Open thread

Post whatever you want. [Links, comments, suggestions, etc.]


  1. No comment:
    On the latest episode of "The Simpsons," Lisa digs into the roots of the most American of fictional TV families – ignoring warnings that she's headed down a yellow-hued road to disappointment.

    “I won’t give up,” she declares. “I have to know that somewhere in the muck and mire… that this family had a noble spark.”

    As Lisa Simpson knows, not every story reflects well on generations past. We're not all descended from royalty. In Sunday’s episode, Lisa ultimately discovers that the family tree includes an escaped enslaved African who was a pioneer doughnut maker (and shares Homer’s hairline).

    The yellow-tinted, dysfunctional crew, it turns out, is 1/64th black.

    “So that’s why I’m so cool,” Bart notes.

  2. 64 ancestors, that is the 6th generation. Earlyer, it has been posted on this site a link to a very interesting study:
    where genetic ancestors are counted among the genealogic ancestors. A genealogic ancestor is the painted picture of a grand grand...grand-pa that hangs on the wall. A genetic ancestor is the ancestor that actually shares his genes with you.

    It is obvious that with 44 autosomes, we should only have a maximum of 44 genetic ancestors, no matter the number of genealogic ancestors. Therefore from the 64, 20 should have dropped the Simpsons line. But the study mentioned that including crossing-over pushes that number to about 125 ancestors. This is more, but not dramatically more.
    No matter how far you go back in time and the millions of genealogic ancestors you have painted on your wall, only an average of 125 are genetically related to you.
    This is something rarely discussed.
    Most people assume that if you have 1024 ancestors at the tenth generation, then you share some of the genes of all and every one of these 1024 genealogic ancestors. Not so, and this explains why populations stay relatively homogenous: if you have a 'rare event' in your line, soon or later, it will be removed from your genetic line. What matters is the genetic pool around you.

  3. Ben,

    That's true, but somewhat beside the point as I see it. My reaction was more along the lines of this post. Obviously, an agenda is being pushed, and those pushing it would have viewers believe scenarios like the one depicted are common and desirable (e.g., black ancestry makes one "cool" and/or "noble"), so as to encourage this sort of mixing to become more common. Populations only stay homogeneous if mixing is in fact a "rare event". When you have a highly heterogeneous population and mixing is common, you get Brazil.

  4. n/a, that was exactly my point, so I agree completely with you.
    People are encouraged to believe that all their geneagical ancestors are in their blood when it fact, it's just the surrounding gene pool that is in their blood. Imagine a largely untouched gene pool, if you are a metis yourself and if you don't intermarry inside a small community, then you stay a metis for 5 or six generations maximum, after that, you go back quickly to the gene pool and completely loose your metissism, not just dilute it, as most people think.
    Therefore, in a society with small minorities that stay small, people can not pretend that we are all metis to some degree to promote the idea that we should be metis to some degree.

    (I Previously signed as Ben10, my favorite daughter's character, sorry)

  5. Alex is peddling his "United States of the World" and US-UK conspiracy theories again at Majority Rights.

  6. ...When you have a highly heterogeneous population and mixing is common, you get Brazil.

    You mean this Brazil, where the 2016 Olympic Games are to be held???

  7. Alex is peddling his "United States of the World" and US-UK conspiracy theories again at Majority Rights.

    This one is particularly funny, since he seems to be using a book promoting world government written by a German to support the notion of an Anglo-Saxon conspiracy to take over the world.

  8. Greg Johnson, editor of The Occidental Quarterly, recently posted the following comment on Occidental Dissent:

    Great post, Wik. But we need a new elite. The rehabilitation of the WASP elite is a non-starter.

    It pains me to say this, speaking as a WASP and something of an Anglophile, but my people gave away this country, and they cannot take it back, nor do they deserve to get it back.

    They were too polite, too unwilling to speak about unpleasant things, too unwilling to express their fears and anger, too yellow, too obsessed with status and money and legality and abstractions, too individualistic and irresponsible to recognize the Jews for what they are and band together to prevent their takeover.

    The same weaknesses that caused them to give this country away will prevent them from taking it back. And they certainly do not deserve to have it handed back to them by a White Nationalist movement that outside the South will draw most of its “in your face” fighting spirit, foot soldiers, and effective leaders from the “ethnics” that my people disdain: the Irish and Italians, the Germans and Slavs, a good majority of them Catholic.

    We need to form a new elite that is organically connected with the emerging American people — an increasingly hyphenated Euro-mongrel. This elite will contain rehabilitated WASP elements, to the extent that we can purge ourselves of our weaknesses, but it will not be the old WASP elite.

    Maybe Alex Linder was right about this guy.

  9. Re Greg Johnson, not that it matters that much, but I'm not convinced that he's not gay, despite the denials several months ago. After listening to his interview with Tom Sunic, I suspected pretty strongly that he's gay. And his denials were weak and evasive. Kevin MacDonald addressed it on Jim Giles' radio show, and I remember it not being very convincing. MacDonald kind of deflected and went on to say how even gays have ethnic interests.

  10. Other comments in that Occidental Dissent thread:

    Wikitopian: "Dr. Greg, I’m in general agreement about the potential for rehabilitating WASPs"

    NeoNietzche: "the conniving and back-stabbing Anglo-Americans"

    Joanna Dee: "#8 I totally agree. The WASPs are incapable of placing blood above all else. When it comes to poor rule, no one deserves a second chance."

    On another thread, Wikitopian says those of us who are not pan-Europeanist white nationalists are "an insidious threat" and we "should really go back to Europe." He also says we "shouldn't be regarded as true citizens or countrymen" and our "asses need to be elsewhere."

    Wikitopian: "I don’t know what part of America y’all are from, but the part I’m from is a part where Americans of Italian descent are fully and seamlessly integrated into the Anglo-American melting pot. Those who aim to define their identities in more exclusive terms than 'White American' are stumbling blocks to the important work of coalescing into a singular and cohesive nationality capable of facing the challenges before us.

    "Those who seek to preserve Nordish characteristics or any other particular European identity should really go back to Europe and do that. No, that’s not being sassy. That’s the sensible thing to do. To sit in America, in the situation we’re in, in the context we’re in, and stand in the way of this White Nation is to be an insidious threat to White Nationalism altogether.

    "It’s falconry. It’s total falconry."

    Wikitopian: "But it’s intuitively obvious to me that American tribalism is the White race and nothing but the White race. So many Americans define themselves as racists not so much due to actual racism but because to be racist and to be nationalist is virtually synonymous in our context. All White people, except for Jews, have converged into a remarkably homogeneous nationality.

    "You say that 'I don’t see any harm in any form of benevolent racial and cultural preservation.', but there is a harm in it. This country can’t survive as a tangle of squabbling nationalities, whether they’re the same or different races.

    "There’s a White American ethnonational entity and identity that all Whites in America are welcome to join. Whites who refuse to join refuse to become American and shouldn’t be regarded as true citizens or countrymen. Their loyalty is elsewhere and their asses need to be elsewhere, as well."

    Denise: "Wiki - I agree with you, on your points, about Whiteness.

    "Whites spent the entire 20th Century slaughtering each other, for no reason, at the behest of the Jew (Jews are not White. They are Asiatics).

    "Are we really going to fight over Poles vs Germans vs Italians vs Greeks, vs. Swedes?"

  11. Crossposting some replies:


    "It pains me to say this, speaking as a WASP"

    You're sounding a bit like "Junghans" here (if Junghans had had the foresight to pick a more ethnically-appropriate pseudonym from which to launch his lachrymose ethnic "self"-critiques). If you're genuinely a "WASP", your comment is incredibly ironic: you say that "WASPs" of the past were insufficiently ethnocentric and "gave away" their country; your answer to this is to trash your own people and attempt to give away any claim on the future of the country on their behalf.

    "too individualistic and irresponsible to recognize the Jews for what they are and band together to prevent their takeover."

    Much better, those plucky ethnics like John and Ted Kennedy who had the good sense to band together with Jews themselves instead, in order to attack the "WASPs" who obviously had no business running their own country. Speaking of which, we already have and have had plenty of "ethnic" "elites", who I've so far failed to notice enthusiastically taking up for white interests: minority-lending Countrywide CEO Angelo Mozilo, Rudy Giuliani ("Israeli panel: Giuliani is 'best' presidential candidate for Israel"), the aforementioned Kennedys, Univision CEO Jerry Perenchio, and so on. And let's not forget television personalities like Bill O'Reilly, Sean Hannity, Chris Matthews, Keith Olbermann (since you've decided to include Germans with "ethnics"), etc. On the subject of Germans, we have people like Donald Trump and Arnold Schwarzenegger to illustrate how much more fit they are to be our elites than the hated Anglo-Saxons. Donald Trump's daughter is even half-Slavic, which means she'll no doubt be an even stronger advocate for white interests than her father (oh, wait).

    Incidentally, "WASP" is not a synonym for "Anglo-Saxon" (or "New Englander"). The old "WASP" elite included plenty of Germans. As I've written before, "WASP" is simply a pejorative for "American", varyingly applied to broad or narrow segments of the founding American ethny (in terms of class, region, and ancestral background) [+ assimilants and perceived assimilants], leading to many opportunities for confusion and misdirection. The term was invented in the 1950s primarily to function as an instrument for delegitimizing and dispossessing the progeny of the founders. Greg's comment illustrates this function well.

    "WASPs" (broadly-construed) I believe still make up a plurality of American whites. Northwestern Europeans more generally certainly constitute a majority. People claiming Italian ancestry make up 5.6% of the US population (Polish: 3.2%), and are concentrated mostly in Northeastern urban areas.

    We should learn from past mistakes. But (1) there's blame enough to go around, and (2) Greg is rather missing the point (to say the least) in calling for the continued dispossession of his own ethny.


    "scorned by the city’s WASP establishment, he was finally embraced by its black leaders" / "color-blind outrage at lawlessness"

    Yes, exactly what we need.

    More from you link: "Rizzo asked Rendell to do him the "big favor" of getting jobs as county detectives for his two most trusted bodyguards, Tony Fulwood and Jimmy Turner. Paolantonio records Rendell's reflection on the call: "Here's the mayor of Philadelphia calling me, frantic, to take care of two ordinary black cops...what so-called liberal would ever do that?""

  12. I've got a semi-pertinent link for this blog. The local Catholic diocese maintains a full time lobbyist named Ron Johnson, who runs an organization called the AZ Catholic conference (ACC). RJ sends out emails on an irregular basis and after sending out these emails he also posts the text to his section of the diocesan website. On July 1, 2009 RJ posted the text of one of his emails and here is a nice excerpt:

    Finally, with regard to bills opposed by the ACC, none of the really harmful bills targeting undocumented immigrants were passed again this year. Included in this group were bills to create a felony crime of trespass for those who are merely present in our country illegally. On the final night/morning of the session the lone remaining bill in this regard (HB 2280) died when it failed to pass on the House floor due to a lack of votes shortly before 5am.

    Meanwhile, the counterpart to HB 2280 (SB 1175) had already been amended days earlier to instead become a strike everything amendment outlawing surgical abortions by non-physicians.

    SB 1175 became a very important bill when it was learned that Planned Parenthood uses nurse practitioners to perform 25% of their surgical abortions. Thankfully the new SB1175 was approved around 6:30am this morning and is now ready for the Governor
    . PDF

    Let me point our how evil this letter by RJ really is. RJ states that he was opposed to HB2280, which he says would make being an illegal immigrant in AZ a felony. RJ also says that SB1175 is essentially the same bill.

    In order to stop SB1175, and save the Mestizo illegals, Ron Johnson has friends or allies reveal that Planned Parenthood is using nurse practitioners to perform abortions. Idiotic pro-lifers in the AZ State Senate begin getting vapors and suddenly have the urge to "save the little children". Since the pro-lifers in the AZ state senate are too stupid to realize that they can save the children and criminalize illegal immigration they crumple like wet newspaper and turn the anti-Mestizo bill into a futile attempt to limit abortion.

    This means that the pro-life movement in AZ is now just a giant diversion used to tie down any Protestant/Mormon opposition to illegal immigration while The Catholic church turns Arizona into a province of Mexico.

    Extrapolating this nationally I can state that the entire anti-abortion movement in the US is a giant Catholic run fraud used to import Mexicans.

    In fact, the Roman church profits from abortion in the US since it leads to a shortage of children north of the Rio Grande. Meanwhile south of the Rio Grande the Roman Church mounts actual anti-abortion movements in Latin America to make sure there are a surplus of children down there.

  13. n/a,

    What did you think of Greg Johnson’s response to your comment?

  14. Nordicist,

    I have not looked at. I might post a reply later.

  15. Hope you had a Happy St. Patrick's Day, n/a!

  16. Sure did. I celebrated my non-existent Irish Catholic heritage by not drinking immoderately and not contributing generously to Sinn Fein.


    'Feeling guilty, I asked Cassandra if she would have never married me if, on our first date, she had collected my spit in a more scientific manner than she did. But Cassandra said she likes that I have different genes, arguing that when, for instance, Jews procreate with other Jews, they increase their kids' risk for breast cancer and Tay-Sachs. "I always wanted to procreate with someone outside my gene pool because I think you get a more beautiful and genetically superior baby," she said. "I was hoping for a black guy, but I got a Jew." Right then I felt grateful both for Cassandra and for the fact that she didn't put that in our wedding vows. I just hope Laszlo didn't inherit her mouth. '


    Donna Simpson already weighs 43st, but she is determined to nearly double her size to become the world's fattest woman.

    The 42-year-old from New Jersey, U.S, is set on reaching the 1,000lb mark (71st) in just two years. Remarkably she insists she is healthy, despite now needing a mobility scooter when she goes shopping.

    You might expect her long-term partner Philippe, 49, to advise her to slim down, but instead he encourages her to eat more.

    (guess partner's race)

  19. Lawrence Auster has a strange fixation with blonde women on Fox News Channel.

  20. Kevin MacDonald is blaming Puritans again.

  21. "My view is that this is an ethnic trait of our people — adaptive in small ingroups during our evolutionary history and massively maladaptive now given the current anti-White moralism that pervades our culture."

    I'm not sure how well MacDonald has thought this through:

    (1) If this type of "moralism" is an evolved ethnic trait, it makes no sense to blame Puritans for it.

    (2) Puritanism in New England was extremely adaptive. As MacDonald himself has written:

    East Anglian Puritans "became the breeding stock for Americas Yankee population" and "multiplied at a rapid rate, doubling every generation for two centuries. Their numbers increased to 100,000 by 1700, to at least one million by 1800, six million by 1900, and more than sixteen million by 1988—all descended from 21,000 English emigrants who came to Massachusetts in the period from 1629 to 1640" (Fischer 1989,17).

  22. Not forming racial stereotypes may be completely normal -- if you are mentally retarded:


  23. What do you think of this comment by James Bowery?

  24. Anonymous,

    That's not how I would go about explaining declining birth rates, but as always Bowery's ideas seem interesting. One point where I'm confident Bowery is wrong: I don't think we need to worry about being blindsided by any outbursts of Islamic creativity.

  25. Rather humorous: In these three comments, whiskey/testing99 blames WASPs for the culture of critique and says a few Jewish comic book writers negate all harm caused by Jews.

  26. Before Robert Campbell edited it out, the last sentence of this comment by "Charlemagne" was "Get over yourself and your condescending hatred of southern Europeans, n/a, since if you are of British descent, you have some Med blood yourself."

  27. Razib Khan accuses unnamed "academic race realists" of "being mendacious or stupid when it came to genetics."

  28. Thanks for the links and information.

  29. One point where I'm confident Bowery is wrong: I don't think we need to worry about being blindsided by any outbursts of Islamic creativity.


    When Bowery says that Islam may blindside Western elites, he's suggesting that White males may defect to Islam and thus supply it with creative ability, or that Western elites, having immiserated White males through their policies, will have reduced their source of strength and thus become more vulnerable to Islam, not that Arab, African, and Subcon Muslims will unleash an outburst of creativity.

  30. I did see Bowery's subsequent comments, and I still don't see that happening. I don't think the Muslim world would have the humility or foresight to attempt what Bowery envisions them attempting, and I don't think meaningful numbers of quality Westerners would take them up on the offer if they did.

  31. I did see Bowery's subsequent comments, and I still don't see that happening. I don't think the Muslim world would have the humility or foresight to attempt what Bowery envisions them attempting, and I don't think meaningful numbers of quality Westerners would take them up on the offer if they did.

    I agree with this. And a commenter in that thread is skeptical as well and expresses similar doubts, to which Bowery responds, "I don’t know how they will pull it off—I just know they have the motive and opportunity and I believe they have the means, based on the track record of middle eastern theocracies." So he's just asserting his belief and not really offering much compelling evidence or argument.

    I find Bowery's posting and commentary interesting, but a lot of the time I wonder where he comes up with this stuff. Does he even believe his own shit, or is he just trying to be provocative and novel and impress the less exacting and rigorous readers in his audience?

  32. n/a,

    I don't know much about this line of research, so not sure how novel this really is, but I came across the following at Science Daily on estrogen levels and prostate cancer, and thought it might interest you.

  33. Hey n/a, what do you think about this guy's interpretation of natality data?

    I know you've done a blog on the same thing, but he sees the "unknown" 10% as being Hispanic or black, because the white women who didn't state the race of husband have a much lower educational level.

    In your post, you said most of the 10% were white, but he sees the opposite.

  34. Oops, here's the right link:

  35. Anonymous,

    "much lower educational level."

    This is because in most instances where the father's race is "unknown or not stated", the mother is unmarried (i.e., less intelligent and younger on average). In my calculations, I assume that paternal demographics for births where the father's race is "unknown or not stated" follow those of births to unmarried mothers.

    Looking at Non-Hispanic White mothers in 2004, Father's race is unknown or not stated ranges from 65.1% of births to mother's under 15 to 3.4% of births to mothers aged 30-34.

    Large differences (too large to be explained by any imaginable difference in the actual racial composition of fathers) also show up by state. For unmarried Non-Hispanic White mothers, the proportion of births where the father's race is unknown or not stated ranges from 12.3% in Pennsylvania to 100% in Wisconsin. (South Carolina reports 0% "unknown or not stated" but 54.2% "Other races".)

  36. "Does he even believe his own shit, or is he just trying to be provocative and novel and impress the less exacting and rigorous readers in his audience?"

    I think whatever else you can say about him Bowery is sincere.

  37. The German Alpine Landser wants you to believe that the vast majority of English are of pre-Germanic stock and that only small portions of the upper class in England are of Anglo-Saxon descent. Also, he argues that English immigration to the American South came from the most pre-Germanic areas of the country like western England and Cornwall -- where Atlanto-Mediterranean strains are strongest. This seems to be one of the German’s favorite topics as he has ranted and raved about it on numerous occasions.

  38. Raving med Reginald is even more unhinged than usual on this thread as he rants against "lousy lying Nordicists."

  39. This seems to be one of the German’s favorite topics as he has ranted and raved about it on numerous occasions.

    Charlemagne, who claims to be French, is also obsessed with "Med blood" in Britain. Reginald is also emphasizing "Non-Nordish blood in the British Islands," and he is promoting the Iberian Irish myth based on data from this paper.

    Euro and Reginald are citing Racial Reality in order to refute "lousy lying Nordicist" Richard Lynn.

    Reginald and Matt Parrott are now flailing around debating the evolution of skin color.
    Reginald says climate based selection almost entirely determines skin color, so that he can try to argue that phenotype cannot be used to make judgments about ancestry in order to downplay differences between S. European swarthoids and NW Europeans. Reginald also claims "lighter skinned races have less masculine Men." Parrott says "skin color is determined by the population density of the place your ancestors evolved in," with higher population density meaning greater "intensity of territorial aggression" and "selective pressure toward feminine attractiveness."

  40. This is very interesting:

    "I would recommend that the Census Bureau eliminate the white category and replace it with three others: Europeans, Arabs, and West Asians. Perhaps it should even divide Europeans into Northern Europeans and Southern Europeans; after all, a Neapolitan looks more different from a Dane than a Korean does from a Chinese. If the census broke out the non-Europeans, the figure for whites would drop below 50 percent even sooner than the current forecast of 2042 or so. This is a milestone many liberals look forward to; why not give them this victory a little earlier?"

  41. Thanks for the information from OD. I just wish that instead of throwing tantrums those commenters could just accept that Northern Europeans are superior to them. Are they really so pathetic that they can’t even accept that another group is objectively superior to their own? If I was an Italian it wouldn’t bother me to accept this. I would revere Northern Europeans.

  42. Thanks for the information from OD. I just wish that instead of throwing tantrums those commenters could just accept that Northern Europeans are superior to them. Are they really so pathetic that they can’t even accept that another group is objectively superior to their own? If I was an Italian it wouldn’t bother me to accept this. I would revere Northern Europeans.

    Some of you guys need to seek out help for your Internet Viking fantasies.

    You have such low self-esteem and genuine self-worth that you have to humiliate yourselves by saying that "Italians" and/or "Meds" should 'revere' "Northern Europeans".

    If so many of y'all were not backward, backwoods hicks and rednecks (especially British and Scots-Irish), then maybe you would be (LOL).

    Seriously guys, 'Great' Britain today is an Orwellian sh-thole full of degenerate Chav and Yob whiggers.

  43. I'd like to know how Anonymous above knows the racial typology of the various aforementioned posters.

  44. Andrew Fraser has an absolutely outstanding article up at Alternative Right. It is by far the best article that I have read at that site thus far!

  45. Agnostic's latest stupidity: He claims brunettes are more sexually desirable because they're supposedly overrepresented among top porn actresses. But overrepresented relative to what? As a proxy for the general population, Agnostic uses -- heh, wait for it -- Dutch and Icelanders!!! Hilarious.

  46. "agnostic" is very fond of porn. He did a post on his favorite porn stars and porn sites, and he performed a statistical analysis on the ages of porn stars. He also put up a post at GNXP trying to convince himself that he is an "alpha male" because he is an "assman" instead of a "boobman."

  47. "agnostic" is a good example of what happens when you teach an idiot statistical techniques.

    He'll just take and count the most dubious variable and use it to justify whatever counter-intuitive hypothesis he's trying to prove that day in a pathetic effort to appear clever.

    There are social scientists out there that do basically the same thing but they're usually able to bullshit enough to give semi-coherent defenses of their ideas. But "agnostic" lacks the verbal ability to bullshit adequately and just comes across as a giant fool in his posts.

  48. Ubiquitous, dissimulating troll "whiskey" defends and praises Jewish women, Jewish men, and Jewish mothers-in-law at Roissy's blog:

    Some excerpts:

    "Jewish women have traditionally been considered both beautiful and intelligent, and worth more therefore to a man who values conversation as well as pure sex."

    "What is wrong with a Jewish mother in law? You get hopefully a smart, education-valueing [sic] part-time caretaker for your kids, and expand your family. THAT is what marriage is supposed to be about."

    "If anything, the list of Jewish actors at Wikipedia would tend to show EXTREMELY attractive women, and either “funny” guys like Chris Kattan or Fred Savage or Zachary Levi (“Chuck”), and brooding leading men like Wentworth Miller or Michael Rosenbaum or Robert Downey Jr.

    Nevertheless, the list is long, and instructive. The people there listed are at the top of the attractiveness spectrum. Gina Gershon, for goodness sakes, is Jewish. Bill Goldberg is … well Goldberg. Capable of picking up the Big Show over his head. And Cindy Margolis was the most downloaded woman on the internet in 1999."

    "Historically, however, Jewish women have been renowned for their beauty from the Bible onward (to descriptions by Western European writers and American ones, nearly all Gentiles)."

    "While there are outliers, most of the women in the group are considered “nice,” stay out of the tabloids, don’t act promiscuously, have monogamous long term relationships with “nice” husbands or boyfriends, They tend to be highly verbal (no surprise there), with a good command of language, understanding of believable human behavior, and higher future time orientation. There are few Lindsay Lohans among them and far more Sarah Michelle Gellars (noted consummate professional). They are also extremely hot."

  49. Oily Medicist dipshit "Reginald" aka "Statsaholic" writes that "The Fathers of the White Race came from the Middle East (though less of the mothers did), and it was Middle Eastern Caucasians who first brought anything more advanced than a Hunter-Gatherer lifestyle into Europe."

    Remember, this greaseball dipshit thinks it's his birthright to live amongst Nordish folk and prey upon Nordish females. And he no doubt uses bullshit like his quote above to rationalize and justify it

  50. Ubiquitous, dissimulating troll "whiskey" defends and praises Jewish women, Jewish men, and Jewish mothers-in-law at Roissy's blog:

    "Whiskey" - aka "Testing99" (Testicle99) is an uber-dork who cannot attract pretty White women -- and he is very bitter about it.

    BTW - he is also homoerotically-obsessed with black men:

    ...Moreover, we see a number of sexual preferences among men and women. Women of all races, including White Women, prefer Black men as sexual partners and fathers of their children. No wonder, Black men on average have more testosterone! They are more “masculine” in that they have more aggression, musculature, dominance, more prone to fighting, less to abstract thinking (itself a turn-off to women as opposed to feeling), and so on.

    Negatives when women MUST have a steady mate, pure unalloyed positives, when a steady mate is not required because of abundance of resources.

    Meanwhile, Black men, desired by women of all races (a Ron Artest will be desired by all women of all races, broadly, a Pau Gasol generally not), prefer White women. Heck, Tiki Barber, NBC commentator and former running back, left his pregnant wife with whom he has two kids for a 23-year old slender blonde intern. Asian women are preferred next, then Latinas, and Black women last, by Black men who can have anyone. ...

  51. Razib Newamul Khan posted a long-winded and poorly written piece today titled "How the Swedes became white" about the Christianization of Northern Europeans.

    He writes, "It was only 1,000 years ago that many European peoples were still vigorously adhering to these folkways, before they became Christian, and therefore white."

    It's quite obvious why he promotes this kind of thing. By identifying "white" with Christianity and thus with a culture, civilization, creed, proposition, etc., he's trying to advance, justify, and support his alien presence in White nations and societies and his lust for White women.

  52. I haven't read the essay, but the title of the essay is based on the title of the book How the Irish Became White by Jewish anti-White activist Noel Ignatiev who heads the anti-White publication Race Traitor.

  53. I haven't read the essay, but the title of the essay is based on the title of the book How the Irish Became White by Jewish anti-White activist Noel Ignatiev who heads the anti-White publication Race Traitor.

    I know. It's obviously a reference to Ignatiev. My point is that his aim here is roughly the same as Igantiev's. Less aggressive, but in a similar direction.

  54. re: whiskey

    Absolutely. I've only read a bit of the "HBD" blogs, but whiskey always seemed like a creepy loser. Obsessed with black/nonwhite men and their alleged masculinity. His blog and writings reek of insecurity. Do you know his exact ethnicity, btw?

  55. Absolutely. I've only read a bit of the "HBD" blogs, but whiskey always seemed like a creepy loser. Obsessed with black/nonwhite men and their alleged masculinity. His blog and writings reek of insecurity. Do you know his exact ethnicity, btw?

    'Whiskey'/'Testicle99' claims to be 'Scots-Irish' -- but many are way skeptical of that purported claim of his.

    Here is more of his self-hating -- and homo-erotic lusting -- of Negro males:

    The WN are losers. Black women and Asian men have not stopped much of what’s going on. You can’t stop it. Short of racial balkanization and fear of violence visited upon those who cross lines, there is no way to stop it. With atomized individuality and a cross-country move at a whim, community control over people’s lives is gone.

    Moreover, the point of the undesirability of most White women (and Black women, and Hispanic women too) remains potent. I am sure most White men, and Asian Men, and probably Hispanic men have their lacking as well. At least Black men are good at being what women want: the hunkiest thug ever!

  56. Absolutely. I've only read a bit of the "HBD" blogs, but whiskey always seemed like a creepy loser. Obsessed with black/nonwhite men and their alleged masculinity. His blog and writings reek of insecurity. Do you know his exact ethnicity, btw?

    Here is an excerpt of his pathetic self-description
    of 'Whiskey'/'Testicle99's (alleged) background:

    It’s funny. One commenter called me a Nazi, I’m also supposed to be Jewish (which amuses my friends and family). Of course, I’m clearly philo-semitic, which is not surprising given US Western Evangelical’s identification with Jews. We tend to see ourselves as the “New Israelites” and George Washington’s Letter to the Hebrew Congregation at Newport is typical of our attitudes:

  57. Here is 'Whiskey/Testicle99' blaming his favorite enemies -- "WASPs" -- for supposedly engineering their own dispossession:

    Much of the nutty feminist stuff was started by wealthy English women in the late 1700’s, Mary Wollstonecroft for example (mother of Mary Wollstonecroft Shelley) or Elizabeth Cady Stanton, Susan B. Anthony (who compared marriage to slavery) come to mind, the latter of course American WASPs. Heck, William BLAKE of all people was a feminist, and also compared marriage to slavery, wanted it abolished. Not a Jew.

    Let’s review: nutty stuff like the Oneida Community (19th Century hippies practicing “free love” and attempting to abolish jealousy) required a lot of excess money, the idea that making money was “distasteful” and big inheritances to finance general idiocy. Think Bill Ayers, son of a Commonwealth Ed chair.


    MGL — I would say that the labeling of White self-interest as “racist” is more a function of SWPL Yuppies, most of whom are WASPs. For example, Ward Churchill, Bill Ayers, Al Gore, Bill Clinton, and so on are not Jews. Neither is Harry Reid (Mormon), or John Lewis (Black) or Al Sharpton (Black).

    *'Whiskey/Testicle99' confuses the 'shabbos goys' here with being the 'chiefs' rathern than the 'indians' in modern-day AmeriKwa.

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  61. My impression of Statsaholic was that he was an anti-semite. You guys are like Lawrence Auster, nobody's good enough!

  62. Can't at least some of the distribution of haplogroup J be explained by neolithic expansion? Just saying. There are probably lots of people that you would otherwise consider white or "nordish" that have some low levels of it.

    It is, of course, common in north africans, arabs, jews etc.

  63. "Can't at least some of the distribution of haplogroup J be explained"

    Yes, "some of".

  64. Interesting comment by faileocon Thomas Fleming.

    Man, I really despise that guy.

  65. I’ve noticed something: Fleming usually always portrays racial nationalism as unchristian. Referring of course to comment #109.

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  72. A study of 500,568 SNPs distributed throughout the genome found that the Portuguese are closer to the center of the European Caucasian Genetic Cluster than Italians. (“Correlation between Genetic and Geographic Structure in Europe“, Lao, Kayser, etc.)

    Also, this reference finds that Portugal is nearly identical to North Italy in the percentage of its Y Chromosomes which are Mesolithic European in origin.

    Portugal: 72.5% Mesolithic European
    North Italy: 72% Mesolithic European
    Central Italy: 65% Mesolithic European

    They are also nearly identical in the percentage of Y Chromosomes which are thought to be of Neolithic, Bronze, and/or Iron Age origin.

    Portugal: 26% Neolithic/Bronze/Iron
    North Italy: 27% Neolithic/Bronze/Iron
    Central Italy: 35% Neolithic/Bronze/Iron


    Also, a 2005 study found:

    “Surprisingly, an uniform frequency of 5–6% E3b2 was observed in Madeira, the Acores and in all Portuguese sub-populations (Figure 1), in contrast to an earlier observation of 12% in a smaller sample from Southern Portugal (Cruciani et al. 2004). Half of the Portuguese E3b2 haplotypes are shared with Berber and/or Arab speaking populations from Morocco (Quintana-Murci et al. 2004), and the age STR variation at E3b2 in the Portuguese populations is actually identical to that of North Africa (8.1 ± 3.2 ky vs”8.6 ± 2.3 ky) (Table 2, Semino et al. 2004)…

    It is highly probable that the Berber dispersion in Portugal was population-structured: the average time of pair wise population divergence, more than 4 thousand years (Table 2), well predates the Arab settlement.”

    4,000 years ago was on the heels of the Neolithic in Europe, and was certainly no earlier than the Copper Age.

    And in terms of the J Haplotypes found in the Azores, I’ve seen no evidence that it’s significantly different than you’d expect based on the rates found in the more Southern parts of Portugal that contributed more to the founding populations.

    “Haplogroup J∗ distribution in Portugal runs opposite to haplogroup E3b2, corroborating
    the hypothesis that J1 lineages were not introduced with North African E3b2 lineages during the Arab/Berber expansion. In addition, the J1 lineages are distinct from the common Arab haplotype, consistent with an independent source, possibly Sephardim and/or other Near
    East peoples.”

    This reference to an independent source of the J1 lineage makes allusion to the Ancient Phoenicians and Greeks who founded settlements (for example Balsa) in what is now Portugal in the days before Rome‘s triumph in the Second Punic War.

    “A maritime dispersal, probably associated with Greeks or Phoenicians, should alternatively be postulated if one considers its J1's higher frequency along south Mediterranean coastal areas (DiGiacomo et al. 2004).”

  73. This comment has been removed by the author.

  74. I understand that some people seem to like Mesolithic Europeans better than Neolithic/Bronze Age Europeans.

    But even if we accept this notion, the fact remains that the Portuguese sample as being more Mesolithic than the Northern Italians.

    In terms of relationships to Jewish populations, the Italians appear to be closer to Ashkenazi Jews, while the Portuguese may be more similar to Seraphic Jews.

    The Cohen Modal Haplotype has been found in Iberia, certainly, though it should be noted that even this does not prove Jewish descent:

    Interestingly, the J1e Cohen cluster is estimated to come from a Man who lived 4,200 years ago.

    If this calculation was off in estimated generation length and/or mutation rate by even a small margin, this would put the Man in a position where some of descendants very easily could’ve been part of a Neolithic diffusion.

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  82. Silver,

    But what if he starts waving around his "100% Indo-European" certificate? Will that clear his name?

    For Nordicists, we already know his phenotype and enough about his ancestry.

    He's your guys' problem to deal with.

  83. Alba is Mesoamerican looking. The only European population where you’ll see that much Non-Caucasian in them is the Finnish, what with their 10 to 11% Proto-Native American blood.

    And the thing is that Alba is at least a little bit more Non-Caucasian than the Finns, with a recent genetic test showing she’s 13% Native America, and its also worth noting that the Proto-Native American genes in Finns would be somewhat closer to Europeans than the full blown Native American genes found in Alba.

    Now I really don’t know how much the Non-Caucasian genes in Alba might be made up for by the Caucasian genes in her being from the Mediterranean White master race. (Note: I checked and actually she’s part Danish on the Non-Mexican side.)

    I tend to think the genetic gulf between Caucasian and Non-Caucasian is great enough that she’d be further away from us than, for example, the Lebanese.

    Miss USA could pass for a Southern European White better than Alba could. If Rima Fakih tried playing an Italian in a movie, I’d find it more realistic than Alba trying to play an Italian.

    But maybe if you're going to follow the fashion of Nordicists and count the Finns as White, you also have to count Jessica Alba...

  84. Not Swedish 4everJune 8, 2010 at 6:04 PM


    Oh no!

    An imaginary movement is saying that someone who never claimed to be a Nordic, is in fact not a Nordic…

    Now how will this Non-Nordic aid the Nordicists in their quest to stop Muslims from Gang Raping Swedish girls left and right?

    What’s that?

    Oh, it turns out Nordicists don’t let themselves be troubled by trivial matters like trying to stop the Swedish girls from being Gang Raped.

    That makes sense when you think about it though. After all, it would distract them from vigorously denouncing and viscously insulting Southern European Whites.

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  87. You'd have to be blind not to see what's happening in Sweden, and many writers other than I have commented on it:

  88. But I doubt Fjordman is a Nordicist.

    Standing up to actual North Africans and Middle Easterners takes too much courage for me to imagine a Nordicist doing it.

    Much easier to stand up to Italians or Iberians for possibly having slight Berber or Middle Eastern ancestry from thousands of years ago.

  89. "viscously insulting Southern European Whites"

    How exactly is that done? Calling them oily/greasy? lol

  90. Calling people "subhuman" is a vicious insult.

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  92. The depths of the hypocrisy of Nordicists, and the absurdity of their idiocy, truly know no bounds.

    Why are you commenting anonymously?

    I was commenting thus to make fun of you, and how I have no idea who is who on this thread because so many of the people on it can’t even pick a pen name and stick to it, and instead post as “anonymous”.

  93. The depths of the hypocrisy of Nordicists, and the absurdity of their idiocy, truly know no bounds.

    Why are you commenting anonymously?

    I was commenting thus to make fun of you, and how I have no idea who is who on this thread because so many of the people on it can’t even pick a pen name and stick to it, and instead post as “anonymous”.

    Excuses, excuses, excuses!

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  95. If you aren't Pro-Muslim, that just makes it seem more likely that fear explains why you don't speak against them for encroaching on Nordic territory.

    If someone’s actual goal was to preserve Nordics, they’d have cutting immigration from genetically distant Middle Easterners into the highly Nordic Country of Sweden as their top priority, or something very close to it.

    Unless they were afeard of the Muslims.

    I mean, is there some other reason?

    Do you only care about Nordics in the United State for some reason?

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  97. Nobody said that Rima Fakih could necessarily play an Italian realistically.

    The point was that it would be more realistic than having Jessica Alba play an Italian.

    Alba is ~13% descended in Autosomal dna from a group (Mesoamericans) who are highly divergent from Caucasians.

    Rima Fakih is probably 100% Caucasian, in contrast, and I would guess is genetically closer to the average White than Alba is.

    "Nordicism is needed now more than ever."

    I guess nobody ever told you about Ralph Nader and Danny Thomas.

  98. Anonymous said... June 8, 2010 6:56 PM

    But I doubt Fjordman is a Nordicist.

    Standing up to actual North Africans and Middle Easterners takes too much courage for me to imagine a Nordicist doing it.

    Much easier to stand up to Italians or Iberians for possibly having slight Berber or Middle Eastern ancestry from thousands of years ago.

    You mean liberal Nordics, not Nordicists. Nordicists would have no problem doing it.

    You should be thankful Nordics are more liberal, that's the only reason you and your ilk were let in in the first place.

    You and the rest of the swarthoids have abused Nordic generosity and now you must be thrown out.

  99. Anyone know who JawboneCritic on AltRight is?

    This person left a long, rambling comment claims that blacks are super-nigger athletes and white men suck. This person also has the style of certain trolls I've seen on some blogs, maybe someone knows this person?

  100. JawboneCritic is Andrea Freiboden / Andrea Nyx Hemera / Andrea Ostrov Letania / Middletown Girl / Theya

  101. Nordicism = Threats of genocide against a made up racial classification as a substitute for debate.

    It hasn’t yet been explained why the millions of fecund non-European Caucasians entering Countries like Sweden and America every year are never singled out for verbal attack by Nordicists.

    I know you can’t stop Muslisms from entering America or Sweden any more than Lawrence Auster can, but the difference is that at least Auster tries to make the case to people that Muslim immigration should be halted.

    For this reason I tend to think Auster is sincere in his professed desire to attenuate Muslim influence in Europe and America.

    But for some mysterious reason the Nordicists don’t seem to care about the issue of how much immigration there is from the Middle East and North Africa into Western Countries, including Countries like Sweden that you’d think would be Nordic enough even for them to care about.

    Fjordman tried to put information out there which would tend to make the Swedes more likely to oppose the takeover of their Country by North Africans and Middle Easterners, and that’s because unlike Nordicsts he actually cares about the welfare of the Swedish people.

  102. Andrea Freiboden has a Facebook page if you want to harass he/she/it:

  103. It hasn’t yet been explained why the millions of fecund non-European Caucasians entering Countries like Sweden and America every year are never singled out for verbal attack by Nordicists.

    Are you insane?

    Of course Nordicists oppose them, they should be thrown out and banned from citizenship like all other non-Whites.

    A "made up classification" like other racial classifications? If you throw out physical anthropology you don't have a race anymore, goofy. You just have the race is "skin color" false meme.

    It's funny because all one has to do is bring up physical anthropology and intraracial differences and all of a sudden some people's inner Jew comes out. They turn into Boas. Shows you who the phonies are.

  104. Frank Salter, in his very good recent article for Quadrant, mentioned in passing that Anglo-Australians are “still almost 70 percent of the population” of Australia. Since a significant portion of Australia’s population in now non-white (probably greater than 10%) Anglo-Australians make up a much greater percentage of the white population. However, despite this there are still a significant number of non-Anglo whites in Australia. Basically all of these non-Anglo whites came to Australia during the massive wave of European immigration after World War 2 (a wave that Salter also mentions in passing near the end of his article). Italians came to Australia in very significant numbers during this time. Before WW2, however, Australia was almost completely of British Isles descent.

    There may still be some hope of deporting or separating from the non-white population of Australia. But, tragically, I really can’t see any way to get rid of the non-Anglo white population of Australia.

  105. JawboneCritic is Andrea Freiboden / Andrea Nyx Hemera / Andrea Ostrov Letania / Middletown Girl / Theya

    As well, the emotionally-disturbed, dissembling internet trannie also seems to currently go by the handle "asdfafsdafasf" over at Sailer's blog:

    Two examples:

    What bothers us so much is that Jews are soooo smart but goyim are soooo dumb, thus easy prey to smartER Jews.


    I suppose a small town white athletic star would feel the same way if he suddenly had to compete with blacks in college football or basketball. He aint special no more.

    Virtually identical to nearly anything that "Freiboden/Hemera/Letania/Middletown/Theya" writes on "her" multiple blogs.

    As the old saying goes - If it looks like sh-t, and smells like sh-t, IT'S SH-T!

  106. Rima Fakih is probably 100% Caucasian, in contrast, and I would guess is genetically closer to the average White than Alba is.

    No, she is likely not "100% Caucasian".

  107. "Of course Nordicists oppose them..."

    I asked why they aren't singled out for verbal attack.

    You can "oppose" something in silence, instead concentrating on other issues that you care about much more, which seems to be the general Nordicists attitude toward the issue.

    "A 'made up classification' like other racial classifications?"

    No. “Swarthoid” is a made up racial classification, and no scientist in history would’ve recognized it as anything other than a pathetically invalid attempt at taxonomy undertaken by someone with no understand of race or genetics.

    “You just have the race is ‘skin color’ false meme.”

    It’s because the statement “race is skin color” is false that the made up racial classification I criticized is invalid.

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  110. Kivesky of OD endorses pro-miscegenist, anti-family and allegedly Jewish "gamer" Roissy:

  111. @Anonymous (the one before the previous):

    Can you link to specific posts/comments from Reginald where he says these things?

    It would be helpful, especially to those of us that don't read everything that he posts to the multitudes of racialist, WN, and HBD blogs.

    I've never gotten the same impression from him, but I don't read every single thing he posts either.

  112. Roissy ain't Jewish.

  113. Fair enough. I've always said that his sexual values were that of a negro anyway.

  114. Can you link to specific posts/comments from Reginald where he says these things?

    Reginald posts as Cash Warren, Not Swedish 4ever, Not Available, and Anonymous on this thread.

    1. Capitalization of words that should not be capitalized
    Read his blog posts and comments
    Especially the word rape - racehist comment

    2. Exhibits a perverted, deviant fetish for rape
    racehist comment
    OD comment

    3. Says swarthoids must be accepted before Finns
    OD comment
    racehist comment

    4. Says swarthoids must be accepted before Russians
    OD comment
    OD comment

    5-7. Denies racial change in Roman empire
    racehist comment
    OD comment
    OD comment

  115. 8. Raves about the greatness of Muslims/Arabs and their cultural practices/societies
    Statsaholic blog: "Everyone in The Netherlands Should be Slaughtered by Muslims"
    Statsaholic blog: "Shocking New Research Reveals that Iranians and Whites are Long Lost Brothers!"
    OD comment: "Muslim Fundamentalists have a far better sense of how a society should be organized than we do."
    OD comment: "The Muslims, by and large, treat their women very well."
    OD comment: "The thing is that Muslim Terrorists and Whites have so many of the same enemies, that I’m really not sure if I want White People to effectively defend their Country against them."
    OD comment: "Once you adjust for the difference in IQ, there’s more true civilization in the Middle East than in America and Europe combined."

    9. Rants like a madman in excoriating Nordicists
    Read his comments on this blog and other websites

    10. Displays hatred for Britain and the British people
    OD thread

    11. Is fanatical about showing N. Euros aren't pure while simultaneously claiming S. Euros are more pure than N. Euros
    racehist comment
    racehist comment
    racehist comment

    12. Says Nordicism is "threats of genocide"
    racehist comment

    13. Says Nordicism is made up racial classification
    racehist comment

  116. "Muslim Fundamentalists have a far better sense of how a society should be organized than we do."

    If you put value on a little something called survival they certainly do.

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  118. Excellent work MGLS, O unwitting tool of Allah.

    First we shall incite the northern European infidel to attack the southern European infidel.

    For after a band of northern European infidels try to drive the southern European infidels out of their homes, the southern infidel will have no choice but to seek the protection of an alliance with Muslims.

    Then we shall do unto the “Nordicist”, as their strange tongue puts it, as the martyrs of 2001 did unto the two sacred poles of the idolaters and apostates in Manhattan.

  119. Comment 123 by "Osama Bin Laden" is by a mentally disturbed individual who posts under the names "Morphy," "WOTAN," "YHWH," and "Allah."

  120. Homo Negrophile JawboneCritic / Andrea Freiboden / Andrea Nyx Hemera / Andrea Ostrov Letania / Middletown Girl / Theya sez:

    Anyway, Hoste is partially right that biogenetics will be a major factor in the future. I've argued that nothing is more potent and precious in the future of nations than high IQ ashkenazi Jewish cum. A nation has a chance at greatness if it implements the Schwarz Project.
    This is how the Schwarz Project works: You take some high IQ Jewish men, knock them out for a few hrs, suck out their cum. Then you go to a nation such as Syria with a lot of dumb Arabs. You inject the Jew cum into the ovaries of 1000s of Syrian women. The chances are these half-Jewish babies will be very smart. Since they'll be raised as Syrians, they won't know they're Jewish, and most Syrians won't know they're Jewish. They'll just be thought of as smart Syrians. Now, imagine what these fellas could do for Syrian business, science, technology, medicine, literature, etc. Syria will suddenly start winning a whole bunch of Nobel prizes.

    Some people say gold, diamond, oil, or platinum is the most valuable commodity, but they aint nothing special compared to ashkenazi Jewish cum. (After all, Congo has lots of precious minerals but is a shit poor nation because it's run by dumbass Negroes.)
    If Chinese were to adopt the Schwarz Project--that is, steal some high quality Jew cum and impregnate a million Chinese women with it--, China will become a super awesome nation.
    (Of course, when it comes to success in sports, nothing is as valuable as Negro cum, and Project Tyrone would surely do wonders for athleticism in any nation. Consider the guy who won the last decathalon. He was a Hawaiian of half Japanese/half black descent. A full Japanese guy would never have won the event in a million yrs, but this guy won because he happened to have black genes. Jive genes gave him denser bones, fast-twitch muscles, and greater aggression. But, since brain power is what really drives a nation forward, project schwarz is many more times more formidable than project tyrone.)

    This is why guys like Robert Weissberg have to watch out. There could come a time when Arab or Chinese agents might be stalking them to kidnap them and suck out their smart Jewish cum.
    Jewish IQ is indeed amazing. Alt Right is essentially a white goy power site, but the two best thinkers and writers are Gottfried and Weissberg. What does that tell ya?

    So says homo negrophile zog agent middletown hemera freibooten ostroletonya whoozits.

  121. That is by far the most bizarre thing she/he/it has posted, heh.

  122. What happened to MGLS's posts on the OD forum?


    Richard H = Richard Hoste

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  125. @Anonymous: What's special about that post from Richard Hoste? Looks like a run-of-the-mill HBD discussion on IQ scores to me.

  126. What's with HalfSigma always overestimating Obama's IQ while underestimating White people?? He has no test scores to back these silly assertions up, but pretends that they're legit.

  127. HalfSigma and Richard Hoste are both guilty of that.

    Obama doesn't come off as being that bright. Not a dumbass clearly, but giving this guy an IQ of 150 is probably more (negatively) reflective on HalfSigma's intelligence than anything.

    Obama's IQ is probably between 125 - 130, just based on the quality of his written and spoken word, in my opinion.

  128. What's special about that post from Richard Hoste? Looks like a run-of-the-mill HBD discussion on IQ scores to me.

    I don't know how widely known this bit of Hoste's biographical info is:

    I'm from Arab Christian & (I think) Jewish descent.

    Has he ever commented elsewhere on his ethnic background?

  129. "I'm from Arab Christian & (I think) Jewish descent."

    Has he ever commented elsewhere on his ethnic background?

    Where did you read this? Source?

  130. Go back to the HalfSigma link above and do a "find" on the page for the word "arab".

    I didn't spot it at first because that comment link did not take me directly to the post in question, so I thought the Anonymous above was just pointing out the ridiculous estimates for Obama's IQ scores.

    Interesting find.

  131. Wheres the evidence Richard H is Richard Hoste?

  132. Swarthoid Reginald can't control his rage. He is now making violent threats.

    "I’ll smash your face in if you don’t stop saying that Latins are unvengeant"

    "I can’t believe what a stupid prick you are"

    "there’s no basis for saying “Latins” are less intelligent than the average White"

    "Hitler had a high opinion of Latin Europeans, and especially of Italians"


    Is Diabloblanco Reginald's father?

  134. "Wheres the evidence Richard H is Richard Hoste?"

    Richard Hoste

    My own life story reflects how easy life has become for the intelligent. In high school I was massively depressed and smokes a lot of weed. I never did any school work and remember one semester having a GPA that was 390th out of 400. I got my GED, which I didn’t have to study or prepare for. At 17 I found it unbelievable that passing one test could get me certification equal to attending school for eight hours a day for four years. From there I went to a community college which takes anybody. I still wasn’t serious about going to school, but with financial aid the government was actually paying me around $3,000 a semester to go and it was easier than getting a real job (there’s a 150 lifetime credit limit, which I hit my last semester as an undergrad). I did well, took the standardized test for college admissions and got accepted to a flagship state university.

    Richard H

    I'm very similar. School was always easy for me but because of depression and behavioral problems I dropped out sophmore year of high school and got my GED. The only thing I can use to give myself a ballpark IQ estimate is a few years later when I wanted to apply to college, took the ACT and got a 28, which according to Wikipedia corresponds to a 1280-1310 on the old SAT, which in turn matches to about a 130 IQ. But that's a really low end estimate, since I never prepared for the test or got much schooling that I paid any attention to.

    I ended up going to community college and just worked and drank daily for a few years. I've now transferred to a real school which I'll finally graduate from this year with a close to 4.0 GPA and in six years.

  135. Anonymous said... June 21, 2010 8:45 AM

    "Wheres the evidence Richard H is Richard Hoste?"

    OK, so what's the problem?

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  138. Paul Gottfried attacks WASPs yet again

    Richard Hoste agrees with Gottfried and says "there's never been anyone less likable than the modern WASP"

  139. Even that over-the-top critic of Jewish power, Kevin MacDonald, has hardly scratched the surface in delineating the nastiness with which the children and grandchildren of Eastern European Jewish immigrants clawed their way to the top of the academic-media industry, on the backs of those they often despised. And all the while they appealed with brilliant success to a guilty WASP conscience.

    This tactic worked like a charm because of the ruthlessness and hypocrisy of those doing the climbing and because of the mentality of those they supplanted. Apparently WASPs suffer from an onerous sense of guilt toward others whom their ancestors excluded or were alleged to have discriminated against. Other groups, particularly Jews, blacks, Irish Catholics, and Latinos, consider themselves to have been the victims of discrimination, and they therefore happily associate with the Democratic Party, as an in gathering of victimized ethnicities.

    Gottfried's pic looks like an octoroon, but I don't think he's anti-WASP. He's outlining their faults and exposing his co-ethnics. I'd have to agree, the WASPs who are guilt-ridden and liberal either need to grow a pair or get out of the way of WASPs who are trying to save our civilization and people.

  140. "I’ll smash your face in if you don’t stop saying that Latins are unvengeant"

    That has to be one of the more hilarious examples of an empty threat. From his pictures Reginald looks like he strains to pop bubble wrap. Not only is he a swarthoid but a dork as well.

  141. Paul Gottfried titled his article “The Death of the WASP.” Many racialists would consider him to be a “righteous Jew.” But if even he possesses such hostility towards WASPs then I think that we should seek nothing less than the death of the Jews.

    Does anyone know what percentage of white Americans are “WASPs” by the most expansive definition of the term?

  142. By the way, Richard Hoste is just an idiot. I used to read his blog regularly. However, he has made so many retarded statements that I can’t even read a single thing that he writes anymore.

  143. Does anyone know what percentage of white Americans are “WASPs” by the most expansive definition of the term?

    Depends what you mean by expansive. Perhaps you could mean Nordish, Celto-Germanic or Northwestern European? In that case the majority of Whites.

    It's hard to say with certainty as most people are of mixed ethnicity. Those who are predominantly or exclusively of English descent would be a small number.

  144. Hoste takes his antipathy for modern America too far and sometimes seems anti-White. To the point where he is propping up non-Whites like Obama and constantly attacking Whites (as unlikable as they may be) like Palin.

    However, Hoste is the only one in the HBD community I can tolerate and the only one with any semblance of racialism. Which makes it odd that he spends more of his time attacking Whites than non-Whites. I suspect it's the path of least resistance and him staying within the boundaries of Kosher HBD.

  145. Frank Salter, in his very good recent article for Quadrant, mentioned in passing that Anglo-Australians are “still almost 70 percent of the population” of Australia.

    The non-anglo population is almost entirely absent outside the big cities, and what is there is mostly southern european. Of course, that's rapidly changing with the staggering -- the rapidity of it really is mind-blowing -- influx of hindoos and asiatics. This creates a false sense of security, because the doubters of the sanity of allowing this transformation to occur can console themselves by telling themselves they can always move. In reality, it's even more insidious than spreading the immigrant influx more widely. Packing them into the big cities is only part one of a two-step process; part two is the dispersal of by then a more acculturated distinctly non-white population to remoter areas.

    Salter's article cites an opinion piece by one Mirko Bagaric. Someone call Tom Sunic! Lol. In reality, of course, it's the same old story that's occurred in America countless times: resentful Jewish/Italic/Balkanoid off-white giddy at the prospect of driving the nail into northman's coffin passes off his deeply felt desire in humanitarian terms. I'll allow that there's an element of sincerity about his position. After all, he describes himself as "Croatian-born and Australia-based." You get it. Real globe trotter. "Based" in Australia, for now. But he might just jet off for greener pastures at any moment. Gotta go where the action is and all that. But discussing these issues with people of his background, I've seen the same basic reaction so many times -- their eyes frantically bulge out of their heads -- I have no doubt that element is easily balanced by ethnic animosity (even if only mild, and deriving from ignorance of the greater issues in play). There's no way on earth these shitheads can possibly think an Australia that's upwards of fifty percent hindoo, maori and burmese (or some similarly underwhelming concoction) is a future worth looking forward to. But so great is the fear and/or loathing of the founding stock of the country that their brains simply filter out any consideration of what society is going be like when people when the anglos are gone and the third worlders are a majority.

  146. There may still be some hope of deporting or separating from the non-white population of Australia. But, tragically, I really can’t see any way to get rid of the non-Anglo white population of Australia.

    There's no hope of Australia, acting in isolation, achieving either. For a start, because (mercifully) immigration is largely selective we avoid the worst of the worst (eg the Mexicaines sans frontiers border jumping beaners), meaning that although there's a lot more violence and alienation than would otherwise be the case people still tend to get along fairly well, and getting along very well is not at all uncommon. You have your fancy EGI and GST theories, but experience demonstrates that people can surmount racial feeling by focusing on other elements they share in commmon; and when 'the other' is not experienced as 'horrible' (even if only due to small numbers) and the general culture supports surmounting racial differences we find that people tend to surmount with relative ease. (Relative to the difficulty they have in surmounting, say, religious differences.)

    Despite all that, though, there are still easily enough differences between the various groups that virtually all of them prefer related company (including the non-anglo 'whites') a co-operative approach to achieving a racial future for anglos remains viable. Of course, a hostile approach is always theoretically possible, but in my opinion conditions would have to deteriorate significantly. If it begins to, though, concurrently with events in America, I suppose all bets would be off.

    But back to reality: The trouble with cooperation is that the personality type most likely to buck the mainstream and support the racial cause tends to be a brash upstart incapable of restraining himself, thus so infuriating potential partners that not only are hopes of cooperation dashed, potential partners turn into actual opponents (See: the entire history of American racialism). For that matter, although vastly more considerate and better spoken than most, you're a good example of that attitude yourself, MGLS. I mean, good grief, today, the 21st century, with all that has racially transpired (no "great awakening," mass mixing, auto-pilot leftism etc) you still cling to your M(adison) G(rant) and L(othrop) S(toddard).

  147. Not only is he a swarthoid but a dork as well.

    Who invented swarthoid? If there was no earlier instance of its use than my comment in an OD thread I'm claiming it, which you'll agree is befitting, I being one and all -- fiercely oily and fiercely proud. (I don't know about being subhuman, though.)

    Lastly, yes, Richard Hoste leaves a lot to be desired. He and Reginald are just a couple of inconsequential ranters wildly swinging their hammers (statistics) at anything that, in their delirium, looks like a nail. What these hacks fail to appreciate is that social statistics are a consequence of the way humans organize their lives, not a cause of it. So they end up sounding like a couple of football coaches screaming at their QBs "You have to get your yards per pass attempt up!!"

  148. Who invented swarthoid? If there was no earlier instance of its use than my comment in an OD thread I'm claiming it, which you'll agree is befitting, I being one and all -- fiercely oily and fiercely proud.

    I used it before you at OD, and I've used it since 2000 elsewhere.

    If I didn't invent it I've popularized it.

    Perhaps you can take credit for being the first Med to use it against other oilier and swarthier Meds? :)

    Beachgoers thought the tar balls in the sand were from the BP oil spill, but in fact it was the residue left from Reginald's and Diabloblanco's visit.

  149. "The Catholic monarchs then forced Jews and Muslims to convert to Catholicism or go into exile. Despite their best efforts to “ethnicly cleanse” the Iberian Peninsula, the genetic fingerprint of Jews and Muslims remains until today."

    Don't know about the Muslim thingee, but I wonder what percentage of the English upper classes are of Jewish and Semitic blood, since the "British" Empire was the attack dog of World Jewry for several hundred years.

  150. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  151. Mark Ronin,

    Tell Nikki Haley hi for me.

  152. Reginald has requested that I remove his personal information from this thread. While I strongly disagree with Reginald on many issues, I don't particularly wish to see any harm come to him; so even though he apparently put most of this information out there himself, I'm going to honor the request.

    I'm giving 24 hours of warning in case people want to save copies of their own comments. After that, I will delete all comments containing personal information.

  153. I'm giving 24 hours of warning in case people want to save copies of their own comments. After that, I will delete all comments containing personal information.

    Thanks for the warning.

    Those of you out there make sure to save copies of the comments and pictures.

  154. Occidental Dissent has now included one of Andrea Freiboden's blogs on their blogroll under "Neofascist Film Reviews."

  155. I always hear racialists say that ethnocentrism is innate. But I’ve always been very skeptical that it was. I agree that people tend to marry and make friends with genetically similar others. I also believe that people tend to implicitly have a more positive view of genetically similar others. But I really believe that explicit racial consciousness is something that is not natural. Instead I think that it has to be learned. For example, probably the only reason that the Afrikaners embraced nationalism during the early-to-mid 20th century was because they were a tiny minority that were surrounded by a sea of Bantus and had been conquered by the British. This group struggle imprinted an ethnic identity upon the Afrikaner people that led to the implementation of apartheid and the triumph of Afrikaner nationalism. However, without such a long history of group conflict I suspect that very few Afrikaners would have cared about their people at all. They would have instead only cared about themselves and their families just like white Americans do today.

    I’ve had many discussions with people devoid of racial consciousness (including fairly recently). I explain to them that with current demographic trends whites are going to be a minority in America fairly soon. I even cite official statistics to back up my claims. All too often, however, I come away from the debate thinking that the other person just doesn’t give a damn. They usually accept that what I say is true. However, they hardly ever change their political beliefs and outlook as a result. Instead the next time that I see them they are ranting about the bailout just like before!

  156. "Whiskey/Testicle99" is at it again bashing White men and (protectively) lusting after Negro and Mestizo males:

    Three: White women freed from hypergamy restrictions and racial taboos, find Black and Mexican men more masculine, manly and dominant. They might not (among Upper Class and some Middle Class women) find them appropriate husbands, but working class and celebrity class White women find them “better” than White men, since they are more dominant/aggressive, do not “follow the rules” (boring/tedious), and they don’t want/need a guy to help change diapers or go to PTA meetings.

    Is this guy a closet homosexual or something?

    Or, perhaps, the "male" persona and version of "Andrea Freiboden/Jawbone Critic"?!?

  157. and (protectively) lusting after Negro and Mestizo males

    That should read projectively lusting after Negro and Mestizo males.

  158. Re: ethnocentrism is not innate -

    How do you explain those implicit values tests that they use to guilt trip people into admitting they're racist?

    You know, the tests where they show you something relating to white or black and you have to classify it as good/bad.

    Most people who claim not to hold some kind of racial values may not explicitly hold any but are likely in reality suppressing their innate knowledge or innate fears of others. The average white, even if they profusely avow any racism, would be very wary of a group of blacks, for example, approaching them.

  159. That page (with the comment quoted above) has been removed from Hoste's site.

  160. Re: 159

    There is a certain type of negro-worship that does come across as very gay as opposed to say, Jews hyping them up to get back at white men, and whiskey fits the bill. His claims about Mexican masculinity are funny too, what's masculine about their average height of 5'5 and 130lbs body size?

  161. Kevin MacDonald often likes to single out Anglo-Saxons as uniquely lacking in ethnocentrism. But he is contradicting himself. In the preface to The Culture of Critique he proposes that all Europeans are more individualistic than other peoples and that northwestern Europeans (not just Anglo-Saxons) MAY be slightly more individualistic than other Europeans. However, the relative individualistic tendencies of northwestern Europeans are far from proven. MacDonald states the following:

    “Although these differences within the Western European system are important, they do not belie the general difference between Western Europe and the rest of Eurasia. Although the trend toward simple households occurred first in the northwest of Europe, they spread relatively quickly among all the Western European countries.

    But it gets much worse for MacDonald. Near the end of an article for The Occidental Quarterly he admits that it’s a weak claim to say that ANY European group is less ethnocentric than non-Europeans:

    “The conclusion of the argument is that “these changes [toward individualism] occurred much more quickly and much more thoroughly than in other parts of the world” (p. 287), and that this suggests (note this is a fairly weak claim) that a biological tendency toward individualism deriving from European pre-history is part of the explanation.”

    Also, in the next paragraph MacDonald writes:

    “That said, I certainly do not want to denigrate the importance of culture as an explanation. Much of my work, including quite a bit of Cultural Insurrections and the entirety of The Culture of Critique, has been on how culture can shape human behavior and how this works at the psychological level.”

  162. OneSTDV said...
    Blacks are uber-masculine and cool (anyone who denies this is blind)

  163. As far as southern italians having smaller heads than everyone else, I really don’t know it that is true. However, the original testing that was done in the late parts of the nineteenth, and early parts of the twentieth century, where skulls of different races her filled with sand to test the cranial capacity, were largely found to have been fudged, or faked.

    Northern Europeans are always behind this sort of racist and hateful science.

  164. keep up the intelligent work with your site

    yeah your northern european but you post facts and genetic studies that refute rm! your site has FACTUAL stuff in it!

    my people, my culture, my southern italy!! viva southern italy!! long live southern italy and southern italians!!

  165. From Wikipedia:

    “A 2002 study found that the prevalence of blue eye color among Caucasians in the United States to be 33.8 percent for those born from 1936 through 1951 compared with 57.4 percent for those born from 1899 through 1905. Blue eyes have become increasingly rare among American children, with only one out of every six or 16.6%, which is 49.8 million out of 300 million (22.4% of white Americans) of the total United States population having blue eyes. The plunge in the past few decades has taken place at a remarkable rate. A century ago, 80 percent of people married within their ethnic group. Blue eyes were routinely passed down, especially among people of Western and Northern European ancestry.”

    Extremely depressing information. The great race is definitely passing, to say the least. And you can thank the great wave of European immigration during the late 19th and early 20th centuries for that.

    Make sure to check out the sources for the above excerpt. Read this incredibly disturbing article in particular. The author of it seems to take glee in the irreversible destruction of Nordic America.

  166. Texas Republican donor and strategist Ralph Griffin says people of Puritan stock are to blame for California. He thinks Puritans "have caused more trouble in the United States than nearly any other group." Fred Scrooby agrees with Griffin.

  167. "The largest named ancestries in California are Mexican (25%), German (9%), Irish (7.7%), English (7.4%) and Filipino (6%), but includes 65 other ethnicities from Albanian to Haitian to Pakistani to Somali. Both Los Angeles and San Francisco have large numbers of residents with French, Italian, Portuguese, Russian and Scandinavian ancestry."

    Yeah, obviously, it's the votes of Puritan descendants that threw California to Obama.

  168. Fred Scrooby agrees with Griffin.

    Fred Scrooby is of Jewish descent, was an anti-White Leftist not too long ago and now masquerades as a White nationalist.

  169. For those of you that have a Facebook account, here is some more tripe from Andrea Frieboden:

    Complete with nergrophilic perversion and an explicit endorsement of Freud's sexualization of everything.

  170. I hope n/a doesn't mind me posting this but since I appear to have been banned, rather suddenly, from Mangan's blog I wanted somewhere to publicise this.

    On Saturday night (July 10) I asked Dennis Mangan about the ethnic background of Richard Hoste. This was after Hoste said high IQ immigration, including that of Jewish leftists like Sergey Brin (Google) and someone he calls a "Taiwanese-American" (how can a Chinaman ever be an American?) by the name of Jerry Yang, was good for America.

    Not long after my post was up at Mangan's site I went back to see if there had been any responses. There were none but the post was up for all to see. Later I went back and discovered my post had been removed without explanation but a completely new post by the ethnically ambiguous Richard Hoste was up. In other words Hoste had been to Mangan's site after my question was originally posted. Perhaps the pro-immigration Hoste, who has never disclosed his ethnic background, was offended that someone had questioned him on this and asked Mangan to remove my post? So I responded by asking Dennis why my post had been removed and wondered why it was deemed offensive. That was nearly 24 hours ago and yet despite never having a problem before at Mangan's site it has not appeared.

    Anyone know anything about Hoste? It is obvious he is not an Anglo-Saxon as for all his output he never distinguishes between those who built the USA and those he calls "whites". (What is a white? A Christian Arab who showed up last week?). Something stinks about him.

  171. Hi Matra,

    This may be of help and a start:

    Re: Hoste’s identity. No certain knowledge, but saw a post on the racehist blog citing a post on Half Sigma from a “Richard H” that self-identified as having Jewish and Arab ancestry.

    As well as:

    Say Richard, is your real name Jack Silverstein by any chance? That’s the name that comes up when one searches Amazon under “Richard Hoste”. It would appear that you’ve deleted your previous account.

  172. Fred Scrooby is of Jewish descent, was an anti-White Leftist not too long ago and now masquerades as a White nationalist.

    First of all, Scrooby is predominantly of German and Slav background, with only a minor amount of actual Jewish ancestry.

    Secondly, regarding your claim of him recently being an anti-White Leftist, please provide specific, concrete evidence to back up your allegation.

    Thank you.

  173. Most of us passed through mainstream anti-white politics before becoming WN or HBD oriented. I'm not so sure it's fair to judge Scrooby for being a leftist in his past when many of us came various other disreputable backgrounds ourselves.

    Scrooby can be quirky at times, and maybe you don't appreciate his anti-puritan sentiment, but I don't think that means his motivations are anti-white in of itself.

  174. First of all, Scrooby is predominantly of German and Slav background, with only a minor amount of actual Jewish ancestry.

    Secondly, regarding your claim of him recently being an anti-White Leftist, please provide specific, concrete evidence to back up your allegation.

    Thank you.

    Who the fuck are you, Jewby fanboy?

  175. Mischling Jewby constantly informs us that mischling Sarkozy is "not Jewish at all"

  176. Who the fuck are you, Jewby fanboy?

    OK, I guess that means you do not have any specific evidence to his purportedly being an anti-White Leftist.

  177. OK, I guess that means you do not have any specific evidence to his purportedly being an anti-White Leftist.

    Why don't you answer the question, Jewby fanboy? Why are you such a Jewby nuthugger?

  178. Matra,

    There was some discussion of Hoste earlier in this thread (CTRL+F "Richard H").

    Your guess regarding what happened sounds plausible, but I doubt Mangan has banned you permanently (as opposed to banning discussion of Hoste's ethnicity).

  179. Jewby fanboy is a notorious cultist unable to handle any criticism of his heroes. He harps on the Jewishness of people with less Jewish ancestry than Jewby and calls people with no known Jewish ancestry Jews, but he gets upset and breaks down in tears if anyone points out the ancestry of mischling Jewby.

  180. Half Sigma: "For some reason, I am glad that Roman Polanski has avoided extradition to the United States."

    What reason could that be???

  181. On the subject of shady characters in WN/HBD, has anyone looked at some of the info on Brad Griffin, aka "Hunter Wallace" (also FadeTheButcher, Feyd Harkonnen, and Prozium) of Occidental Dissent?

    Among other things, this guy has collaborated with Jews and anti-WNs to hack a WN forum, steal passwords, and sow discord among its members. He's clearly an infiltrator or informant of some kind. And he is in charge not only of Occidental Dissent, which is easily one of the most popular WN blogs out there, but is also now the editor of TOQ Online and a co-editor of The Occidental Observer, among other things he has his tentacles into. Spread the word and watch out for this guy.

  182. Hoste is definitely an odd one. One day he's a racialist and the next, he's talking about how we need high-IQ Asian immigrants. He uses a photo of Madison Grant, the legendary nordicist, as his avatar at AltRight, yet is evidently of Christian Arab ancestry. Very weird.

    Hoste and Hunter Wallace actually display a number of similar characteristics:

    - Intelligent
    - Talented writers
    - Knowledgeable about racial issues
    - Slick, professional-looking websites using Wordpress, hosted on private servers with domain names
    - Inconsistent, frequently changing worldviews
    - Writings are a strange mix of good stuff and inexcusably bad stuff
    - "Suspicious" activity in general
    - Aggressively network with other prominent writers/bloggers in WN and HBD, gaining editorial control of other sites in some cases

    I hate to sound paranoid, but they could both be part of the same program to infiltrate and subvert the budding HBD/WN network.

  183. Wow. An anonymous "concern" troll. We can safely bypass the question of motives with this guy! Yessir!

  184. Occidental Dissent has now included one of Andrea Freiboden's blogs on their blogroll under "Neofascist Film Reviews."

    Very interesting

  185. Yes, we shouldn't trust anyone who has a Wordpress blog. Anyone who isn't using Blogger is up to no good!

    Seriously though - I don't know what Hunter is guilty of in the past (I don't trust the clowns at VNN to tell the truth), and it does seem like he has gone through some personal issues, but as a reader of OD for the last couple of years, it does appear to me that the relationship between Hunter and Iceman/Kane/Daryl has some distance to it. Iceman used to regularly get on to spew nonsense - generally about Jews being white - while Hunter would say something disagreeable to him and there would be an ensuing argument over it. Iceman eventually left out of frustration.

    re: the Andrea thing. I don't think most people spend the time to actually read through her writings. She says a few things about negroes that people agree with and people suddenly thing she's on their side. I've seen many people who should know better praising her or linking to her posts.

  186. ""Hunter Wallace" is now asking for money"

    Why shouldn't he?

    "I hate to sound paranoid, but they could both be part of the same program to infiltrate and subvert the budding HBD/WN network."

    If this is a sincere post: no, you're completely on the wrong track.

    Fade has been around forever. I don't know or care about the details of the "hacking"; but it was a personal matter, and Fade is the one who started the forum in the first place.

    "Slick, professional-looking websites using Wordpress, hosted on private servers with domain names"

    Wordpress and "professional-looking" templates are free. Hosting is cheap.

  187. It's very unlikely that Hunter is a anti-white infiltrator or whatever. A lot of the problems he's had with others is a result of his occasional mental issues he's had in the past and the medications he's been on but I think he's overall a good guy.

    re: freiboden

    Yup. He says a couple pro-white-ish things and people think Andrei is on our side. The pro-white comments are usually followed immediately by a 12,000 word screed about negro penis size and masculinity. In fact, at least 80% of Andrei's posts devolve into that regardless of what the original topic was.

  188. Jesus, the stench of k*k* in this place is overwhelming. Bye.

  189. Take a look at this archive of Fade's posts:

    Lots of shit in there proving what a manipulative scumbag this guy is. Here's a cute one:

    "Instead of spamming gay porn on The Torah, which will invariably be used against us in their propaganda, we could create a sock puppet of a transsexual who is ostensibly there to argue with Julian and his celibate followers about sex related issues. I believe it was Ix who claimed that there are certain types of undetectable proxies that would allow us to mask our IP addresses.

    In order to convince them that it isn't us, we could pretend to be a real transsexual poster from another messageboard who found a link to The Torah through a Google search or link. Julian is a sensitive soul and it wouldn't take much work to push his buttons and exacerbate division there."

    Wow! Yeah, you'd have to be really nuts to not trust this guy!

    I also like this thread, where he and his friends steal the passwords of people who sign up on his forum and use them to access their other accounts. Makes you want to sign up for the Occidental Dissent forum, doesn't it?

    One thing's for sure: "Hunter Wallace" has a lot of experience in sowing discord among white nationalists.

  190. It's very unlikely that Hunter is a anti-white infiltrator or whatever. A lot of the problems he's had with others is a result of his occasional mental issues he's had in the past and the medications he's been on but I think he's overall a good guy.

    The stuff about "mental issues" and "medications" is likely a cover story to excuse his obviously subversive behavior. Keep in mind that this guy has a lengthy track record of coming up with elaborate schemes to deceive and manipulate people. Do you think he'd be beyond having a very public "nervous breakdown" on purpose just to throw people off?

  191. Right. A petty rivalry between message boards is "subversion". Anyone who holds loyalty t

    o the wrong WN forum is "subversive". Who cares if Prozium trolled some other forums with gay porno? Why should I care that Prozium was tangentially involved with Iceman's password stealing? If you use important passwords on WN forums you're a moron anyway.

  192. What posts were deleted here?

  193. It's very unlikely that Hunter is a anti-white infiltrator or whatever. A lot of the problems he's had with others is a result of his occasional mental issues he's had in the past and the medications he's been on but I think he's overall a good guy.

    Mmm hmm ...and how do you supposedly know so much intimate details about Wallace's personal life??? Where's your evidence?
