"White Anglo-Saxon Protestant"

"WASP" is a pejorative for (unhyphenated) "American". The term may be applied to broad or narrow segments of the founding American ethny, in terms of class, region, and ancestral background, leading to many opportunities for confusion and misdirection. "WASP" functions primarily as an instrument for delegitimizing and dispossessing the progeny of the founders.
Exactly who it is that will take over the center is a problem of definition. Wasps are not so easily characterized as other ethnic groups. The term itself can be merely descriptive or mildly offensive, depending on the user and the hearer; at any rate, it has become part of the American idiom. In one sense, it is redundant: since all Anglo-Saxons are white, the word could be Asp. Purists like to confine Wasps to descendants of the British Isles; less exacting analysts are willing to throw in Scandinavians, Netherlanders and Germans. At the narrowest, Wasps form a select band of well-heeled, well-descended members of the Eastern Establishment; at the widest, they include Okies and Snopeses, "Holy Rollers" and hillbillies. Wasps range from Mc-George Bundy and Penelope Tree to William Sloane Coffin Jr. and Phyllis Diller. Generously defined, Wasps constitute about 55% of the U.S. population, and they have in common what Columnist Russell Baker calls a "case of majority inferiority."

A Quiet Retreat

Sometimes Wasps are treated like a species under examination before it becomes extinct. At the convocation of intellectuals in Princeton last month, Edward Shils, professor of social thought at the University of Chicago, announced: "The Wasp has abdicated, and his place has been taken by ants and fleas. The Wasp is less rough and far more permissive. He lacks self-confidence and feels lost." Other observers feel that the growing dissension in American life is a clear sign that the Wasp has lost his sting, that his culture no longer binds. The new radicals and protesters are not in rebellion against Wasp rule as such, but they deride the Wasp's traditional values, including devotion to duty and hard work.

Although it is possible to exaggerate the decline of the Wasp, who has never really left the center of U.S. power, he is indisputably in an historical retreat. The big change came with the waves of migration from Europe in the 19th century, when many of his citadels—the big cities—were wrested from his political control. In a quiet fallback, the Wasps founded gilded ghettos—schools and suburbs, country clubs and summer colonies.

Lately, the non-Wasps have pursued them even there. A few years ago, Grosse Pointe, a Wasp suburb of Detroit, was notorious for rating prospective homeowners by a point system based on personal characteristics; Jews, Italians and "swarthy" persons almost invariably got so few points that they could not buy houses. Now all that has been abandoned, and Grosse Pointe has many Roman Catholic and Jewish residents. Downtown private clubs remain bastions of Wasp exclusiveness, but doors are opening. One recent example: Jews gained admission to the Kansas City Club in Kansas City, Mo., after an uproar over exclusionary policies; a rumor got out that the Atomic Energy Commission refused to locate a plant in the city because of private-club discrimination.

Non-Wasp groups are far better represented in Ivy League schools than they used to be: Jews, for instance, constitute about 25% of the student bodies. So traditional an Episcopal prep school as Groton now includes some 25 Roman Catholics, a dozen Negroes and three Jews. Jews stand out sharply in the nation's intellectual life, and Jewish novelists are beginning to overtake the fertile Wasp talent. Scarcely a single Wasp is a culture hero to today's youth; more likely he is the bad guy on the TV program, where names like Jones and Brown have replaced the Giovannis and O'Shaughnessys. The banker who made Skull and Bones is no model for undergraduates, writes Sociologist Nathan Glazer in FORTUNE. "Indeed, often the snobberies run the other way—the white Anglo-Saxon Protestant, generally from a small town or an older and duller suburb, is likely to envy the big-city and culturally sophisticated Jewish students."

Proper Wasps still rule in tight little enclaves of high society that are rarely cracked by newcomers. Yet anyone with a will—and money—can find a way to outflank Wasp society, which is often haunted by a sense of anachronism. Such is the hostility to the Veiled Prophet parade, an annual Wasp event in St. Louis, that the queen and her maids of honor last year had to be covered with a plastic sheet to protect them from missiles tossed from the crowd.



  1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  2. Although it is possible to exaggerate the decline of the Wasp, who has never really left the center of U.S. power, he is indisputably in an historical retreat. The big change came with the waves of migration from Europe in the 19th century, when many of his citadels—the big cities—were wrested from his political control. In a quiet fallback, the Wasps founded gilded ghettos—schools and suburbs, country clubs and summer colonies.

    Living along the main invasion route from Mexico I feel that the Jewish role in this defeat is being overpromoted while the RCC's role in this is basically ignored.

    It's one thing to have other ethnic groups come who might be assimilated, but another thing entirely when their is an international organization plotting to take make your country part of its' Latin American empire of failure. Look at this link, and you will see that every Catholic school here in AZ is required to report to the central diocesan office what congressional distric and what legislative district they are in so that the diocese may engage in more effective lobbying. If you look here the diocese produced a voters guide that rated candidates partly on their positions on immigration.

    The director of the Church's political arm here in AZ wrote the following on recently:

    Part of these efforts have been chronicled in the Political Almanac put out annually by the Arizona Capitol Times, where the Catholic Church was recently credited in a survey of Capitol insiders for its work in getting the marriage amendment on the ballot and also mentioned among those who are most influential at the Capitol.

    It wouldn't surprise me if the RCC was enagaging in such pro immigration lobbying and influence peddling back during the Great Wave that lasted from 1850-1920. That is how those boors who crashed the parade of the Veiled Prophet got there. It is also how our auto industry ended up getting unionized.

  3. Ronduck,

    I would recommend reading "Jewish Involvement in Shaping American Immigration Policy, 1881-1965" by Kevin MacDonald, if you haven't already.

    I don't ignore attacks by other minorities (including Catholic) on America's ethnic core, but it's hard to overstate the Jewish role.

    In particular, while other
    religious groups such as Catholics and ethnic groups such as the Irish remained divided and ambivalent
    on their attitudes toward immigration and were poorly organized and ineffective in influencing
    immigration policy, and while labor unions opposed immigration in their attempt to diminish the supply
    of cheap labor, Jewish groups engaged in an intensive and sustained effort against attempts to restrict

  4. Let me show you some pages I found on the website of my local Catholic diocese here in the Phoenix metro area.

    1. In this link (PDF) the local diocese has what congressional and state legislative district each Catholic school in the entire state is located in. That way any time a congressman decides to do his job and oppose immigration the local principal can dig up an immigration sob story from among his students.

    2. On this page the local diocese's full-time lobbyist brags in the third paragraph that the RCC is the most influential group lobbying the state legislature. Which would explain why the state legislature is loath to do anything about the immivasion.

    3. On this page the diocese has a listing of all candidates that ran in the 2008 election and their responses to questions posed by the diocese. Questions 5, 9, and 13 are explicitly pro-spic. Question 4 advocates that mothers on welfare (mestizos) be given bigger welfare checks if they pump out another puppy to add to the litter. Question 8 is part of the RCC's complete opposition to capital punishment. So if your wife or daughter gets killed by a mestizo invader they do not want them to be adequately punished.

    4. Here is a pastoral letter read to the flock from the pulpit that calls for more immigration. And here is an editorial signed by the bishops here in AZ calling for more Mestizo Catholics to be admitted into Arizona.

    For you information, here is the website of the diocese's political arm.

    In Kevin MacDonald's book on immigration he states that the Jews built coalitions to keep the floodgates open. Who was a member of those coalitions between 1870 and 1920? The Roman Church. Also, a lot people make it sound as if 98% of Americans vote Republican while these evil 2% twist the government to the will of the Jews. If this were true then it would follow that 98% of Americans are conservatives when the reality is that not even all Whites are conservative. The Jews wouldn't be able to carry out this scheme without lots of gentile support.

    Going further, the Mainline Protestants have been drifitng away from God and back to Rome. Since the MP have all become liberals they no longer believe in God. Since they no longer believe in God they no longer see any reason for the Reformation. They should be called almost-catholics, with a small "c". Together the almost-catholics and the Roman Catholics almost compose a majority here in the US, making the US part of Catholic Latin America. These are the morons who vote for Ted Kennedy.

    Until you acknowledge the role of the Vatican in the destruction of America and Protestantism then you cannot have a full understanding of our problem. The reason it is OK to point out the Jewish role in this whil ignoring the other group that came in on the same boat is that Jews are 2% of the population while Catholic, almost, Catholics and former Catholics are a majority. No one wants to criticize their friends, family and neighbors.

  5. The Jews wouldn't be able to carry out this scheme without lots of gentile support.

    I think you're a bit confused. See, the way movements work is that elites lead and the masses follow. The Jews are the intellectual vanguard of the anti-white movement. The whites among the rabble are taking their cues from the mainstream media, academia, Hollywood, and professional Jewish organizations.

    Until you acknowledge the role of the Vatican in the destruction of America and Protestantism then you cannot have a full understanding of our problem. The reason it is OK to point out the Jewish role in this whil ignoring the other group that came in on the same boat is that Jews are 2% of the population while Catholic, almost, Catholics and former Catholics are a majority. No one wants to criticize their friends, family and neighbors.

    LMAO. Catholic organizations deserve plenty of criticism, but their influence is infinitesimal when compared to the Jewish-dominated mainstream newsmedia, Jewish dominated Hollywood, the financial elites, and professional anti-white organizations like the ADL and SPLC. Non-catholics don't care what the Vatican says. Your average Catholic isn't half as enthusiastic about the browning of America as the average Jew is, either.

    The reason the Jewish role in anti-white policies is emphasized is because their role is outsized.

  6. Ronduck,

    I essentially agree with weston.

    If I have time, I'll respond in more detail within the next day or two.

  7. Ronduck makes a valid point, vis-a-vis open borders.

    Here. Here.

    Desmond Jones

  8. To be clear, I agree completely that the RCC acts against the interests of Americans, and that Catholics have tended to disproportionately support policies that undermine the American majority -- I just believe Jews have done so more consistently and more effectively over the past century.

    I'm all in favor of others' calling attention to RC open-borders lobbying, though I choose to focus my efforts elsewhere at the moment. What I disagree with is Ronduck's suggestion that Jews come in for more criticism only because Catholics outnumber Jews.

    For a holistic look at American decline, read The Dispossessed Majority by Wilmot Robertson, who certainly doesn't shy away from criticism of RC.

  9. A few months ago I read Civil War 2 by Thomas Chittum, which details the breakup of the United States into racial homelands. If the United States breaks up into homelands with a northern White homeland, will the RCC try to repeat the mestizo-ization process again in 50 years using its' flock of brainwashed believers?

    What is to stop the RCC from using the process again and again until the entire f*cking continent is part of the RCC's empire of failure in Latin America?

  10. W.a.s.p's men and women need to start marrying each other and having 10 children each. The catholics are against contraceptin because they want to out breed us so they are the majority. We need to out breed them and try and get England to become part of the U.S.A. That would add 65 million more wasps plus maybe Australia and Canada and New Zealand added together that is another 55 million. We could have an Anglosphere with over 300 million Anglosaxon's within plus 150 million minority's. With us in full democratic control. Remember it is time for action to remedy the developing situation. Ben Newell Neuro1@ovi.com Neuron.@ovi.com

  11. this is sad that all you people believe in the separation of human beings through races as if humans were different species. Race is a myth we are all humans and cannot be classified differently. someday we will all look the same and there wont be a difference. you people disgust me.

  12. What's that irritating, screeching sound? Oh, that's the sound of retards moralizing.

  13. Paranoia, the destroyer. Everything but birthing, dying, the implements of survival and the act of reproducing are constructs of man, and as such can be altered or dismissed at will or whim. The acts of the mind are what separate people by race, religion etc., and those results are commonly destructive to both the promulgator and the recipient. Pathetic, as was the comment of the lawyer, (read 'best legal minds in the country'), who answered Lindsey Graham's question paraphrased as 'Doesn't the Judeo Christian ethic inform the law at all?" with a lip chewing grimace and a blank no. So there is nothing more powerful than the law? Really? Is that what WASPS believe? Yes. Because to believe otherwise would decrease their ability to refrain from empathising with the minions who do not arise from advantage, particular talent or capabilities, or connections. As one who married into the WASP group long ago, when it comes to ethical and moral decisions which must be made, blood decides. The victim must be thrown under the bus if it interferes with the picture that must be preserved, accurate or not. And it is going on today, when my Anglo-Irish-Swiss-German-offspring announces in my home that she considers herself 100% WASP. Now she has a granddaughter with Mexican blood, and she still denigrates the choice of mate her son has made, and I hope to God he is more of a decent man than a bigoted class conscious snob. Shame.
