Genetic data consistent with Aryan invasion theory

Dienekes points out yet another study that uses autosomal SNP microarray data to infer population structure, which finds [1]:
South Indian upper- and lower-caste populations have ∼30% and 10% membership in the inferred European group, respectively.
I agree with Dienekes here:
Social stratification based on "European" (more properly extra-Indian Cauasoid) ancestry in South Indian populations is not surprising; see my post on the Origin of Hindu Brahmins. Differential -based on caste- admixture with an exogenous element is not really compatible with an indigenous creation of the caste system, and is more in accord with the traditional theory of an exogenous origination of the upper caste populations.

[1] Jinchuan Xing et al. Fine-scaled human genetic structure revealed by SNP microarrays. Genome Research doi:10.1101/gr.085589.108


  1. Brahmins are known to be Northern Indian immigrants to South India in proto-historical times. The caste structure in the South is mostly Brahmins and "everyone else". This makes a mockery of the following claim:
    Differential -based on caste- admixture with an exogenous element is not really compatible with an indigenous creation of the caste system, and is more in accord with the traditional theory of an exogenous origination of the upper caste populations.

    The caste system is of North Indian origin and none of you racist twits ever link a study showing a similar genetic structure in North Indian castes.

    There is nothing interesting about the implications of the study linked. It does not in any way support any theory of European origins of Indian upper castes.

    Nordics are inconsequential people more than a few hundred years ago. Your goofy peudo-science isn't going to change that.

    1. Pooface mad, Aryan invasion has only been confirmed by genetics in spite of indian copes and studies have proven higher castes have higher genetic kinship to northeast Europeans in particular.

      South Asians are a pathetic people who have been conquered by everyone.
