Property and Freedom Society 2010 meeting

Sean Gabb has uploaded videos. Speakers include Richard Lynn, Richard Spencer, and Hans-Hermann Hoppe. I have not watched them yet, but I'll embed the ones that look interesting below:

PFS 2010 - Richard Lynn, On Human Diversity: The Global Bell Curve. Updates and Critical Replies from Sean Gabb on Vimeo.

PFS 2010 - Richard Spencer, The “Alternative Right” in America from Sean Gabb on Vimeo.

PFS 2010 - Hans-Hermann Hoppe, Richard Spencer, Marco Bassani, Paul Gottfried, Richard Lynn, Discussion, Q & A from Sean Gabb on Vimeo.

PFS 2010 - Terence Kealey, Science is a Private Good – Or: Why Government Science is Wasteful from Sean Gabb on Vimeo.

From last year:

PFS09 Hans-Hermann Hoppe, "From the Malthusian Trap to the Industrial Revolution" from Sean Gabb on Vimeo.

PFS09 Sean Gabb "What is the Ruling Class?" from Sean Gabb on Vimeo.

PFS09 Gabb, Hoppe, Discussion, Q & A from Sean Gabb on Vimeo.


  1. I don’t like to think of myself as right-wing or a conservative. All American conservatives are retarded whether they call themselves “paleocons” or something else. I can’t express that enough. There is just no way to reach any of them. Even if America goes the way of South Africa they will still be ranting and raving about the Constitution, small government, etc. They are deracinated and will always be that way.

  2. They should all be exterminated!

  3. Race is metapolitical.

    Or if one doesn't wish to think of it that way, then race is simply a matter of priorities. All of these speakers have a far above average sense of racial identification yet they prioritize other political concerns over race. In some cases (Spencer) that may be because he's convinced his political stance best accommodates white racial issues or makes the transition to race easiest but he advocates nothing explicit that would secure long-term racial existence. That reduces him to a mere racial advocate, and, frankly, he's not a very good one.

  4. Libertarianism is a dead-end. One must actively counter the opposition, not merely advocate simple freedom from the opposition.

  5. In some cases (Spencer) that may be because he's convinced his political stance best accommodates white racial issues or makes the transition to race easiest but he advocates nothing explicit that would secure long-term racial existence.

    Or perhaps one of his best friends is not European (see Open thread), or his 50K donor is calling the more libertarian tune, or he's uncomfortable about WNs who would criticize him for dating a Slav. It's more likely to be for personal/financial than strategic reasons.

  6. Or perhaps one of his best friends is not European (see Open thread), or his 50K donor is calling the more libertarian tune, or he's uncomfortable about WNs who would criticize him for dating a Slav. It's more likely to be for personal/financial than strategic reasons.

    Right. And there's also the association with Paul Gottfried, who seems to persistently worm his way around paleos and WNs, always reminding us that "yeah, Jews are bad, but MacDonald exagerrates" and "the WASPs were contemptible, they gave up, they committed suicide, they 'let' the Jews take over, etc."

  7. Right. And there's also the association with Paul Gottfried, who seems to persistently worm his way around paleos and WNs, always reminding us that "yeah, Jews are bad, but MacDonald exagerrates" and "the WASPs were contemptible, they gave up, they committed suicide, they 'let' the Jews take over, etc."

    Thank you for expressing, and elucidating, this vitally important truth.

    Maybe you can help impart some of this wisdom to some of these so-called "paleo-cons" -- before they become full-fledged "faileo-CONS"

  8. Well, while I think Kevin MacDonald tends to be right on the JQ (Despite Gottfried's objections), I don't think Gottfried is totally out of line. The WASPs outnumber the Jews by a substantial margin. The inability of the numerous WASP elites and WASPs in general to keep a tiny minority of Jews in check ultimately rests on their shoulders.

    At some point, we have to take some responsibility for letting our guard down.

  9. @ comment #5:

    Why, precisely, would White Nationalists disapprove of an Anglo-German dating a Russian gal? He is dating within his nation, after all.
