The source of white genes in black Americans

Vanishing American writes:
Another reprehensible myth that is all too widely accepted by many Whites is the idea that ''most blacks have some White ancestry'' -- a notion that I think is exaggerated --and moreover, that this infusion of White DNA into the black gene pool is the result of 'rapist slave owners.' Somehow everybody seems to accept the allegation that slave-owning aristocrats routinely forced their 'attentions' on female slaves. There is little evidence to back up this notion. Presuming that the White genes were introduced back during slavery, why assume that the slave owner was the source? Why not overseers, White field hands, or others at lower levels of society?
An analysis of census data tends to support VA:
Evidence is also available indirectly from the censuses of 1850 and 1860. The enumerators of these censuses listed the color of slaves as black or mulatto. The percentage of mulattoes reported in the slave population was 7.70 in 1850 and 10.41 in 1860. [. . .]

Historians have implicated all social classes in miscegenation. Slaves lived in closest contact with owners and overseers, and unmarried owners and overseers on absentee estates may have been most heavily involved. According to Stampp, "Men of the nonslaveholding class were responsible for much of the miscegenation . . . Female slaves were quite accessible to both rural and urban nonslaveholders." Contacts were usually casual but relationships sometimes evolved into concubinage that lasted sev- eral years and occasionally for life. [. . .]

The estimated regression is used to calculate the probabilities that a slave child was mulatto. The probabilities are an index of the relative frequency of sexual relations. The chances that a child was a mulatto declined with the size of the holding and the number of slaves per dwelling, and they increased with the proportion mulatto among adults aged 15-49 on the plantation, the proportion white among males aged 15-49 in the county, and with city size. The probabilities were relatively higher on sugar plantations as compared with cotton plantations, in urban areas, in the slave exporting states, and on small holdings where no slave dwellings were listed. The probability was lower on rice plantations as compared with cotton plantations.

Several explanatory variables are positively related to the chances that a slave woman would have encountered a white who did not live on the holding, which suggests that a high proportion of sexual contacts were not attributable to the owner. Increasing the proportion white among males aged 15-49 in the county from .45 to .55 nearly triples the probability that a child was mulatto. The probability was also low in rice agriculture where the density of white settlement was low, and was high in urban areas where the density of white settlement was high.

[Richard H. Steckel. Miscegenation and the American Slave Schedules. Journal of Interdisciplinary History, Vol. 11, No. 2 (Autumn, 1980), pp. 251-263.]
That American blacks average 18-22% white genes suggests only a very low incidence of miscegenation per generation:
one out of every four Negroes living in a southern city was a mulatto. But among rural slaves, who constituted 95 percent of the slave population, only 9.9 percent were mulatto in 1860. For the slave population as a whole, therefore, the proportion of mulattoes was just 10.4 percent in 1860 and 7.7 percent in 1850. Thus it appears that travelers to the South greatly exaggerated the extent of miscegenation because they came into contact with unrepresentative samples of the Negro population. They appear to have had much more contact with the freedmen and slaves of the urban areas than with slaves living in the relative isolation of the countryside. Far from proving that the exploitation of black women was ubiquitous, the available data on mulattoes strongly militates against that contention.

The fact that during the twenty-three decades of contact between slaves and whites which elapsed between 1620 and 1850, only 7.7 percent of the slaves were mulattoes suggests that on average only a very small percentage of the slaves born in any given year were fathered by white men. [. . .]

Measurements of the admixture of "Caucasian" and "Negro" genes among southern rural blacks today indicate that the share of Negro children fathered by whites on slave plantations probably averaged between 1 and 2 percent.

[Fogel and Engerman. Time on the cross: the economics of American Negro slavery.]


  1. I don't know why it should be assumed that miscegenation was the result of rape. Women want the high-status man.

  2. As a social security recipient who was born in Chicago I have a lifetime record of three white male friends who had regular sexual relations with black females. Only one of the black ladies would have been attractive to white men in general. The number of white ladies I have known who regularly had sexual relationships with black men is quite large in comparison. Why is it assumed that the white genetic component of the black population prior to 1865 was contributed by white men?

  3. Why is it assumed that the white genetic component of the black population prior to 1865 was contributed by white men?

    For obvious reasons, society back then was patriarchal, women were not equals and their behavior, especially sexual behavior, was controlled by White men. Furthermore DNA tests corroborate it.

    However, today is obviously different and by far it's White females with blacks and White males with Asians.

    You can thank White females for lightening the black community, which your degenerate friends will appreciate, and you can thank White males for Mongolizing the White community, as most of the hybrid products of those unions go on to procreate with Whites.

  4. I don't know why it should be assumed that miscegenation was the result of rape.

    This like so many other countless conspiracies and myths were created and perpetuated by blacks who enjoy reveling in lies such as ancient Egypt was black and that whole line of Afrocentric nonsense.

    It's not just the uneducated poor who believe in these things it's pervasive up to the leaders of black organizations like Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton, who the media have created as authority figures when they are really lunatics.

    I'm sure there are some feminists and Jews that would argue all of it was rape regardless as they were slaves.

  5. Maybe their masters pimped them out.

  6. Why is it assumed that the white genetic component of the black population prior to 1865 was contributed by white men?

    Y-Chromosome vs mtdna.

  7. Statsquatch,

    "Maybe their masters pimped them out."

    From Time on the Cross:

    The 1860 census showed that just 4.3 percent of the prostitutes in that city were Negroes, although a fifth of the population of Nashville was Negro. Moreover, all of the Negro prostitutes were free and light-skinned. There were no pure blacks who were prostitutes, nor were any slaves prostitutes. The substantial underrepresentation of Negroes, as well as the complete absence of dark-skinned Negroes, indicates that white men who desired illicit sex had a strong preference for white women.

  8. Ok, I've read through most of your site, but I can't work out the thesis you're trying to advance.

  9. There is no overarching thesis.

  10. Actually, the overarching thesis of this blog is "Hating on any non-PC blogger who isn't a Nordicist WN"

  11. Actually, the overarching thesis of this blog is "Hating on any non-PC blogger who isn't a Nordicist WN"

    Another Einstein

  12. Nothing inspires hatred like hate-sniffing hate-haters.

  13. Tanstaafl,

    Have they made your life into a Sitcom yet?

    I think there's lots of potential in the story of an anti-semite married to a Jewish woman.

  14. But it's probably a hate the sin not the sinner kind of deal.

    Tanstaafl objects to what the Jews do, as opposed to their Jewishness itself.

    Still, it's got to lead to some hilarious situations and family conflicts.

  15. A Personal Disclosure.

    The schizophrenic you-suck/woe-is-me continually oozing from the tender, oversized egos of insecure ethnocentric jews is about as far from hilarious as this life gets.

  16. "The source of white genes in black Americans"????

    Tanstaafl, I posted on your site and I forgot to mention that, I support Iran. I don't see why a nuclear Iran would be more of a problem than a nuclear Israel with ~200 hundreds warheads, among some are pointed North West of Israel, not exactly the right trajectory to hit muslims countries. Or I can't see how nuclear iran is more a problem than nuclar China for that matter. All this story about Iran being a thread to occidental nations are non-sense propagated by crooks. Even Irak was a similar non-sense story. OK, Irak didn't like the US, but so what,americans didn't like arabs either.
    The case against Iran is so blattently non-sense that I am sure no poll and no survey of any sort will be ever made on that subject in the european or US populations. That would be like 80%support Iran. OK so, Sarkozy, another whitish-part-jew, says "tolerance zero for Nuclear Iran!", but dude, why do you want to incinerate your whitish brothers?

  17. lol, tanstaafl, welcome to the wonderful word of "Pan-Aryanism".
    Time to hug your Armenian, Iranian, and Pashtun White Aryan brothers!
    because they aren't Semites, you see?

  18. lol, tanstaafl, welcome to the wonderful word of "Pan-Aryanism".
    Time to hug your Armenian, Iranian, and Pashtun White Aryan brothers!
    because they aren't Semites, you see?

    Funny, I don't see anyone here who said anything like that.

  19. Funny, I don't see anyone here who said anything like that.

    no, but why don't you click tanstaafl's link and read the last few comments. major lulz


  20. Tanstaafl objects to what the Jews do, as opposed to their Jewishness itself.

    No, he objects to Jews per se. They all do, eventually. They may start off objecting to what "the Jews do," progressing from some specific key incident/s to generally anything any Jew has ever done over the entire span of Jewish existence, to simply disliking Jews no matter what they do (typically either proposing separation from them or, not at all uncommonly, physical annihilation). Pointing this out, according to tanstaafl, is engaging in some "old game," ie alleging he is a "hater" and requiring him to go to the trouble of denying it, any greater perspective supposedly thus being lost in the shuffle. Well, no, Tan, it's just a request for you to be specific; if it's someone's Jewish ancestry that bothers you, then stop pretending otherwise. What really gets lost in the shuffle is what the nature of the racial problem is and the sorts of solutions that might be pursued. Tan, three years later still caught up in the throes of stunned bewilderment, can't ever quite bring himself to address any of that. Just another grumbling chronicler, then -- and in his case, a decidedly prickly and unlikable one.

  21. How poignant. Some guy who doesn't like me is upset that I'm not helping him.

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  23. I agree that the claim that whites routinely raped black slaves is a popular myth.I also would agree that the prevalence of blacks with white admixture is probably exaggerated.But i`m sure they do exist.It is the most probable explanation for the variance we see in the skin tone of american negroes.This is unfortunately what happens when one race decides,on the basis of economic expediency,to use the labor of another;you end up with diminished gene pool quality from the admixture of a lower race.This has caused the decline of many a great civilization,and is the reason why racial segregation is so crucial.The existence of blacks in america has been a disaster,especially since integration became the law of the land.Not only have they corrupted the white gene pool and wreaked economic and criminal havoc,their existence has necessitated the lowering of educational standards which has resulted in a dumber and less competent nation.I`m sorry to say that zionist jews have made great use of this fact in their efforts to destroy white america.They spearheaded the forced racial integration of public schools in the 1950s,they ruined our immigration laws by making them non-selective(non-white)they fronted and funded the phony civil rights movement to elevate blacks for the purpose of increasing intermarriage with whites,they abolished laws against miscegenation while using their control of entertainment media to promote miscegenation(starting with 1967s "guess whos coming to dinner?)And they continue to promote their race-mixing and hip-hop filth today on various TV networks,while also promoting the nation-wrecking policies of "diversity" and "multiculturalism".

  24. Anonymous - why don't you do everyone a favor and take your racist BS and drop dead!
