Scandinavia vs. Italy and Poland

Nobel Prizes1 Corruption2 HDI3 Happiness4
Sweden 11.0 9.2 0.963 256.67
Denmark 8.0 9.3 0.955 273.4
Norway 7.4 8.6 0.971 246.67
Italy 1.7 4.3 0.951 230
Poland 0.9 5.0 0.880 196.67

[1] Scientific Nobel Prizes per 10 million population, 1945-2009 (source)
[2] Corruption Perceptions Index, 2009 (source)
[3] Human Development Index, 2007 (source)
[4] Satisfaction with Life Index, 2006 (source)

(Incidentally, Lynn's 102 estimate for the average IQ of Italy is based on two studies, neither of which dealt with southern Italy. A commenter calculates an average Italian IQ of 96.1 using Lynn's more detailed recent estimates and weighting by population.)


  1. Okay, good post.

    Let me point out one thing to clarify for anyone who may have been confused like I was:

    "The vast majority of the 180 countries included in the 2009 Corruption Perceptions Index (CPI) score below five on a scale from 0 (perceived to be highly corrupt) to 10 (perceived to have low levels of corruption)."

    I couldn't fathom New Zealand being the crookedest country in the world.

  2. I agree ... I couldn't fathom New Zealand either, but I could believe Italy is most corrupt.
    It is where mobs and gangs originated.

    Japanese mobs/gangs as well as Russian gangs, to name two, are highly corrupt and evil and their "culture" reeks with sociopathology and psychopathology.

    In terms of crime families and gangs, nothing compares to the Italian mob. They originated and formed in the early 1900's long before any other mobs surfaced, mostly in Southern Italy/Sicily, where I am from.

    Then they immigrated to the US, specifically, NYC/NJ Philly areas, and have since spread out from there.

  3. P.E. Zero,

    Right. I probably should have made that clearer, but I thought it unnecessary since no one is going to imagine Scandinavia is more corrupt than Italy.

  4. In terms of crime families and gangs, nothing compares to the Italian mob. They originated and formed in the early 1900's long before any other mobs surfaced, mostly in Southern Italy/Sicily, where I am from.

    Contrary to TV-inspired fiction like 'the Sopranos', the Italin/Sicilian mob was tremendously weakened in the 1990's by Rudy Jew-li-annie to make way for the "Russian" mob - the Mafyia - largely headquartered (in US) in Brighton Beach (or 'Little Odessa') Brooklyn, with their tentacles spread far-and-wide in America and elsewhere.

  5. make way for the "Russian" mob - the Mafyia - largely headquartered (in US) in Brighton Beach (or 'Little Odessa') Brooklyn, with their tentacles spread far-and-wide in America and elsewhere.

    I've heard that this "Russian" mob, based in Brighton Beach and operating throughout the US and internationally, is heavily Jewish.

  6. Not necessarily true about the Russian mafia, but highly likely. Many took advantage of the Lautenberg Amendment to get special visa privileges that are only open to Russian Jews, yet they aren't Jewish. I heard a similar problem exists in Israel, where Russians were taking advantage of a special Russian Jew visa to 'return' to Israel despite not having any Jewish blood.

    There was a Jewish Mafia in the US that was highly active at the same time as the Italian and Irish mafias, but only the Italians were dumb enough to get caught. The Irish and Jews went legit much earlier than the Italians, look at the history of the Kennedy clan for an example.

  7. And yet Köppernickus invented science itself. Maybe they got lucky in producing him. He doesn't seem to have particularly German heritage, or at least none is especially evident from the birth sites of his parents which are in Poland's central longitudes.

  8. "yet Köppernickus invented science itself."

    Slight exaggeration.

    Copernicus was ethnically German (although he may have had some Polish ancestry).

  9. Before I attempt to get to the nitty gritty of this post, I would like to ask n/a his purpose of it. Meaning, does he view this as further genetic/cultural evidence between NE and SE? I'm assuming this to be the case, though would like to hear his reasoning. Thanks.

  10. "Before I attempt to get to the nitty gritty of this post, I would like to ask n/a his purpose of it."

    It's in response to a post by Guy White.

  11. Not necessarily true about the Russian mafia, but highly likely. Many took advantage of the Lautenberg Amendment to get special visa privileges that are only open to Russian Jews, yet they aren't Jewish. I heard a similar problem exists in Israel, where Russians were taking advantage of a special Russian Jew visa to 'return' to Israel despite not having any Jewish blood.

    This is largely the Jewish apologetic 'spin' they put on it for damage-control purposes.

    While it is true that a fair amount of the street-level 'enforcers' may indeed be ethnic Slav, much of the leadership, the 'officer class', if you will, is most definately Jewish.

    Here is some evidence:

    The Most Dangerous Mobster in the World - Village Voice

    In two posh villas outside the small town of Ricany, near Prague, one of the most dreaded mob families in the world savagely murders its terrified victims. The mob's young enforcers, trained by veterans of the Afghanistan war, are infamous for their extreme brutality. Their quarry, usually businessmen who have balked at extortion demands, are repeatedly stabbed and tortured, then mutilated before they are butchered. The carnage is so hideous that it has scared the daylights out of competing crime groups in the area. The torture chambers are run by what international police officials call the Red Mafia, a notorious Russian mob family that in only six years has become a nefarious global crime cartel. Based in Budapest, it has key centers in New York, Pennsylvania, Southern California, and as far away as New Zealand.

    The enigmatic leader of the Red Mafia is a 52-year-old Ukrainian-born Jew named Semion Mogilevich. He is a shadowy figure known as the ''Brainy Don''--he holds an economics degree from the University of Lvov--and until now, he has never been exposed by the media. But the Voice has obtained hundreds of pages of classified FBI and Israeli intelligence documents from August 1996, and these documents--as well as recent interviews with a key criminal associate and with dozens of law enforcement sources here and abroad--describe him as someone who has become a grave threat to the stability of Israel and Eastern Europe.

    ''He's the most powerful mobster in the world,'' crows Monya Elson, who is listed in classified documents as one of Mogilevich's closest associates and partners in prostitution and money laundering rings. The Brighton Beach­based Elson, who once led a pack of thugs and killers known as Monya's Brigada, is currently in the Metropolitan Correctional Center in lower Manhattan awaiting trial for three murders and numerous extortions.

    Yup, so the rest of you all can go on believing whatever you want about the TV-inspired fairy tales regarding 'the Mob'.

    There once was 'La Costra Nostra' -- now its 'La Kosher Nostra'.

  12. "Before I attempt to get to the nitty gritty of this post, I would like to ask n/a his purpose of it."

    It's in response to a post by Guy White.


    'Guy Trite', you miserable little malcontent -- you (and what spawned you) are the poster-boy for the 1924 Immigration Act.

    You know, I think n/a, and a lot of people like him, are right about you after all: Besides being a boastful coward (the worst kind of coward), you are, even worse, an envious, status-seeking guinea-dago who will sell-out fellow White Americans to the Jews cause you are so jealous and resentful of ‘WASPS’ and other Northern European White men (this is why barely a day can can go by where you are not praising to the heavans and fawning on Jews - and sometimes Italians). The tone of your polemical, stupid blog SAYS IT ALL!

  13. Just a little clarification on my (fully justified) ethnic criticism of ‘Goy Weiss’: I am an ‘Ey-talian'-American myself, so in no way do I wish to attack good Italians and Italian-Americans.

    What I truly loathe more than anything, however, is envious jerks like ‘Goy’ who don’t know their place in this beautiful country of America.

    Contrary to popular fiction and ethnic Minority cheerleading, both on the Liberal Left AND on the putatively CONservative, “Race Realist’ Right”, America is what it is overwhelmingly thanks to its English/British and Northern European racial and cultural character, and not much else.

    Wilmot Robertson is so right about, again contrary to ethnic Minority cheerleading about how America is supposedly so ‘great’ cause its a ‘melting pot’, that in reality this country wouldn’t last a day without its Northern European Majority.

    I have run into a few status-whores within the Italian-American community (luckily, just a few) who, like ‘Weiss’ are oh-so-insecure that White America (the REAL White America) doesn’t ‘appreciate’ or ‘respect’ them enough, so they carry around this resentful grudge on their shoulder the size of Brooklyn. (Of course, many, many more Jews are legendary for this anti-White, anti-WASP arrogance.)

    ‘Goy’ definately demonstrates a disturbing pattern of engaging in low-level ‘ethnic warfare’ against the White, NW Euro-American Majority, of which he is absolutely not a member of — and I think this is what really burns him inside. Regardless of what he may look like, it is his attitude more than anything that I feel causes this envious resentment that he and those like him have for NW European-Americans, which just oozes out, and is so evident, in his smart-ass writings.

    This is also why GW is so, soooo obsessive with his rambling screeds on his blog on the supposed ’superiority’ of AshkeNAZI “Jews”, — and how ‘wonderful’ and ‘culturally advanced’ Southern Europe supposedly is compared to Northern Europe. Not even a few days can pass without him putting up another polemical philo-semitic thread on what’s ‘good for the Jews’ …and conversely… what’s ‘bad for the American Majority’.

    I don’t care one wit what anyone has to say (such as Liberals, certain other Italians, Jews) about my ethnic criticism of him and those like him, and other putative ‘White’ aliens in Anglo-America.

    This country has been nothing but good to my family since they arrived here over 100 years ago from Italy, and I would never, EVER, turn my back on, or ‘kick while their down’ (like 'Goy' does) America’s Founding Stock Majority.

    America — traditional ‘WASP’ America — is the ONLY America that I know and truly love — and I will stand by my Northern European brothers till the very end — for better or worse, for good times and bad.

    "Guy 'not-so' White" -- move back to Sicily or Israel, where you belong.

  14. As I do not read Guy White, I am unsure to what post you were replying to. Regardless, the data, on first blush, appears damning against SE, Slavs. Though, if you dig deeper, there are explanations for these discrepancies.

    1) Nobel Prizes: The winners appear to be top heavy in the countries of Switzerland, Sweden, and the UK. We do not know why that is, but a simple explanation may be that since it originated in Sweden, it and surrounding nations probably vied for this award. We do not know why, if true, others nations did not. We do not know how other nations view this award. We certainly know now how most of us view the Peace Prize ever since it was given to the Mulatto in Chief. I'm sure other Nobel awards were/are just as political. Sometimes more and sometimes less.

    2) Corruption: There is no hard division between corrupt and non-corrupt European nations but more a spectrum. The more corrupt happen to be ex-communist nations or ex-totalitarian regimes. Save for Greece and Italy, which both were under fascist regimes at some point in their past. Under those circumstances, people "learn to adapt". That is as simple an explanation as one can give. Is it the "correct" one? I do not know.

    3) HDI is all over the map with Norway leading and Ukraine pulling up the rear. Italy is respectable and leading several prominent nations.

    4) I'm not sure what to make of this aside that, to me, it is rather pointless. Asking people how happy they are and churning out numbers may seem constructive though I question the true meaning of such data.

  15. As far as I know, all scientists consider the natural sciences Nobel choices to be totally legit, and barely even subjective. Pretty much all the prizes have been for things that are immediately recognizable to biologists as keystones of the bio world.

    The literature prize has gone to some questionable nonwhites, if you ask me, but I've never looked over the list in detail.

    I like slavic Europe a lot (not that I've ever been there in person), but I can't really think of any big bio advances at all from there, anytime recently.

    I agree that a lot of caveats apply to happiness research.

    Why would fascism particularly promote corruption? My guess would be that it would do the opposite to some degree. Apparently everything was going well in fascist Germany and Italy, for the non-persecuted majorities, until they started the war.

  16. > Pretty much all the prizes

    Pretty much all the *bio* prizes

  17. "As I do not read Guy White, I am unsure to what post you were replying to."

    I don't recommend you start. But for context, here's the bit of straw man-laden retardation I'm responding to:

    Vikings did have some achievements (including reaching North America long before Columbus), but overall their impact was distinctly negative during the so-called Viking Age. Today they are no longer destructive, but I do not see the WN fascination with Scandinavians. What specifically have they achieved that is out of the ordinary to establish them as the Superior Race?

    (This is where racehist will claim that I am writing this out of my inability to get a blond or because I am gay or because of some other lie he will make up out of thin air. But what I can and cannot do is not the point. If I am wrong, please point out what makes Scandinavians superior to, say, the Dutch or the Poles.)

    Looking at both IQ and achievements, it seems that central Europe is presently the dominant part of Europe.

  18. 'Goy Weiss' is an unbelievably congenital liar on any issue that is against the interests of NW Europeans and NW European Americans -- the people(s) he most envies.

    Here are just a few of his most inscrutible, unfathomable 'wop-pers' of lies, and libelous slander, in his resentful, low-level ethnic warfare against NW Euros -- and all White Europeans -


    "But all in all, we have enough data to establish the Ukrainian death toll to a margin of error of 100,000."

    ('Guy (anti) White': Just WHERE DID YOU GET THE STATISTICS FOR THAT ONE?????)


    “It is true that Jews were a large percentage of the NKVD for a couple of years, but that’s when the NKVD operated as a legitimate organization, on par with what the FBI is today. …”


    “Holodomor ended when Jews took over NKVD. Shouldn’t Jews be praised rather than condemned for it? …”

    (So the Soviet NKVD was on a par with the FBI of today, eh 'Goy'??? *Well, after Waco and Ruby Ridge -- I suppose so*)


    And, most especially THIS BALD-FACED, PSYCHOTIC LIE -

    Another LIE from the psychotic, anti-German, anti-NW Euro weasel, ‘Goy not-so bright’!

    I learned all I needed to know about the Third Reich when I read that they shot the Ukrainian soccer team for winning a game against German soldiers. It is stunning, just mind boggling. How does this even cross your mind? Who shoots people just because they won a game? Nobody claimed that there was cheating. They just shot the athletes and openly admitted that they did so just because Germans didn’t enjoy losing a game.

    (REALLY, the Germans 'gunned down' the whole Ukrainian soccer team??? Wow, I never, EVER even heard Jews or liberals claim this crock-o-shit before -- have any of you?!?)


    'Guy (not-so) bright’: You need some serious help! Get yourself to one of those 'brilliant' Jewish psychiatrists you incessantly rave about -- you would be a perfect case study for one of them on better understanding the psychology of supplicating subservience through someone like you -- the ultimate specimen of a modern-day Golem.

    *Oh, from one 'Ey-talian' to another: Sei un idiota cafone stronzo - & - una brutta, invidiosi, cagna vile.


  19. "As far as I know, all scientists consider the natural sciences Nobel choices to be totally legit, and barely even subjective. Pretty much all the prizes have been for things that are immediately recognizable to biologists as keystones of the bio world."

    This was true up until about 1985 or so. Nobel judges have complained about the behind the scenes pressure and bribery going on, specifically from Asia (primarily Japan) and Jewish "sources". Not only pressure to give their boys a nod, but to also push aside those horrible Euros, as they've won enough already, done bad things, blah blah. Laugh now, but look at what's happening in the West, and look at who "just happens" to be involved in so much of the bad.

  20. Well, don't forget the wonderful Aryan Nazis and Asiatic Communist both did their best to exterminate almost every educated Pole they could lay their hands on, that might explain Poland coming up last

  21. Hey Teutonicus,
    It seems every one else is a racist and a liar to you except Germanic Nazis.

  22. > This was true up until about 1985 or so.

    Fair enough. My knowledge is only that the biology Nobels have 'generally' made at least 'fairly good sense.' Beyond that I don't know enough to confirm or deny the sort of thing you suggest.

    Considering the pretty obvious political aspect of the non-hard-science Nobels, I wouldn't exactly be shocked if there was some degree of politics in the hard sciences ones. But on the other hand I wouldn't be too shocked if the opposite were true, either.
