer from various types of Autism spectrum disorders.

  59. You are a genocidalist, Sir Infamous/Archimedes. To even try to deny it is laughable.

  60. Rassenhygieniker said... March 18, 2011 1:08 PM

    Anonymous said... March 18, 2011 1:10 PM

    That's an awfully quick response.

  61. Given that Sir Infamous/Archimedes apparently spends his time constantly refreshing this page in order to immediately post his inane comments, it looks like we have a comical case of projection on our hands. We now know exactly who it is that "spends an unhealthy amount of time behind a computer screen".

  62. There's no evidence of Linder being part Jewish.

    If Linder the guy who wants to kill all the Jews is part Jewish, then it follows that Rassenhygieniker the guy who wants to kill all the Southern Euros is part Italian or Greek.

    Sometimes mass murder inciters aren't driven by self-hatred.

    Linder isn't Jewish.

  63. I thought Trainspotter was of entirely northern European extraction.

  64. What the hell? I have not posted on this blog in weeks. My last comment before this one was a comment to that little annoying house wop named Silver when I called myself "Super Swarthoid" and showed a link of Monica Bellucci, it wasn't even in this thread. That's the honest truth whether any of you believe it or not.

    I'm done talking about the Nordic vs Med crap. Indeed, everyone knows that I don't give a shit about Nords, it's not my job. And I laugh at their current situation. Really, it's the British whom I most dislike.

    Regarding some of the comments. Meds are a bit over's just who they are as a race. But modern Nords calling Meds effeminate is laughable. I had this converstion on anthroscape a few days ago. What the hell do you call a group of males who allows millions of foreign males to live among them and even steal their women folk? That's the definition of effeminate not to mention pathetic. Doubtful the Vikings would allow this.

    btw Rassenhygieniker, your pal Nixon looked pretty swarthy himself. He's certainly no fairer than me or my siblings.

  65. The supposed Southern Euros on here calling Rassy "Asbergers/Autistic" are just copying my insults i made months ago. Although it is obvious that he as well as several others on here likely have mild autism. He's British right? Britian is a Jew controlled laughting stock which flourides their tap's not surprising a great many of males from there have brain damage.

  66. What is there to say about the useless on here who cannot come to grips that their women (many of them and not all) are whores or behave whorishly? Could it be that this is a direct reflection on NE men's poor direction, control, and guidance of these women?

    Yes, that's exactly what it is. The behavior of women is a reflection of the standard set by the males.

  67. "Sir Infamous said...

    btw Rassenhygieniker, your pal Nixon looked pretty swarthy himself."

    Eisenhower (left), Sir Infamous (center) and Nixon (right):


    "Sir Infamous said...

    He's certainly no fairer than me or my siblings."

    Of course not, here are two pictures of your big brother:

    He looks more Northern European than you do though.


    "Sir Infamous said...

    My last comment before this one was a comment to that little annoying house wop named Silver when I called myself "Super Swarthoid"

    You just admitted to your dishonesty, you admited that you posted on this blog your anti-white messages pretending to be someone else (Super Swarthoid), instead of posting as "Sir Infamous".


    "Sir Infamous said...

    showed a link of Monica Bellucci, it wasn't even in this thread."

    Monica Belluci is ugly (broad mongoloid-like headshape and features, pitch black eyes, black hair, brown skin etc.) she looks like a turanid mixed in with arab:

    By the way Monica Belluci has had plastic surgery done on her, she admitted in interviews. Amongst other things there was lips augmentation, eyelid surgery, rhinoplasty and only god knows what else.

    See the similarity between Monica Belluci and this sandnegress, Lamitta Franjieh (Lebanon):

    EXTERMINATE THESE GROTESQUE ABERRATIONS! Only the pure white race, pure black race and pure yellow race are allowed to exist, every other sort of contaminated peripheries need to be purged!

    And before "Sif Infamous" tries to claim that Southern Europeans are a "pure race", let me quote Sir Infamous himself:

    "Sir Infamous said...

    No, I don't consider Southern Europeans white, not pure white atleast."


    "Sir Infamous said...

    I'm done talking about the Nordic vs Med crap. Indeed, everyone knows that I don't give a shit about Nords, it's not my job."

    I haven't checked anthrofail in like a month or so, but from the way it was something like 95% of your messages pertained to this subject in a way or another, the only time your messages where not involved in this subject was when your posted from time to time a music youtube video on the "what are you listening to right now?" thread.

    On here even after you just claimed that you "were done", you continued to write your message pertaining to this subject and submitted two separate additional messages afterward also pertaining to this subject.

    Something like 99% of your postings outside of anthrofail, pertain to this subject as well. It is usually you saying something like "Oh southern europeans look this and that, compared to Northern Europeans they are this and that".

  68. "Sir Infamous said...

    Yes, that's exactly what it is. The behavior of women is a reflection of the standard set by the males."

    Standards set by swarthoid males:

    No wonder swarthoid females turn unto self-hating circus freaks:


    "Sir Infamous said...

    What the hell do you call a group of males who allows millions of foreign males to live among them and even steal their women folk?"

    You'd call them "Italians":









  69. "Sir Infamous said...

    btw Rassenhygieniker, your pal Nixon looked pretty swarthy himself."

    Eisenhower (left), Sir Infamous (center) and Nixon (right):


    "Sir Infamous said...

    He's certainly no fairer than me or my siblings."

    Of course not, here are two pictures of your big brother:

    He looks more Northern European than you do though.


    "Sir Infamous said...

    My last comment before this one was a comment to that little annoying house wop named Silver when I called myself "Super Swarthoid"

    You just admitted to your dishonesty, you admited that you posted on this blog your anti-white messages pretending to be someone else (Super Swarthoid), instead of posting as "Sir Infamous".


    "Sir Infamous said...

    showed a link of Monica Bellucci, it wasn't even in this thread."

    Monica Belluci is ugly (broad mongoloid-like headshape and features, pitch black eyes, black hair, brown skin etc.) she looks like a turanid mixed in with arab:

    By the way Monica Belluci has had plastic surgery done on her, she admitted in interviews. Amongst other things there was lips augmentation, eyelid surgery, rhinoplasty and only god knows what else.

    See the similarity between Monica Belluci and this sandnegress, Lamitta Franjieh (Lebanon):

    EXTERMINATE THESE GROTESQUE ABERRATIONS! Only the pure white race, pure black race and pure yellow race are allowed to exist, every other sort of contaminated peripheries need to be purged!

    And before "Sif Infamous" tries to claim that Southern Europeans are a "pure race", let me quote Sir Infamous himself:

    "Sir Infamous said...

    No, I don't consider Southern Europeans white, not pure white atleast."

  70. "Sir Infamous said...

    btw Rassenhygieniker, your pal Nixon looked pretty swarthy himself."

    Eisenhower (left), Sir Infamous (center) and Nixon (right):


    "Sir Infamous said...

    He's certainly no fairer than me or my siblings."

    Of course not, here are two pictures of your big brother:

    He looks more Northern European than you do though.


    "Sir Infamous said...

    My last comment before this one was a comment to that little annoying house wop named Silver when I called myself "Super Swarthoid"

    You just admitted to your dishonesty, you admited that you posted on this blog your anti-white messages pretending to be someone else (Super Swarthoid), instead of posting as "Sir Infamous".

  71. "Sir Infamous said...

    showed a link of Monica Bellucci, it wasn't even in this thread."

    Monica Belluci is ugly (broad mongoloid-like headshape and features, pitch black eyes, black hair, brown skin etc.) she looks like a turanid mixed in with arab:

    By the way Monica Belluci has had plastic surgery done on her, she admitted in interviews. Amongst other things there was lips augmentation, eyelid surgery, rhinoplasty and only god knows what else.

    See the similarity between Monica Belluci and this sandnegress, Lamitta Franjieh (Lebanon):

    EXTERMINATE THESE GROTESQUE ABERRATIONS! Only the pure white race, pure black race and pure yellow race are allowed to exist, every other sort of contaminated peripheries need to be purged!

    And before "Sif Infamous" tries to claim that Southern Europeans are a "pure race", let me quote Sir Infamous himself:

    "Sir Infamous said...

    No, I don't consider Southern Europeans white, not pure white atleast."

  72. "Sir Infamous said...

    showed a link of Monica Bellucci, it wasn't even in this thread."

    Monica Belluci is ugly (broad mongoloid-like headshape and features, pitch black eyes, black hair, brown skin etc.) she looks like a turanid mixed in with arab:

  73. By the way Monica Belluci has had cosmetic surgery done on her, she admitted in interviews. Amongst other things there was lips augmentation, eyelid surgery, rhinoplasty and only god knows what else.

    See the similarity between Monica Belluci and this sandnegress, Lamitta Franjieh (Lebanon):

    EXTERMINATE THESE GROTESQUE ABERRATIONS! Only the pure white race, pure black race and pure yellow race are allowed to exist, every other sort of contaminated peripheries need to be purged!

    And before "Sif Infamous" tries to claim that Southern Europeans are a "pure race", let me quote Sir Infamous himself:

    "Sir Infamous said...

    No, I don't consider Southern Europeans white, not pure white atleast."

  74. By the way Monica Belluci has had plastic surgery done on her, she admitted in interviews. Amongst other things there was lips augmentation, eyelid surgery, rhinoplasty and only god knows what else.

    See the similarity between Monica Belluci and this sandnegress, Lamitta Franjieh (Lebanon):

  75. EXTINGUISH THESE GROTESQUE ABERRATIONS! Only the pure white race, pure black race and pure yellow race are allowed to exist, every other sort of contaminated peripheries need to be purged!

    And before "Sif Infamous" tries to claim that Southern Europeans are a "pure race", let me quote Sir Infamous himself:

    "Sir Infamous said...

    No, I don't consider Southern Europeans white, not pure white atleast."

  76. "Sir Infamous said...

    I'm done talking about the Nordic vs Med crap. Indeed, everyone knows that I don't give a shit about Nords, it's not my job."

    I haven't checked anthrofail in like a month or so, but from the way it was something like 95% of your messages pertained to this subject in a way or another, the only time your messages where not involved in this subject was when your posted from time to time a music youtube video on the "what are you listening to right now?" thread.

    On here even after you just claimed that you "were done", you continued to write your message pertaining to this subject and submitted two separate additional messages afterward also pertaining to this subject.

    Something like 99% of your postings outside of anthrofail, pertain to this subject as well. It is usually you saying something like "Oh southern europeans look this and that, compared to Northern Europeans they are this and that".

  77. In other news, Sir Infamous best friend is at it again with his Pan-European swarthoid/white unity bonding nonsense:

  78. The "white race" exists about as much as the "Mediterranean race" exists. It's just arbitrary who considers what Mediterranean or white or whatever...or if Mediterraneans are white or not white or whiter than some and less white than others. And do you base everything off of pigmentation, or more so genetic distance? Just call yourselves Nordish and no one will be able to think you're including Southern European in your racial group.

    There is certainly a difference between Southern Euros and Northern Euros. Europe, although the most homogeneous of all continents, even it has clinal variation. You know i've been saying for a long time that Southern Euros are different than Northern Euros and also that Southern Euros are genetically closer to Ashkenazi/European Jews and the people of the Caucuses such as Georgians. Southern Euros are their own sub race. I don't think they can be lumped in a group with Northern Europeans or Northern Africans.

    Neither Northern Euros or Southern Euros are "pure" race purity doesn't exist. Not empirically at least. If Northern Euros were pure, they wouldn't be closer to Negros than are Navajo Indians.

    You just admitted to your dishonesty, you admited that you posted on this blog your anti-white messages pretending to be someone else (Super Swarthoid), instead of posting as "Sir Infamous".

    That one comment made weeks back as "Super Swarthoid" on here was me, i thought it was a funny username...none of these other accounts are me, not a one. There's nothing for me to hide...I say racist stuff all the time on the internet against all different races ranging from Niggers to Nords under my normal user name.

    Secondly, I don't think there was anything anti white in what I wrote as "Super Swarthoid" (I say much more "anti Nordish" things right on Anthroscape with my normal account)

    I said in certain areas Meds are more attractive, and in certain areas Nords are. I was actually being objective and gave credit to Nordish males being taller (masculine physical ideal).

    No, I don't consider Southern Europeans white, not pure white atleast."

    LOL, c'mon now Rassy are you dense? That whole discussion was satire. I was pretending to be a black supremacist.

    I had no problem at first with VNN, but I saw some of them were posting anti Southern Euro crap all over it, so i just trolled it. Plus You also have clowns like Diabloblaco or whatever who are half Iranian or something and half Nordish calling themselves "Meds"...that place is a mess and I haven't posted there in like a year.

    btw Rassy, stop the picture spamming, I mean good god. What is it with you and the pictures? Someone makes a just respond with 10 pictures of ugly cherry picted photos of Southern Europeans or something silly.

    And yes, as far as the Nordic vs Med thing. I am done with the petty back to back stuff, that's a waste of time. I mean I might say something about the two races but snickering troll comments like "LULZ YOUR WOMEN FUCK NIGGERS" is done with.

    The guy who runs this blog actually posts some pretty interesting stuff...despite being an anti Southern European who supports Arthur Kemp rubbish theories, lol


  79. What the hell? I have not posted on this blog in weeks.


    It's amusing watching you twist yourself into a pretzel trying to deny the obvious.

    I'm done talking about the Nordic vs Med crap.


    Compulsive liars can't stop lying. You say you're "done" and then make three posts on the subject.

    You, danielj, cyd, reginald, kulaks, etc., are flighty, impulsive twits. How many times have you vowed you were done and then reneged? It's like a broken record.

  80. ^^^

    It's not me ding bat. Absolutely zero comments in this thread are me besides the one under this user name. I don't even know those others you name except for Cyde (from here). Don't ever try to become a detective because you'd be an inefficient one.

    I thought I already responded, but my comment seems to not have appeared, odd.

    Basically yes, I'm done talking about the "Nordic vs Med" crap. As in the little petty back and forths that are a waste of time. I might still speak of Meds and Nords, but the little "LULZ, your women fuck niggers" stuff is over.

    From what i've read this blog is not even that bad, the comments from certain autistic morons are the worst thing.

  81. I am believing Sir Unfamous. Most likely culprit is Reginaldo.

  82. You just admitted to your dishonesty, you admited that you posted on this blog your anti-white messages pretending to be someone else (Super Swarthoid), instead of posting as "Sir Infamous".

    My dishonesty? I just admitted that the last comment I made on this blog was with that name around a month ago, and it was one comment where I just discussed my objective opinion on aesthetic ideals to Silver. There was nothing "anti white" in the comment (i think i may have said red hair is ugly). I even gave Nords compliments in certain fields such as them being taller (male aesthetic ideal) although I prefer Southern Europeans overall.

    I have nothing to hide, lol. I even show my face over at anthroscape...which is probably more than most of the Nordic Ubermensch here can say. We know you all wont do that because if your leftist-Nordish or Jewish boss finds out in the "real world" that you're a racist you'll be fired. Come to think of it, that just shows you the type of domination and control a certain group of people have imposed over you in the last half century or so. LOL, sorry for sounding like a prick but you all are laughable.

    I'm a so called "racist" and make so called "racist" remarks all the time against just about every race with my usual user name. There's nothing for me to hide. I named myself "Super Swarthoid" as satire. If it bothers you all or if you all think it was sneaky, I won't do it again. How's that. It wasnt intended to be sneaky.

    And I repeat...absolutely none of the comments here in this entire thread other than the ones under this user name are mine. So blame someone else. I don't like getting credited for things i did or did not do.

  83. Most likely culprit is Reginaldo.

    Yes. The style seemed somewhat different from how Medginald usually writes, but now I think there's a good chance it is Medginald.

  84. LULZ, your swarthoid women fuck niggers:

  85. Only the pure white race, pure black race and pure yellow race are allowed to exist, every other sort of contaminated peripheries need to be purged!

    Who is going to enforce this proclamation?

    You and your army of sexless autistic keyboard commandos?

  86. There's no evidence of Linder being part Jewish.

    The evidence is his beady-eyed ugly mug and big nose. His phenotype is Asiatic and his behavior is akin to Jews.

    He is not a practicing Jew, but neither are many mischlings.

    If Linder the guy who wants to kill all the Jews is part Jewish, then it follows that Rassenhygieniker the guy who wants to kill all the Southern Euros is part Italian or Greek.

    Could be, life is full of contradictions and irony. However, with Rass I don't believe he means it because he hasn't created a website/forum and dedicated his life to it.

    Sometimes mass murder inciters aren't driven by self-hatred.

    It's not necessarily self-hatred, it's the personality type. Regardless of political persuasion the narcissistic sociopathy is the constant. Whether it's Susan Sontag's "The white race is the cancer of human history," Tim Wise and his psychotic ramblings or Linder with his, they're all related.

    Race is important not just for the physical traits but also the mental and spiritual.

  87. "Mark said...

    The evidence is his beady-eyed ugly mug and big nose. His phenotype is Asiatic and his behavior is akin to Jews.

    He is not a practicing Jew, but neither are many mischlings."

    I agree with the case of Linder, though him having armenoid/dinarid features does not make him automatically "a jew".

    "Jewish" is not a race, but a conglomeration of swarthoid races race under one banner, Judaism is the religious manifestation of the swarthoid rassenseele (racial soul), nothing more.

    Ashkenazi jew are predominently Armenoid (similar to Armenians, Greeks et alii), Sephardic jews are predominently Mediterranoid (similar to Iberians, Levantines et alii)

    And so on.

    Still, the fact that linder pretends to be "German" while at the same time does not miss a single opportunity to spit on decent White folks at any occasion he gets while praising latins for "not being as destructive as jews" is highly questionable.

    "Alex Linder said...

    Some Italians and jews look more alike, as many of them are Mediterranean peoples."

    This quote show that Linder is aware of the racial symbiosis that exists between jews and latins (swarthoids), yet come of up with excuses after excuses for the wogs:

    "Alex Linder said...

    But Italians are not generally destructive, as jews are."

    "Alex Linder said...

    How many Italians are in porn today? I doubt very many. They may have been in it in the pre-Internet days. The difference is that Italians got into porn as one of a number of profitable vice outlets. They got into it for the money."


    "Mark said...

    However, with Rass I don't believe he means it because he hasn't created a website/forum and dedicated his life to it."

    Neither have you, nor have the majority of the Nordish Preservationists. If we are to follow after this "logic", we will be forced to deduce that every Nordish Preservationists who has not created a website and not dedicated their lives to whatever you want to call this (Nordish Preservationism, Nordicism, Ariosophism, National Socialism, Irminism et alii) is not meaning what they say?

    This is beside the point, wether I "mean it" or not is also not of any relevance.

    There would be no means to "mean it", like there would be no needs for "Nordicism" if Nordish nations where free to evolve and blossom in their natural course. The thing is we are faced with these problems and the only way for the Aryo-Germanic folk to evolve in it's natural mean, is by getting rid of the fifth column (swarthoids) who are trying to set us offcourse from our glorious path.

    Our goal is the destiny of the Aryan glory, we have to clear the path by any means necessary for us to be able to move foward and follow our predestined ways.

  88. Actually I did have a website/forum in the past, however you missed the point, Rass. The subject wasn't Nordish preservation but the claim that you want to exterminate swarthoids or whatever the case may be. There's a big jump from preservation and having racial interests and then seriously wanting to harm others or commit genocide. To create a website/forum and dedicate your life with a paid salary to that degree of negativity is considerable evidence of one's sincerity. Either that or he's a paid informant like Hal Turner to gather all the extremists and monitor their statements. He has already turned over information and IPs to law enforcement in the past.

  89. You, danielj, cyd, reginald, kulaks, etc., are flighty, impulsive twits. How many times have you vowed you were done and then reneged? It's like a broken record.

    How could we, after all, leave this intellectually-scintillating blog with such luminaries as yourselves.

    Especially since we love you, our Northern European cousins, all so much. Some of you fellas are loads of entertaining fun to debate. :-}

  90. - What is there to say about the useless on here who cannot come to grips that their women (many of them and not all) are whores or behave whorishly? Could it be that this is a direct reflection on NE men's poor direction, control, and guidance of these women? How about an inability to fulfill these women's desires?? Hmmm? lol - Anonymous


    Yes, that's exactly what it is.
    The behavior of women is a reflection of the standard set by the males.
    - Sir Infamous

  91. "The thing is we are faced with these problems and the only way for the Aryo-Germanic folk to evolve in it's natural mean, is by getting rid of the fifth column (swarthoids) who are trying to set us offcourse from our glorious path."

  92. Mark said...

    Actually I did have a website/forum in the past, however you missed the point, Rass. The subject wasn't Nordish preservation but the claim that you want to exterminate swarthoids or whatever the case may be. There's a big jump from preservation and having racial interests and then seriously wanting to harm others or commit genocide. ...

    Mark - don't take anything that 'Rass' says all too seriously, since he is such a neurotic fool and hypocritical racial nitpicker (Mr. 'Atlantid' himself) that he even thinks Queen Victoria is an 'Armenoid' (thanks for putting him in his 'place' though, Mark).

  93. Mark said...

    Actually I did have a website/forum in the past, however you missed the point, Rass. The subject wasn't Nordish preservation but the claim that you want to exterminate swarthoids or whatever the case may be. There's a big jump from preservation and having racial interests and then seriously wanting to harm others or commit genocide. ...

    Mark - don't take anything that 'Rass' says all too seriously, since he is such a neurotic fool and hypocritical racial nitpicker (Mr. 'Atlantid' himself) that he even thinks Queen Victoria is an 'Armenoid' (thanks for putting him in his 'place' though, Mark).

  94. "Mark said...

    There's a big jump from preservation and having racial interests and then seriously wanting to harm others or commit genocide."

    The claim that Rassenhygieniker wants to exterminate swarthoids was made by an Anonymous (probably a swarthoid himself), the means do not matter, the separation between us and the invaders as well as the final removal of alien entities from our lands is what ultimately matters.

    North America remained pure white for 300 years through such methods, while South America became mongrelized.

    However, if you believe that our racial integrity can be preserved in some kind of loving and peaceful rainbow nation, then I will say that is the sort of thinking that is leading the United States of America to it's downfall.

    You do not reason with subhumans, you can not ask them to stop leeching off of you and nicely go back to the mudhole they came from, the subhumans only understand force and if you show them wickness they will kill you.

  95. "Anonymous said...

    Especially since we love you

    If you love us, why are you opposing Nordish preservation? Oh wait nevermind, I know the answer already...

    "Anonymous said...

    our Northern European cousins"

    The "European Union" does not constitute "a race", do not mix geo-political nonsense with racial kinship, Moustafa from Morroco has more racial kinship with you then we do to you.

  96. ^
    That was me, I don't know why it was posted as "Anonymous".

  97. "Sir Infamous said...

    There is certainly a difference between Southern Euros and Northern Euros. Europe, although the most homogeneous of all continents, even it has clinal variation. You know i've been saying for a long time that Southern Euros are different than Northern Euros and also that Southern Euros are genetically closer to Ashkenazi/European Jews and the people of the Caucuses such as Georgians."

    Yes Nordicists and Orientalists needs to unite and work together to destroy Crimson Tard and his aberrant army of deluded "pan-european white nationalists".


    "Sir Infamous said...

    If it bothers you all or if you all think it was sneaky, I won't do it again. How's that. It wasnt intended to be sneaky."

    Thank you for your consideration, though I won't object if you were thinking of renaming yourself "Sir Unfamous", I won't hear a disagreement from me.


    "Sir Infamous said...

    LOL, c'mon now Rassy are you dense? That whole discussion was satire."

    I can tell you that Nordish people from Europe are pretty imprevious to "satire" they can not comprehend it or detect it. We are a serious people, we don't waste time around doing jokes. In the European workforce, I can tell you that while the gypsies, arabs, south europeans and south slavs are doing all the "jokes" and playing around like little nigger kids, it is the Nordish people who work. Satire, sarcasm, self-derision or whatever else seem to be a swarthoid trademark, anthrofail is riddled with that, as is hippocratesexposed yet you won't find a shred of it on Skadi aside from some of the American members who have been exposed to too much "Nicht-Germanen" culture/behaviour/mentality.


    "Sir Infamous said...

    And I repeat...absolutely none of the comments here in this entire thread other than the ones under this user name are mine. So blame someone else. I don't like getting credited for things i did or did not do."

    I am not the one who said it was you, that was obviously "Reginald Thompson".


    "Sir Infamous said...

    btw Rassy, stop the picture spamming, I mean good god. What is it with you and the pictures? Someone makes a just respond with 10 pictures of ugly cherry picted photos of Southern Europeans or something silly."

    You cherry pick things also as do other swarthoids, I just pay back the favor.

    Pictures also work well as complementary with words.

  98. This is a reply to Sir Infamous, quoting his reply makes my post disappear as it did his, so I will reply whitout quoting his post.


    Yes Nordicists and Orientalists needs to unite and work together to destroy Crimson Tard and his aberrant army of deluded "pan-european white nationalists".

    Thank you for your consideration, though I won't object if you were thinking of renaming yourself "Sir Unfamous", you won't hear a disagreement from me.

    I can tell you that Nordish people from Europe are pretty imprevious to "satire" they can not comprehend it or detect it. We are a serious people, we don't waste time around doing jokes. In the European workforce, I can tell you that while the gypsies, arabs, south europeans and south slavs are doing all the "jokes" and playing around like little nigger kids, it is the Nordish people who work. Satire, sarcasm, self-derision or whatever else seem to be a swarthoid trademark, anthrofail is riddled with that, as is hippocratesexposed yet you won't find a shred of it on Skadi aside from some of the American members who have been exposed to too much "Nicht-Germanen" culture/behaviour/mentality.

    I am not the one who said it was you, that was obviously "Reginald Thompson".

    You cherry pick things also as do other swarthoids, I just pay back the favor.

    Pictures also work well as complementary with words.

  99. This is a reply to Sir Infamous, quoting his reply makes my post disappear as it did his, so I will reply whitout quoting his post.


    Yes Nordicists and Orientalists needs to unite and work together to destroy Crimson Tard and his aberrant army of deluded "pan-european white nationalists".

    Thank you for your consideration, though I won't object if you were thinking of renaming yourself "Sir Unfamous", you won't hear a disagreement from me.

    I can tell you that Nordish people from Europe are pretty imprevious to "satire" they can not comprehend it or detect it. We are a serious people, we don't waste time around doing jokes. In the European workforce, I can tell you that while the gypsies, arabs, south europeans and south slavs are doing all the "jokes" and playing around like little nigger kids, it is the Nordish people who work. Satire, sarcasm, self-derision or whatever else seem to be a swarthoid trademark, anthrofail is riddled with that, as is hippocratesexposed yet you won't find a shred of it on Skadi aside from some of the American members who have been exposed to too much "Nicht-Germanen" culture/behaviour/mentality.

    I am not the one who said it was you, that was obviously "Reginald Thompson".

    You cherry pick things also as do other swarthoids, I just pay back the favor.

    Pictures also work well as complementary with words.

  100. To Sir Infamous:

    Yes Nordicists and Orientalists needs to unite and work together to destroy Crimson Tard and his aberrant army of deluded "pan-european white nationalists".

    Thank you for your consideration, though I won't object if you were thinking of renaming yourself "Sir Unfamous", you won't hear a disagreement from me.

    I can tell you that Nordish people from Europe are pretty imprevious to "satire" they can not comprehend it or detect it. We are a serious people, we don't waste time around doing jokes. In the European workforce, I can tell you that while the gypsies, arabs, south europeans and south slavs are doing all the "jokes" and playing around like little negroid kids, it is the Nordish people who work. Satire, sarcasm, self-derision or whatever else seem to be a swarthoid trademark, anthrofail is riddled with that, as is hippocratesexposed yet you won't find a shred of it on Skadi aside from some of the American members who have been exposed to too much "Nicht-Germanen" culture/behaviour/mentality.

    I am not the one who said it was you, that was obviously "Reginald Thompson".

    You cherry pick things also as do other swarthoids, I just pay back the favor.

    Pictures also work well as complementary with words.

  101. I have come up with an absolutely faaaaaaaaaaabulous idea, Orientalists and Nordicists need to come together to DESTROY the abomination created by the multiethnic Americans which is "white nationalism"

    We will unify and create what we would call, the "Ario-Orientalistik Allianz".

  102. What do Orientalists want, Sir Infamous?

  103. "The path of the righteous Nord is beset on all sides by the iniquities of the selfish and the tyranny of evil swarthoids."

    I think you're being a little melodramatic, Mark.

    "The biggest sociopathic scumbags are swarthoids or partial swarthoids, such as mischlings like Scrooby, Linder and other swarthy mongrels like danielj, "Reginald Thompson," Trainspotter, The Admiral"

    I don't think any of those commenters are in the final analysis hostile to Nordic preservation. Okay, every one except Reggie. But he clearly has more than a few screws loose.

  104. What the hell? I have not posted on this blog in weeks. My last comment before this one was a comment to that little annoying house wop named Silver when I called myself "Super Swarthoid" and showed a link of Monica Bellucci, it wasn't even in this thread. That's the honest truth whether any of you believe it or not.

    For starters, that was posted in "Open Thread (5)." This, dickhead, is Open Thread (6).

    If you click on Open Thread 5 you should find my response to you there belies this notion you have of me being any sort of "house wop." If it doesn't belie that notion then you're an even greater dickhead than you're already commonly suspected of being around here.

    Secondly, I'm not interested in being patient with you because I don't need to convince you of anything. You're already on my side -- whether you know it or like it or not.

    People like Mark and Rassie and the VNN circus are beyond ridiculous (though not for their racial loyalty and preference) and will never be taken seriously by any serious audience. But their charge against cretins like you is essentially accurate: you are being absurdly anti-nordic (I can't bring myself to say "nordish").

    Fundamentally, what's "race about"? Isn't it about valuing a life lived in the company of one's own and seeking to preserve the benefits that flow from that for future generations? If it is, then most of the "race talk" that takes place in this part of the blogosphere is a huge distraction from, and even a detriment to, racialist goals. If it is, then most of us, for most of our lives, for reasons beyond our control, have been living "the wrong way" and what remains now is to start living the right way. But what the hell does righting things have to do with "attacking" anyone or attempting to justify oneself by establishing "supremacy" or "superiority"?

  105. CC,

    You are being obtuse.

    Everyone Mark listed are indeed against Nordish preservation.

    To take just one example, danielj said he would "fight" any effort to create an ethnostate in America which would exclude him.

    Given that any Nordish ethnostate worthy of the name would have to exclude part Sicilian mongrels like danielj, this makes him an opponent of creating a Nordish ethnostate.

    Without a Nordish ethnostate, Nordish preservation is a complete impossibility.

    Therefore danielj is an opponent of Nordish preservation, at least in an American context.

    But because he supports you at Majorityrights on things like Holocaust denial and who you wish won WWII, you look the other way.

    Start taking Nordish preservation more seriously or shut the fuck up.

  106. Start taking Nordish preservation more seriously or shut the fuck up.

    Oooooooh, u so tuff...

  107. I can tell you that Nordish people from Europe are pretty imprevious to "satire" they can not comprehend it or detect it. ...

    No, it is because online race "warriors" (LOL) like yourself are socially inept assburgers clowns who try to play 'internet tough guy' to boost your (real life and non-existent) self-esteem.

    We are a serious people, we don't waste time around doing jokes. In the European workforce, I can tell you that while the gypsies, arabs, south europeans and south slavs are doing all the "jokes" and playing around like little negroid kids, it is the Nordish people who work.

    Oh how rich coming from a "British Islander" (double LOL) 'yout' -- and a Scottie no less -- one of the most backward countries in Northern Europe.

    Satire, sarcasm, self-derision or whatever else seem to be a swarthoid trademark, anthrofail is riddled with that, as is hippocratesexposed yet you won't find a shred of it on Skadi aside from some of the American members who have been exposed to too much "Nicht-Germanen" culture/behaviour/mentality.

    More pearls of wisdom coming from our resident *Chav*.

    *Rassy - get it through your head, your not Germanic - your Keltic (at best) - no matter how much you insist (like a kid) to the contrary (btw - speaking of Skadi - were you banned from there, since I havn't seen you post there in ages?).

  108. Italian swarthoidess Camille Paglia on Liz Taylor:

    " In the U.S. in the 1950s, blondes were the ultimate Aryan ideal. Perky blondes like Doris Day, Debbie Reynolds and Sandra Dee ruled the roost! And then there was Elizabeth Taylor with that gorgeous, brunette, ethnic look. She looked Jewish, Italian, Spanish, even Moorish! She was truly transcultural -- it was a radical resistance to the dominance of the blond sorority queens and cheerleaders."

    Typical swarthoid hostility to Whites.

  109. Italian swarthoidess Camille Paglia on Liz Taylor:

    ...And then there was Elizabeth Taylor with that gorgeous, brunette, ethnic look. She looked Jewish, Italian, Spanish, even Moorish! ...

    Lol - another 'banana peel moment' for 'Nordishism' and its internet warrior sleuths, since Elizabeth Taylor was of Northern European, English descent.

    Just like rASSy, your confirming the reality that Britian, and many people of British descent, are certainly not "100 percent" Nordish - as many of you wish to believe, and fantasize about.

    Here's to the British swarthoids...

  110. Unrelated to the flame-wars above:


    The perennially-clueless** blatherer who posts as Whiskey, the very same philo-Semitic extreme-Neocon with heavy white-ethnomasochist tendencies, has been absolutely flooding Steve Sailer’s blog with comments lately. I mean, two, three, four, five in a row. All long, verbose, lacking in logic or fact. His typical fare of Loud-Cluelessness...

    Examples follow below.

    ** — (There is nothing worse than someone who does not know what they are talking about going on at length on some subject, or rather “blathers” about it, as I write above. There is ignorance, and then there is arrogant ignorance. Ignorance is excusable, arrogance can even be excusable, but arrogant ignorance is just repugnant.)

  111. A few of the representative counter-comments against Whiskey The Blatherer in the past days:

    1.) Albertosaurus wrote: Whiskey, you’re retarded. Please leave and stop polluting the comment section of an otherwise good blog

    2.) [Whiskey makes a characteristically-inane claim that Pakistan is a far superior nuclear power to Britain and France] Mr. Anon wrote: This is an assinine statement, even by your standards, Whiskey. [...]

    3.) Felix wrote: Whiskey is such a clown. Britain and France have a total of EIGHT nuclear ballistic missile submarines between them…Combined, the UK and France possess ~500 fusion warheads, all of which can be delivered by highly advanced ballistic missiles with no chance of interception. In contrast Pakistan has a couple dozen puny fission devices (1940′s tech) that may or may not work if the day comes [...]

    4.) Anonymous wrote: Since absolutely every factual statement Whiskey makes is false and I don’t have time to correct them all, I’ll just pick a couple: [...]

    5.) A reference to one of Whiskey’s “greatest hits”: MQ wrote: Of course, in the past Whiskey has informed us that Spain is still today under threat from a violent invasion from Morocco, so I guess it’s all consistent.

  112. 6.) Alexandra Wallace With Epiphany wrote: I’m beginning to think most posts by Whiskey are bot-generated, given such repetitive fallacies peppered with specific facts that appear frequently falsified with a uniformly bias.

    7.) [After Whiskey makes yet another ..sigh.. characteristically-inane claim that "Italy and France could become Muslim majority in a few months" unless we invade! and occupy Libya, now!, now!, now!] Anonymous wrote: Whiskey, if you seriously think it is possible for 10 million people (which by the way even on a generous estimate would have to include every last human being within Libyan territory) to cross the Mediterranean in the space of a few months, and then, within the same few months, to turn France and Italy (combined population 125 million) into “Muslim majority” nations, then you are officially the stupidest person on the internet.

    8.) [In response #7's "then you [Whiskey] are officially the stupidest person on the internet.”] Truth wrote: LM-GD-AO! You must be new here. On the Whiskey scale of stupidity, that one was a 6, 6.5 tops. [lists several other "greatest hits of Whisk-inanity]

    9.) Albertosaurus wrote: After reading these comments on this difficult and complex issue I’d rather have our foreign policy be directed by these commenters than by Obama, Clinton, and the State Department. All of the comments here reveal an impressive breath of knowledge and judgement in their authors — except Whiskey of course.

    10.) And finally, a humorous parody of Whiskey’s typical arrogant-fool writing style. (Anti-Gnostic is not an arm-flailing Neocon, though he sometimes uses irony to make his points, as Sailer himself does).

  113. "Reginaldo the Portugack half-nigger said...

    Lol - another 'banana peel moment' for 'Nordishism' and its internet warrior sleuths, since Elizabeth Taylor was of Northern European, English descent.

    Just like rASSy, your confirming the reality that Britian, and many people of British descent, are certainly not "100 percent" Nordish - as many of you wish to believe, and fantasize about.

    Here's to the British swarthoids..."

    Fuck off you lying/ignorant shitskin.

    Elizabeth Taylor's father was Francis Lenn Taylor while her mother was Sara Viola Warmbrodt both of them where Americoons. Elizabeth's father and mother married in New York City, (New York City is kind of like the American version of Warsaw, where kikes, muditerraneans, kaukazians, arabs and any other kind of triracial mongrels conglomerate in high numbers), making Elizabeth Taylor a typical multiethnic americoon similar to 100% of the anti-Nordish sandniggers who post on this blog.

    On a sidenote Elizabeth Taylor was 1.57 m, (the typical height of a swarthoidess), oh and she died yesterday.

  114. "Reginaldo the Portugack half-negroid said...

    Lol - another 'banana peel moment' for 'Nordishism' and its internet warrior sleuths, since Elizabeth Taylor was of Northern European, English descent.

    Just like rASSy, your confirming the reality that Britian, and many people of British descent, are certainly not "100 percent" Nordish - as many of you wish to believe, and fantasize about.

    Here's to the British swarthoids..."

    Fuck off you lying/ignorant shitskin.

    Elizabeth Taylor's father was Francis Lenn Taylor while her mother was Sara Viola Warmbrodt both of them where Americoons. Elizabeth's father and mother married in New York City, (New York City is kind of like the American version of Warsaw, where kikes, muditerraneans, kaukazians, arabs and any other kind of triracial mongrels conglomerate in high numbers), making Elizabeth Taylor a typical multiethnic americoon similar to 100% of the anti-Nordish sandniggers who post on this blog.

    On a sidenote Elizabeth Taylor was 1.57 m, (the typical height of a swarthoidess), oh and she died yesterday.

  115. "Reginaldo the Portugack half-negroid said...

    Lol - another 'banana peel moment' for 'Nordishism' and its internet warrior sleuths, since Elizabeth Taylor was of Northern European, English descent.

    Just like rASSy, your confirming the reality that Britian, and many people of British descent, are certainly not "100 percent" Nordish - as many of you wish to believe, and fantasize about.

    Here's to the British swarthoids..."

    Bugger off you lying/ignorant shitskin.

    Elizabeth Taylor's father was Francis Lenn Taylor while her mother was Sara Viola Warmbrodt both of them where Americoons. Elizabeth's father and mother married in New York City, (New York City is kind of like the American version of Warsaw, where jews, muditerraneans, kaukazians, arabs and any other kind of triracial mongrels conglomerate in high numbers), making Elizabeth Taylor a typical multiethnic americoon similar to 100% of the anti-Nordish sandnegroes who post on this blog.

    On a sidenote Elizabeth Taylor was 1.57 m, (the typical height of a swarthoidess), oh and she died yesterday.

  116. Whiskey is a known hbd-creep, one of the bigger freaks along with Andrei Freebooty and Peter Rosa.

  117. Elizabeth Taylor's father was Francis Lenn Taylor while her mother was Sara Viola Warmbrodt ...

    Ah yes, both names were of Northern European, English/German descent.

    Elizabeth's father and mother married in New York City, (New York City is kind of like the American version of Warsaw, ...

    Just like London.

    where jews, muditerraneans, kaukazians, arabs and any other kind of triracial mongrels conglomerate in high numbers, ...)

    Again, just like London!

    making Elizabeth Taylor a typical multiethnic americoon similar to 100% of the anti-Nordish sandnegroes who post on this blog.

    Americoons? So then your saying that many a White American, even of northern European descent, is really not of "100 percent" "Nordish" descent then..?

    Rassy must really love his bananas, since he is leaving the peels all over the place and slipping on them himself (lol).

  118. Whiskey is a known hbd-creep, one of the bigger freaks along with Andrei Freebooty and Peter Rosa.

    "Andrei Freebooty" - RMLMFAO :)

  119. "Reginaldo the Portugack half-negroid said...

    Americoons? So then your saying that many a White American, even of northern European descent, is really not of "100 percent" "Nordish" descent then..?"

    Do you even need to ask? Of course, present day America is heterogeneous, there are some Pure Nordish people left scattered here and there, but overall the majority of the white-ish population belong to the "white americoon" category who happens to be multiethnics. Who are the retards who came up with the idea of "white nationalism" and who pressed on to consider all the countries of the "European Union" as of the "white race"? It was the multiethnic americoons.

    When America was still in the majority Pure Nordish, it was like Northwestern Europe and Australia, Ethnocentric/Nordicist, when it started to have intermingling with any kind of EU dregs, it slowly became "white nationalistic".

    After waves of dregs of immigrants, White Americans started to become mixed with non-Nordish mongrels, since the majority of modern day "white americoons" started to accumulate ancestry from the swarthiest, smelliest and most backward countries of the European Union, the typical multiethnic white americoon started to think to himself:

    "Hum, since from the side of mother, my granfather was half-italian and half-greek and my grandmother was half-english and half-polish also from the side of my father, my grandfather was half-german and half-spanish and my grandmother was half-irish and half-bulgarian, does that make me non-white? This cannot be, with all the powers that be I will cry from my balcony everyday that every single country of the Europe Union, even the darkest, greasiest and stupiest one is a "white country" until everybody starts to believe it."

    When you have millions of multiethnics americoons like that yelling lies for the past 100 years, it starts getting seen as truth.

    Remember, it was the americoons who pushed for the the nonsense to make "white" synonymous with "Part of European Union".

    When some retard on a forum makes a stupid comment like "it's okay they are "white" (from a country of the European Union)", you can be sure that it comes from an americoon.

    "White Nationalism" is laughable to ALL, even to other Nordish colonials like the Australians. The only people who takes this nonsense seriously are the multiethnic tarbrused americoons.


    "Reginaldo the Portugack half-negroid said...

    Just like London.

    Again, just like London!"

    "Large cities from the days of Rome, Alexandria, and Byzantium have always been gathering points of diverse races, but New York is becoming a cloaca gentium which will produce many amazing racial hybrids and some ethnic horrors that will be beyond the powers of future anthropologists to unravel.

    One thing is certain: in any such mixture, the surviving traits will be determined by competition between the lowest and most primitive elements and the specialized traits of Nordic man; his stature, his light colored eyes, his fair skin and blond hair, his straight nose, and his splendid fighting and moral qualities, will have little part in the resultant mixture." Madison Grant, The Passing of the Great Race (1916)

  120. "Reginaldo the Portugack half-negroid said...

    Ah yes, both names were of Northern European, English/German descent."

    Names means nothing, I mean Colin Luther Powell is a fine Germanic name and all, but when you take a look at whom it has been attributed to you can not take this stuff very seriously.

  121. One thing is certain: in any such mixture, the surviving traits will be determined by competition between the lowest and most primitive elements and the specialized traits of Nordic man; his stature, his light colored eyes, his fair skin and blond hair, his straight nose, and his splendid fighting and moral qualities, will have little part in the resultant mixture." Madison Grant, The Passing of the Great Race (1916)

    Uh huh - all those splendid qualities which an indiginous 'Atlantid' like yourself are sorely lacking.

    Face it slick, the 'Great Race' of 'Great' Britain passed a long time ago -- overwhelmingly due to fratricidal murder against der Deutscher Vaterland throughout the first half of the XX century (and no, Atlantids are not Germanic) -- that is why "British Islanders" are what they are today (and its not pretty).

    It is actually an insult to Dem Deutschen Völke for people like yourself to claim affinity with...

  122. "Anonymous said...

    (btw - speaking of Skadi - were you banned from there, since I havn't seen you post there in ages?)."

    No I was not banned, the reason I stopped posting there was that I just was too good for that place. I mean seriously, hello? It is obviously not Nordicist enough for my refined tastes and supreme intellect.

  123. No I was not banned, the reason I stopped posting there was that I just was too good for that place. I mean seriously, hello? It is obviously not Nordicist enough for my refined tastes and supreme intellect.


    Rassenhygieniker said...

    The greatest White American President of all time was Eisenhower, who so happens to be the favorite President of Al Bundy.

    Yup, indeed it was ...

  124. "But because he supports you at Majorityrights on things like Holocaust denial and who you wish won WWII, you look the other way."

    Opinions expressed at any given time tend to oscillate about a center of core beliefs. DanielJ is no exception in this regard.

    I do not believe at bottom DanielJ would be opposed to the creation, say, of an ethnostate for Germanics in the American Midwest from which he would be excluded in that he is not Germanic.

    Shit, even Reggie has expressed support for German separatism in a round-about fashion.

  125. Captainchaos said... March 23, 2011 5:36 AM

    "The path of the righteous Nord is beset on all sides by the iniquities of the selfish and the tyranny of evil swarthoids."

    I think you're being a little melodramatic, Mark.

    That's quite a statement coming from you.

    No, it's not melodramatic. Melodrama is feigned, it's false, what I said is truthful and genuine.

    "The biggest sociopathic scumbags are swarthoids or partial swarthoids, such as mischlings like Scrooby, Linder and other swarthy mongrels like danielj, "Reginald Thompson," Trainspotter, The Admiral"

    I don't think any of those commenters are in the final analysis hostile to Nordic preservation. Okay, every one except Reggie. But he clearly has more than a few screws loose.

    The subject wasn't that they are hostile to Nordish preservation which includes separation. However, their history of comments, associations and their ancestry makes it's clear they are either hostile, indifferent or don't belong.

  126. Captainchaos said...
    I do not believe at bottom DanielJ would be opposed to the creation, say, of an ethnostate for Germanics in the American Midwest from which he would be excluded in that he is not Germanic.

    See, this is part of the problem, you don't even grasp the concept.

    It's not necessarily about Germanics or ethnocentrism. It's about race, specifically sub-race. As modern Germany itself is actually significantly non-Nordish.

    It's interesting that most so-called racialists don't know much about physical anthropology or care to. Their true motivations aren't really racial preservation.

    Danielj can't help but be anti-Nordish because he is not Nordish. Anything outside of what benefits him he is against or indifferent to. This is typical of non-Nords. Furthermore he engages in sub-racial miscegenation so I expect him to be against Nordish preservation as much as Tiger Woods would be.

  127. Sayeth gayfag Greg Johnson: "White Nationalism, especially pan-European racial nationalism, can’t really object to good-looking Turks entering one’s country and joining one’s family."

  128. Ha, I came here to post that same article. It's sad that "Pan-Aryan" nonsense is being posted at Counter-Currents. FYI, Johnson has said that he finds meds more physically attractive than Whites in the past.

    Anyway, the idea that turks are White is retarded.

  129. Plus, when they do these stupid article and posts they always find a couple of people that look sort of white, even though hardly anyone in that race really looks that way. That woman in the first picture is not at all the typical turk.

  130. As usual, you completely missed the point about Camille Paglia and Elizabeth Taylor, Kulaks Never Learn. Taylor's background is irrelevant. It is that to Paglia she symbolized the triumph of "Jewish, Italian, Spanish, even Moorish" ethnics over "the blond sorority queens and cheerleaders" Paglia resents and hates.

    Here's another quote from Paglia. She loathes WASPs as much as you do, Kulaks.

    "I have been at war with WASPiness since I grew up in upstate New York in the 1950s and early '60s. There is no way to describe the brute social power of the WASP establishment of that period -- the smooth, bland, coded good manners; the hidden past interconnections of families and business associations; the mysterious alliance between chic sororities (overpopulated by blondes) and the most prestigious Presbyterian church in town.

    "College at the State University of New York at Binghamton in the revolutionary mid-1960s was a delicious relief for me. The counterculture was booming amid a fantasia of new influences from psychedelia, African-American blues, London Mod, and Andy Warhol's glittery Factory. And at my college there were so many dynamic, super-articulate, politically activist, and screamingly funny Jewish students from downstate New York that I felt the world had changed forever."

  131. As modern Germany itself is actually significantly non-Nordish.

    Well if you want to speak from a strictly anthropological perspective, so is a very appreciable proportion of the British Isles... what's your ultimate point?

    To say that modern Germany is 'significantly' 'non-Nordish' is the height of irony, since virtually all Germans have an appreciable proportion of Nordic blood and genes running in their veins ... along with the Alpine, Dinaric, Atlantid and whatever other kindred, Euro-ethnicity settled there through its history.

    Mark - this is where the whole 'Nordish' theory gets very esoteric to most people, especially and including ethnonationalists, since what constitutes 'Nordishism', its defining criteria, can indeed be rather selective and political (and sometimes polemical). As the point has been raised a few times here with a certain commenter who thinks Queen Victoria was an 'Armenoid' (I suppose this then ultimately means the King, Czar and Kaiser were this as well, since they were all her grandsons?!?)- it is obvious that 'Nordishists' can be extremely (and hypocritically) nitpicking, in how they define what is 'Nordish'.

  132. Danielj can't help but be anti-Nordish because he is not Nordish. Anything outside of what benefits him he is against or indifferent to.

    C'mon Mark, doesn't this realistically apply to all human beings and racial/ethnic groups, including Northern Europeans/Northern European Americans, i.e. - how they will benefit from something if they give it their allegiance?

    Why should someone, anyone, be for something, something as especially controversial as racial identity in modern-day Amerika, if there is absolutely nothing to gain and virtually everything to lose as a result of said allegiance or support? Kind of masochistic of them if they accept this 'all-or-nothing' criteria of what defines them as a supporter .. or an opponent .. of 'Nordishism'.

  133. "Anonymous said...

    it is obvious that 'Nordishists' can be extremely (and hypocritically) nitpicking, in how they define what is 'Nordish'."

    "Nordish" is all the original White formation namely the Paleolithic Cro-Magnons, the Mesolithic Hunter-Gatherers and the Neolithic Aryans.

    What is NOT Nordish is everything that is NOT pure White and just plain non-white, such as the MUDiterranids/Semititic invaders found North Africa, The Levant and Southwestern Europe, the Armenoids invaders found in Asia Minor and Southeastern Europe, the MUDiterranid/Armenoid blend from Cappadocia and Southern Mesopotamia and so on, the Lappoid/Eskimid invaders from Greenland and Lappland etc.

  134. "Nordish" is all the original White formation namely the Paleolithic Cro-Magnons, the Mesolithic Hunter-Gatherers and the Neolithic Aryans.

    "Nordish" is a concocted term - plain and simple.

    Outside of its fanboys on the internet, the term has absolutely no real-life, flesh and blood meaning -- where as 'Nordic' certainly does -- even if and when vilified (I guess that's the rub, since you and many like yourself would be laughed at if you identified yourself as a real Nordic/Nordid).

    What is NOT Nordish is everything that is NOT pure White and just plain non-white, such as the MUDiterranids/Semititic invaders found North Africa, The Levant and Southwestern Europe, the Armenoids invaders found in Asia Minor and Southeastern Europe, the MUDiterranid/Armenoid blend from Cappadocia and Southern Mesopotamia and so on, the Lappoid/Eskimid invaders from Greenland and Lappland etc.

    More double-talk from you again, eh Rass. You just love contradicting yourself, don't you? (and how you always forget to pick up your banana peels, and wind up slipping on them yourself...:/)

    For one thing, "White" is obviously not, biologically-speaking, a very precise anthropological racial term (as certainly can be inferred from yours and many others constant whining about in your denunciations of "White nationalism"), so how can there ever have been a "pure" version of something that never really existed?

    Oh, and MOST IMPORTANTLY, how you and the other 'Nordish' cult-followers just love to downplay -- nay outright disregard -- the Mediterranean racial elements that are (at least) 1/4 - 1/3rd of the "British Islander" (lol) gene pool.

    In case you don't know what '1/4 - 1/3' means, that's 25 to 30 percent Med (if you or anyone else is ashamed of this, well, that's your gimpish problem).

    As a wise man once said, everyone is entitled to his opinions -- but he is not entitled to his own 'facts'.

  135. Sayeth gayfag Greg Johnson: "White Nationalism, especially pan-European racial nationalism, can’t really object to good-looking Turks entering one’s country and joining one’s family."

    In the online fantasy land that is "White nationalism" you have queer sociopaths who think they're big shots and will lead our people to victory. This is the same weirdo that Lindork let write articles at VNN as "The Cat Lady." What a bunch of freaks.

    There could be one hilarious mockumentary made about all this nonsense.

  136. The New York Times of 1909 admits that Turks are a "cruel and massacring people".


    The American courts have barred from citizenship Chinese, Japanese, Burmese, and their half-breeds. Will they bar Turks? The United States Circuit Court in Cincinnati has been called upon to decide whether a Turkish citizen shall be naturalized as a white person. Only “to aliens being free white persons, and to aliens of African nativity and to persons of African descent,” does the statute admitting to American citizenship apply. Few Turks migrate to this country, fewer settle here. But this case is of interest to the representatives of the Hunnish and Magyar peoples, whose stock is akin to the Turks, and who constitute a chief part of our immigrants.

    The original Turks were of the yellow or Mongolian race. TIMUR and his Turkish-speaking descendants, headed the invasions into Russia with hordes of Turkish-speaking soldiery, of Tartar or Manchu stock, from the central and western steppes of Asia. They swept down into Persia, overran Arabia and Egypt, and invaded Europe to Vienna. Before them came the plundering Huns, or Hiung-nu, as they were known in China.

    But in their westward progress the Turks freely intermingled with the Caucasian races whom they subjugated. The Turkish in Constantinople to-day are the descendants of Arabs, Kurds, Slavs, Albanians, and Greeks, and of foreign slave girls of more mixed ancestry. The deposed ABDUL shows unmistakably Semitic features. But Sir CHARLES ELIOT would not generalize from the physique. In his book on “Turkey in Europe” he says:

    In June, 1897, I saw many thousand Turkish soldiers together in Thessaly, collected from all parts of Anatolia, and was much impressed by strongly non-Caucasian type of many.

    And President GEORGE WASHBURN of Robert College has testified:

    The Turkish mind does not work as ours, and it is very difficult, even for one who has lived in Constantinople for fifty years in close relations with the people, to predict from one day to another what is likely to happen.

    They are a cruel and massacring people, and they have lost none of their ancient proclivities. But they are also Europeans, as much “white” people as the Huns, Finns, and Cossacks. A trace of negro blood, if only enough to stain the fingers about the nails, will bar a person from white society. But that is a distinction chiefly of caste, not really of race. Would so narrow a distinction, or even a broader one, prevent the Turk from being considered a white man?

    The New York Times

    Published: Septembar 30, 1909

  137. The New York Times of 1909 admits that Turks are a "cruel and massacring people".


    Regarding the Turks, particularly on a genetic level, is the fact that many modern "Turks" are descended (again on a genetic level) from the original races that peopled the Anatolian plains (albeit now of course in a very mixed form with the Muslim and Central Asiatic Turkic invaders) -- but every so often you will find a 'Turk' who looks rather undiluted and phenotypically close to his indigenous Anatolian (read Greek Byzantian) ancestors -- so this can give a misleading impression that they are closer to the European racial mean than many of them actually are.

    *Oh and before Rass opens his flap and starts posting his personal pics of Turkish male 'exemplars' -- I completely agree that whatever an individual Turk may in fact look like, they are definitively of Central Asian rather than of Western heritage, and are absolutely distinct from White Europeans, especially Nordish ones.

  138. Kulaks Never Learn never stops with the disingenuous and inane comments. He is a genocidalist who tries through his ludicrous shell games to delegitimize the right of Northern Europeans to exist as unique peoples.

    Just like his fellow Southern Europeans Reginald, danielj, and Sir Infamous, Kulaks is delirious with an insane hatred of Britain and WASPs. No matter how many times it is explained to him, Kulaks is either unable or unwilling to understand that "inferiority" or "impurity" do not matter at all. It is about difference and our survival as a unique people.

    Kulaks is a genocidalist who believes that if a group is "inferior" or "impure" in some way, then that group has no right to object to extinction.

    Kulaks and company are obsessed with claiming people of British origin are "inferior" or "impure" in this or that way, as if this somehow implies we do not deserve to exist as a unique entity.

  139. Kulaks, maybe you would be more at home in the HBD-Asian/Jewish supremacist crowd. After all, if whites are "inferior" to Asians and Jews by some criterion, don't you think whites should not seek to survive as a unique people? Or that if whites are not "pure" then they should not object to extinction?

  140. "Anonymous said...

    Oh, and MOST IMPORTANTLY, how you and the other 'Nordish' cult-followers just love to downplay -- nay outright disregard -- the Mediterranean racial elements that are (at least) 1/4 - 1/3rd of the "British Islander" (lol) gene pool."

    Yes, a good chunk of the population have become MUDiterranean due to the immigration from swarthoid turd world countries unto Britain, google "Greeks in the UK", "Italians in the UK", "Macedonians in the UK", "Spaniards in the UK", "Portugese in the UK" etc.

    More reason why Nordicism is the only viable solution.

    Your point?

  141. Look at all these white people!

  142. "Greg Johnson will say...

    How dare those vile nerdicists not embrace fellow caucasoids by bringing them back home unto their beds such sexy WHITE TURKS, whitout turks and sexy WHITE LATINS like Enrique Iglesias and Ricky Martin, the white race is doomed!

    ~The Cat Lady~"

  143. "Anonymous said...

    *Oh and before Rass opens his flap and starts posting his personal pics of Turkish male 'exemplars' -- I completely agree that whatever an individual Turk may in fact look like, they are definitively of Central Asian rather than of Western heritage, and are absolutely distinct from White Europeans, especially Nordish ones."

    Turks are similar to their neighbours, wether said neighbours be from "Europe" or "Outside of Europe".

    Turks are racially similar to Greeks, Albanians, Armenians, Georgians, Azerbaijanis, Cypriots, Bulgarians, Yugoslavians (Bosnians, Croatians, Macedonians, Serbians, Montenegrins) and heavily mixed with the ROMAnians, HUNgarians, Nortern Syrians, Northern Iraqis, and Northwestern Iranians.

    "Anonymous said...

    The New York Times of 1909 admits that Turks are a "cruel and massacring people".


    In the same journal The latins where also said to bear the Mark of Cain, while turks and other mongrel races related to Southern Europeans (swarthoids) where placed in the category named "The Monstrous Races of Asia".

  144. This pathetic, slobbering pro-Turkism is from the same mental-midget who trolled-away Hunter Wallace.

    Hunter Wallace: Supporter of Racial Europeans.
    "Greg 'Nancy' Johnson": Supporter of Turks.

  145. Mark once wrote that there would be no European-Racialism without (at least implied) Nordicism, -- belief that the most distinctive racial stocks of Europe are highly valuable.

    This affair with Turk-Supremacism, by Castro-Streeter "Greg Johnson", who hates Nordicism, proves it. Without implied-Nordicism, "White Nationalism" becomes a farce, with clowns like "Greg 'I've Beaten AIDS So Far' Johnson" at the helm.

  146. Idea: Maybe "Greg 'Bundle of Sticks' Johnson", after frequenting one of his beloved "Turkish Baths", had his g-spot hit so many times by Turks that he became an instant radical Pro-Turk? That would fit with his personality and depth of commitment to Racialism.

    Welcome to "Greg Johnson's" Ethnostate, three Turkish Baths per square mile of every urban area, guaranteed! Long Live the Turkish Race!

  147. Greg Johnson faaaaavorite movie:

  148. Rassenhygieniker said... March 27, 2011 12:22 PM

    "Anonymous said...

    Oh, and MOST IMPORTANTLY, how you and the other 'Nordish' cult-followers just love to downplay -- nay outright disregard -- the Mediterranean racial elements that are (at least) 1/4 - 1/3rd of the "British Islander" (lol) gene pool."

    Yes, a good chunk of the population have become MUDiterranean due to the immigration from swarthoid turd world countries unto Britain, google "Greeks in the UK", "Italians in the UK", "Macedonians in the UK", "Spaniards in the UK", "Portugese in the UK" etc.

    More reason why Nordicism is the only viable solution.

    Your point?

    You know what my point was Rass - that 25 to 30 % of the native White British gene pool is Mediterranean by racial ancestry - and this goes back millenia in British history... not due to post-WW2 immigration of 'swarthoids' into the UK.

    Virtually all serious Nordicist writers and scholars in history recognize the Mediterranean race of the British Isles, and most of them were quite respectful of it and their accomplishments (if you have such a 'hangup' with these racial facts that you have to endlessly lie about it, again that's your problems and insecurities talking, and perhaps you should talk to someone about this nagging inferiority complex of yours).

  149. Beware the Turkish model, Greg!

    Beware the Turkish model!!!

  150. Lol. A jew hbd'er (jewamongyou) quotes a known obese nigger named Obsidian claiming niggers are the most attractive men.

  151. the ROMAnians, HUNgarians,

    You never tire of making an ass of yourself do you? Romanians are not Gypsies and Hungarians are not Huns. You prove over and over again that you know nothing of history, ethnography or genetics. You are a boring faggot and a fraud. I would wager also that you are not even white.

  152. You never tire of making an ass of yourself do you? Romanians are not Gypsies and Hungarians are not Huns. You prove over and over again that you know nothing of history, ethnography or genetics. You are a boring faggot and a fraud. I would wager also that you are not even white.

    I found Rassy!

  153. The problem with modern Southern Europeans is their significant and sometimes majority North African and West Asian stock in their population. Whereas in Northern Europe the Mediterranean elements are ancient and purely European.

    Nordish is no more concocted than White. The latter was once synonymous with the former, but now White has been corrupted and doesn't respect and preserve the founding American population.

  154. The problem with Asperger nerds like OneSTD and ObnoxiousJewAmongYou is that they assume all White men are as effeminate and pathetic as they are. Wrong. Since they themselves are socially retarded they have no experience to draw from so all of their conclusions are ignorant and spiteful.

  155. "Anonymous said...

    You never tire of making an ass of yourself do you? Romanians are not Gypsies and Hungarians are not Huns."

    Truth hurts. ROMAnians are mixed with Gypsies and other related mongrels (Tatars and Ottoman), HUNgarians are an eurasian people with Turanid (mongoloid) admixture from the Magyars, Huns and Ottoman.

    Just take a look at your typical ROMAnian, the weak chin, the short and slopping forehead, the broad gorilla face, the black eyes, the black hair, the ugly noses, the skin neither really white nor brown but in-between (between caramel and butter coloured) etc.

    Take a look at your typical HUNgarian, the wide and broad cheeckbones, the black eyes, the semi-frizzly and semi-straight black hairs, the flarring nostrils, the broad noses, the depressed nose bridge, the flaring nostrils, the mongoloid-like etc.

  156. If you are in the military and travel around the planet...the women of other nations including non white ones will flock to the white soldiers and almost ignore the black ones.

    White males are far more desired universally.

  157. The problem with modern Southern Europeans is their significant and sometimes majority North African and West Asian stock in their population. Whereas in Northern Europe the Mediterranean elements are ancient and purely European.

    Population genetics has already settled this. In Sicily and Iberia it's about 5 percent paternal NOrth African admixture....there is nothing even worth mentioning in the rest of Southern Europe.

    Any tie Southern Europeans have to West Asia (particularly..Anatolia) is from the Neolithic..c'mon now the owner of this blog did a piece on it just a few weeks ago.

  158. In this sample of average faces, not sure if it's entirely representative, you can see some things which I think are clear to most people.

    White women are on average the most physically attractive and feminine women, particularly Nordish women. Albeit modern politics and feminism have altered their behavior.

    Race and sub-race are not imaginary, although they are clinal, especially today as populations are more interconnected than ever and people travel and intermarry. Still, clear distinctions exist.

    I find the Swiss average female to be the most attractive, what about you?

    The Greek looks darker and more Asiatic than the Israeli.

    The South African average isn't representative in my experience. All the ones I've met are blonde, blue-eyed Nords, including the hot little number that I dated.

  159. ^^^^ I found the Italian most attractive.

    Rassenhygieniker If I was a Nordicist from Europe I would not even worry about "White Nationalism". It's just an unpopular internet blogging phenomena....and is incredibly impotent in the "real world"...although admittedly less impotent than modern American Nordicism lol.

    Most European Nationalists from Europe are Nationalists, not "white nationalists".

  160. Just take a look at your typical ROMAnian, the weak chin, the short and slopping forehead, the broad gorilla face, the black eyes, the black hair, the ugly noses, the skin neither really white nor brown but in-between (between caramel and butter coloured) etc.

    Take a look at your typical HUNgarian, the wide and broad cheeckbones, the black eyes, the semi-frizzly and semi-straight black hairs, the flarring nostrils, the broad noses, the depressed nose bridge, the flaring nostrils, the mongoloid-like etc.

    Talk about throw-ing stones in a glass house, Rassie

  161. ...the flarring nostrils, the broad noses, the depressed nose bridge, the flaring nostrils...

    *Notice he repeats "flaring nostrils" twice -- and even mispells "flarring" on the first occasion.

    Yup, vintage Rass (autism has got you reeeeel good there, bro).

  162. Typical HUNgarian and ROMAnian females:

    We need to deal away with the mongrels and cleanse southern europe as well as eastern europe to repopulate it with pure Whites, Europe belongs to the Pure Northwestern Whites only.

  163. We need to deal away with the mongrels and cleanse southern europe as well as eastern europe to repopulate it with pure Whites, Europe belongs to the Pure Northwestern Whites only.

    Which you are not one of, Mr. paleo-semi-retarded-Hillbilly-Chav.

  164. Rassenwanker said...

    Only the pure white race, pure black race and pure yellow race are allowed to exist, every other sort of contaminated peripheries need to be purged!

    Anonymous said...

    Who is going to enforce this proclamation?

    You and your army of sexless autistic keyboard commandos?

    Here they are..



    Asperger syndrome (AS) is one of the autism spectrum disorders (ASD) or pervasive developmental disorders (PDD), which are a spectrum of psychological conditions that are characterized by abnormalities of social interaction and communication that pervade the individual's functioning, and by restricted and repetitive interests and behavior.



    A pervasive developmental disorder, Asperger syndrome is distinguished by a pattern of symptoms rather than a single symptom. It is characterized by qualitative impairment in social interaction, by stereotyped and restricted patterns of behavior, activities and interests, and by no clinically significant delay in cognitive development or general delay in language.[23] Intense preoccupation with a narrow subject, one-sided verbosity, restricted prosody, and physical clumsiness are typical of the condition, but are not required for diagnosis.[6]


    Social interaction

    Further information: Asperger syndrome and interpersonal relationships

    The lack of demonstrated empathy is possibly the most dysfunctional aspect of Asperger syndrome.[3] Individuals with AS experience difficulties in basic elements of social interaction, which may include a failure to develop friendships or to seek shared enjoyments or achievements with others (for example, showing others objects of interest), a lack of social or emotional reciprocity, and impaired nonverbal behaviors in areas such as eye contact, facial expression, posture, and gesture.[2]

    Unlike those with autism, people with AS are not usually withdrawn around others; they approach others, even if awkwardly. For example, a person with AS may engage in a one-sided, long-winded speech about a favorite topic, while misunderstanding or not recognizing the listener's feelings or reactions, such as a need for privacy or haste to leave.[6] This social awkwardness has been called "active but odd".[2] This failure to react appropriately to social interaction may appear as disregard for other people's feelings, and may come across as insensitive.[6] However, not all individuals with AS will approach others. Some of them may even display selective mutism, speaking not at all to most people and excessively to specific people. Some may choose to talk only to people they like.[25]


    And, the creme-de-la-creme of Assburgers -

    Restricted and repetitive interests and behavior.

    People with Asperger syndrome often display behavior, interests, and activities that are restricted and repetitive and are sometimes abnormally intense or focused. They may stick to inflexible routines, move in stereotyped and repetitive ways, or preoccupy themselves with parts of objects.[23]

    Pursuit of specific and narrow areas of interest is one of the most striking features of AS.
    [2] Individuals with AS may collect volumes of detailed information on a relatively narrow topic such as weather data or star names, without necessarily having genuine understanding of the broader topic.[2][6] For example, a child might memorize camera model numbers while caring little about photography.[2] This behavior is usually apparent by grade school, typically age 5 or 6 in the United States.[2] Although these special interests may change from time to time, they typically become more unusual and narrowly focused, and often dominate social interaction so much that the entire family may become immersed. Because narrow topics often capture the interest of children, this symptom may go unrecognized.[6]

    Stereotyped and repetitive motor behaviors are a core part of the diagnosis of AS and other ASDs.[29] They include hand movements such as flapping or twisting, and complex whole-body movements.[23] These are typically repeated in longer bursts and look more voluntary or ritualistic than tics, which are usually faster, less rhythmical and less often symmetrical.[30]

  166. Assburger syndrome -- For Dummies - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


    A pervasive developmental disorder, Asperger syndrome is distinguished by a pattern of symptoms rather than a single symptom. It is characterized by qualitative impairment in social interaction, by stereotyped and restricted patterns of behavior, activities and interests, and by no clinically significant delay in cognitive development or general delay in language.[23]

    Intense preoccupation with a narrow subject, one-sided verbosity, restricted prosody, and physical clumsiness are typical of the condition, but are not required for diagnosis.[6]

    Social interaction

    Further information: Asperger syndrome and interpersonal relationships

    The lack of demonstrated empathy is possibly the most dysfunctional aspect of Asperger syndrome.[3] Individuals with AS experience difficulties in basic elements of social interaction, which may include a failure to develop friendships or to seek shared enjoyments or achievements with others (for example, showing others objects of interest), a lack of social or emotional reciprocity, and impaired nonverbal behaviors in areas such as eye contact, facial expression, posture, and gesture.[2]

    Unlike those with autism, people with AS are not usually withdrawn around others; they approach others, even if awkwardly. For example, a person with AS may engage in a one-sided, long-winded speech about a favorite topic, while misunderstanding or not recognizing the listener's feelings or reactions, such as a need for privacy or haste to leave.[6] This social awkwardness has been called "active but odd".[2] This failure to react appropriately to social interaction may appear as disregard for other people's feelings, and may come across as insensitive.[6] However, not all individuals with AS will approach others. Some of them may even display selective mutism, speaking not at all to most people and excessively to specific people. Some may choose to talk only to people they like.[25]

    ...People with AS may analyze and distill their observations of social interaction into rigid behavioral guidelines, and apply these rules in awkward ways, such as forced eye contact, resulting in a demeanor that appears rigid or socially naive.

    Restricted and repetitive
    interests and behavior

    People with Asperger syndrome often display behavior, interests, and activities that are restricted and repetitive and are sometimes abnormally intense or focused. They may stick to inflexible routines, move in stereotyped and repetitive ways, or preoccupy themselves with parts of objects.[23]

    Pursuit of specific and narrow areas of interest is one of the most striking features of AS.[2] Individuals with AS may collect volumes of detailed information on a relatively narrow topic such as weather data or star names, without necessarily having genuine understanding of the broader topic.[2][6] For example, a child might memorize camera model numbers while caring little about photography.[2] This behavior is usually apparent by grade school, typically age 5 or 6 in the United States.[2] Although these special interests may change from time to time, they typically become more unusual and narrowly focused, and often dominate social interaction so much that the entire family may become immersed. Because narrow topics often capture the interest of children, this symptom may go unrecognized.[6]

    Stereotyped and repetitive motor behaviors are a core part of the diagnosis of AS and other ASDs.[29] They include hand movements such as flapping or twisting, and complex whole-body movements.[23] These are typically repeated in longer bursts and look more voluntary or ritualistic than tics, which are usually faster, less rhythmical and less often symmetrical.[30]

  167. Good post this guy:

    The problem with Asperger nerds like OneSTD and ObnoxiousJewAmongYou is that they assume all White men are as effeminate and pathetic as they are. Wrong. Since they themselves are socially retarded they have no experience to draw from so all of their conclusions are ignorant and spiteful.

  168. You left out Sailer, Magan, Roissy, and that dweeb Kivesky.

  169. "You left out Sailer, Magan, Roissy, and that dweeb Kivesky."

  170. "You left out Sailer, Magan, Roissy, and that dweeb Kivesky."

  171. The lack of demonstrated empathy is possibly the most dysfunctional aspect of Asperger syndrome.

    The socially awkward and asexual character Sheldon on The Big Bang Theory has Asperger's syndrome. He's certainly more likable than most I've met.

    Other than computer programmers, many medical doctors I've come into contact with have Asperger's.

    White nationalism also has an abnormally high percentage of people who either have Asperger's or more often anti-social personality disorder, typically the narcissistic type. I met my first female sociopath in White nationalism, lucky me.

  172. Fatboy Wallace is back, looks like he's changed his mind on politics yet again.

  173. Just got done banging my hot korean gf. Now i'm eating a bacon salad ya dig? You losers doing anything to save america? Obviously not cause everywhere i look it's nothing but nigers. All your progeny (if you can even get pussy) will be nothing but nigers, chinks, and beaners and there's nothing you can do about it. Because your all lazy fat disgusting effete little peckerheads with no balls. Sayonara dickweeds, thanks for playing.

  174. Look at this loser bragging how he banged some Down syndrome midget. Here's a clue, moron, she's just as pathetic as you are, that's why she's with you.

    You're admitting that you're so inferior, you can't even get a nerdy White girl. You've been voted off the White island, buh-bye.

  175. Is the commenter "Hamish" over at Majority Rights in this thread:

    "Reginald Thompson"?

    Sounds just like him.

  176. Is the commenter "Hamish" over at Majority Rights in this thread:

    "Reginald Thompson"?

    Sounds just like him.

    Wow, your reeking obsession with "Reginald Thompson" is assuming epidemic proportions.

  177. Y'all miscegenated. 3% part eggplant, 1% indian, 1% niger, step off this B...

  178. Swarthoid "males," overrated, short, ugly fags!

  179. Aryan woman tells the truth about swarthoid boys:

  180. Some of you guys are absolutely obsessed with swarthy men .. and have an incredible, intimate knowledge of them...

    Must be the hyper-masculinity ;)

  181. Swarthoid "males," overrated, short, ugly fags!

    Aryan woman tells the truth about swarthoid boys:

    If you want to understand women, you look at what they do, not what they say.

    If you weren't nordish beta pussies and actually had experience with women you'd know this.

    Blondes love swarthy Med cock:!5790893/benicio-del-toro-impregnates-subtly-disses-kimberly-stewart

  182. Aryan woman tells the truth about swarthoid boys:

    What a brilliant and brave woman to tell the truth.

    Let's be honest, if this behavior were from non-Whites we would be appalled and use it to show how inferior and despicable they are.

    Italian Men

    Most Italian men are gross and sleazy to female tourists. They look at you in the most demeaning way as you walk down the street.

    If you walk past a man in the street and make any sort of eye contact you will get stared down, they will try to put their hand out to you, in the hope you will take it. [Like chimps at the zoo.]

    Yes it really is that forward, bazaar and off putting. I was told because I was in the north of Italy that what I had experienced of the sleazy Italian men was nothing. Apparently the further south you go the worse it gets.

    First rule: Italian men are not fussy. They will chat up any race, age or body size. [Who does that sound like?]

    Third rule: If you’re a woman and alone you're automatically single. I have even been told of boyfriends standing with their girlfriends and have an Italian guy try and chat up their girl in front of them.

    The same male friend said that when he was then out with his mother the same Italian guy after chatting up the other guy's girlfriend then went on to try to chat up the mother.

  183. Aryan woman tells the truth about swarthoid boys:

    What a brilliant and brave woman to tell the truth.

    Mmm, perhaps what she says is, on average, correct about 'Eye-talians', but don't know if she is in fact an Aryan, Nordish gal:

    Leah Firestone

    About Me

    Short and dumpy - shes a whole lotta woman and likes to write.

  184. What a brilliant and brave woman to tell the truth.

    Jeesh, how melodramatic of you..
    as if the cosa nostra is going after her for writing her article or something

    ('brilliant' and 'brave' of a short, dumpy girl to critique aggressive male behavior - scientists are baffled)

  185. The only one being melodramatic is you with your constant whining you little bitch. Go someone else and suck your thumb, crybaby.

  186. Notice how these crybaby, swarthoid trolls are just like Jews, they attack the person not the argument.

    Apparently for swarthoids being dishonorable sleazebags is the epitome of manhood.

    Let's not forget that during WW2 Germany said the Italians were incompetent cowards.

  187. The only one being melodramatic is you with your constant whining you little bitch. Go someone else and suck your thumb, crybaby.

    I see the sexless, autistic assburger clowns are out in full-force and feeling their oats again after being repeatedly bitch-slapped and put 'in their place'.

  188. "Anonymous said...

    Let's not forget that during WW2 Germany said the Italians were incompetent cowards."

    They were, not only were they lazy laxist incompetents, they were traitors too.

    Itarabians showed their true colours and allegiance for the world to see during WWII, this proves that what Gabriel Audisio and Albert Camus where saying was correct, there can be no "latin racism" because the "mediterranean race" is racially the epitom of mongrelization and are no different from the rest of the mediterranean world of North Africa, Turkey, the Near East and the Middle East.

    "Anonymous said...

    Aryan woman tells the truth about swarthoid boys:"

    She deserves praise for speaking the truth, if there was no mention on race and just description of "typical behaviour", the word "sandniggers" would have automatically come to the mind of anyone.

  189. I see the sexless, autistic assburger clowns are out in full-force and feeling their oats again after being repeatedly bitch-slapped and put 'in their place'.

    And, lo and behold, the ultimate assburger dork himself shows his face, rASSy -

    She deserves praise for speaking the truth, if there was no mention on race and just description of "typical behaviour", the word "sandniggers" would have automatically come to the mind of anyone.

    What "truth" here, you sexless dweebs? That the girl is a stuck-up type who couldn't handle the fact that she wasn't in control of the interaction with the Italian guys?

    I'll say this about the Eye-talians - as much as I disagree with their overall approaches to women - at least they have way more courage in approach women than do you "online warriors" do, sitting endlessly in mommy's basement (or flat, in your case rass) being jealous of other men who do way, WAY better in going after women.

    Instead of endlessly whining online about south european men and their attitudes with women - here is an idea - go tell it to their faces, if you think your so "tough" (double LOL)...

    OR, an even better idea - (drum roll) - LEARN SOME GAME

    *Then you won't all have to endlessly cry, bitch and pout how swarthoids are 'stealing' your women.

  190. Aryan woman tells the truth about swarthoid boys:


    Hey idiots - your "brave, Aryan, princess" seemingly just loves and craves male attention, even from 'swarthoids' -

    Flattery Will Get You Everywhere

    Walking down the street in downtown Petra on my first day and I am the only woman, not only that I am the only white woman with an uncovered head.

    This is a city of men.

    The women stay inside or if they go out they are covered and in groups a single female, alone, in the main street is a rare site and in a small Muslim city and is a product of interest. Especially as it is the end of January, thus the middle of winter and it is the off season there are not many tourists around any way.

    So as I walk down the street I nearly cause road accidents as male drivers stop and stare at me. The pretty western white girl with blue eyes and blonde hair….

    Blonde hair? I am a brunette, well according to Middle Eastern standards I am a blonde haired blue eyed bombshell.

    And as I am by myself I am available!!!

    Hooting, whistling, blowing kisses I had it all.

    I went into a shop to buy a .little coloured sand glass bottle and after the shop owner sold me his product he said, “Can I tell you something?”

    “Yes”, I say.. .Thinking I have given him the wrong money or something

    “You have the most beautiful eyes ins the world!”.

    Wow in the world, not I don’t know if you have been reading my blogs, but lately, in particular my Monthly Moans all I have been complaining about is the *huge amount of weight I have put on and how unattractive I am starting to feel*.

    Well now I am in flattery overload from tall dark handsome men..

    This is quite a shock.

    Here I am feeling sorry for myself and to them its like Americans next top model just walked in the room.

    I could get used to this.

    *I bet she could ;-)

  191. Aryan woman tells the truth about swarthoid boys:

    She deserves praise for speaking the truth,

    Your both nothing but a bunch of white-knight, MANGINA faggots.

    Learn some GAME, dweebs.

  192. Fixed for the short, fat, ugly, swarthy, hooknosed, Asiatic Aspie troll that lives in his mother's basement and only comes out at night so he doesn't scare the children.

    187. Anonymous said... April 12, 2011 9:16 PM

    I'm a sexless, autistic assburger clown being repeatedly bitch-slapped and put 'in my place'.

    Two things that are obvious about this swarthoid's Asperger syndrome. One, he repeats the same nonsense over and over. Two, he doesn't know when to leave. Aspies have trouble with simple instructions and social cues.

    Maybe if you repeat it to yourself over and over with your OCD, it will penetrate that thick, nigger-like skull of yours. This is a Nordicist website you fucking retarded Aspie loser. Now go watch your cartoons and leave the normal people alone, and try not to smear chocolate all over your face.

  193. Your both nothing but a bunch of white-knight, MANGINA faggots.

    Learn some GAME, dweebs.

    That has nothing to do with what has been said, moron. Your random insults are as empty and devoid of meaning as your life.

  194. Two things that are obvious about this swarthoid's Asperger syndrome. One, he repeats the same nonsense over and over. Two, he doesn't know when to leave. Aspies have trouble with simple instructions and social cues.

    Stop picking on your fellow online "warriors" Rassie and Mr. Miggles.

    Its not their 'fault' they were born socially retarded.

  195. Richard Spencer caves in to swarthoid kike kvetching:

  196. AltRight and "mud people"

    Timothy A. writes:

    The level of discourse at Alternative Right is discouraging. The comments section of an interesting article by a Greek writer on cooperation between Greek leftists and illegal immigrants immediately degenerates into a discussion of whether Greeks and southern Italians are "mud people."
    Unless Spencer changes direction, AltRight looks like becoming a slicker Stormfront.

    Only if AR adopts draconian censorship and the average IQ of the authors and commenters drops 30 points.

    The slurs aren't necessary but the argument is valid. Are West Asians and those with significant/predominant West Asian ancestry (including Jews) considered White/European? I say no. I think Spencer in his heart says no as well but he's a bit of a politician so he plays both sides.

  197. "...Are West Asians and those with significant/predominant West Asian ancestry (including Jews) considered White/European? I say no. ..."

    I say, overall, no as well ... but I think there are some exceptions to this generality.

    For one thing, a lot of the older generations of Armenian-Americans tended to be much Whiter and European in appearence and phenotype than the current bunch, and more White and European in culture and attitude as well.

    John Attarian was from this generation of Armenian-Americans, and he certainly was a good and decent White American patriot.
