Some links

Ahnenkult: Miscellaneous musings on the Ainu; race quotes

Hail: USA’s Total Fertility Rates by Race, 1980-2008; The Decline of Abortion

Genetic Future: On sharing genes with friends

Forward: Newer DNA Tests Uncover Hidden Jewish Bloodlines

JASON: The $100 Genome: Implication for the DoD (US Department of Defense) (pdf)

Genome Res.: Adaptive selection of an incretin gene in Eurasian populations
Haplotype structure analysis suggests that the derived allele at rs2291725 arose to dominance in East Asians ~8100 yr ago due to positive selection. The combined results suggested that rs2291725 represents a functional mutation and may contribute to the population genetics observation. Given that GIP signaling plays a critical role in homeostasis regulation at both the enteroinsular and enteroadipocyte axes, our study highlights the importance of understanding adaptations in energy-balance regulation in the face of the emerging diabetes and obesity epidemics.

PLoS ONE: Dissecting the Within-Africa Ancestry of Populations of African Descent in the Americas

MBE: The Genetic Structure of Domestic Rabbits
Patterns of genetic variation suggest a single origin of domestication in wild populations from France, supporting historical records that place rabbit domestication in French monasteries.

Am J Hum Biol.: Substantial variation in qPCR measured mean blood telomere lengths in young men from eleven European countries
Controlling for age and case-control status, telomere lengths averaged 10.20 kilobases (interpolated from qPCR measures) across study centers and ranged from 5.10 kilobases in Naples, Italy to 18.64 kilobases in Ghent, Belgium-a greater than threefold difference across populations.

La antropología física y los «zoológicos humanos»: exhibiciones de indígenas como práctica de popularización científica en el umbral del siglo XX
All along the nineteenth century different anthropological exhibitions were held in many countries, in which people from a number of indigenous communities, especially transported from their homeland for the occasion, were exhibited publicly, both for citizenship's instruction and for specialists's "in vivo" studies on human biology. This paper presents a brief description of some of these scientific shows, and tries to relate them to contemporary human biology theories.

NYT: Heavy Doses of DNA Data, With Few Side Effects

John Hawks: Genomes too cheap to meter

J Pers Soc Psychol.: To be liked versus respected: Divergent goals in interracial interactions
Pervasive representations of Blacks and Latinos as unintelligent and of Whites as racist may give rise to divergent impression management goals in interracial interactions. We present studies showing that in interracial interactions racial minorities seek to be respected and seen as competent more than Whites do, whereas Whites seek to be liked and seen as moral more than racial minorities do.

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