IQs of children of immigrants by nationality, c. 1926

This table appears in Differential Psychology by Anne Anastasi:
An "American" group of native parentage was also included for comparative purposes. [. . .] Most of the differences between the average I.Q.'s of these national groups were statistically reliable. The same rank order of nationalities was obtained when the groups were compared in the percentage of "very superior intelligence" and of "borderline deficiency." The relative status of the national groups also agreed in general with that reported by previous investigators. [p. 524]


  1. Very interesting, especially considering those Southern Europeans scored what the average American black scores today, that's terrible.

  2. Surprised British Canadians were so much lower than English. No French to compare to French Canadians unfortunately.

  3. Unfortunately, IQ tests were still in their infancy at the time this data was compiled. The proper test for the newly arrived immigrants would have been the RAPM, which wasn't invented until the latter 30s.

    Interesting nonetheless.

  4. TGGP,

    I think Canada was more rural than England at that time.

    In the early days of intelligence testing more rural Europeans seem to have scored lower, as relected in the incredibly low IQ scores White Southerner enlisted men got during WWI.

    They actually scored lower than Blacks from the North, if I recall correctly.

    A lot of this may have had to do with how poorly designed the early IQ tests were, along with the fact that school penetration in rural areas in those days was very spotty.

  5. The really weird thing about the White Southerners scoring so low is that their ancestors were speaking the language of the test for dozens of generations.

    The test was probably culture fair to them.

  6. You sure do put a shitload of value on really old data.

  7. Modern IQ data show that the South is on par with the North and northwestern Europe. Southern Europe and especially Southeastern Europe are lower.

    Physical anthropology shows that Mediterraneans have smaller skulls and smaller brains, along with other things.

  8. "Modern IQ data show that the South is on par with the North and northwestern Europe."

    What is your source for this claim?

    "Southern Europe and especially Southeastern Europe are lower."

    Not to anything like the extent suggested by this old and worthless data n/a is posting.

    IQ and the Wealth of Nations gives Italy, Spain, Portugal, and Greece an average IQ score of 96.5, which is only marginally lower than Denmark's score of 98.

    “Physical anthropology shows that Mediterraneans have smaller skulls and smaller brains…”

    What is your source for this claim?

    “…along with other things.”

    Your penis is extremely small, you are a disease ridden homosexual, and you and your self-worshipping kind will not be missed after your repulsive idiocy assures your annihilation from the face of the earth.

  9. There’s absolutely no evidence Southern Europeans have smaller penises than more Northern Europeans. The very idea is completely absurd and reflects the verminous nature of the swine who infest White Nationalism.

    No wonder Hunter Wallace has a hard on for Sarah Palin. She may be a freaking moron, but at least she doesn’t inspire the thought that her race deserves execution, and that White Advocates are in the morally troubling position of a lawyer defending a client he knows to be guilty, that he knows to deserve the gas chamber.

  10. #8 and #9 are by Reginald Thompson. What a swell fellow. He revels in the prospect of Northern Europeans' "annihilation from the face of the earth".

  11. Reggie is either unable or unwilling to exercise self-control and refrain from engaging in vulgar, gratuitous personal abuse, calling people who say something that offends him "vermin", "swine", and a "disease ridden homosexual" with an "extremely small" penis, and saying Northern Europeans "deserve execution", "deserve the gas chamber", and "will not be missed after" their "annihilation from the face of the earth".

  12. Head Size from Coon's Races of Europe

  13. That explains the Polish jokes. But not the Swedish jokes though.

  14. The right half of this chart is transparently bogus. Slavs, of both western and eastern varieties, score around the Northern European mean today. Greeks score around the low 90s. Italians differ in their scores depending on region, northern areas of Italy typically score around 100 whereas areas of the south do tend to average about 85 (they have Arab, Levantine, and other admixture so no surprise there). I can't speak for the Portuguese as I've not seen data regarding their IQ but it is well-known that they assimilated millions of negroids into their population so my guess is they would score lower than the rest of Europe.

  15. TGGP,

    "Surprised British Canadians were so much lower than English."

    Hirsch writes: Our immigration from Canada is not a fair sample of the Canadian people, neither from the economic-social viewpoint nor from the racial. From the former perspective, we are getting the unemployed, the relatively unsuccessful, and the less intelligent of working-class people. From the latter approach the increase in the number of French Canadians is alarming. Whole New England villages and towns are filled with them. The average intlligence of the French Canadian group in our data appraoaches the level of the average negro intelligence. Furthermore, the innate emotional qualities of this quasi-national group is radically different from the older American stock. [p. 396]


    I'm not sure how you get from this post that I "put a shitload of value on really old data". I think you mean "this post makes me uncomfortable".

  16. Occidental,

    The 23 European Countries looked at in IQ and the Wealth of Nations were given an average national IQ of 97.4.

    The national IQ given for Portugal of 95 is only marginally lower than that, the Spanish score of 97 is almost exactly equal to that, and the Italian score of 102 is higher than the average.

    Also the modern data shows Poland as having a national IQ of 99, which is of course nearly a full 10 points higher than the score given to them in the strange table from the 1920’s.

    "northern areas of Italy typically score around 100"

    The only actual IQ test given to a sample of central Italians also found a score around 100.

    "whereas areas of the south do tend to average about 85"

    An IQ test has never been given to a sample of southern Italians.

    The PISA Tests which have been given to them are not IQ tests.

    “But Lynn already knows the pitfalls of his approach. Finland had the highest score in Europe on the 2006 PISA tests, and using his method leads to a calculated IQ of 107, yet he reports Finns' IQ as being just 97. Romanians' PISA score is near the very bottom of Europe, leading to an estimate of 85, though their measured IQ is in fact 94 according to Lynn, just three points lower than that of Finns. With discrepancies like that, there's absolutely no reason to trust his calculated IQs of around 100 and 90 for Northern and Southern Italians. Clearly, PISA scores are not a very good substitute for IQ.”

  17. ""

    Oh, if only you knew the irony of citing that website on this blog...

  18. At the end of the book, Hirsch argues for the assimilation of Jews, and finishes with a quotation praising "the marvelous development of modern European civilization [that] has ocurred in that region in which Alpine, Mediterranean, and Caspian have been more completely and evenly fused than elsewhere in the world."

    His middle name was very unusual (Mttron). Another person from that era with this middle name was Sidney Mttron Hirsch, the eccentric Jewish aesthete.

    Sidney Hirsch:

    A graduate of Nashville's Webb Preparatory, Sidney Mttron Hirsch attended a variety of different colleges but failed to gradaute. He served in the navy for a few years and toured the Far East before returning to Nashville. He left Nashville to spend a brief time in Paris, where he picked up extra money by modeling. From Paris he went to New York, where he continued his modeling career by posing for sculptures for Gertrude Vanderbilt Whitney. While in New York, he turned to writing plays without achieving much success. Upon his return to Nashville in 1913, he was successful in getting his play The Fire Regained performed for the May Festival, sponsored by the Nashville Art Association and the Board of Trade, and which made use of the full scale replica of the Parthenon built for the Tennessee Centennial in 1898. The performance brought Hirsch the renown he was looking for, but he was unable to build upon his success. Hirsch soon came in contact with Stanley Johnson, a friend of Hirsch's half-brother Nat, and with Donald Davidson, a friend of his half-sister Goldie. Johnson and Davidson soon introduced their English professor, John Crowe Ransom, to the reclusive Hirsch, and soon the four were meeting regularly to talk about poetry. The talks continued after Hirsch moved in with his brother-in-law James Frank, who volunteered the use of his house as a meeting place for the group of talented authors. It was Sidney Hirsch who first suggested publishing the growing body of poetry being produced by the group, and the title The Fugitive was selected as an embodiment of the archetypal fugitive character - an outcast with mysterious knowledge - so prevalent in poetry. Hirsch's influence with the group faded as the it began to fall apart in the late 1920s with the departure of a number of the group from Nashville, while others moved away from writing poetry to other forms of literature. Hirsch died in Nashville in 1962.

    More on Sydney Hirsch (from Larouche's EIR, take that as you will):

    Eyewitnesses report that in that period, Hirsch's home, which Elliott visited, featured occult artifacts, a life-size nude portrait of himself, and a human pelvis hanging from the ceiling, which Hirsch would caress as he engaged in conversation.

    So, who was Sidney Mttron Hirsch? He was a product of the fin de siècle witches' brew described in the last section. His family were wealthy Nashville merchants, but he led a Bohemian existence. After a career as a Navy boxer he worked as a model for a sculptor named Chase, with whom he roamed the degenerate seas. He is said to have posed for August Rodin (who had a brush with Aleister Crowley) and Gertrude Vanderbilt Whitney, and to have met William James' favorite student, Gertrude Stein, and Lorado Taft (a Chicago sculptor and art historian, with whom life-long homosexual Stark Young, of whom you'll learn more, had a flirtation as well). In 1913, with support from the Nashville Art Association and the Board of Trade, he produced The Fire Regained, a Dionysian pageant on the subject of "Lesbian Love"—complete with hundreds of sheep, doves, dancers in diaphanous costume, and the governor's wife, Lucy McMillan, playing the Goddess Athena.

  19. Interesting. I'd definitely guess there's a connection. Nathaniel Hirsch was later affiliated with Duke and did some work in eastern Kentucky. A Southern German Jewish background might also help explain why he was less than rabidly pro-immigration.

  20. Considering Reginald is extremely insecure, unstable and hates women, I'd say he has a very small penis, if he even has one at all.

  21. There is no evidence that "hating women" is correlated with a smaller manpart.

    If anything the opposite seems to be the case given how the Feminist men of Sweden are such utter effeminates that they allowed their Government to fund a women’s shelter network that printed excerpts from the “SCUM Manifesto” (Society for Cutting Up Men), penned by a radical feminist in the late 1960s. The SCUM Manifesto urges women to “destroy the male sex” by using modern science to insure that only female children are born. SCUM goes on to say: “To call a man an animal is to flatter him: he’s a machine, a walking dildo.”

    How powerless and unmanly a group must be to allow their tax dollars to go toward supporting the proposition that they should be destroyed when they are nearly half the population and they live in a Democracy!

    Feminists attack anyone who disagrees with them as being a "woman hater", "Misogynistic", “insecure”, or as having a small penis.

    Probably a lot of men fail to resist incredibly harmful and noxious ideologies because they don’t want to look insecure.

  22. Regardless of feminists crying wolf with accusations of misogyny, Reginald truly does hate women. Reggie is utterly obsessed with rape. He talks about it all the time. He once said he wished millions of English women had been raped by the Red Army.

  23. Reggie is creepily fixated on polygamy, rape, and pornography.

  24. What is one to say about Nords "creepily fixated" on Reggie?

  25. Reginald is the one with a fixation, look how he stirs up old arguments that have nothing to do with the thread at OD and deliberately lies about others and tries to get them banned for his own petty reasons. Reginald acts like an old scorned woman.

  26. "look how he stirs up old arguments that have nothing to do with the thread at OD"

    Mark was the one who hijacked the threads of articles Reginald wrote for OD with off topic attacks on Reginald, and disgusting attempts to get him banned for Mark's petty and imbecilic reasons.

    Mark has no right to object now that three separate posters* have included off topic calls for his banning in OD threads.

    Also it should be noted that Mark has done incalculable harm to Occidental Dissent.

    Hunter Wallace is 100% correct that explicit White Nationalism is dead and worthless, and it's largely thanks to the likes of Mark.

    The Pan-Ayranist Robert Lindsay once remarked, I think it was on his Blog, that it would be good to encourage Nordicists, as it serves to make a mockery of trying to exclude anyone for racial reasons.

    Now with Hunter Wallace's embrace of implicit White Nationalism, a form of White Nationalism which doesn't exclude anyone for racial reasons, Robert Lindsay's vision is coming true.

    *The three people who publically called for Mark to be banned were Trainspotter, Todd, and then only after those first two called for it, Reginald.

  27. The Pan-Ayranist Robert Lindsay once remarked, I think it was on his Blog, that it would be good to encourage Nordicists, as it serves to make a mockery of trying to exclude anyone for racial reasons.

    Illogical tripe.

    Now with Hunter Wallace's embrace of implicit White Nationalism, a form of White Nationalism which doesn't exclude anyone for racial reasons, Robert Lindsay's vision is coming true.

    Are you on crack? You're blaming Hunter Wallace's rejection of white nationalism on Nordicists? Wallace rejected white nationalism because of his feud with Greg Johnson and various white nationalists on the Internet.

    Is #27 Reginald or is it someone else?

  28. To people like Anonymous #27 who use the word "Nordicist" as an epithet and hysterically fulminate against "Nordicism": Please define what you mean by "Nordicism" and tell us why you oppose "Nordicism".

    n/a defined a "Nordicist" as "someone who recognizes the existence within Europe of racially distinct type(s) associated today primarily with Northern Europe and her offshoots and who favors the continued existence of these type(s)".

    Why do those of you who oppose "Nordicism" find this objectionable?

  29. I think what people find troubling about Nordicism is that it would seek to exclude non-Nordics within the United States.

  30. Is #27 Reginald or is it someone else?

    I think it is him. It looks like his writing. I'm not surprised that he didn't identify himself. His cowardice and mendacity is pretty well-established by now.

  31. I think what people find troubling about Nordicism is that it would seek to exclude non-Nordics within the United States.

    There is absolutely nothing illegitimate about having a Nordish ethnostate somewhere on the current territory of the United States.

  32. "I'm not surprised that he didn't identify himself. His cowardice and mendacity..."

    Is "Anonymous" your real name, "Anonymous"?

    It reflects an absurd and insane mentality which would condemn the leaving of Anonymous comments on a website in an Anonymous comment on that website.

    Normal people can see that, though you can't.

    It's like how normal people can see how talking about murdering little Jewish girls is repulsive to normal people, but a large subset of White Nationalists can't.

    White Nationalism is a movement of retards.

    The retards come in different flavors, but they all add up to a movement which only serves to waste the time of the relatively normal people who stupidly get involved in it.

    Thankfully Hunter Wallace has come to see how utterly wrong it is, morally speaking, to steer people toward a movement which doesn’t deserve to exist, much less to succeed.

  33. “There is absolutely nothing illegitimate about having a Nordish ethnostate somewhere on the current territory of the United States.”

    I suppose some would say there’s nothing wrong with Baptists trying to create a Baptist Theostate in the current territory of the United States.

    But what certainly would be wrong with be for a group of Baptists to infiltrate Christian organizations trying to hijack them toward the end of creating a Baptist Theostate.

    What certainly would be wrong is if they horrifically undermined Christian organizations by pushing the line that Catholicism, etc., aren’t really Christian religions.

    If some group of people wanted to make a go of creating a Baptist Theostate, or perhaps Bapistish Theostate, they should at least be willing to start their own organizations.

    How lazy and stupid are you people?

  34. Which organizations are being infiltrated?

  35. Thank you for confirming you wrote #27, Reginald. You talked about yourself in third person to give the impression you were someone else.

    Normal people can see how wishing millions of English women had been raped by the Red Army is repulsive to normal people.

  36. Reginald, since you believe white nationalism is "dead and worthless", "a movement of retards", a "waste of time", and "doesn't deserve to exist", does this mean you will stop trolling white nationalist websites?

    After all, why would you want to "waste your time" on a "movement of retards" that "doesn't deserve to exist"?

  37. Reginald disingenuously complains about non-existent "infiltration" and "hijacking" of white nationalism by Nordish preservationists, but he said he believes white nationalism is "dead and worthless", "a movement of retards", a "waste of time", and "doesn't deserve to exist". Why then does Reginald, who loathes white nationalism, post on white nationalist websites, except as a subversive infiltrator attempting to undermine white nationalism?

  38. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  39. Mark was the one who hijacked the threads of articles Reginald wrote and disgusting attempts to get him banned.

    Many people objected to Reginald's posts. The second in command of the blog at the time being the most prominent.

    I never tried to have Reginald banned. Reginald on the other hand is a small-minded tyrant who has tried with all of his mendacious fury to get me banned with lies in addition to unjustly deleting comments.

    Mark has no right to object now that three separate posters* have included off topic calls for his banning in OD threads.

    A fallacious appeal. Do you not have the right to speak or write if three people don't like you? Get real. All of whom are irrational nitwits BTW.

    You also left out that Reginald's and "Todd's" original reason for wanting me banned was pure libel and defamation. The other cretin was overcome with rage when I spoke ill of his boyfriend Linder. Even more so after everything I said was agreed with and reiterated by Wallace leading to the banning of said sociopath.

    Also it should be noted that Mark has done incalculable harm to Occidental Dissent.

    If that were true why wouldn't Hunter Wallace or Robert Campbell have banned me. I corresponded with both of them frequently and we are on good terms. Wallace once told me I was one of his favorite commentators.

    Hunter Wallace is 100% correct that explicit White Nationalism is dead and worthless, and it's largely thanks to the likes of Mark.

    I'm flattered that you think I have such grand powers of persuasion to alter the course of blogs and vast political movements with mere internet comments. One can only conclude that they must be deep truths to have such influence.

  40. The Pan-Ayranist [sic] Robert Lindsay once remarked that it would be good to encourage Nordicists, as it serves to make a mockery of trying to exclude anyone for racial reasons.

    There's an authority, some loopy guy who thinks racial hybrids are White. You are really scraping the bottom of the barrel for supporters.

    You still don't get it, there would be no racialism without Nordics/Nordicists.

    Jews hate Nordicists most of all, we must be doing something right.

    Now with Hunter Wallace's embrace of implicit White Nationalism, a form of White Nationalism which doesn't exclude anyone for racial reasons, Robert Lindsay's vision is coming true.

    Where did he say he has renounced racialism? I asked him about that and the blog changes, and he said no he hasn't changed his beliefs. He just thinks White nationalism by itself cannot accomplish our goals.

    Stop with the lies already, repetition doesn't make them true, it just reveals your desperation.

    Is #27 Reginald or is it someone else?

    It must be, who else could insanely blather on like that.

    Why do those of you who oppose "Nordicism" find this objectionable?

    1. They can't have access to Nordic women.

    2. They don't feel equal to Nordics, leftism all over again.

  41. I got a message saying it didn't go through because it was too large (that's what she said), so I broke it up and that's why there's a repeat. Delete #39 if you want.

  42. "I'm not sure how you get from this post that I "put a shitload of value on really old data". I think you mean "this post makes me uncomfortable"."

    I'm the person who made that comment. And I'm not Reginald. I barely know anything about him. I'm merely pointing out that you seem to put huge emphasis on really, really old data. Why is that? Do you have to back decades and decades to prove how stupid wops really are?

  43. That map on skull data is pretty funny. It shows southern italy as averaging some of the small skull sizes in europe, yet also shows the bulk of north africa as having virtually the same cranial capacity as scandinavia. And the irish as having consistently large skulls.

    I wouldn't be surprised if n/a thinks those old cartoons that drew the irish as being like aborigines as having more than a kernel of truth.

  44. "I'm flattered that you think I have such grand powers of persuasion to alter the course of blogs and vast political movements with mere internet comments."

    Can you read? "People like Mark", not just Mark.

    People like Mark means obsessive hobbyists who concentrate their efforts on arguing with and trying to drive away anyone who disagrees with their weird little agenda.

    White Nationalism has obsessive Anti-Southern European hobbyists, obsessive Anti-Christian hobbyists, etc.

    It’s this collective of hobbyists, as opposed to one particular hobbyist, who play a key role in rendering White Nationalism the liability it is today.

    In terms of the particular obsessive hobbyist Mark doing great harm to one particular blog (not “blogs”), there’s no reason to get into it.

    “There's an authority, some loopy guy who thinks racial hybrids are White.”

    According to your definition of racial hybrids, Hunter Wallace also thinks racial hybrids are White.

    Just look at what he said in response to finding out Taansfaal’s wife is half-Jewish.

    “I wouldn’t expel mischlings from a White ethnostate for racial reasons.”

    Also it should be noted that Lindsay wasn’t being held up as an authority. It was just a question of giving him credit for his idea.

    His idea is important because it points out a weakness of explicit White Nationalism relative to implicit White Nationalism.

    The implicit movement has the advantage that it can’t be hijacked by a group of people with the goal of purging this or that subgroup of European-Americans.

    “Jews hate Nordicists most of all, we must be doing something right.”

    The Nordicist movement of the 1920’s main goal was to pass an immigration restriction bill which would’ve had the effect of curtailing the immigration of Jews from Europe into America.

    This led organized Jewry to oppose it.

    Nowadays organized Jewry is barely aware that Nordicism still exists, and has not subjected it to anything resembling the persecution reserved for Pan-European White Nationalists like David Duke, and some of the scholars involved in Holocaust Denial.

  45. White nationalism also has obsessive polygamy hobbyists, rape hobbyists, pornography hobbyists, and anti-Nordish hobbyists.

  46. Reginald believes it is perfectly acceptable for Europeans to exclude non-Europeans from their racial ingroup, but awful, evil, wrong, and completely unacceptable for Northern Europeans to exclude non-Northern Europeans.

  47. Reginald, you believe white nationalism is "dead and worthless", "a movement of retards", a "waste of time", and "doesn't deserve to exist".

    Your intention in posting on white nationalist websites must then be to subvert and undermine white nationalism.

    You advocate "implicit whiteness" because you want to undermine white nationalism because you're upset that Northern Europeans don't consider you part of their racial ingroup.

    You judge everything by "Is it good for the swarthoids?" Like the Jews who supported neoconservatism because it's "good for the Jews", you decided to support what you incorrectly call "implicit white nationalism" (i.e. Tea Partyism and aracial conservatism) because it's "good for the swarthoids".

  48. You didn't answer the question, Reginald. Why do you "waste your time" trolling the websites of a "dead and worthless" "movement of retards" that "doesn't deserve to exist"?

  49. If Reginald genuinely cared about White Nationalism, he would have no problem whatsoever with Nordish Preservationists, since there is absolutely nothing about Nordish Preservationism that precludes or is opposed to White Nationalism. Nordish Preservationists have no problem working with swarthoids as allies in the larger cause of White Nationalism.

    The fact that Reginald is so opposed to Nordish Preservationism, that he tries to attack and discredit it at every turn, suggests that White Nationalism is not his primary concern. His main concern is having access to Nordish women. He believes he has the right to violate Nordish women with impunity.

  50. Assuming there is more than one person posting as a Nord Anonymous and not just fanboy Mark, you people are terribly dense and have poor if non-existent introspection. Your behaviour towards Reginald has been atrocious followed by this impotent backpedaling of "we only want Nordish preservation". LOL

    How does this accomplish Nordish preservation you demented dimwits? Especially you Fanboy Mark?

    "Reginald Thompson"/[redacted] is a dark, dirty, disgusting, oily, mendacious, repulsive, subhuman swarthoid who clearly lusts after Nordish females. See his Blogger profile where he has a picture of Rachel McAdams:

    You may fancy yourselves as something stellar but in reality this is nothing but a virtual schoolyard with the stereotypical bully(s).

    Posting a person's private information while everyone remains anonymous, particularly Fanboy and Miggles. What a bunch of sackless cunts.

  51. Reginald "wastes time" trolling the websites of what he believes is a "dead and worthless" "movement of retards" that "doesn't deserve to exist", calls people "vermin", "swine", and "disease ridden homosexuals" with "extremely small" penises, and says Northern Europeans "deserve execution", "deserve the gas chamber", and "will not be missed after" their "annihilation from the face of the earth". After Reginald chimps out and ignites this thread, one of Reginald's groupies has a meltdown and hilariously cries "Leave Reginald Alone!"

    What a bunch of sackless cunts.

    Says someone who doesn't even have the backbone to use his online handle.

  52. LOL at the accusation that all the anonymous Nord posters are me.

    Why are you calling me a fanboy? I'm just defending myself against egregious lies and defamation. You're the one with an irrational allegiance to Reginald, you're the fanboy.

    If you, Reginald and some other anti-Nords were reasonable and rational people it might be worth having a conversation with you, but you're not and you just want to insult people so why bother.

    Historically racialism has its roots in Nordicism. Look at the version that came from Mediterraneans, the biggest example being Latin America. They advocated a miscegenated caste system. Nordics advocate blood purity, Mediterraneans, North Africans and West Asians advocate blood communion.

  53. Posting a person's private information while everyone remains anonymous

    It wasn't private, it was public information Reginald himself put on the internet, some just linked to it.

    Compare that with Reginald accusing me of being someone else and all of the libel and defamation.

    I'd win in any court.

  54. So, sackless cunt Anonymous on August 21, 2010 2:43 AM has enough time and energy to know every single quote of Reginald's and his every thought on such matters, yet *I* am the groupie? LMAO

    Wait, another good one...

    Says someone who doesn't even have the backbone to use his online handle.

    LOL Man, these are the Nord warriors? The ones filled with idiocy, hypocrisy, and illogic?


    I'd win in any court.

    You'd best get back to what you are good at and that would be licking Hunter's ass. There appears to be an "opening" for you! LOL

  55. sackless cunt Anonymous on August 21, 2010 2:43 AM has enough time and energy to know every single quote of Reginald's

    You're not as clever as you think you are. "Every single quote" was posted by Reginald on this thread. See comments #8, 9, 27, and 33. It doesn't take that much "time and energy" to scroll up a page.

    You berate those who post here anonymously as "sackless cunts", but you don't even have the stomach to do so under the name you've used on this and other sites.

    Your combination of thick-headedness, conceitedness, braggadocio, and lack of self-awareness produces unintended hilarity.

  56. Like his fellow swarthoid Reginald, our Anonymous friend is either unable or unwilling to engage in civil discussion. Both swarthoids have a compulsion to drag the level of discourse down into the sewer.

  57. He writes like "Cyd" from the OD forum. Gratuitously vulgar and nonsensical, his insults have no connection with reality.

    He's like a child having a tantrum. Don't make it so obvious you want attention.

  58. Tantrum? You mean like how Anon/n/a virtually shits himself over some guy joking about his white ancestry predisposing him to alcohol, and decides to get through a bunch of genetic data to prove his joke was an exaggeration?

  59. For anyone who cares, the poster of the last comment (and the one I initially guessed was Reginald) is some filipino kid who repeatedly emailed me some time back asking to be spoonfed information. Even Peter Frost told him to stop emailing him (the only time I've seen Frost become impatient with a poster at his blog). He's now found his level gibbering with the guido dolts over at anthroscape.

  60. the poster of the last comment (and the one I initially guessed was Reginald) is some filipino kid

    Must be Reginald's ladyboy sex partner.

  61. Nordics advocate blood purity

    That's not an entirely accurate statement. Most lands colonized by Northern Europeans have seen the formation of an intermediate mulatto caste. South African coloured, Indonesian Indos, etc.
    The US elimination of its mulatto class in favor of total racial separation is an exception to the rule.

  62. You're not as clever as you think you are. "Every single quote" was posted by Reginald on this thread. See comments #8, 9, 27, and 33. It doesn't take that much "time and energy" to scroll up a page.

    Clever enough because you apparently still see nothing wrong with someone so fixated on an "insignificant swarthoid" to follow his every post, if in fact it is only Reginald? How empty must one's life be that they put so much weight on the words of an "inferior"? Why don't you explain.

    You berate those who post here anonymously as "sackless cunts", but you don't even have the stomach to do so under the name you've used on this and other sites.

    I do not have an issue with "anonymous" posters, only those who continue to remain anonymous and have the temerity to drudge up personal info on others who have the courage to put their face out there. Those, ie you, are sackless cunts. Further, why don't you give us your other names you've used?

    Your combination of thick-headedness, conceitedness, braggadocio, and lack of self-awareness produces unintended hilarity.

    Oh yeah, I'm sure. To a dullard it would appear so, wouldn't it? Lol

  63. Like his fellow swarthoid Reginald, our Anonymous friend is either unable or unwilling to engage in civil discussion. Both swarthoids have a compulsion to drag the level of discourse down into the sewer.

    Speaking of unintended hilarity! Lol

    Are we to assume this is the high level of discourse one is accustomed to here?

    Reginald Thompson"/[redacted] is a dark, dirty, disgusting, oily, mendacious, repulsive, subhuman swarthoid who clearly lusts after Nordish females. See his Blogger profile where he has a picture of Rachel McAdams:

  64. Mark said...

    He writes like "Cyd" from the OD forum. Gratuitously vulgar and nonsensical, his insults have no connection with reality.

    Says Fanboy, Cock-Gobbler Supreme! The "Nord" who obsesses about others stealing "his" Nordic women as it clearly must be some sort of inferiority complex considering he manages to inject that into nearly every one of his signature posts that "HW just loves". LOL

    I wonder what kind of ugly mug, along with a concomitant existence, this pathetic troll must have where he venomously projects his ineptitude of attaining a prized Nordic woman on multiple boards?

  65. You're Filipino, non-White, why are you even here??

    You're just a troll and raving lunatic, it's in your savage blood.

  66. You're Filipino, non-White, why are you even here??

    You're just a troll and raving lunatic, it's in your savage blood.

    He's Reginald's ladyboy sex partner, unsuccessfully trying to defend the mendacious swarthoid's (non-existent) honor.

  67. That must be it, why else would he be so obsessed with defending Reginald and trolling racialist boards.

    So there's a cabal of swarthy sodomite mongrels trolling WN boards and trying to pass themselves off as White.
